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Escorta Rahella 0793465983 Luxury Escorts

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  • Oras:Brasov
  • Oras:Brasov
4 hours ago, Fatality2020 said:

Nu a apucat nimeni sa mearga aici?

de ce nu te duci tu ?😂 

  • Oras:Bv
  • Oras:Bv

Haideti ca am vizitat o eu pana la urma.

Las doar notele foarte pe scurt:

Contact: 10 - whatsapp, rapid, fara probleme, cere poza ceea ce poate fi o problema pentru noi astia care nu suntem chiar fat frumos si nu ne facem poze

Locatie: 9 - Vitan, bloc relativ nou, ok overall, nu lux, dar decent

Aspect corp: 10 - arata beton, e inaltuta, tanara, subtire, tonifiata, implanturile sunt putin mari comparativ cu statura ei, dar sunt ce trebuie

Aspect chip: 9.5 - surprinzator de frumoasa, nu neaparat genul meu, dar frumoasa

OP: 9 - are skillurile necesare, destul de deep, presiune, fara atentie la extremitati, am aprofundat destul de mult aici, e ce trebuie

NP: 9 - se implica, geme (fals zic eu), accepta diverse pozitii, e energica, a compensat si pentru mine care sunt mai pasiv

Atitudine: 9 - e primitoare, te lasa sa iti faci de cap, dar nu e vreo zana care sa te vrajeasca

Igiena: aici nu voi da nota, fata overall era foarte curata, dar la un moment dat la normal am simtit un miros urat rau venind din pasa, mi a cam taiat cheful

Tarifele le aveti mai sus

Concluzie: Arata beton, ca in poze/video, poate chiar mai bine, are si skillurile necesare acestei meserii, eu o recomand in speranta ca experienta descrisa mai sus a fost doar un eveniment nefericit


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On 9/15/2024 at 1:24 PM, FooBar30 said:

Come on, I finally visited one.

I'll just leave the notes very briefly:

Contact: 10 - whatsapp, fast, without problems, asks for a picture, which can be a problem for those of us who are not really handsome and don't take pictures

Location: 9 - Vitan, relatively new block, ok overall, not luxury, but decent

Body appearance: 10 - she looks concrete, she is tall, young, thin, toned, the implants are a little big compared to her height, but they are what is needed

Appearance: 9.5 - surprisingly beautiful, not necessarily my type, but beautiful

OP: 9 - he has the necessary skills, deep enough, pressure, without paying attention to the extremities, I went into a lot of depth here, it's what we need

NP: 9 - she gets involved, moans (false I say), accepts various positions, is energetic, she also compensated for me who is more passive

Attitude: 9 - she's welcoming, she lets you mess around, but she's not a fairy to cast a spell on you

Hygiene: I won't give a grade here, the overalls were very clean, but at one point when I was normal I felt a bad smell coming from the toilet, it kind of put me off.

The rates are above

. Conclusion: It looks like concrete, like in the pictures/ video, maybe even better, has the necessary skills for this job, I recommend it in the hope that the experience described above was just an unfortunate event


Thanks for sharing your insights! It’s great to see such a comprehensive review. Your comments on the contact and location give a solid idea of what to expect, and it’s nice to hear that she lived up to her appearance in person.

The ratings for the OP and NP are especially helpful, as those aspects can really make or break the experience. It’s good to know she’s skilled and engaging, even if she doesn’t have that fairy-tale charm.

I appreciate the honesty about hygiene too—clean overall is a plus, but it’s unfortunate about the smell you encountered. I hope that was just an isolated issue.

Overall, it seems like a positive recommendation, and I’ll keep her in mind for the future. Thanks again for the detailed breakdown!

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