Incep sa ma satur de propaganda asta din ambele sensuri (Rusia --> NATO, NATO --> Rusia). Nu incepe nimic, pentru ca nimeni nu are chef sa inceapa ceva, la cate probleme au ambele tabere pe cap, nu au chef sa moara ca prostii prin tari straine !
"The sociological parameters began to change in 2018, however, with the dissipation of the rallying-around-the-flag effect. If in 2014 26 percent of respondents said that “Russia was surrounded by enemies on all sides,” then that opinion was shared by just 16 percent in 2020. The number of Russians who believed it was futile to look for enemies because “the root of the evil was Russia’s own mistakes” rose from 17 percent to 25 percent in the same period."
"The average Russian is tired of self-deception and of persuading themselves that if a war does happen, it will not impact their lives or those of family members. Russian conformists are, of course, traditionally bellicose people, but theirs is the bellicosity of propaganda television talk shows, or the language of online hate. No conformists want a large-scale war: conscription is not part of the social contract, particularly at a time of accelerating inflation and economic stagnation."
Mai jos o analiza de la sfarsitul anului 2021, facuta de catre Centrul din Moscova a Institutului Carnegie.