vanessaaa Reputație: 161 Postat Noiembrie 5, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 5, 2018! read this topic. it may help you improve your services[/quote Oh tnk u i have nothing to do with my life than read 46 pgs topic.i see u try each day to help me-such caring good intention man u are.BYE
crisrrv Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 7, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 7, 2018 Hello everybody, I just joined the forum as me too i wanted to let some comments about Vanessa. First excuse me for writing in English, but i am not Romanian and my writing is very bad. I stay in Bucharest since few years, coming from France. Before adding this comment, i have read few review about Vanessa, I did not read it all, just here and there few comments. I saw positive and negative one, some of them really surprised me, compared to my different meetings with her. But first of all i just would like to say sorry to Vanessa, for having cancelled our last week appointment at the last minute, i hope you are not mad, i really could not make it anymore to be at 3pm at your place. i will give my general feedback at the end of this review but first i wanted to share with you all my meetings with Vanessa (incall and outcall). The first time i met Vanessa, was when she had an apartment at Bvd Energeticienilor. Contact made by phone, i arrived there and i hesitated a bit to go up, due to the location and the lack of privacy. But after all, the contact was so nice over the phone, and knowing nobody in that area, i went in front of the door. I had to wait few minutes but then she came to open. My first impression was a very good one, Vanessa looking very good. The apartment was not so much into my taste, bathroom almost nonexistent (no proper shower). However i managed to clean the essential. i will not develop that much the part about the service, as first i wanted total, but the her blowjob/DT was soooooo good that i did not really resist :blushing2 . So my first meeting with her was short but very good. Indeed she is not very talk-active, but the first time it did not disturb me.I met then Vanessa a second and third time after she moved close to the Intercontinental hotel, i do not remember the name of the street. She always welcomed me with a smile and few nice words, even the discussion via sms to settle the appointment was always friendly. I then managed to "resist" in order to get a full service, usually first final. with CIM during a fantastic DT, second one in the preservative. I tried oral and anal, i enjoyed both but anal remain my favourite.During our meeting, we never spoke a lot, but it was just enough, and i do not complain about. The last time i met Vanessa, it was at my place, i asked her if she would be ok to come, her reply was positive. She arrived evening around 10pm, exactly as we arranged a bit before, still via sms. i asked her to come for 1h, full service and as per my previous experience, all went well. I am sorry if i do not develop too much the sexual part, but i think i have said d the essential, if more info are requested you can ask me. So overall all my meetings with Vanessa were really a pleasure, and she always had a nice and polite behaviour. I never had to complaint about any hygienically issues, at my place she took a shower before and after, at her place i can remember her taking a shower after the first final, and as we started i did not have problems with bad is true that she is not speaking very much, this might just be her personality, but at least with me, we always exchanged few words without any difficulties.i might also have been lucky, but i never had the feeling she was too high (under drugs) but i can recall having sen a bottle of vodka the first or second time we met, i do not know exactly, but she was not drunk.So overall i might have been lucky, but i really cannot complain about her all was always very pleasant. it might also be because i am not really the dominant type of guy, i take it easy and cool, and do not try to force anything. Where i agree it is regarding her lost of weight, indeed she lost a lot, and is very thin. I could have seen if she lost even more but as i said above i had to cancel my meeting with her. I hope i could contribute to this forum, and to Vanessa: if you are ok with that, I will contact you via sms in the week-end, maybe we can meet at my place. Have a nice day all 3
dl_geo Reputație: 712 Postat Noiembrie 7, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 7, 2018 Did you call her to your hotel or at home ? Did you see who brought her and who picked her up ?
crisrrv Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 7, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 7, 2018 Did you call her to your hotel or at home ? Did you see who brought her and who picked her up ? Hi dl_geo, I called her to my home. As the inter-phone is not always working properly, i went to open her the door, and saw that it was a taxi that brought her to my place. 3
maleacatalin Reputație: 59 Postat Noiembrie 9, 2018 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 9, 2018 1
fxlx Reputație: 1515 Postat Noiembrie 9, 2018 Oras:In your mouth with my dick Oras:In your mouth with my dick Postat Noiembrie 9, 2018 este tipa ?
utilizatornou Reputație: 220 Postat Noiembrie 9, 2018 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 9, 2018 nici vorba..categoric nu 1
nelson2018 Reputație: 18 Postat Noiembrie 11, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 11, 2018 O programare pt maine se poate??
miticax Reputație: 76 Postat Noiembrie 11, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 11, 2018 O programare pt maine se poate??daa sigur, la orice ora vrei tu si poti sa dai si teapa.suna in plm...
tomson Reputație: 5778 Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Oras:Timisoara Oras:Timisoara Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Vanessa cu scule groase te desurci la DT ? Caut si eu de mult o maestra sa faca un DT adevarat cu cei 5 cm grosime ai mei , ce zici ? Is in Bucuresti si as putea veni maine poimaine
piticu_ Reputație: 275 Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Oras:București Oras:București Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Zilele astea se plângea de o avarie la instalație, cel puțin cu mine a negociat in jurul acestui serviciu... Poate o suni și discuți, nu cred că are rost să discuti public aici. Și dacă tot ne lăudăm, am pulă de 35cm, 7 diametru și niciodată nu mint. 1
tomson Reputație: 5778 Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Oras:Timisoara Oras:Timisoara Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Zilele astea se plângea de o avarie la instalație, cel puțin cu mine a negociat in jurul acestui serviciu... Poate o suni și discuți, nu cred că are rost să discuti public aici.Și dacă tot ne lăudăm, am pulă de 35cm, 7 diametru și niciodată nu mint.Vad ca nu minti ca am vb cu ea si a confiemat problema cu gatul asa ca ghinion. 1
harleyqueen Reputație: 262484 Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Oras:Arkham Oras:Arkham Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Vad ca nu minti ca am vb cu ea si a confiemat problema cu gatul asa ca ghinion.ce a patit ? 1
tomson Reputație: 5778 Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 Oras:Timisoara Oras:Timisoara Postat Noiembrie 14, 2018 ce a patit ?Nu stiu ca nu mi-a zisO fi racit 1
43frg546g Reputație: 8 Postat Noiembrie 16, 2018 Postat Noiembrie 16, 2018 Da, e răcită. Am fost ieri la ea pentru prima dată, și mi-a zis că nu se simte bine. În rest, e la fel de timidă și submisivă cum o descriu majoritatea review-urilor de aici, vorbește exact cât trebuie și niciodată în plus, și, dacă ghicește că vrei să se comporte într-un fel, execută. Partea bună e că se pricepe la ce face, atunci când face. S-a mișcat borderline porno deasupra mea, și a făcut o muie cu toate ingredientele care trebe. Părți nașpa: interfon cretin, nu foarte curat, ea prea abătută. Trecând peste astea, are clar niște frământări fata, și nu mi-e clar dacă e din cauza ei înseși sau a cuiva care o controlează. În orice caz, e un copil căruia viața i-a dat probabil niște cărți cam proaste, dar pare a avea o fire bună, așa că ar trebui să vă purtați cu ea ca atare, mai ales că trei sferturi din cei care o futem am fi putut să-i fim tați, fără prea mare efort de imaginație. 6
ateu69 Reputație: 6 Postat Noiembrie 17, 2018 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 17, 2018 Acolo pe lângă Piata Bobocica e un hotel, acolo înăuntru, se perinda diverse escorte, unele chiar **spam editat**e.chiar ma gandeam cand am vazut hotelul:D dar cum si cat asta e intrebarea:)
eugen2012 Reputație: 172 Postat Noiembrie 26, 2018 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Noiembrie 26, 2018 Mai activează fata asta? La telefon nu răspunde niciodată.
bedkim Reputație: 603 Postat Noiembrie 26, 2018 Oras:bruxelle Oras:bruxelle Postat Noiembrie 26, 2018 ad is updated on publi24
piticu_ Reputație: 275 Postat Noiembrie 27, 2018 Oras:București Oras:București Postat Noiembrie 27, 2018 Mai activează fata asta? La telefon nu răspunde niciodată.Ori ești foarte ghinionist, ori te-a trecut pe lista ei neagră dacă ai avut vreo interacțiune nașpa cu ea...
easyriderbucuresti Reputație: 148 Postat Decembrie 4, 2018 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Decembrie 4, 2018 Nimeni nu spune de ranile de la.pizda si cur...absolut.oribile...bataie si boli....nimeni plus acum are ceva si la gura
vanessaaa Reputație: 161 Postat Decembrie 4, 2018 Postat Decembrie 4, 2018 Nimeni nu spune de ranile de la.pizda si cur...absolut.oribile...bataie si boli....nimeni plus acum are ceva si la guraHhhhhh 10
auronplay Reputație: 16 Postat Decembrie 4, 2018 Postat Decembrie 4, 2018 Daca treci pe la reșița mă anunti te rog
dutzulescu Reputație: 163 Postat Decembrie 18, 2018 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 18, 2018 S-ajutat cică pe calea Victorie
dutzulescu Reputație: 163 Postat Decembrie 18, 2018 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 18, 2018 Mutat am vrut sa zic
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