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Care e parerea voastra despre Clement Mic?

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

And yeah, I DO have friends in this forum. 

But I do not ask them to do things for me or any support. 

I am not this type of person, I am my own man. 

Even though I really appreciate all people who always support me and have my back. 

There are members here who just like to talk here and say nasty things.. But there are other people who actually post good info and actually visit the girls. 

They blame me for causing the riot, but check the post history of those other members who point fingers at me. 

And there are also people who don't like to read my messages because I write in English.. I totally understand and I wish I could write in Romanian, this is my fault. But it doesn't mean I will give up. 

Many many people sent me PMs after my posts and even thanked me. So I know that I am doing something good. 

Haters can keep hating. 

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Vizitator nicieu
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Am sa imi scriu opinia chiar daca nu conteaza (bine acum sa nu credeti ca vreo opinie conteaza pe forumul acesta, dar na) si nu este referitoare la clement mic sau la vreun alt user, ci in general...

Ce castigati cerand banarea unui user? Eu cred ca nimic, adica ok userul e banat si apoi revine sub o alta forma cu dorinta avida de razbunare impotriva celor care i-au cerut banarea si se ajunge pana la destainuiri de detalii private si tot felul de martapaslacuri... si asa se ajunge la o bucla continua intre useri banati si cei ramasi, etc...

Geometria ne ajuta si in acest punc...

Evitati,.cercurile vicioase, triunghiurile amoroase si capetele patrate!

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  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București
Acum 19 minute, barosanu1 a spus:

Desi initial am avut niste contre ( care erau oricum offtopic ) totusi cred ca @clement miceste un contributor activ si aduce informatii utile forumului ( recenzii ). 

Ma aflu mai mult sau mai putin uneori in aceeasi barca cu el cand le batem obrazul escortelor care ridica preturile nejustificat si spun cu tupeu ca 50 lei crestere nu reprezinta mai nimic.

M-am intalnit des cu atitudini de genul in care chemam o tipa la mine cu 100 eur si nu se putea abtine sa-mi zica ca ea ia cel putin dublu pe sugardates sau tinder sau alte vrajeli.

In plus, poate sunt si amintirile de acum 5 ani cand gagicile de top le gaseai la 200h ( gen antonia vogue, delia phd ) si acum cele similare sau mai rau cer 400h si au servicii/atitudine mai slabe. Ok este inflatie dar nici chiar asa ca salariile nu cred ca s-au dublat in 5 ani.   - cam ai dreptate....

Ca sunt cativa smecheri care nu se uita la 100 eur, lasa recenzii la superlativ si anumite gagici ii ling in cur pe mine nu ma incalzeste cu nimic.    - greu de  combatut asta...



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Acum 8 minute, elprofesoare a spus:

Din dorința voastră de al denigra, l-ați făcut de fapt martir. Multă lume fără ocupație de Bobotează 🤦‍♂️

Incredibil  colega,  cum vezi tu că cineva   denigrează  un hartuotor de profesie .   Poate din dorința noastră  să  scăpăm  de un specimen dubios  , il facem martir. 

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
6 minutes ago, bertus said:

I do not know  your contributions of 2013. Today you polluted renesmee's  topic with the intention of damaging her reputation just because she is charging 400 for her services. You can mention that once if you want, it is a free democracy, but when you start calling her greedy for that... for me that is nasty behaviour

If it is a democracy, why am I not allowed to say my opinion? 

You see there, you contradict yourself 

I never insulted her, I said my honest opinion, not even to damage her reputation which I knew would be a lost cause because #1 she is a girl, it is too easy for her to get positive rep #2 she got a super membership 😂

Of course I didn't know she also own many clone accounts, but even then, my attention never was to damage her reputation 

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Vizitator Indecisu
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Acum 11 minute, elprofesoare a spus:

Din dorința voastră de al denigra, l-ați făcut de fapt martir. Multă lume fără ocupație de Bobotează 🤦‍♂️

Unii au baut de dimineata apa sfintita si au luat anafura insa cel putin una din ele nu a fost depozitata in conditii optime. S-o alterat, umpic asa 😀

De aici si reactiile adverse 😜

Peseu : Hi @clement mic, I give you a hug and a lot of hearts if you say ' I love ' 😜

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  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:Outcall
  • Oras:Outcall
3 minutes ago, clement mic said:

And yeah, I DO have friends in this forum. 

But I do not ask them to do things for me or any support. 

I am not this type of person, I am my own man. 

Even though I really appreciate all people who always support me and have my back. 

There are members here who just like to talk here and say nasty things.. But there are other people who actually post good info and actually visit the girls. 

They blame me for causing the riot, but check the post history of those other members who point fingers at me. 

And there are also people who don't like to read my messages because I write in English.. I totally understand and I wish I could write in Romanian, this is my fault. But it doesn't mean I will give up. 

Many many people sent me PMs after my posts and even thanked me. So I know that I am doing something good. 

Haters can keep hating. 

Some advices: ignore trolls, don't respond to treacherous provocations. Trolls will quote you very often on multiple topics with no reason at all. They have hidden agenda only to cause chaos and misinformation. 


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3 minutes ago, clement mic said:

If it is a democracy, why am I not allowed to say my opinion? 

You see there, you contradict yourself 

I never insulted her, I said my honest opinion, not even to damage her reputation which I knew would be a lost cause because #1 she is a girl, it is too easy for her to get positive rep #2 she got a super membership 😂

Of course I didn't know she also own many clone accounts, but even then, my attention never was to damage her reputation 

There is a difference between "saying your opinion" and writing 40 posts in her topic about her greediness.

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  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:Outcall
  • Oras:Outcall
5 minutes ago, Indecisu said:

Unii au baut de dimineata apa sfintita si au luat anafura insa cel putin una din ele nu a fost depozitata in conditii optime. S-o alterat, umpic asa 😀

De aici si reactiile adverse 😜

Peseu : Hi @clement mic, I give you a hug and a lot of hearts if you say ' I love ' 😜

Depinde ce s-a consumat dimineața :))) , în Russia se începe ziua cu multă votkă 😁

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
5 minutes ago, Indecisu said:

Unii au baut de dimineata apa sfintita si au luat anafura insa cel putin una din ele nu a fost depozitata in conditii optime. S-o alterat, umpic asa 😀

De aici si reactiile adverse 😜

Peseu : Hi @clement mic, I give you a hug and a lot of hearts if you say ' I love ' 😜

But I DO love 

It helped me find SO MANY girls and enjoy wonderful moments 

So how can I dislike the forum? 

The only thing I dislike is some toxic people and racists

But oh yeah, what doesn't kill me make me stronger 

It will take more than this to shut me up forever 

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Vizitator nicieu
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Acum 4 minute, clement mic a spus:

If it is a democracy, why am I not allowed to say my opinion? 

You see there, you contradict yourself 

I never insulted her, I said my honest opinion, not even to damage her reputation which I knew would be a lost cause because #1 she is a girl, it is too easy for her to get positive rep #2 she got a super membership 😂

Of course I didn't know she also own many clone accounts, but even then, my attention never was to damage her reputation 

Oh my God... here almost everybody speak about clones or fake accounts... in Romania we have an expression  "hoțul strigă hoții" I don't know how to translate this in english, because the expression can be different, and maybe the words are not supossed to be translated word by word... but I have this thing, that you understand romanian very well, but this is not my job and I don't care about this metter... what I wanted to say is that all people saying "the clones" are clones... this is my opinion. 

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Vizitator nicieu
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Chiar acum, clement mic a spus:

But I DO love 

It helped me find SO MANY girls and enjoy wonderful moments 

So how can I dislike the forum? 

The only thing I dislike is some toxic people and racists

But oh yeah, what doesn't kill me make me stronger 

It will take more than this to shut me up forever 

What is dead, may never die, but rises again stronger and grater 🤣🤣🤣 (GoT, Greyjoys)

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
11 minutes ago, elprofesoare said:

Some advices: ignore trolls, don't respond to treacherous provocations. Trolls will quote you very often on multiple topics with no reason at all. They have hidden agenda only to cause chaos and misinformation. 


100%, you are totally correct 

This forum is filled with trolls

I realized every time I make a post, the same people quote me to say something negative, WHATEVER I say

I bet even the original poster made this thread just so people could say more negative things about me and cause more troubles

That's why I was ignoring the thread in the beginning 

Even on Renesmee topic I kept repeating like 10x times I do not want to say anything more, but random people kept attacking me.. By random people I mean clones, colleagues and trolls

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 53 minute, nicieu a spus:

@ruxysenzuala doar ca nu ma asteptam la voi... adica exista useri care deranjeaza vizual mult mai mult si nu se cere dunga. 😅

Păi și ce am spus eu să nu, să le dea și la ăia, eu nu am specificat nici unde că restul celor ce deranjează liniștea nu merită dungă, toți care deranjează prin injurii, și etc. De asta avem raport deci recomand, raport atunci când se sare de pe cal și se suie pe matură, să se tasteze "raport". 

"Și am încălecat pe o șea și vam spus povestea mea" ! 🤫

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Vizitator nicieu
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Chiar acum, ruxysenzuala a spus:

Păi și ce am spus eu să nu, să le dea și la ăia, eu nu am specificat nici unde că restul celor ce deranjează liniștea nu merită dungă, toți care deranjează prin injurii, și etc. De asta avem raport deci recomand, raport atunci când se sare de pe cal și se suie pe matură, să se tasteze "raport". 

"Și am încălecat pe o șea și vam spus povestea mea" ! 🤫

Si de ce te certi cu mine? 🤣🤣🤣

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  • Escorta
  • Telefon: 0720513940
  • Oras:București
  • Disponibila
  • Telefon: 0720513940
  • Oras:București
  • Disponibila

Au început minusurile sa curga 😂😂

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Hei dragii mei .Numele meu este Mara, am 36 de ani, 1.62 inaltime si 50 KG(doar pt doritorii carora le plac fetele slabe cu forme )  Dragilor  am adăugat și Fk (sarutari cu limba) care va fi extra 50 ron   și voi face doar cu cine consider eu și numai dacă igiena este impecabila, PROGRAMUL MEU DE LUCRU ESTE DE LUNI PANA SÂMBĂTĂ DE LA ORA 10.00 PANA LA ORA 21:00,Servicii: oral (protejat sau neprotejat în funcție de igiena) finalizare orala in functie de igiena, normal protejat, 69, accept limbute, 150 ron 30 min (1 finalizare) 250 ron 60 min (1 sau 2 finalizari), Fk (sarutari cu limba ) 50 ron Extra

Programari whatsapp,telefon,mesaj text 0720513940, locatia Calea vitan casa de pensii .Domni mai in vârsta care au  peste 56 de ani  nu primesc! Domni care au pana in 26 de ani  nu primesc!

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Chiar acum, nicieu a spus:

Si de ce te certi cu mine? 🤣🤣🤣

Nu mă cert domnu căpitan, îți explicam Mariei tale, care bătea toba pe câmpii și referire la cineva care știm toți, bun în altă ordine de idei, dansezi? Nu, știam. 😉

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

But I want to repeat again, NOT everyone is like this

I talked to AMAZING people in this forum 

And some are discreetly supporting me. 

I want to say I appreciate everything and thank you all! 

I love Romania and I intend to stay here

What is funny is in real life, I NEVER have troubles, even when I meet those escort girls

It is only sometimes in the forum😂

I will probably only post reviews in the future, or talk about movies or share music

It seems like what work the best for me haha 

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 48 minute, nicieu a spus:

Da, am observat! Si desi femeile ie asa de rele, de ce barbatii vor din ce in ce mai multe? 🤣

Le place să trăiască dangeros 😂😁

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  • Escorta
  • Telefon: 0720513940
  • Oras:București
  • Disponibila
  • Telefon: 0720513940
  • Oras:București
  • Disponibila
Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus:

But I want to repeat again, NOT everyone is like this

I talked to AMAZING people in this forum 

And some are discreetly supporting me. 

I want to say I appreciate everything and thank you all! 

I love Romania and I intend to stay here

What is funny is in real life, I NEVER have troubles, even when I meet those escort girls

It is only sometimes in the forum😂

I will probably only post reviews in the future, or talk about movies or share music

It seems like what work the best for me haha 

Sa fi de ras ca de balega ai fost 😂😂

Akm Sa curga minusurile 

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Hei dragii mei .Numele meu este Mara, am 36 de ani, 1.62 inaltime si 50 KG(doar pt doritorii carora le plac fetele slabe cu forme )  Dragilor  am adăugat și Fk (sarutari cu limba) care va fi extra 50 ron   și voi face doar cu cine consider eu și numai dacă igiena este impecabila, PROGRAMUL MEU DE LUCRU ESTE DE LUNI PANA SÂMBĂTĂ DE LA ORA 10.00 PANA LA ORA 21:00,Servicii: oral (protejat sau neprotejat în funcție de igiena) finalizare orala in functie de igiena, normal protejat, 69, accept limbute, 150 ron 30 min (1 finalizare) 250 ron 60 min (1 sau 2 finalizari), Fk (sarutari cu limba ) 50 ron Extra

Programari whatsapp,telefon,mesaj text 0720513940, locatia Calea vitan casa de pensii .Domni mai in vârsta care au  peste 56 de ani  nu primesc! Domni care au pana in 26 de ani  nu primesc!

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 1 minut, mara27 a spus:

Sa fi de ras ca de balega ai fost 😂😂

Akm Sa curga minusurile 

😂😂😂😂😂 Nu mai avem e sărăcie 😂😂😂😂😂 de când cu corona sau limitat 👀🤔

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