vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Ce m`atrage ultima poza... Pacat ca n`am chef sa`l arunc pe morris pe geam...
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Fie vorba intre noi...1 la mana,nu ai pe cine arunca pe geam...si 2...nici in aur de m-ai plati,nu ai avea ce cauta la mine in locatie.
vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Fie vorba intre noi... 1 la mana, stiu ca ala sta cu voi, cel putin peste noapte, daca in cursul zilei e plecat pe la alte escorte, ca doar asa racoleaza... Sa fim seriosi... Contul traficant_de_caramele, care a facut prima recenzie sarritei, este tot p_morris. Asa e trecut pe Facebook si au aceeasi exprimare si culmea, recenzia a aparut dupa ce s`a mutat cu tine si Andreea. A draq coincidente... 2...afirmatia aia nu insinueaza ca nu m`ai mai primi pentru nici o suma. Nici in aur, implica doar o alta "moneda". Ca si cum ai spune "Nici in euro/lire/dolari/franci/yeni/pesos/etc". Cei ce vor sa afirme o reticenta totala de`a face ceva, afirma "Nici pentru un milion de dolari!", de exemplu. Sau "Nici daca ai fi ultimul om de pe planeta!"... Dar tu nu te pricepi
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 12, 2015 Neinteresant. Next! )
teks Reputație: 2 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Neinteresant. Next! )Omu' e foarte nebun. Ma amuza total desi il sfatuiesc mereu sa isi inchida acest cont. 1 1
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Disponibila
vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Omu' e foarte nebun. Ma amuza total desi il sfatuiesc mereu sa isi inchida acest cont. One word: Einstein.
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Up
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 prin ce zona te gasesc?unirii
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Ofer companie intima domnilor manierati,care apreciaza discretia,igiena si calitatea serviciilor primite.Program zilnic incepand cu ora 10 pana spre miezul noptii,depinde de programari.Serviciile oferite:Sex oral(protejat/neprotejat,in functie de igiena si preferintele fiecaruia)+sex normal(protejat)la pretul de 100 lei/ora(doua finalizari)-Sex total(oral protejat/neprotejat in functie de igiena si preferintele fiecaruia)+sex normal si anal(protejate ambele) la pretul de 150 lei/ora(doua finalizari) + alte mici fantezii (fisting,cuckold)Programarile se pot face la numarul de telefon 0732080243 cu minim 30 minute inainte(in functie de disponibilitatea mea).Va pup dulce si va astept pentru a petrece clipe minunate impreuna. http://dianaescort26.escortbook.com/
teks Reputație: 2 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 One word: Einstein.Nu am nimic cu tine, dar nu iti faci tie bine pe acest forum. Nu vreau sa mai ma contrazic cu tine. Este un sfat prietenesc. Incearca sa nu iti mai expui viata aici. O seara buna 1
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Ofer companie intima domnilor manierati,care apreciaza discretia,igiena si calitatea serviciilor primite.Program zilnic incepand cu ora 10 pana spre miezul noptii,depinde de programari.Serviciile oferite:Sex oral(protejat/neprotejat,in functie de igiena si preferintele fiecaruia)+sex normal(protejat)la pretul de 100 lei/ora(doua finalizari)-Sex total(oral protejat/neprotejat in functie de igiena si preferintele fiecaruia)+sex normal si anal(protejate ambele) la pretul de 150 lei/ora(doua finalizari) + alte mici fantezii (fisting,cuckold)Programarile se pot face la numarul de telefon 0732080243 cu minim 30 minute inainte(in functie de disponibilitatea mea).Va pup dulce si va astept pentru a petrece clipe minunate impreuna. http://dianaescort26.escortbook.com/
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Ofer companie intima domnilor manierati,care apreciaza discretia,igiena si calitatea serviciilor primite.Program zilnic incepand cu ora 10 pana spre miezul noptii,depinde de programari.Serviciile oferite:Sex oral(protejat/neprotejat,in functie de igiena si preferintele fiecaruia)+sex normal(protejat)la pretul de 100 lei/ora(doua finalizari)-Sex total(oral protejat/neprotejat in functie de igiena si preferintele fiecaruia)+sex normal si anal(protejate ambele) la pretul de 150 lei/ora(doua finalizari) + alte mici fantezii (fisting,cuckold)Programarile se pot face la numarul de telefon 0732080243 cu minim 30 minute inainte(in functie de disponibilitatea mea).Va pup dulce si va astept pentru a petrece clipe minunate impreuna. http://dianaescort26.escortbook.com/
vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Nu am nimic cu tine, dar nu iti faci tie bine pe acest forum. Nu vreau sa mai ma contrazic cu tine. Este un sfat prietenesc. Incearca sa nu iti mai expui viata aici. O seara buna;Hello. My name is Vladimir and I`m 29 years old. I was born on a warm night of May. The first 4 years of my life I lived in an apartment in Tei neighborhood, moving right behind the Dinamo athletic complex, in an area pertaining to Floreasca neighborhood after my grandfather died. I think my dad liked us to be in shape, insisting on us doing all sorts of professional sports. Gone through a lot, along the years... Swimming(Dinamo), Judo(Dinamo), Karate(Dinamo, though we didn`t practice on Dinamo grounds), Fencing(dunno what club it was... we had our practices at Sala Floreasca, he wasn`t very pleased with me taking on Fencing as a sport... probably didn`t consider it manly enough...), Football(Vointa) and Equestrianism(at a center in Corbeanca). He almost made us take Modern Dancing as well. He also thought us how to shoot a rifle, having us practice quite a lot, only being satisfied once we were able to shoot at least a 9, 5 times out of 5. Thought us how to fish, took us to pool halls all the time(I used to be quite good at 8`ball), even took us flying a couple of times(with one of those 2 person planes, at a pilot school near Ploiesti). As far as athletics go, I was also part of my school`s football team, basketball team and handball team. Though I kind of hated handball... I was always the quiet guy... Quite shy, all through school and even what years I spent in high`school. Had my first crush when I was in 5th grade, but she rejected me(that bitch!). First girlfriend, if you can call her that, when I was 13. We used to hold hands and kiss(no FK though), while taking long walks in the park. She cheated on me with a 12 years old, apparently because he could get her in the skating ring at Floreasca for free... Stupid whore. Had no clue I was friends with the owner`s son, and had she asked, I could have got her in for free as well. Took a break from girls after that... Couldn`t handle the heartache... Started dating again at 17. Major crush on a waitress in a pub we used to go to, in Dorobanti. Being shy, it was quite a hassle to talk to her, but I managed to get her number by bribing a colleague of hers, after she had already quit that job. Started texting her and eventually we ended up going on a date(if you could call it that... we met in a shifty rock pub at Iancului, with a lot of shifty characters inside and a very spooky feel to it). She gave me my first kiss(FK that is)... A week later she cheated on me... Though, as it turns out, I was actually the one with who she was doing the cheating, already having a boyfriend when she started going out with me... Didn`t care. I ended it right away. Got another girlfriend a few days later, one of her younger friends flirting with me even while having her friend as a gf... Bitches be weird... Though it didn`t last long... We barely saw each other, having different schedules and when that other girl wanted to get back together... I broke it off with her younger friend and got back with the initial girl. But she cheated on me AGAIN. This time, I was the one cheated on... WHORE! Immediately, I called a friend of that younger friend asking "So... Does she have a boyfriend?", the answer being "No... But she wants one... YOU!" and so I got back together with the younger friend... Turns out she was seeing another guy and didn`t even bother dumping him... Poor guy was pretty shocked to see her in my arms at another pub close to Matasari, that we used to frequent. Ended breaking up with her again, after a misunderstanding right before my 18th b`day. Quite a shame... But, oh well... All for the best. At my 18th, I ended up hooking up with another girl, a friend of both previous girls, a girl that ended up staying with me, having ran away from home, after numerous fights with her parents. She was my first... This one ended up cheating on me on more than one occasion... Had a lot of fights... Heck... We lived together for over a year, and I was unable to break up with her, always thinking "Where will she go? She`ll end up on the streets, or abused by some fucktard...". But I managed to patch things up between her and her parents, eventually, and I got to break it off. At 20, at moved to Timisoara, all on my own. Ahh.. The sweet taste of freedom. I moved there, having fallen in love with a girl from that city, while playing trivia games with her online(obviously there was a lot of chatting as well). Managed to find an apartment only 2 blocks away from her, in the Soarelui area. She was still a virgin, so I was left with no "action" for quite a while... Though I couldn`t care less. I loved her and I cherished every single moment that we spent together, no matter what that involved. We had a lot of fights... She kept dumping me every once in a while, having me go 2 to 4 days through the process of winning her back... It turns out she was doing that to feel wanted... I swear... Girls are crazy... It all ended a year and a half later, when I finally had enough with all the breakups and numerous fights... Plus she never once showed me that she wants a future together... Kept refusing to move in with me... Only spent like... 5 nights in total at my place, the rest of time, having a strict schedule from her parents, to be at home at 22:30... Always got defensive when I opened up the subject of marriage... She had this "plan"... First finish college, then make a career, get married at a minimum of 28 and have the first kid at 30. Stupid plan... So when she dumped me shortly after starting college, I became paranoid(well... I already was, but this made it worse). Did she find some guy there? Is she planning on looking for one? While trying to get back together, I used to follow her to college and back, without her seeing me(I was quite the spy). Kept hoping to see her with some fucktard to fuck him up! But no... Regardless... Constant rejections, combined with all the previous things, got me thinking I`m not good enough for her... That I`m incapable of making her happy... That no matter how much I try, she`ll never be pleased... And I lost it. The only reason I had to go on, was gone... She was my World and my World was no longer mine... Could no longer work... I was staying inside all day long, drinking and crying my heart out, only going out to the nearest store, when I ran out of cigarettes or alcohol. Food wasn`t a concern... I was barely eating... After about a month like this... I took the decision to sell everything and move back home... Upon hearing this, she started crying, insisting that she loves me and that I shouldn`t leave... That I CAN`T leave. That I must stay with her... It was to late... I had already lost any hope of ever making her happy and with my mental issues(I was no longer able to discern fiction from reality) I saw no way of remaining there. So I returned to Bucharest... This time, in Colentina neighborhood(or China Town, as I used to call it, my family having moved there). Tried getting back together with the girl from Timisoara, 3 times after that, all 3 times ending badly... Got another girlfriend, through a friend I had made a few years back, before I moved to Timisoara. This girl was a huge disappointment. Apparently she only needed someone to keep her busy during the summer, so she wouldn`t mope around thinking of her ex. At least she didn`t cheat on me... I think... I always suspected she had, spending an awful lot of time with a friend of hers... But nevermind... This one was a virgin as well(lucky me), so no sex for me... Though we did do a lot of other things in the bedroom, while her father was away for a couple of weeks... Ended breaking up with her, right before we were supposed to go to Bulgaria for 3 weeks. After this, I met another girl online... She seemed too good to be true(should have went with "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is"). She was living in Nice, France, though she told me she`s only on vacation there, with her parents, at her step brother. After a few months of so called online relationship, she told me she`s fed up with her parents that aren`t letting her return to Romania, of all the constant fighting and that I should go get her(I had offered previously, when she mentioned that she`d leave if she could). So I did. The very same night, I took my younger brother and another friend so we`d take turns driving and I departed for Nice. We arrived about 23h later, at about 10PM. Stupid city... It was DEAD. No open stores. No people on the streets, no cars.. .NOTHING. Even hotels were engulfed in darkness. After cruising through the city for about 3 hours, we manged to find a hostel and I left my brother and friend there, taking the car and waiting close to her address to get her in the morning as we discussed. The next morning she called me after being late and told me that I`d best go home, because her parents recognized my car and started a huge fight... Oh well... After thinking what to do for about 2 hours... A trip to the local Gendarmerie department and trying to explain to those french idiots the situation(I was convinced she was telling the truth, that her parents are holding her against her will) with no success, since they didn`t speak English and I, the only one who spoke French, was feeling nauseous from all the stress and couldn`t interact, we decided to go home... Stopping in Milan, though, since those fuckers felt like vising the city... I was all messed up, and all they cared about was doing tourist bullshit. Anyway... I didn`t break up with her... Even though with time I managed to uncover that she was actually living there, that she was married and had a kid... That she even gave me the wrong address(gave me the apartment next to theirs) and wrong name... I stayed with her... I was set on finding out WHY she had lied to me. She kept denying she lied, of course... Only admitting to the name and address. Oh well... I broke it off after about a year, getting another girlfriend in Bucharest. But this one only lasted for about a month, being too immature for me. Had my first accident because of her. Though it wasn`t a serious one, it almost got me a record... My insurance expired, we had a huge fight... She wouldn`t answer the phone anymore so I said "Fuck it!" and I got in my car and drove off to go to her home. It was pouring outside, I had All Seasons tires on, I was speeding(obviously, being pissed and in a hurry) and at a stop light, my foot slipped when I tried to brake and rammed the car in front me. No damage to either cars, but the other driver(stupid Moldovian from Bacau) was pissed. Started going on about how I damaged his rear bumper and shit... There wasn`t a scratch on it, but he kept insisting that I should give him something to take it to a repair shop or that he`s going to the police. Told him to go right ahead and I drove off, returning home. Had my story all done. "Show me the scratch officer... My car hasn`t moved an inch since my insurance expired...". I got back together with the lying whore that was staying in Nice when she finally made it to Romania. She came to Bucharest for 3 days that she spent over at my house. That was IT! I was willing to move past the lies, past the hassle, but when she used "Bre, mamico", when talking to my mother... Combined with all the crappy manele songs she kept putting on... I HAVE HAD IT! Took a break from dating after that. I only made another girlfriend 2 years later. First time we went out was with her kid, on June 1st, since it was Children`s Day. Kept going out as friends for about a week, `til one night she told me she`s in the mood to watch a movie and drink a glass of wine with someone and asked if she could come over. I agreed. Spent the whole movie on opposite sides of the couch then when it was time for bed(she said she`s staying over) I made her bed and I was about to go sleep on the couch (I took it as a friendly "date")... But she reminded me I promised her a massage... So I said OK... There she was... A beautiful girl, lying in my bed with only her panties on and I was all like "Damn girls! She knows I like her and she`s torturing me. The fuck kind of friend gets almost naked in front of a guy?". Things "escalated" rather quickly and I`ll skip the details. She spent the next 3 days with me, only sending me out to buy cigarettes and something to eat, every now and then. A week later she cheated on me, after drinking a tad too much while at a friend`s house party. Stupid WHORES! But I didn`t break up with her... I did however broke up with her a month later, when I had enough of her insanity... The bitch was crazy! With all that universal love, inner bullshit. Ram Ta or something of the sort was called. Bat shit crazy, given that she kept changing moods quite suddenly. One moment she was all nice and warm.. .The next she was yelling. Gotta stay away from people like that. Saw her again a few months later... Called me pissed drunk at 6 in the morning, telling me she`s coming over... I was OK with it... I said to myself "She`s drunk... Who knows where she`ll go if I say no... Best she comes over and I put her in bed so she can sleep."... Wrong.. She went and bought a bottle of wine that I saw myself forced to drink over half of, in order to stop her from drinking the whole thing. Started fighting... Swearing at me... Slapping me for no reason... All while I was trying to get her in bed so she can sleep. We did eventually end up in bed, though she didn`t really sleep... I won`t give details... She seemed to be sobering up at that point so after asking her a bunch of times if she`s sure, I went along with it... I was wrong to assume that she`s sobering up, she had in fact "blacked out", but I discovered that, later that evening, when we woke up and she looked all confused as to what she`s doing there... Luckily I wasn`t required to feel bad that I took advantage of a drunk girl, given that she initiated another "round", just like she did the first time. As I said... Crazy! Took her home after that making the mutual decision that it`s best we don`t actually get back together since we`ll end up fighting again... Since then I focused on other things and stopped trying to have a relationship, while I sort things out in my life, though 2 years later, the girl from Timisoara managed to take it too far(she never broke contact... every now and then, she called me, talking to me about her problems with her current boyfriends, talking to me about their plans and what not... as if that`s what I needed.) and my depression reaching a record high... I ended up seeking a shoulder to cry on, in the arms of escorts... And here I am now, being annoyed by all you fucktards. Gah! Bitches be crazy! 3
sanregal Reputație: 2 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Bai Vlad , nu postez in mod normal si nici nu urmaresc posturile pe aici dar tu mi-ai sarit in ochi si povestea ta m-a captivat. Am tot urmarit firul narativ si trag o singura concluzie : te faci de ras . Pune-i punct ca un barbat si las-o asa. 1
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Bai Vlad , nu postez in mod normal si nici nu urmaresc posturile pe aici dar tu mi-ai sarit in ochi si povestea ta m-a captivat. Am tot urmarit firul narativ si trag o singura concluzie : te faci de ras . Pune-i punct ca un barbat si las-o asa.
vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Bai Vlad , nu postez in mod normal si nici nu urmaresc posturile pe aici dar tu mi-ai sarit in ochi si povestea ta m-a captivat. Am tot urmarit firul narativ si trag o singura concluzie : te faci de ras . Pune-i punct ca un barbat si las-o asa. I disagree P.S.: Sunt plictisit...
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 I disagree P.S.: Sunt plictisit...Doamne ajuta! Sper ca te-ai referit la faptul ca te-ai plictisit sa traiesti in trecut si ca nu o sa mai scobesti in rahat! P.S: e mai bine pentru tine,viata este scurta,merita sa o traiestii din plin!
vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Sper ca te-ai referit la faptul ca te-ai plictisit sa traiesti in trecut "Doar ca fericirea celor tristi...Au ramas clipele frumoase de odinioara" P.S.: Nu ma refer la topicul asta )
vladizinho Reputație: -648 Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 Oras:UK Oras:UK Postat Octombrie 13, 2015 coryna44 3
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 14, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 14, 2015 Disponibila
di_ana Reputație: 1672 Postat Octombrie 14, 2015 Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Oras:bd-ul Dimitrie Cantemir!Bucuresti Autor Postat Octombrie 14, 2015 Up
loveclaudia Reputație: 2 Postat Octombrie 14, 2015 Postat Octombrie 14, 2015 Hello.I see your new website http://dianaescort26.escortbook.com/,it's write like below ,so it means if I pay 350 lei, it's sex total for 3 hours??Tarife incall 1 ora 150 RON 2 ore 250 RON oră suplimentară 100 RON peste noapte1100 RON 1
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