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Raisaa New Girl 👅❤

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am fost. programare telefonica, din scurt, respectata.

locatie in bloc vechi, aproape de buzesti/fosta piata matache... garsoniera ok, pacat ca are un instant mic, care nu face fata, drept care dusul e cam la limita cu apa calda. in rest, pat ok, prosop uscat si curat. 8

ea, o fata slim spre skinny, frumoasa la fata, bruneta interesanta, cu ten alb, f subtirica si miniona (estimez mai putin de 1.60 si aprox 40 kg), talie, picioare frumusele la proportiile acelea, tate mici dar simpatice (parca mai bine in bustiera in care le tinea...) o tipa de 8,50-9 (pt amatori de skinny poate fi chiar 10). 

actiunea a inceput cu un oral ne (e extra 50 ron, dar nu face cim), bunicel, cu destula energie, nu f divers si cam fara atentie la sateliti... am lasat-o sa il lustruiasca vreo 10 min, apoi am trecut la 

np, in pozitia ceruta de mine, in care nu s-a ferit, ci a participat, a muncit serios, m-a tras in ea, a fost f misto. finalizare in cauciuc.


ON 8

NP 9

halat 150+50 pt 30 min / 1 fin 

e de revenit, dupa opinia mea, parca nu e locatia ideala si la pretul asta merita clar daca stia ceva mai mult la oral si eventual facea si cim, dar nu e o varianta proasta...



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  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București

Programul meu este :

Luni - Duminică : 12:00 - 23:00

Servicii :

Sex normal ( DOAR PROTEJAT ) 

Sex oral protejat ( nep 50 lei extra )

Diferite poziții

Mici fantezii 

Foot job 


Masaj de relaxare / Erotic


Sărutări corporale



Cadoul meu este :                                    

           150 lei - 30 min ( 1 finalizare ).                                           250 lei -1h ( 2 fin / 1 fin + masaj ) 

  whatsapp 0️⃣7️⃣3️⃣4️⃣4️⃣3️⃣0️⃣8️⃣4️⃣1️⃣ apel telefonic


  • Like 2
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Visited also this girl on Popa Tatu for 1h. IMHO pictures are a bit on advantageous side. I like miniona but prefer some more meat where needed. Face is pleasant but not my crush, tits of good size but a bit obosit.

ON quite ordinary, no satellites, no variety, but efficient. NP is good, sramta, activa.

DTD 45 mins, tariff 300 lei. I got what I paid for, so no complains. Just not my piece of pie, all the best to the girl.

  • Like 5
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Acum 45 minute, Raisaaxxx a spus:

Disponibilă începând cu ora 16:00 

Buna. CIM este cu swallow (contra cost, evident)?


  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București
Acum 6 minute, galimede a spus:

Buna. CIM este cu swallow (contra cost, evident)?


Nu fac cim

  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București

Programul meu este :

Luni - Duminică : 12:00 - 23:00

Servicii :

Sex normal ( DOAR PROTEJAT 

Sex oral protejat ( nep 50 lei extra )

Diferite poziții

Mici fantezii 

Foot job 


Masaj de relaxare / Erotic




Cadoul meu este :                                    

           150 lei - 30 min ( 1 finalizare ).                                           250 lei -1h ( 2 fin / 1 fin + masaj ) 

programările se fac pe WhatsApp sau prin apel telefonic 0️⃣7️⃣3️⃣4️⃣4️⃣3️⃣0️⃣8️⃣4️⃣1️⃣  😘

  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București
Acum 19 ore, Raisaaxxx a spus:



Locuri disponibile 


20:30 - 22:00 

  • Telefon: Hapciuuu
  • Oras:Muntenia România
  • Telefon: Hapciuuu
  • Oras:Muntenia România
La 05.11.2021 la 15:55, colericul a spus:

3.Spamul obsesiv pe topicele cu recenzii de la Escorte Testate, Escorte de top, Escorte de lux este, de acum inainte, interzis.

Ce inseamna spam obsesiv ? Inseamna anumite comentarii care nu ofera informatie de calitate si care sunt facute doar ca sa urce topicul sus.


Comentarii penale de genul "Up"
Comentariu care contine 1 poza (aceeasi poza publicata de sute de ori)
Comentariu care contine descrierea anuntului de sute de ori publicata cu copy/paste.
Comentarii care contin citate din recenzii vechi scrise de utilizatori


Ce informatii de calitate sa postezi in schimb pe topicul tau ?

-Poze noi pe care nu le-ai mai publicat in trecut pe topic
-Detalii despre programul tau de birou eventual si ora la care ajungi sa primesti clienti in acea zi
-Cand ai luat pauza sau ai intrerupt programul
-Ce accesorii erotice ai achizitionat pentru programari
-Ce tinute de munca ai disponibile, eventual si poze cu ele
-Ce jucarii sexuale poti sa folosesti
-Orice alte informatii care pot ajuta clientii care citesc topicul tau altfel ajunge site-ul  de socializare dacă nu luați măsuri. Escortele uita că acest sitte este făcut  doar pentru bărbați- iar ele nu au ce comenta in privinta părerilor expuse de noi. Au dreptul sa- si facă doar publicitate aici.

  Felicitări pt atitudine.

  • Oras:Militari Residence
  • Oras:Militari Residence
On 9/15/2021 at 6:49 PM, clement mic said:

OK so I finally met this great girl. 
Locatio: 8-9 little studio, she didn't have a big towel for me but anyway a little one is ok to wash my dick. 
I think the biggest issue is she counted the time from when she gave me the intercom code but it didn't even work the first time I press, and then the other door was closed, I had to wait for her to come down stairs, then I finally had a shower, and then she had a shower. But she counted the time since I was outside in the streets LOL. I tried to explain to her but it was a lot of headaches because she doesn't speak English. 
Most other girls I met even in Bucharest counted the time from the moment we start sex (after the shower). 
Aspect /fata: 9-10 that is really the reason why to visit this girl! She is beautiful, her face is a little bit like Alyssa Bounty. But she is very white, beautiful breasts. Very skinny like I love. 
ON: 7-8 It is very pleasant and everything. It feels nice in her mouth. But yeah NO deep throat and NO CIM.  And for a guy like me, it is important.. But as I said, it is very pleasant. 
NP: 9 I can't really judge properly because I have been used to fuck real girlfriends without paying money. As you can see by checking my account, I have been absent from the game for a while. I did fuck a lot of escort girls even in Bucharest, but I had more fun with freebies.. I need to get used to this again. 
Paid 300 (250 + 50 ON) 
Overall I had a great time and I will come again because she is hot and really friendly. 
I gave her a 9 note or almost if she starts counting the time right lol I will be more careful next time I see her. 

something I'd like to warn about romanian girls is that they like to see themselves as clever manipulators / tricksters (even though they are very stupid), you need to become a bit more assertive and grow a backbone, and reject stupid things like counting the money from the intercom contact, she is making you pay for stuff before sex basically. you should have pointed at the time and tell her to start from zero, most romanian girls understand english even if they pretend to.

no deepthroat is a pass for me, thanks for the heads up.

On 9/26/2021 at 2:03 PM, Raisaaxxx said:

Bună !

Disponibilă începând cu ora 15:30 😘

e adevarat ca incepi cronometrul de la momentul in care clientul apasa pe interfon?

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
4 minutes ago, turculetz said:

something I'd like to warn about romanian girls is that they like to see themselves as clever manipulators / tricksters (even though they are very stupid), you need to become a bit more assertive and grow a backbone, and reject stupid things like counting the money from the intercom contact, she is making you pay for stuff before sex basically. you should have pointed at the time and tell her to start from zero, most romanian girls understand english even if they pretend to.

no deepthroat is a pass for me, thanks for the heads up.


You are welcome!

Exactly, plus she made me have a shower, then she had a shower which is totally reasonable even though I always have a shower before going to ANY escort. But still, why I should pay to have a shower and her shower? haha

You make me have a shower, it is cool, but the time should start after the shower when we start having sex, not before

That's why I often tell the escort girls the time start "now" when I finish having my shower

But you know, escort girls often try to take advantage, in my experience some are good, some are shiesty

Raisaa did not seem like a bad person though, I liked her attitude but yeah some stuff seemed unfair

This plus no deepthroat.. yeah it make it hard for me to come back... I eventually will, but for the moment I am having fun elsewhere 

  • Oras:Militari Residence
  • Oras:Militari Residence
2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

You are welcome!

Exactly, plus she made me have a shower, then she had a shower which is totally reasonable even though I always have a shower before going to ANY escort. But still, why I should pay to have a shower and her shower? haha

There's no reason other than to try to get more money out of you

2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

You make me have a shower, it is cool, but the time should start after the shower when we start having sex, not before

That's why I often tell the escort girls the time start "now" when I finish having my shower

They think we are idiots, tho I have been going to escorts since I was like 14 (romanian culture lol), when they start seeing you walk away, they will stop you and change tune because they are desperate for money

2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

But you know, escort girls often try to take advantage, in my experience some are good, some are shiesty

Raisaa did not seem like a bad person though, I liked her attitude but yeah some stuff seemed unfair

She's sweet because she got what she wanted

2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

This plus no deepthroat.. yeah it make it hard for me to come back... I eventually will, but for the moment I am having fun elsewhere 

I am going to chew her out in Romanian now and maybe she will change, I want to visit too but I want her to have a better attitude

I can recommend Elisa 0736490971, she has great tits and good attitude, and works right outside the Unirii 1 station

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
22 minutes ago, turculetz said:

There's no reason other than to try to get more money out of you

They think we are idiots, tho I have been going to escorts since I was like 14 (romanian culture lol), when they start seeing you walk away, they will stop you and change tune because they are desperate for money

She's sweet because she got what she wanted

I am going to chew her out in Romanian now and maybe she will change, I want to visit too but I want her to have a better attitude

I can recommend Elisa 0736490971, she has great tits and good attitude, and works right outside the Unirii 1 station

Damn 14 that's wild!

At 14 I was not even thinking about escort girls lol

I admit, even barely about sex, I had other things in my mind

And when I was starting getting active, it was with a girlfriend and even almost married that bitch haha glad I did not

Most of my life I have been fucking real girlfriends even though I also fucked like a hundred of escort girls


Thanks, yeah there are still a lot of great girls... but in my experience it is not difficult to find a beautiful girl in Bucharest, it is difficult to find a girl who can do deep throat very good! and for me it is a must or almost

  • Oras:Militari Residence
  • Oras:Militari Residence
4 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Damn 14 that's wild!

At 14 I was not even thinking about escort girls lol

I admit, even barely about sex, I had other things in my mind

believe it or not I was the loser in my class cuz I lost it at 14 while my friends lost at 12 13 etc, romania is even crazier than USA when it comes to sex. I was watching hentai going to escorts every weekend telling my mom it was for a school trip costs etc

4 minutes ago, clement mic said:

And when I was starting getting active, it was with a girlfriend and even almost married that bitch haha glad I did not

shit man, I almost married a crazy ex-prostitute (did not know she was beforehand), then we broke up and found out she used to be a prostitute had mental issues etc. marriage is never a good deal with men. if you want company just string her along and never offer the ring and keep going until she gives up, your life is fucked if ur marr,ed

4 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Most of my life I have been fucking real girlfriends even though I also fucked like a hundred of escort girls

same, I even once got money from the ex I mentioned to visit a twink escort lmaooo, sex is too good to pass on

4 minutes ago, clement mic said:


Thanks, yeah there are still a lot of great girls... but in my experience it is not difficult to find a beautiful girl in Bucharest, it is difficult to find a girl who can do deep throat very good! and for me it is a must or almost

I am actually looking for the same now since my ex was great at deepthroating with 0 gag reflex, I miss it, the girl I mentioned it does it in the review I wrote to her, if you ever step around militari residence hit me up cuz i live here

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
5 minutes ago, turculetz said:

believe it or not I was the loser in my class cuz I lost it at 14 while my friends lost at 12 13 etc, romania is even crazier than USA when it comes to sex. I was watching hentai going to escorts every weekend telling my mom it was for a school trip costs etc

shit man, I almost married a crazy ex-prostitute (did not know she was beforehand), then we broke up and found out she used to be a prostitute had mental issues etc. marriage is never a good deal with men. if you want company just string her along and never offer the ring and keep going until she gives up, your life is fucked if ur marr,ed

same, I even once got money from the ex I mentioned to visit a twink escort lmaooo, sex is too good to pass on

I am actually looking for the same now since my ex was great at deepthroating with 0 gag reflex, I miss it, the girl I mentioned it does it in the review I wrote to her, if you ever step around militari residence hit me up cuz i live here

Wow that's crazy haha.. I should try to get a romanian girlfriend later, for the moment I just enjoy escort girls because girlfriends are too much headaches

But it seems like I will need to keep using condoms with real romanian girlfriends cause they are too wild haha

I fucked a lot of ukrainian girls, and they are more reserved, a lot of them were virgins but they were open minded

Yes like 3 of my ex's was doing PERFECT blowjobs, and yeah man I miss it!!! I even had one that was sucking me any time I want, and I even taught her to ask me if she can suck my dick haha it was good times


No doubt, let's keep in touch, I am actually in sector 4, not far from the center

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
31 minutes ago, turculetz said:


shit man, I almost married a crazy ex-prostitute (did not know she was beforehand), then we broke up and found out she used to be a prostitute had mental issues etc. marriage is never a good deal with men. if you want company just string her along and never offer the ring and keep going until she gives up, your life is fucked if ur marr,ed


Some girls are really worth getting married to though, I was married for a few years and it was totally worth it... but it made me lazy

There are a few pearls in the ocean..

Or maybe you are right, RIGHT NOW.. because girls are not what they used to be. Too many liars and girls care a lot more about materials now

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