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Care e parerea voastra despre Clement Mic?

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  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus:

You got such a big mouth, but I never see you on the Tested Bucharest girls forum

Don't you have something better to do in your life than trolling me and annoy me with your quotes?

How many times you need to talk about my skin color?

You write like a 5 years old and cannot even make one phrase without a childish insult

This is so pathetic... You are supposed to be a grown man, so who is the idiot now?

I am harassing girls? Oh I would LOVE you to quote me the posts where I harass them

I am actually the one getting harassed, but you guys point the finger at me... However like I said 1 million of times, I want NOTHING to do with this

I regularly meet escort girls, I have very good reputation from them, some I revisit, one I even often talk to

So if you want to accuse me of this or that... At least show proofs!

Hehehe, băi prostovane...tu chiar crezi că eu merg la fete după recenzii făcute de ticăloși ca tine ? Asta nu înseamnă că nu am văzut cum le spui fetelor că sunt lacome, că trebuie să facă oral neprotejat... păi asta e hărțuire, nu recenzie... îți repet, nu e obligatoriu să te duci la nicio fată care are tarif mai mare... în plus îndemni și pe alții să scrie aceleași lucruri, asta înseamnă hărțuire...e plin forumul de oferte la prețuri diferite, du-te unde te incadrezi la banii pe care vrei să-i dai. 

Vrei exemple ? Ai făcut o fată să și șteargă contul, la altă fată insistai ca un prost să te primească după ce i-ai reproșat aiurea că nu a putut să te primească, și în general cauți să pui presiune pe fete să scadă tarifele. Și nu în ultimul rând spui că noi ar trebui să fim mândrii că fuți tu prin România. Eu zic că mai bine vorbești să ți mute topicul la secțiunea de travestiți și te apuci de treabă, să faci și tu un bănuț și să te "aprecieze" și băjeții un pic. 😂😂😂 


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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
1 minute ago, cincistele said:

Hehehe, you stupid bastards ... do you really think I'm going to girls after reviews by bastards like you? That doesn't mean I haven't seen how you tell girls that they're greedy, that they have to do unprotected oral ... well that's harassment, not review ... I repeat, you don't have to go to any girl who has a higher rate great ... in addition you urge others to write the same things, that means harassment ... the forum of offers at different prices is full, go where you fall for the money you want to give. 

Do you want examples? You made a girl delete her account, another girl insisted that a fool receive you after you blamed her in vain for not being able to receive you, and in general you are looking to put pressure on girls to lower rates. And last but not least, the fact that we should be proud to be in Romania. I say that you better talk about moving your topic to the transvestite section and get to work, make a penny and "appreciate" the boys a bit. 😂 😂 😂 


Ahhh, I do not even have time to read all the shit you post

But you said you are a trans or whatever and you would like me to fuck you in the ass?

No sorry, I only visit escort girls, as I said check my reviews

And I am still waiting for you to quote all the harassments I am doing... TROLL

Find something better to do in your life

  • Like 1
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  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus:

Ahhh, I do not even have time to read all the shit you post

But you said you are a trans or whatever and you would like me to fuck you in the ass?

No sorry, I only visit escort girls, as I said check my reviews

And I am still waiting for you to quote all the harassments I am doing... TROLL

Find something better to do in your life

Hehehe, I only said that you'll be fucked in your ass by the "boys". But I think you're already familiar with this. 🤭🤷🏻 


  • Haha 1
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
Just now, cincistele said:

Hehehe, I only said that you'll be fucked in your ass by the "boys". But I think you're already familiar with this. 🤭🤷🏻 


You love talking about asses and my different skin color.. I bet what you do in your free time is orgies but only with men from all over the world 😂😂

However DON'T confuse me with you, I REPEAT.. I had sex with some of the top girls in this forum, the reviews are my proof, while you stay silent because you are ashamed of what you do in your free time hahahaha

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
7 minutes ago, cincistele said:

Hehehe, I only said that you'll be fucked in your ass by the "boys". But I think you're already familiar with this. 🤭🤷🏻 


Even the guy in your avatar is another guy haha I bet he is the one you dream to get fucked by hahahhahaha

And you love to talk about gay stuff, now we really understand who you are

Then you want to say something against me? What a shame "man"

  • Like 1
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
1 minute ago, bertus said:

Can you quote here your last 2 reviews?

Go to my profile and look for them.

I will have a new one soon too.

Nobody can stop me 😉

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
Acum 7 minute, clement mic a spus:

Even the guy in your avatar is another guy haha I bet he is the one you dream to get fucked by hahahhahaha

And you love to talk about gay stuff, now we really understand who you are

Then you want to say something against me? What a shame "man"

I don't know, earlier you've said you have a lot of things to do...but you're still here, wasting your time with me 🤭...why ? You're just a little faggot...pîrțar , you love to take it in your ass 🤣🤣🤣 

The guy on my avatar is Diego Armando Maradona, D10S, the GOD of football, but you're just a "girl",  it's normal for you to don't know 🤣🤣🤣

And clementine, boys doesn't put pic's with  girls to their avatars 😉🤭🤣


  • Haha 2
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

@bertus do you think all this circus is necessary just because I commented about 1 girl's price?

Don't you think everyone should be able to say their opinion?

Once you take away our voices, you take away our freedom

And the funniest thing is I WASN'T the only one commenting about her ridiculous prices, but why am I the only one being targeted

Did I really deserve 968 dislikes?


I understand you must be laughing behind your desk, for you all this must be like a joke, that's why you made a topic about me

But maybe enough is enough?

I have other things to do in my life... not you?

Or you dream about me deleting my account forever.. even after all the reviews and contribution I have done... is it really what you guys want?

Because one thing I really do not want is spending all my time on a forum just to justify myself

I said what I had to say and THAT'S IT

But discrediting me like this after all the things I have done, this is just WRONG

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, clement mic said:

@bertus do you think all this circus is necessary just because I commented about 1 girl's price?

Don't you think everyone should be able to say their opinion?

Once you take away our voices, you take away our freedom

And the funniest thing is I WASN'T the only one commenting about her ridiculous prices, but why am I the only one being targeted

Did I really deserve 968 dislikes?


I understand you must be laughing behind your desk, for you all this must be like a joke, that's why you made a topic about me

But maybe enough is enough?

I have other things to do in my life... not you?

Or you dream about me deleting my account forever.. even after all the reviews and contribution I have done... is it really what you guys want?

Because one thing I really do not want is spending all my time on a forum just to justify myself

I said what I had to say and THAT'S IT

But discrediting me like this after all the things I have done, this is just WRONG

I think you can cope with this.

  • Minus 2
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
8 minutes ago, cincistele said:

I don't know, earlier you've said you have a lot of things to do...but you're still here, wasting your time with me 🤭...why ? You're just a little faggot...pîrțar , you love to take it in your ass 🤣🤣🤣 

The guy on my avatar is Diego Armando Maradona, D10S, the GOD of football, but you're just a "girl",  it's normal for you to don't know 🤣🤣🤣

And clementine, boys doesn't put pic's with  girls to their avatars 😉🤭🤣


haha once again you talk about gay people and ass.. You are obsessed with it

Then you want me to feel offended? haha I have nothing to do with you

Keep that gay shit in your personal life

Yeah of course I do not know, France where basically everybody played at least football once in their life including me, yeah I do not know Maradona, you are funny man

Like I said 1 million of times, you guys keep quoting me and mentioning my name... that is the ONLY reason why I am here

You can't have a life without me or what? Get off my dick princess

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
4 minutes ago, bertus said:

I think you can cope with this.

I really do not care... but all I ask is you guys stop quoting me and mentioning my name

I said a thousand of times I have other things to do

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, clement mic said:

I really do not care... but all I ask is you guys stop quoting me and mentioning my name

I said a thousand of times I have other things to do

We are aware that this can be time-consuming and it causes you suffering, but nobody is forcing you to answer.

Take it easy Clement boy 😉

  • Minus 2
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
Just now, bertus said:

We are aware that this can be time-consuming and it causes you suffering, but nobody is forcing you to answer.

Take it easy Clement boy 😉

Haha suffering where?

I would just rather watch Netflix or fuck a bitch in real life

In my work I already use too much the internet

I am here only for reviews and finding nice girls

That's why you never see me in other forums like the General forum here unless I am sharing music or movies

I don't like typing too much blah blah... I prefer living the real life and meeting real people

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus:

haha once again you talk about gay people and ass.. You are obsessed with it

Then you want me to feel offended? haha I have nothing to do with you

Keep that gay shit in your personal life

Yeah of course I do not know, France where basically everybody played at least football once in their life including me, yeah I do not know Maradona, you are funny man

Like I said 1 million of times, you guys keep quoting me and mentioning my name... that is the ONLY reason why I am here

You can't have a life without me or what? Get off my dick princess

The only gay on this topic is you 🤭🤷🏻

Believe me, no one discrediting you like you's enough for anyone to read you're posts 🤷🏻 

Are you able to think ? There are a lot of strangers on this forum, and they visiting girls, wrote reviews, no one attracted so much hate like you...why ? Are they stupids ? They are not free or what ? Why a lot of people write against you ? Because of you...espece de con...

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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

@renesmee strikes back with hundred of "minuses" 

I guess 968 "minuses" wasn't enough

Too sad she doesn't realize it doesn't affect me.. she is just wasting her time

But she is probably using a bot anywhere, + her clone accounts

Cry baby, cry... 😘

  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:Outcall
  • Oras:Outcall
2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

@renesmee strikes back with hundred of "minuses" 

I guess 968 "minuses" wasn't enough

Too sad she doesn't realize it doesn't affect me.. she is just wasting her time

But she is probably using a bot anywhere, + her clone accounts


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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
4 minutes ago, cincistele said:

The only gay on this topic is you 🤭🤷🏻

Believe me, no one discrediting you like you's enough for anyone to read you're posts 🤷🏻 

Are you able to think ? There are a lot of strangers on this forum, and they visiting girls, wrote reviews, no one attracted so much hate like you...why ? Are they stupids ? They are not free or what ? Why a lot of people write against you ? Because of you...espece de con...

You are the only one who can not stop saying gay things.... espèce de pd, vas sucer ailleurs

Are you able to count? Check my reputation, why do you think they sent me about 1,000 dislikes but my reputation is still very very good?

Because there are people who are discreetly supporting me but they do not want to participate in this thread because of your trolls and army of clone accounts

I understand them, and I do not ask them to support me here.. It is something I already said in this thread but apparently you have problems reading

Like I repeated 1 MILLION of times, I just want all this stupid war shit to stop. Enough is enough. I do not have time for your trolls, find better hobbies

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
8 minutes ago, renesmee said:

Cry baby, cry... 😘

Oh I am in tears, why why why


I am not the one wasting my time browsing all my posts

Too bad you do not have enough clients to fuck

I suggested you to make peace, but you are too stubborn to understand I have nothing against you

If you had made a thread in the LUX forum, all those riots would never had existed haha


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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
13 minutes ago, elprofesoare said:


Hahaha I actually met A LOT of girls in Russia

I even considered living there.... Humm I am still thinking

At least I never experienced any problem there

But the funny thing is people love to troll only in this forum

In real life, ALL ROMANIANS treat me with respect, even escort girls I visited.. And I give them respect in return too

  • Like 3
  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus:

You are the only one who can not stop saying gay things.... espèce de pd, vas sucer ailleurs

Are you able to count? Check my reputation, why do you think they sent me about 1,000 dislikes but my reputation is still very very good?

Because there are people who are discreetly supporting me but they do not want to participate in this thread because of your trolls and army of clone accounts

I understand them, and I do not ask them to support me here.. It is something I already said in this thread but apparently you have problems reading

Like I repeated 1 MILLION of times, I just want all this stupid war shit to stop. Enough is enough. I do not have time for your trolls, find better hobbies

Pffff, you're reputation is what you do and what you write, not  minuses...I don't care about this, I don't give you any  minus...your posts make people to reply against you 🤷🏻 

suck my dick and suck yours too 🤣🤣🤣


  • Minus 1
21 minutes ago, clement mic said:

@renesmee strikes back with hundred of "minuses" 

I guess 968 "minuses" wasn't enough

Too sad she doesn't realize it doesn't affect me.. she is just wasting her time

But she is probably using a bot anywhere, + her clone accounts

You make a woman think all day about you without her meeting you in real life, are you a nigga  wizard, Harry?

Can one learn such power? Not for a nigga Jedi!

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
3 minutes ago, cincistele said:

Pffff, you're reputation is what you do and what you write, not  minuses...I don't care about this, I don't give you any  minus...your posts make people to reply against you 🤷🏻 

suck my dick and suck yours too 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha again you are on some gay shit

Meanwhile I press the "ignore" button

I don't have time for this

But pay attention to the thread, people supported me here too

They just do not need to constantly write and troll people

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