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Escort curated list

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  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București
1 hour ago, radet69 said:

This subject, in all its complexity, deserves bidding

The idea is this: this forum is nice, full of info, full of reviews, ideas, everything. Ok. But is more for those who like lurking around and have time to spend learning and reading. For those who just need a good escort asap, or for a foreigner who visits bucharest alone or in couple and need to explore some exotic experiences here, there is no way the romanian duscussions in this forum will help him/them.

we need a list, a database, like a "playlist" or a bookmark list on a website, easy to acces, easy to sort or filter by services, with pics, telephone and desc. Only tested real girls, not publi24 style, so those clients can get a 100% good experience fast.

this will also be good for local guys, who maybe can miss some good girls, good profiles that can easily get lost in this web of replies around here.

What do you think? is this feasible?

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