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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Ca sa lamurim lucrurile pentru ca nu s-a inteles foarte clar ce e cu VDRL si TPHA dupa tratament.

TPHA ramane pozitiv toata viata chiar si dupa tratament corect si vindecare pe cand VDRL devine in principiu negativ mai devreme sau mai tarziu (de la cateva saptamani pana la 1 an).

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


The VDRL, however, remains a popular test for syphilis because of the simplicity, relatively low cost, and for its utility in monitoring response to therapy. Most cases of syphilis respond easily to antibiotic treatment (e.g. penicillin) of adequate dose and duration, and a four-fold decline in titre is indicative of a therapeutic response (e.g. from 1/16 to 1/4 or less). Most individuals would become non-infectious after adequate treatment. In some cases however, the antibody response becomes ‘serofast’ (i.e. do not become non-reactive or negative, despite an initial decline, and may continue to give reactive results). In a recent study 30% of individuals continued to be positive for VDRL even 1 year after being treated. It is also important to realise that a previous episode of syphilis does not protect individuals from future episodes (the antibodies as detected in VDRL test are not protective), and future infections can occur after sexual exposure to an infectious person. Lastly, presence of one STI (sexually transmitted infection) is an indication to be vigilant and screen against other STIs. Therefore, in addition to HIV-1 and HIV-2, individuals should be screened against hepatitis B virus, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, herpes infections, etc.



1. Int J STD AIDS. 2008 Oct;19(10):689-93.



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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Alta sursa: Indian Journal of Dermatology:

" The VDRL usually becomes reactive within the first few weeks after infection, peaks during the first year, and then slowly declines, so that low titers (levels) are seen in late syphilis. It can revert to negative in the absence of treatment in about 25% of cases"

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

VDRL and Treatment Follow-up

There is no ideal test of cure of syphilis available that can be carried out within days or weeks after treatment to determine the status of a patient. Patients should have serological tests for syphilis done on the day treatment is initiated. To access it, the patient is asked to repeat quantitative nontreponemal serological testing like VDRL/RPR and clinical evaluation at 3, 6, and 12 months.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

"When serological test is negative, patient is assured to be cured. Generally, seropositivity is achieved in majority of the patients with primary syphilis in about 12 months after the treatment and in those with secondary syphilis in about 24 months. Seroconversion is more rapid after therapy if duration of infection is short and initial titer is low. "

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

The rate of decline is a better indicator of therapeutic response.

A 4-fold decrease in titer is considered as good response, and this should occur within 3-6 months after therapy in patients with primary and secondary syphilis and within 12 months in patients with early latent syphilis. .

  • Oras:Oriunde
  • Oras:Oriunde


sorry  :kiss3

Scuze pentru faptul ca am vrut corectitudine...  :blushing2

Nu merita... :no2

mai bine o lasam cu sifilitice decat sa ma chinui in seara asta cu razbunari pentru facere de bine....

  • Oras:Bucuresti-Periferie
  • Oras:Bucuresti-Periferie

Cristiane,se poate in franceza sau portugheza ? Nu toata lumea stie engleza. Multumesc si in numele colegilor care nu stiu engleza.

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Cristiane,se poate in franceza sau portugheza ? Nu toata lumea stie engleza. Multumesc si in numele colegilor care nu stiu engleza.

Vin cu o completare la ce a scris  O.........era sa zic........colegul tendoi , o traducere in chineza se poate ? ma descurc mai bine ca in engleza.


Multumesc anticipat :)

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Ce sa mai, trebuie sa fim atenti si cum stam pe capacul de la WC ca si de acolo putem lua ceva ... daca nu s-a ridicat persoana dinainte  :laugh2

Engleza asta ...

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

E mai complicata treaba asta cu sifilisul chiar dcat credeam eu. Indienii aia au scris o lucrare intreaga despre analiza VDRL. E clar ca trebuie apelat la dermatologi.

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E clar ca trebuie apelat la dermatologi.

Io cred ca trebuie sa apelam la DNA  :laugh2

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Mareane, ce plm te-ai colorat asa??? Mai ai putin si devii escorta...

E de la sifi  :laugh2  :laugh2  :laugh2

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E mai complicata treaba asta cu sifilisul chiar dcat credeam eu. Indienii aia au scris o lucrare intreaga despre analiza VDRL.

Indienii astia cica au si un OZN cu care calatoresc prin Univers si invata "uamenii" ce sa fac in caz de sifilis....

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Indienii astia cica au si un OZN cu care calatoresc prin Univers si invata "uamenii" ce sa fac in caz de sifilis....

Aia cu OZN-urile sunt chinezii nu indienii  :no2

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Aia cu OZN-urile sunt chinezii nu indienii  :no2

cati chinezi incap intr-un OZN?

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cati chinezi incap intr-un OZN? sunt mici  :laugh2

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

cati chinezi incap intr-un OZN?


Uite cum e la ei la mare .... 


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  • Telefon: 0769999999
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Uite cum e la ei la mare .... 

si marea in ce directie e?

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si marea in ce directie e?

Balta Alba .........

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