kerosen Reputație: 169 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Martie 24, 2014 HSV-1 (oral herpes) and HPV (various types) are not a real medical problem, unless they are the few types that are considered highly at risk to lead to certain types of cancer, mostly in women and very very seldom in men. The ones that give condillomas are not the ones that give cancer. They are very common. It's not a shame if you have HSV-1 or HPV. There are dozens of HPV types that don't pose any threat, none whatsoever. @bjlover, you have an obsession! Morever he said he had done bareback sex with the escort and afterwards he is complaining he got whatever disease. That's ridiculous. Use a condom instead of writing a book of how you got prostatitis or who knows what from who knows whom. They tell kids in highschool to use a condom, you don't use it when you go to "escorts", what do you expect? Nevertheless keep in mind I also believe your story, especially the tip thing. I can guarantee this isn't invented by you. Although I don't know the girl, I can feel this is 100% real, her quarelling at you for not leaving enough tip. It's good that I also tend to notice the folks that start popping up from nowhere to defend this girl, some of them being outright blatant (see @Bodo40), while others are more diplomatic (see @SharkAttack). Of course no escort should work if/when she has the eruptions caused by either HSV-1 or some HPV. If no eruptions are present, then it's okay. Her having these viruses but without the eruptions (even healed) poses no real threat.
alicia.vogue Reputație: 72 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 24, 2014 Rog un moderator să-mi activeze profilul de escortă. Pupici 4
sharkattack Reputație: 1171 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 24, 2014 All right, so I guess I have to exercise my right to offer a response to the challenge posed by you, men. I am speaking out of my own experience with Alicia. I have visited her many times in the past and each time it was a pleasure to see her. I have also had a soft spot for this girl. It was hard for me to admit it to myself, but I admit it here to you. She never tried to take advantage of my inclination towards her. I was going through a rough period and she was gentle and kind, without surpassing the limits imposed by the context. She did not take advantage of me and I appreciate it. I offered her tips and bonuses just to get her to come out of the appartment with me and she refused me politely every time. She enjoyed my company, a thing that can be felt and she enjoyed talking to me, a thing felt by me from her body language. She was very professional, she behave in an extraordinary way, but she never got seduced to go outside or leave the apartament. This is a fact, in what concerns my case. This was my experience and that is why I find it very hard to believe that she left her apartment. I am not defending anyone, but I am just presenting my experience. I have the right to do this. If I am allowed to express myself, I have to point out that bjlover is responsible for his own faith. I assume he is a grown man and knows the dangers associated with childlishly falling in love or having sex without a condomn. I believe it would be our turn now to ask him for some sort of compensation because he tries to have unprotected sex with escorts that are visited by others. So, in a way, bjlover is more of a danger for all of us just because he keps on falling in love and having unprotected sex. People that do not understand this danger are a danger for the community. Bjlover may be telling the truth or not, but he likes creating interesting situations and he likes to use his money to ask for unprotected sex. In the situation described by him we can not say there is only one that made a mistake. It remains to be proven if the situation is true or not. Meanwhile, we should not encourage men to try to get unprotected sex. People should realize that this is not all right and maybe sometimes they should suffer for it. This is a lesson that has to be learnt. From my own experience, Alicia has never gone beyond the limits of safe sex or put me in any danger. She refused all offers. I know only what I experienced. I stand to gain nothing from telling my own experience. Nevertheless, I am not in the habbit of just sitting idle when somebody trashes somebody else just for the sake of it. 5
xoxo Reputație: 718 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Acolo Oras:Acolo Postat Martie 24, 2014 bjlover did not force her to have unprotected sex right ? somehow they both agreed..Shark if you offered her the same amount of money bjlover did, you could probably get waay more from her 1
sharkattack Reputație: 1171 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 24, 2014 I agree with you in part. In such situations they both have to agree, but first somebody has to ask for it. Either way, till now, we are dealing with just conjecture and hearsay. My experience taught me that the principle behind the thinking of a man is the most important aspect. It is not about the money. It is about the money with persons that can be bought. Persons that can be bought will sell themselves for more or less money, but they will sell themselves. First, a man can or cannot be bought. Another principle is whether a person is able to take advantage or not of another person. Why whould she refuse to go out with me, in exchange for money, or refuse to take advantage of me, and take advantage of somebody else. Money is money. No matter the pocket.At the same time, I have to admit that his alleged daily fee did not impress me in anyway. In this case, it makes no sense. Maybe I am horribly ugly or something. I am just trying to understand the situation, but I have to admit that I don't see a way out of this predicament. This is a very complex situation, it intrigues me. I am curious how it will end, if it will ever present itself with a conclusion.
xoxo Reputație: 718 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Oras:Acolo Oras:Acolo Postat Martie 24, 2014 Why whould she refuse to go out with me, in exchange for money, or refuse to take advantage of me, and take advantage of somebody else. Money is money. No matter the pocket. the question is how much money?!?its easier to take advantage of a foreigner, especially if they have lots of money to spend and in some way a little naive..
JackBlack Reputație: 1026 Postat Martie 24, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 24, 2014 From what I read I think bjlover bought the perfect GFE: sleeping overnight, unprotected sex, going out to places, long talks on skype or whatever when he was away, for him not to forget about his "girlfriend". But I think he forgot he didn't buy her love, he bought an act, she acted like she was in love with him, as it was expected of her actually.The fact that he is a foreigner made the act more befficient: "I was a great candidate: reasonably young, handsome, nice, with a decent wallet and a job that kept me away from Romania the most of time but gave me the chance to visit you quiet often.".If you pay someone to say "I love you" every day you should not end up believing it is true. So it's a dangerous game to play.. Who is the "foolish" one, the one who requests this or the one who offers? Maybe no one, maybe both. 1
iznotme Reputație: 65 Postat Martie 25, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 25, 2014 Vai vai, cata drama a aparut datorita domnisoarei Alicia, lucru care nu ma mira avand in vedere experienta placuta alaturi de ea acum destul de multe luni. Am zis ca e cazul sa postez recenzia, mai ales ca de ceva vreme a inceput iarasi sa ne incante cu serviciile sale. So here it goes: Locatia: Vogue Alba IuliaContact: telefon, look up.Detalii: O domnisoara foarte placuta care a reusit sa ma incante din momentul in care a deschis usa. Nu ascunsa dupa ea, ci zambitoare si vorbareata, imbracata (ce vorbesc aici, mai mult dezbracata) cat sa nu mai am rabdare pana ajungem in dormitor. M-a condus in camera unde mi-a spus ca pot face un dus daca doresc, am dat fuga in baie, apoi ea, in cateva minute fiind inapoi in camera doar cu un prosop de care abia asteptam sa o scap. De aici incolo banuiesc ca toata lumea stie cum s-a petrecut actiunea, oral neprotejat cu DT, probabil printre cele mai bune de care am avut parte, ea deasupra, caprita, in fata oglinzii. Dar in ciuda contrelor, gemetelor, opturilor, DT-ului nu am reusit sa duc nimic la bun sfarsit de oboseala. Am mai stat de vorba, fiind ultimul client, un dus si hop acasa.A doua zi o sun dimineata si ramane sa ne revedem pe la 12 (cred ca e singura fata la care am revenit de cand sunt in Bucuresti si sigur am sa o mai fac). Aceeasi prezenta incantatoare, dusurile de rigoare si hop in pat. Dornica sa nu repetam experienta din seara trecuta, domnisoara Alicia m-a trezit cu un oral la fel de bun ca in seara precedenta, a pus balonasul si hop la treaba. Gemete, contre, 2 pozitii si deja finalizasem pe ea. Inca un dus, am stat putin de vorba urmata de runda 2 unde a stralucit, ma tragea in ea, caprita cu implicare, destul cat sa termin si a doua oara.Per total o experienta placuta, o fata care parca mereu zambeste ( uneori fara un motiv aparent ), companie placuta pt small talk intre runde, nu te grabeste. Pacat ca am plecat din Bucuresti cateva luni iar cand am revenit nu mai reuseam sa dau de ea, insa peste cateva zile... Ca note:Fizic: 9Igiena: 10Oral: 9Normal: 11?Atitudine: 10 200 lei discutiile in ambele ocazii, de fiecare data durata fiind ceva peste o ora, in prima seara undeva aproape de 1.5 ore fiind ultimul client. 7
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Martie 29, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Martie 29, 2014 I'm writing this post from a nice FKK club in Germany, I have too many really beautiful naked girls going around me, I took my notebook with me to get distraction and don't go crazy, LOL!!! What could be nicer and more distracting, between sessions (already had a great 3some), than writing in this thread from a peaceful corner of paradise? I can't think of how sad were my days in Bucharest, and how happy they are in Germany! Guys, with all the respect, I find unbelievable that I've written half of a book, very clearly, but many things seem not to be understood or not clear, I don't know if it is a problem of language, superficiality, little attention, bad faith or whatever else. Since I can't and I don't want to repeat everything eternally, I would ask those who don't understand properly to read again all I wrote. Each and every phrase and word are well chosen to avoid misunderstanding. For your info, I maniacally write daily on a diary my day: what I do, what happens, my expenses, etc. That's why I can perfectly tell you each and everything. So, for instance, I can tell you that surely nobody could meet her on tuesday 26/11: we slept together the night before, by me, as usual, and the following one(s), in her studio, we never parted. We had lunch in Manuk, Unirii, 150 lei including 13 tip. We bought the mentioned underpants in magazina unirii, 126 ron + 4 donation (!?!), then we went to her home by metro, she used her abonamentul, I got something free from her, a trip hardly worth 2 rons! She cooked our dinner. We watched a movie on her laptop, she fell asleep in my arms, I followed her in the world of dreams later. @JackBlack I didn't buy a GFE, I didn't want (nor mean) to buy her love, we agreed "being together", even if it was quite problematic and volatile, too many cons and no ground for building up. Of course I can't (nor I mean to) force anyone to love me, I have no right. I wasn't paying her to say "I love you", I wasn't paying her to stay on skype, she was asking me to! And it was ok for me. But you surely agree that if I fly for you, with all the things that implies, and I give you good money, call it support or payment, I expect you to stay with me, possibly giving me good time. When she had asked me if she could come to visit me in my country, how would she have reacted if I had left her alone, whether for a few hours or for 24? What would have she felt like? And she wouldn't have had to make any particular sacrifice or effort, just put her taunted pussy on an airplane, since I guess I would have had to take care of organization and expenses. Back to skype, a few times she asked me to connect at Bucharest 4-5 AM and wake her up, once we finished at 9,30am! Can you imagine what it means to stay a few days more than 10 hours daily on skype, even if normally it wasn't more than 5-6 hours a day? Can you imagine how many things you say and discuss? I liked her sincerely, she seemed to reciprocate, but we just knew each other for mattress purposes, we didn't know anything out of bed, we didn't know if and how we could get along out of bed. I can tell you out of anything, but it was clear to both since the beginning when I came back, even without considering her sicknesses, that we are too different, definitely not made for each other, apart from bed purposes, where definitely we are twin souls, complementary. She used to say that I was teasing her, I used to go with too many girls all the time (she was a poor lonely virgin, a stone not liking men), maybe I was doing the same bullshit to many of them. You reckon possible that I fly anywhere all the time to visit and sponsor several tens of girls as a boyfriend? No, but you know that "ea nu are clienti, are iubiti", so I was the one who should have complained and doubted about her good faith and "liking" towards me. By the way, if she becomes your girlfriend, the motto changes into "ea nu are iubiti, are clienti" She would complain I had told her since Alba Julia's days that in Bucharest I was supposed to meet a girl I had met in a FKK, who was supposed to be on vacation in those days, and that I had said that girl was worth a flight to the moon (I'll meet her next month in Germany ) while she was worth just a flight to Bucharest. Everyone likes to see some sort of jealousy in the "partner". Anyway the flight to Romania had been booked months before meeting the "alien", but of course she wouldn't listen to that, inspite of me showing her the bookings. We became "girlfriend and boyfriend" after fighting 2 days on skype because I had said, while writing down with her the supposed days of her mestruatie of 2014, that if I had happened to be in Bucharest in "wrong days", I could always have gone with other girls for a couple of hours, LOL! @ xoxo "thanks for believing" and supporting me, but I never posted exactly how much I gave her nor, much worse, how much she cost me in the overall, and I could tell you until the exact last leu, actually banu. Anyway, it wasn't money that made her fuck bareback with me. My first visit had lasted one hour, plus a good unplugging 20 mins she allows to anyone, she being as sticky as an octopus while you fuck her, va se ataseaza cu ventuze and you need time to get free. Think that I had asked if we could make only 30 mins when I entered, but she had said minimum 1 hour! On the following day we did it, together just 3 hours (fully paid, plus 30 mins unplugging time, free of charge, like for anyone), BB after about 1 hour, so I extended another 2. At that stage she couldn't know if and how much I could afford. She did it because she liked what I was doing to her, that's why I wrote I think she didn't fuck BB only with me, in the same way I think that you can have her anus (obviously prepared, being unbelievably always clean, much cleaner than her pussy) too, if your dick is small enough. We all know how much she genuinely participates, actually undergoes, since she'so passive in bed, and not only there. Many times I thought she's pratically incapable of discernment, with her general disinterest and carelessness in anything. You remember the comparison with a 4-legged bitch? She too sleeps, eats, protects her territory (privacy, more than a secret agent) and couples (not for reproduction, the only sincere thing she must have told me must have been she takes contraceptives, not surprising for a barebacker), then little or nothing else: as long as she is hugged, kissed and fucked, she would lay with a monkey, better if orangutan, she would feel more protected. @ Iznotme You are not the first one reporting that sometimes she smiles or laughs without any apparent reason. It's just the happyness for what you just did/are going to do. I'm looking forward to reading your post, please gimme satisfaction 2
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Martie 29, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Martie 29, 2014 Dear SharkAttack, The superstar didn't answer (invent) anything anymore, she couldn't even deny, seen the overwhelming evidence of all the details, smallest ones included. Some days have passed, between a DT and a doggie, before a mish or after a CIM, she had anyway the time to do it. She must have realized she already trespassed the ridicule well over the decency with the partial justification of Asidicman's post (and she didn't answer the rest about the night, etc.): nor she nor the colega could have asked him as first question if he wanted to meet her in his hotel if they had known she doesn't go out. Whoever asked that question, knew she would go out. I reckon that this option could be available only to foreigners (maybe not anymore, after me): I asked a romanian friend of mine to ring her for a hotel meeting and she refused double fee, so what you say is reasonably true. As you said, and I agreed, my "broadcasting mission" is over: If it is clear that she lies about our relationship and outside meetings, it is clear that she "maybe" lies also about the rest. Without forgetting that I don't need to convince anyone and no valid excuses justify her long break, she's dumneavoastra business, not mine (anymore). Furthermore, Doctor Kerosen has enlightened us about medical stuff and precautions, (ingenuously) relying on the fact that she will be aware of when she has recurrences (or of when the viruses just wake up, it's a sort of lottery, you have to catch the right moment) and that she will even stop working in that period I wonder if the leftovers I touched can be infectious as well, how much and for how long. If this can please you, so far I got no negi inspite of sadly fucking her covered twice for a few minutes, but without DATY, 69, BBBJ, etc. I don't know if I have the virus, and unfortunately I can't ask all girls I have been with whether they got negi or not, for a few reasons, first one being I'll never see or session with nearly any of them anymore. I just see repeatedly those where I live, who would surely tell me especially if they were the 2 "closest" to me, the only ones knowing the whole story. I appreciate that, in spite of being romanian and colleagues, they are even "too much" by my side, they are more upset against the "superstar" than you and other fans can be against me. I want to give you my solidarity since I understand your frustration and also your feelings: you are (you feel you are) her "guardian angel", I already knew it by reading this thread, and I was even surprised you didn't intervene before. You are so blinded (I'm saying it like if you were my best friend, since we had a common passion) by her that you can't admit or realize the truth, no matter how evident :wallbash You think she's so nice to you and you are so nice to her, maybe you are or should be special to her, if she doesn't do something with you she will not do it with anyone else Not even I ever thought that about myself, and, as you can read (but refuse to believe), I would have more reasons than you. Well, luckily for you, you have absolutely no chance: she doesn't want to see out of Vogue's flat anyone, especially romanians, living in Romania who met her in Alba Julia, no matter how many times you visited her. It doesn't matter how beautiful or ugly you are, and it is not a matter of money, you may have much more than me (which doesn't take that much anyway, I just have enough to satisfy all my needs and caprices, you are right in not being impressed), you may fork out much more, but, as you know, she would refuse, because you are romanian. Also, alone and out of Vogue she doesn't feel safe. All the false names she gives around are to escape possible "accidents": if you met her in a market, maybe with her aunt, and greeted her, she would tell you "Alicia? Who's that? I'm xxx (yyy if she was with a neighbour, maybe even zzz if she was with somebody else). In her favour, I must say she's not that greedy, bear in mind that she does this job for passion, as a mission, not really for money. As I already wrote she could have got muuuch more off me, with some (easy after I had fallen into the trap) better cheating, more malice, so I must even be thankful. I don't know if she didn't take more advantage of me because she finally wanted to be honest, because she saw I was a good detective and feared me or because she simply didn't care, I already explained how disinterested she is in everything (which I hate in a person), even if that could involve her. Probably all the 3 things. Basically 3 things from me scared her, in ascending order: 1) that I wouldn't do anymore to her those things that she liked so much and other customers allegedly couldn't provide (to "justify" you, guys, I may consider she wouldn't let you do certain things even if you asked or offered); you should have seen her face and heard her dying voice when I was saying that I wouldn't anymore, it was so funny! I still wonder how the hell she could believe that! I would have spent a fortune on such a toy, she should be patented and copied. 2) that I discovered personal things about her; the day I informed her on skype that I had found her facebook profile by myself she panicked and nearly fainted. She had given me a false name, about herself and for emails and skype, but when I'm reasoning with my head and not with other parts of my body, I can be very clever. While talking to me she frantically changed the settings to make them private, but it was too late, I had already copied and pasted the previous day. She said that only some 50 out of 155 were good to her, but what was the difference to me? When I looked at them I couldn't help laughing. When I came back and took her ID, I could see that the facebook name was the right one, but she was still denying! Both!!! By the way, she had instructed me to correctly pronounce "buna zile" and go away in case we met neighbours by her building, I was her cousin. In the little market close to her studio, we could speak english but not hold hands, I was a colega of work, officially she works for a big company. I didn't protest because we both knew that the matter of the negi had aborted our adventure before starting, it would have taken a miracle to keep it alive, but until we were together... Also, she was never clever enough to switch off her mobile, but I never touched it, nor I took advantage of her leaving her laptop in my hands. Funny, I had nothing to hide to anyone and would switch everything off, she was afraid of anything and left them on, so careless. She wanted to explore mine ones and found girls' names and messages, which she used to argue a bit more. WTF, I could read on internet what she had been doing with other men but I couldn't read a simple sms by another (my favourite) curva at home! 3) that I would spread any of her personal matters to whomever: forums, friends, family, etc. Well, I think I really did the minimum damage possible, she should really be grateful, there have been moments I wanted to do the "maximum", it would have been easy, quick and very efficient. How much time and effort it would take to spread a couple of links, ads with pics? How long would it take to someone knowing her to recognize her or try to ring her to check? I like writing posts, but I would like them to be understood and appreciated. The "other option" surely would gimme better results and satisfaction than readers of this forum, even if I would probably never have any "feedback". Time ago I opened a false romanian profile on facebook, "my curvas" here would give me any necessary help (not being the traslation of a book, LOL!), but it lays unused. I reasoned that she hadn't behaved well, but she hadn't changed my life (we were hopeless in any case, she could only have worsened my life if she "stayed" with me), so I wouldn't have needed nor had the right to change hers. Such an overreaction would have also meant that she had been extremely important to me, while it was just a stupid costly unnecessary infatuation for a great slut. As a person, she's an insipid vegetable, she only sleeps and fucks, doesn't mind anything else, she only opens her mouth for eating, kissing and sucking dicks. Even arguing was not easy, she wouldn't speak too much, probably knowing she was wrong and guilty she had little to say. On skype she could speak fairly easily, but that was the time of the hopes, projects, dealings, when I came back the fucking negi obviously spoilt everything for both sides. And what person is one who lies to family, friends, colleagues, boyfriends, customers, doctors, neighbours, etc., maybe even to herself in the mirror? Since I wouldn't dare to do anything anymore in bed with her, at least of what we were used to, there was actually no reason to insist, even if I admit I wasn't keen on surrendering. Probably it was a matter of principle and pride, I was the one who should have dumped her, not the contrary. Furthermore, I wasn't planning anymore to stay in Bucharest for long time, basically due to changes at work. But still I was regretting losing such a superslut. So, not wishing to read on her facebook page that she asks mr Mark Zuckerberg to ban me, I'll be satisfied with just informing in this forum customers and potential lovers, especially foreigners, who are more at risk, about the dangers of meeting her. For the rest, SharkAttack, I don't know why you say I keep on going around falling in love (you are sure you have no feelings for her? who among her customers hasn't?), actually it's the thing I fear more and absolutely try to avoid, that's why I nearly always change girls, no matter how beautiful and good they are. Going with so many, and normally quiet desirable, it could happen, surely I wasn't considering Bucharest a risky place from that point of view, since, with a few exceptions (from what I could see in 5 visits who piled up over 2 months plus what I read in all forums), only leftovers are left. I only "fell" 2-2,5 times out of well over 1000 curvas, not too bad, before her. This girl was really special, I sniffed the talent and... I was right. Experience, unfortunately, "paid". What a pity such a bad end. Unluckily I met her in Bucharest, in a FKK I wouldn't even have looked at her, and anyway, as I said, now they wouldn't let her work anymore for medical reasons. By the way, I couldn't finish the post where I was, girls hunt you anywhere and keep on slamming their pussies on your face Airport lounges are better. As to barebacking, I guess you are not religious and want to go to hell, sinners use condoms, believers don't! You should know that many girls in Bucharest offer it, even without surcharge, I've read some 10 even advertise in this site, so why you are referring just to me for "compensation" and as a danger? BBBJ, DFK, DATY, CIM, swallowing, 69, they all can trasmit diseases too, even bad and deadly ones. You can get negi and herpeses even with condoms, so? The only safe sex is masturbation. If you BB and you catch something, at least it was with satisfaction, no? (just joking) . The prostatitis she gave me was worth what I did with her, but one thing is to take a risk against unknown, one thing is to take a risk when you know a girl is sick And look on AT if you want more BB girls, without counting those who do it but don't advertise it, like the discussed girl. I don't use my money to "corrupt" anyone, at least not for that I don't "try" anything, I don't need it, if I want BB I perfectly know where to go. I could even get it where I live. Generally speaking, it's rare to have it offered if it's not advertised, as happened in my old Bucharest trips, where I refused. With your beloved bunny it was agreed spontaneously, following the overwhelming passion. If you are "ambitious" towards her, maybe after reading I said you are hopeless, she'll give you better chances. You should thank me anyway, if not else I opened your eyes and explained things you didn't know, couldn't understand, imagine nor believe. So this could be the end, what all of us have been desiring so much. I've respected her privacy, her choices and her rights to do and say what she wants. I'm sure you won't be sorry for not being "intrigued" anymore, "war on her" should be over, your curiosity should be satisfied, you worried we would never come to an end, since she'll never admit any truth. I don't have much to add, we could just discuss philosophically or for fun at this point. Also, if I keep on writing I may fall into the trap of being traded for an obsessed guy looking for revenge, which I could have so easily and effortlessly, as I explained, if I wanted, but probably most of people just look at the length of a post without reading or understanding. In this forum all that readers want to read (and that most writers seem capable of only posting) is just a copy-pasted form: "Locatie 10; Igiena 10; Aspect 10; Oral 10; Normal 10; O recumend cu caldura si eu voi revine cu siguranta". Such a post, without a word more, is likely to get more than 10 points. Purpose of forums should be to exchange useful valuable info, not to glorify any girl regardless of any physical defects and misbehaviours she might have. I would like to read recenzie answering my questions about what you guys touch when fingering her pussy on the direction of the anus, and I will not consider reliable recenzie who don't mention mole, teeth and stretchmarks, I'm even surprised nobody denies them. Carry on writing 9, 10, 11 and all the things we already know, but please write about what I mentioned. And be honest! I know the truth, and I'm not the only one. I know none of you would ever write "I caught this", because of fear, shyness, shame, even only not to gimme satisfaction, but at least admitting noticing a mole on her back, that can be done. P.S. And now we only lack some strategists come up writing that I'm her pimp and we set up all this just to advertize her more, since I never missed the occasion to commend her qualities in bed, LOL!!! 3
sonivaio Reputație: 1 Postat Martie 29, 2014 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Martie 29, 2014 o noapte cat costa timp 21;03
leonidas Reputație: 719 Postat Martie 30, 2014 Oras:near Elm Street Oras:near Elm Street Postat Martie 30, 2014 Bj deschide-ti un blog sau ceva la DG! 3
Membru Premium il pupparo Reputație: 22689 Postat Martie 30, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Membru Premium Postat Martie 30, 2014 Bj daca tot esti asa de fericit si multumit de ce futi prin Germania , de ce te mai intereseaza sa futi si pe la noi ? Fute bai nene numai pe acolo si scuteste-ne pe noi de aberatiile tale , ca ne-ai impuitat capul . Scuze va rog de off-topic , dar nu m-am mai putut abtine . 3
shark Reputație: 353 Postat Martie 30, 2014 Oras:intr-un ocean de pizde Oras:intr-un ocean de pizde Postat Martie 30, 2014 Dude your posts here make no sense! Anyway I wish have fun fucking romanian girls in Deutschland! 2
alicia.vogue Reputație: 72 Postat Aprilie 22, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 22, 2014 Buna dragii mei. In urma acuzelor dl-ui Bjlover,am repetat analizele si am decis sa le postez pt linistea unora dintre dvs.Multumesc in mod special iubitilor mei fideli care au avut incredere in mine si nu in dnu Bjlover si au continuat sa ma viziteze si chiar sa ma incurajeze !!Voi reveni de maine (23.04.2014) la birou si voi atasa si un set de poze noi noutze.Va pupicesc si va astept cu drag iubitzii mei :hug1 :hug1 :hug1 12
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 ???????? My God, what have I done in posting about you!?! Are you desperate to the point of providing this pointless anonymous papers? Who gave you this useless advice, a brilliant devoted lawyer customer of yours? Also, it touches my heart to see how the members of this forum, maybe not even customers of yours, are supporting you! It is really moving, I feel really a guilty bastard, I feel so bad for troubling dumneavoastra world! I really don't know what to think, are they so ingenuous? What interest do they have in supporting and promoting you? If it was one or two, it would be easy to guess, but they are so many... Anyway, since Germany (where I keep on flying back and forth twice a month) is healing my scars, I find that this telenovela is becoming really comic, funny (before it was a pain), for the joy of webmasters: clicks have boosted up in this thread today The poor local angel, supported by all her customers as much as her brother supports Steaua Bucharest, vs the fucking bastard foreigner, hated by all for trying to spoil her image with lies and evil inventions . So, you are spending the thousands I gave you... for tests!?! Ok, are they really your tests? Apart from the possibility of being of any woman/women on earth, you didn't blurr perfectly the nume and prenume. I'd say that what is left doesn't look at all like your initials, none of the 2 prenume in none of 2 the sheets where they are visible, not your nume in the 3rd sheet. Actually sheet 1 initial of prenume seems different initial from sheet 4, and you changed 3 different clinics, why? And why you cancelled your age? From noon of april 9th you became 25... as everybody can see, so why cancel "varsta"? I'm not a doctor, I don't understand romanian, but I understand "inflamatie nespecificate cu modificare celulari reactive", which could be whatever, probably capable of giving prostatitis to someone fucking you bareback, or maybe some throatache to someone licking you down there. What I wonder is how could they make an ecografia transvaginala to a girl having mestruatie? Were these the same doctors who told you that negi are caused by tangas? In those days, if I'm not mistaken, you were not even advertising on AT... You know I could say more about your tests and health, but I must and want to respect your privacy, especially about matters that strangers don't need to know; differently from you, I have a conscience and a heart, even with little room for your initials I'm glad that you are negative to so many tests, it means you didn't gimme big bad stuff, but I don't see the HPV test... Did you forget you left me for "passing it to you" along with who knows "whatelse"? Why we didn't make any sex when I came back in november? Why suddenly you didn't want me anymore after spending entire days planning months of trips, excursions, cruises, etc.? Why you didn't work for so long? To at least 2 guys you said because of university, to a guy who pmed me you said because you were looking for a job, all bullshit I already dismantled. For the rest, it makes me laugh a lot to read that you thank your iubiti for encouraging you... to do what? To use condoms? Or to suck their dicks? To swallow their sperm? What an effort they made! I too "encouraged" you, even "heavily", to blow me when I came back and found you with negi, but you didn't do it nor thanked me... Nights and days with a "sister", not a girlfriend, not a prostitute, inspite of sucking just... my wallet! And without thanking! And they weren't 200 rons! Now you thank and pup them all. You forgot you didn't want to meet any of them out of Vogue, for no reason on earth, simply because they are romanians. Think what must feel a guy like SharkAttack in reading what you did, allowed and were planning with a fucking foreigner who suddenly landed by you by mistake and then was likely to disappear, maybe after infecting you with whatever, while you ignored and rejected all his attentions, cares, offers, etc. You forgot how much you despise your country and your folk because "they are poor": some of your customers (roughly your words) "maybe have to save or make sacrifices to be able to afford one hour with me, they have to work about one week for that much and then come to make love to me and pay for that, both things that are very good for me". You forgot your complaints about this economical condition that forces you to allow fucking foreigners to come there and hire such a superstar (?) for entire days for amounts that are cheap, when not ridiculous, for them and for what they would pay in other countries. Wherever we went, we left spare change and tips because "those poor people surely need any leu they can find", while you could afford whatever thanks to fishes like me covering you with cash, but also thanks to your local customers struggling to save 200 rons or maybe being rich, but rejectable for being romanians. I don't evaluate people judging on their race, origin, income, job, etc., I have respect even for curvas, which should be the lowest of any scale, as you know I treat like persons, human beings, not like objects. Even more funny, or really bad, somehow contraddicting, depending on the point of view, is that you trade for "services" what you offer: all iubiti, customers must feel well with you, etc., I wonder if with other girls customers pay to feel bad, but it's true that it is difficult to meet such a "service", especially in a private flat. Your services are actually what you need desperately: you have huge lacks of affection, again I don't want to say what you told me about your past, present and expected future, which could be some usual lies, but it shows clearly in this case that that's true. If you were rich you would pay pratically any (reasonably presentable, since it would be you paying you could choose) man to hug you, kiss you and fuck you! Because you need it, not because you offer a service, not because they pay you, they pay other girls that don't "offer" as much as you, they would pay you even if you didn't bareback or CIM, you do all that for your own choice and pleasure, not for duty! I have a question, not only for you, actually more for your customers: why nobody posts about meeting you? 3 forums, 4th one died, no posts. Why nobody admits (or denies) your stretchmarks, your mole, your crooked canines? In your facebook profile you put a nice photo (don't remove it, no need, I already saved it), with a nice smile but you don't show the teeth, your lips are closed. What a pity, but still you are pretty... Maybe tomorrow in your new pics you will show us your mole? Or you will put a photo of your back photoshopped? Most important, why nobody writes what they feel when they finger your pussy? Why nobody says whether there are visible scars or not in your outer right lips? (It is my curiosity, I don't know it since you made me keep lights off in january) Make a meeting (orgy?) with your supporters, "corrupt" someone to write something, I expect it, let me have some more laughters, please Anyway, there is a proverb saying "those who don't want you, don't deserve you". It applies to me, here. It must work also conversely, "those who want you, deserve you", it applies to you, honey, here. After all, apart from Xoxo and a platinum member who thanked me in private for what I posted, I didn't receive any appreciation, on the contrary, indifference or just critics and bad responses. The biggest satisfaction was that those supposed (and asked!) to ban me, moderators Afriq and Pisicuts, voted my last post. I sincerely wish fun, health and luck to you and your supporters, inspite of knowing that my wishes are probably not reciprocated. P.S. If you are really healthy and safe (which I will never believe since there's no cure for negi apart from burning them when they come out), at least after a looong time, I may take a deviation from Germany to Bucharest, of course by surprise, otherwise you and your supporters will prepare some surprise to me . Cu SINCER drag (I had even sent you an email wishing you happy easter), BJL 1
xoxo Reputație: 718 Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 Oras:Acolo Oras:Acolo Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 haha i also wanted to say why the fuck did she cover her entire name, those could be some fucking pictures she googled ? or maybe some friend of hers went to the doctors in that period and gave her the results.. im not believing any of this this unless she posts them papers with at least one name, probably some of you know her real name..
Afriq Reputație: 1265 Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 And, of course, a copy of her identity card, pictures showing her face (maybe family pictures?), home address... 3
xoxo Reputație: 718 Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 Oras:Acolo Oras:Acolo Postat Aprilie 23, 2014 just a picture of her holding todays newspaper in one hand and her ID card in the other hand next to her face 1
laury Reputație: 24072 Postat Aprilie 24, 2014 Oras:Los Angeles Oras:Los Angeles Postat Aprilie 24, 2014 Dragi colegi de forum,Am fost azi la Alicia, dupa mai multe incercari, era mereu ocupata si nu a fost posibil din cauza programului meu la spital, insa astazi am reusit sunand din timp.Tin sa va spun ca am verificat personal analizele in original si sunt ok....pentru cei fideli va arata si buletinul daca nu credeti sau aveti dubii. Eu am ales sa merg la ea si va spun sincer sunt o fire pretentioasa, nu ma bag aiurea....insa in cazul ei am bagat si botul la savarina. Am citit numai lucruri bune despre Alicia pe forum si am vrut sa ma conving personal, mai ales dupa discutiile contradictorii din ultima vreme.Fata este superba, arata impecabil, frumoasa foc si cu un gfe de nota 10+. Despre locatie si modalitate de contact, numarul din topic nu mai vorbesc pentru ca nu mai are rost, este destul de clar in recenziile colegilor mei, locatia si tot ce tine de igiena, loc de parcare, etc..nota 10.Alicia este o fata cu un par negru superb, piele alba, dantura alba si sanatoasa, nu fumeaza, frumusica si lipicioasa asa cum imi plac mie fetele, bun simt si atitudine pro client impecabila. Absolut nimic de reprosat, pe tocuri are undeva 170-175, slim, un funduletz sexy si niste sani nr 2-3 numai buni de rontaiala. Face programari numai la ora, deci am stat o ora cu o singura finalizare. Am optat pentru un oral neprotejat lung si placut, apoi pus prezervativul si luat pe la spate la normal din picioare, apoi iar oral si finalizare cim....totul lent si facut cu mare pasiune, gemete frumoase mai ales cand am luat-o pe la spate la normal....durata cu tot cu vorbe si tigara eu... o ora. Nu face cu toata lumea neprotejat si/sau cim, depinde de igiena voastra si de calitatea voastra ca si oameni. Fata este foarte curata, parfumata, am fost asteptat pe tocuri cu un portjartier si ciorapii aferenti iar in partea de sus cu un fel de corset sexy....toata lenjeria neagra, un fund bombat, arata demential si mirosea a parfum scump. Nu o mai lungesc, dau notele:locatie - 10, stiam locatia, am mai fost acolo la o alta colegaaspect Alicia - 10igiena - 10gfe - 10oral - 10normal - 10+ (cu gemete foarte misto la penetrare, ii place si daca va tin bateriile puteti obtine un orgasm frumos din partea ei, se umezeste natural)cadou - 200 lei/ora Eu personal recomand si imi fac abonament .....cei care sunt mai slabi de inger sa stea acasa pentru ca se pot indragosti de asa fata frumoasa, care are mult bun simt, calitate umana si o atractie speciala.Astept si parerile voastre sincere, de la cei care va veti duce.Va salut si sa aveti parte de multe experiente reusite! 14
bjlover Reputație: 169 Postat Aprilie 26, 2014 Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Oras:anywhere there is paid sex Postat Aprilie 26, 2014 Thanks Alicia, thanks Laury! Funny to think that customers go to Alba Julia (some made phone calls!) to discuss my posts. You fulfilled my request of reading a post, very quickly, but not what I, and maybe other readers, wanted to read, none of my questions was answered, as usual. I was guessing the volunteer could be Laury, since he sent a pm to me 3 weeks ago just a few seconds after getting Alicia's friendship in this forum (moderators can check and see if I'm saying one of my many "lies", and maybe even say it openly, since I'm reputed a liar here). Also, he had never posted in this thread nor voted "Heroine"'s posts, so he was possibly beyond suspicion, now ha has voted all posts in her favour. Xoxo, you are the only one I can have some trust in, please go and visit her! If you are afraid of being infected, just pretend there is something wrong with you and leave after fingering her, probably even if you wear a glove you will feel the leftovers or maybe some new ones. And don't get corrupted by a discount or some minutes overtime for free! So, Laury, you even verified the toilet paper she posted. Assuming that they are real tests and no counterfeit, somebody else's or adjusted ones, now you should know her real name and age. As Afriq and Xoxo funnily discussed, surely she showed you an ID... Can you gimme any proof? I don't believe she showed you anything personal, how can you say those papers are true and her own? Did she show you the result of the HPV test as well, since it is what we discuss here but it wasn't posted among the other tests? By the way, the fact that a high percentage of people have HPV "naturally", doesn't mean that one can carelessly go with someone who has it active. Even a higher percentage of people has the herpes virus of the lips, but these viruses must be activated, which is why you don't kiss a person with a visible herpes by her mouth: you have it too in your body, but you would risk to activate it. So maybe you have one or more of the many HPVs in your body, but you must activate them, and you could still get one of those you don't have yet. For the rest, your recenzie seems nearly genuine, standard copy-and-paste 10-10-10 which is so common in this forum, one must only change the name of the girl and the post could be about nearly any bitch in Bucharest. Actually this is a bit undertone, no 11s, no fireworks, no 69, no DFK, one shot only, she didn't treat you well, you must be really unpresentable ;-) Not a word about stretchmarks nor the mole, inspite of fucking her from behind, ok, you noticed that her teeth are white, true, you contributed with your sperm to make them whiter and healthier, but you didn't notice the crooked canines? DID YOU FINGER HER CUNT? THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, ALL THE REST IS PURE BULLSHIT!!! WHY NOBODY CAN POST SOMETHING TRUE AND VALUABLE?
mod1 Reputație: 586 Postat Aprilie 26, 2014 Oras:Montreal Oras:Montreal Postat Aprilie 26, 2014 @bjlover posting fake acusation without proof means permanently bannedtake care now 2
bodo40 Reputație: 464 Postat Aprilie 26, 2014 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Aprilie 26, 2014 Salut Ieri am ales sa-i fac o scurta vizita de o ora Aliciei dupa o pauza de cateva luni de cand nu ne mai vazusem.In primul rand confirm cele spuse de membrul laury,am vazut si eu analizele si c.i in original si sunt in regula. RECENZIE: Programarea am facut-o telefonic.Am sunt in jurul pranzului pentru a-mi face o programarea la ora 19.00.Pe drum i-am cumparat un frumos bughet de flori si m-am grabit sa ajung sa nu-i decalez fetei programarile.M-a primit intr-o tinuta sexy,zambitoare ca de fiecare data,ne-am imbratisat ca doi vechi prieteni si m-a invitat in camera sa ma fac comod. M-a servit cu un pahar cu suc,am stat la taclale,mi-a povestit in amanuntit cateva intamplari ce are legatura cu ce se scrie pe forum despre ea dupa care am mers impreuna la dus pentru igienizare de care aveam nevoie mai mult eu.M-am facut comod pe pat,Alicia s-a cuibarit langa pieptul meu,rasfatandu-mi trupul cu mangaieri si sarutari usoare,coborand fara graba catre junior.A executat un oral lent,umed cu atentie si la oo,dt,ruperi de ritm.Am imbracat juniorul in uniforma si am trecut la normal,schimband cateva pozitii si finalizand in prezervativ.Dupa dusul de rigoare,am revenit impreuna in dormitor si am optat de acesta data pentru un masaj,avand mare nevoie dupa o zi agitata ce o avusesem. Pretul pentru vizita 200Ron Notele i le-am acordat in recenziile anterioare. Alicia este o fata cu bun simt,frumoasa si oricine si-ar doari-o sa o aibe ca amanta(cel putin). 7
wait to celebrate Reputație: 5 Postat Aprilie 29, 2014 Oras:bank Oras:bank Postat Aprilie 29, 2014 So I got banned ... for saying un unliked, unwanted, unwelcomed truth! I asked by email Moderator 1 why I got banned just now and not before, but got no answer. That's highly unpolite, apart from my banning being ridiculous. Mod1, the forum is yours, you can do what you want: you can ban me because I'm a fucking foreigner or because that fucking bitch promised you a couple of hours for free, but not for inventing fake accusations (should be written with double "c") without proof: call me stupid (for having fallen into the bitch's trap and for writing in this forum), but do not call me liar. Each and every word I wrote is true, I gave dates, numbers, explainations, etc. Perhaps you would have got a better reputation by banning the bitch and her supporters: none of my questions was answered, nor by her nor by them. I would add one more: why she posted only now tests that were made weeks ago? Mod1, ask a doctor if a girl can have an ecografia transvaginala when she has mestruation, before banning me. Where are the results of the HPV tests? What the hell the 2 witnesses saw? What proof did they give? If they saw her papers, why they couldn't post something like the 3rd letter of her name or the 6th of her surname, just to give a proof they really, not allegedly, knew something? Why my word, my "book", counts less than the silence and the lies of a fucking disgusting bitch and of a couple of her devoted customers? This gives the measure of how ridiculous is this forum and the way it is run, along with the level of some members, who are not even pimps! That's why abroad, in other forums, is considered so unreliable. That's why people to whom I showed the pages, including romanian curvas (who say things I can't write here) where I live, laugh after the forum: endless pointless lists of 10s and votes to the "cosmic naught". Any person with a minimum of common sense and intelligence can understand that what I wrote is the evident truth, while a bunch of people that I can't define (because they are not in good faith and/or are too stupid) go against me, clap hands to her lies and to the moderator who heroically banned me. Just a couple of things more. To the iubiti who think or hope to be (or to become) special to her: She enjoys anybody's company (muppets and bananas included), as everybody is posting. As she proudly vowed, you are all iubiti to her. In the way she looks at you, from her point of "superiority", you may be poor, you may be romanians not worth to be met outside Vogue, but still any man is a iubitul, better if foreigner. If you want to buy her a gift, don't go with flowers, go with dildos and other toys! When you will see drops from her pussy dripping or leaking down her leg drawing a line to her foot while she is standing in front of you before starting any operation, when she will have goosebumps from her shoulder down to her knee seconds after you started, then you will know you are special to her, because those things can't be pretended, can't be fake, and don't happen that often. About me, after she cheated me: economically - I was stupid in forking out 1000s of euros, but of course I never believed that she would gimme back my money, as she was always saying, "I will refund you everything". She was sick, she was doing nothing to me to "earn her money" and she couldn't work but she always needed cash anyway, without explaination. She was worried about if and when she could go back to work, since obviously our story was aborted by the negi. She needed money to carry on, even if she couldn't answer about what had happened to all the money she had got before, so I got convinced about furtherly helping her. This was on the second trip, on the third one, as I posted, she got nearly nothing inspite of some more empty promises she made; emotionally - I already explained about project$, plan$, etc.; phisically - she managed to get negi during my short absence by some cheap bastard, who, oddly and ironically, probably fucked her with condom. Deeana Studenta rejected and posted about customers with negi not to go to her, this sick "angel" welcomes whomever, ridiculous to read that she does not do anything to anyone, "in functie de higiena". Then she accused me of infecting her, since we fucked bareback. Well, obviously she wasn't my first nor my last fuck without condom, and I can tell you that it is easy to recognize the level of experience in the "field" by the naturalness of the behaviour, of the performance, of the overall session. As some of you may know, when girls who use condoms realize it broke, they have a heart attack, rush to toilet, start calling doctors and laboratories, etc. She realized it broke and carried on happily! She didn't say a word to me, I may not have realized that and I may not have wanted to carry on, she just didn't care (nor did I, I'm honest and I admit it, but I knew she had realized it, her smile had got bigger, her eyes were shining, mine too). When a girl used to have sex with condoms agrees to do without, she fucks reluctantly, moves slowly, feels tensed, worried, scared, not at ease. Well, she was relaxed, at ease, heartily enjoying and participating without any care or any worry, I was even surprised of such light-hearted behaviour by a (supposed) non professional barebacker, with a foreign guy she had met for one hour the day before. She wasn't a beginner, she evidently had already had quite a few uncovered sessions (let's say at least as many as a normal barebacker would have after a couple of weeks in Thailand or Philippines: tens!) which is also why she took contraceptives (by the way, she nearly denied knowing me, but never denied the barebacking); so, after all this, you think I would have let her go and leave me alone in Bucharest if she had been healthy? You think on my second trip I would have gone to visit the various Elena, Raluca, etc. I reported about? After I had flown back for her and after forking out so much, I would have gone to invest 80 (or 100 or whatever peanuts that was) rons by a wooden Roxana in Alba Julia? I would have paid other money to another girl? To fuck with a condom??? On my third trip, I would have visited the girls I reported? Can you imagine my "enthusiasm" in visiting other girls, no matter how beautiful or good? Ok, in january our "relationship" was over, but she was in debt with me, not that I expected to see 1 single leu back, but if she had been healthy I would have made her earn her money, wouldn't I? She would have been working, not only for me, also in Alba Julia, wouldn't she? Isn't it clear, evident, obvious? You think I would have "fucked" her only twice and for only a couple of minutes, with a condom and without pratically any foreplay, with surgery gloves and the diving suit of a frogman, after I was used to do pratically anything imaginable neprotejat with her for entire days? If she had been healthy, you think I would have left her alone and I would have let her go back to Alba Julia? If you really think that, I'm glad I found people more stupid than me! I rather would (let's have a laughter) have packed her in a luggage, entire or in pieces (joke meant to make you understand, big word, the strength of the concept), and taken her with me, since in Bucharest she is so desperately lonely and hopeless in everything, apart from gurgling with your sperm. I know this may sound bad, but I think I would have used A N Y mean, good or bad, bad morally and materially. But she got HPV, she can't get rid of it!!! I had let her go, anyway still unwillingly, only because I couldn't do anymore with her what we were used and supposed to do, so our paths had to split. Apart from the different personalities and logistic problems, what could we do? Should I have supported her without touching her? Could she stay with the man she held responsible of infecting her, spoiling her health, her "career", her "future"? I had been thinking that if some day some doctors invented a medicine to prevent recurrences and/or transmission of negi, no matter how expensive, I could have got it for her and come back there or pay her the fucking flight she had spoken about on our second (!) conversation on skype. She had told me last time we met, and she had written in her last email, that we could have met again in future, because she would have missed "something" (...) from me. I never reckoned possible future meetings (even if, in that moment, I would have liked), and now less than before. So, congratulations to all, starting from you, honey-money, you won your battle (you convinced some, though I reckon them a little **spam editat**ity, ingenuous small brained people that you are ok), let's hope you will not lose the war. I wish at least one of them gets infected, even if I will never know, he will still see a smile in front of him in his imagination. So far it was a game, recently I was even enjoying it, you had all the right to try to defend yourself, I was even glad you tried to post some bullshit here, it was funny to dismantle the very little, given the evidence, you tried to deny. You know I don't hate you enough to damage you heavily, because you had a place in my heart, which worked and works as an insurance cover, but at the moment I'm quite upset... Mod1, I don't know if you did her a favour by banning me, however I can ban myself... by myself, you don't deserve anything here. I was fed up anyway, the fact of getting no answers at all is already a victory, it proves I'm saying the truth on all the line and nothing can be reasonably denied. I respect anything and anyone, I don't have the right to force anyone to do or think anything, but I have the right to demand respect, especially since I only gave, without taking. I took this banning as an affront and I'm making a huge effort to control what I think, what I write (this is a public forum) and... whatever else. I'm to go on holiday, hopefully in the Land Of Smiles they will soothe me. When I come back I will see... with the forum it's over... since I couldn't make friends here, I could try to make some on facebook... or, hopefully, better for everyone, I'll drop the fucking matter... with a big FUCK OFF! P.S. ban me again, who cares, I won't resubscribe and actually I'll do my best to avoid reading the bullshit that it is written here, unless I feel like having some laughters reading some ridiculous posts, how many more times readers will have to read the copy-and-paste-posts 10, 10+, 11, etc.? :bye 5
heart uncover Reputație: 140 Postat Aprilie 29, 2014 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Aprilie 29, 2014 Zilele astea am fost intrigat de tot mai multe scandaluri de pe acest nu sunt curate asternuturile, prosoapele sau ca ar fi probleme cu igiena. Dar spre deosebire de alti membri care merg in diferite locatii si ne povestesc ce anume gasesc in cuibulete, bjlover si mai nou wait to celebrate ne zice numai aberatii. ce naiba ? mergem la escorte sa le verificam viata personala sau sa ne relaxam si simti bine?? ) clar bjlover (wait to celebrate) ai probleme psihice. Tin sa zic ca si eu am vazut rezultatul analizelor ei si totul este in regula,partea cu HPV apare in diagnostic citologic sau cum ii zice papanicolau.Pt cei care nu cunost termenii medicali am facut un pustiu de bine si am salvat partea cu rezultatul unde apare acest mit ! In cursul zile de ieri am vizitat-o pe Alicia. M-a intampinat cu un zambet fermecator imbracata intr-un corset si ciorapei cu banda, exact ca in poze. Mi-a deschis usa larg fara sa se ascunda, am facut cunostinta si m-a luat de mana conducandu-ma in camera. Am fost invitat la un dus primind prosop curat, revenind in camera s-a dus si ea repejor la dus. Am inceput cu un Fk din partea mea cu speranta sa nu ma respinga, citind pe aici ca nu accepta de la oricine, mangaieri si un rasfat din partea ei cu lins pe la outze si incercat un deep, care i-a si reusit, ma guduram ca un porumbel ca era bine rau. un oral fara graba si cu deep de zile mari. Vazand pasa epilata am zis sa incerc un 69 cu ea, totul in regula, fara mirosuri chiar am bagat un pic si degetele. Am incercat o caprita si inca o pozitie si am explodat in cauciuc. Dupa dus din ambele parti din nou oral si de data asta am intrebat daca pot termina asa dar in guritza ei, nimic de obiectat Alicia o companie placuta si voi reveni cu siguranta Note: Locatie: 9 GFE : 10 Oral :10 Normal : 10 Igiena :10 Pret: 200 Ron 9
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