clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Racist attack Man, this guy has probably nothing to do in his life.. A real loser He feels very strong with his powerful status 😂😂😂 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oh yeah, they are all "minuses" It is called spam if you ask me, and pure hate I could do the same but I find it pretty silly and desperate to go on someone profile just to mass "dislike" his posts 1
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 La 19.11.2021 la 20:04, clement mic a spus: Haha I never had any issue with any escort girl in Bucharest though Eu te-am avertizat. In Romania, femeile sunt mai periculoase si mai agresive decat barbatii.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 2 minutes ago, ghost13 said: I warned you. In Romania, women are more dangerous and more aggressive than men. Damn WTF lol It is like some ghetto girls It is good that I don't trust anyone, no GIRL or man Living in eastern europe taught me to sleep with one eye open
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Chiar acum, clement mic a spus: Damn WTF lol It is like some ghetto girls It is good that I don't trust anyone, no GIRL or man Living in eastern europe taught me to sleep with one eye open Nu trebuie sa te alarmezi asa. Ti-am mai spus, atata vreme cat iti vezi de treaba ta si nu deranjezi pe vreun interlop sau mafiot, esti in siguranta. Daca deranjezi, nici politia nu te salveaza pentru ca justitia romaneasca este intr-adevar corupta si politizata. Nu trebuie sa te superi atata pe romanii albi. Ei te ataca doar cu cuvinte, dar sunt inofensivi. La noi in tara tiganii sunt cei cu adevarat periculosi. Si poate moldovenii din Vaslui si din Republica Moldova. Ar mai fi si oltenii din Teleorman, dar aia sunt mai puturosi. Nu sunt genul sa se ia la bataie, sunt doar agresivi verbali. Mai degraba trebuie sa te temi de tiganii conservatori pentru ca majoritatea nu au fost la scoala cand erau mici si inca traiesc intr-o cultura foarte conservatoare. Genul de oameni care isi vand copiii , ii pun sa cerseasca si ii forteaza sa se casatoreasca de la 7-10 ani, si isi bat nevestele. Ei nu accepta progresismul si nici feminismul fiindca inca traiesc dupa standarde medievale. Nu sunt islamici, ci ortodocsi ca si noi, dar inclinati spre superstitii neopagane. Asculta manele, iar cei bogati locuiesc in palate cu acoperisuri tuguiate. Ii recunosti dupa imbracamintea colorata si tipatoare. Nu folosesc mitraliere si pistoale ca unii infractori afro-americanii din America, ci doar cold weapons. Ei nu fac trafic de droguri si de arme, ci doar de prostituate (da, prostituatele la cate te duci si care sunt sclavele lor sexuale), tigari , piese de fier si mobilier furat, automobile, apartamente si alcool. Fereste-te de tiganii conservatori si imprieteneste-te doar cu cei care sunt realizati, seriosi, cu loc de munca si de incredere. Tiganii normali si adaptati la cultura moderna nu asculta manele si nu sunt tentati sa comita infractiuni.
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Observ ca Google Translate nu poate sa traduca cuvinte precum : -manele -cocalar -pitipoanca -bombardier Daca le scriu pe Google Translate, imi apare asa: -manele = mane -cocalar = lower-class suburban punk -pitipoanca= not sexy -bombardier= bomber Deci cum ii explic lui asta micu ' si african ce este un "cocalar" sau ce este "maneaua"? Oh, stai asa ca pot sa-i arat niste clipuri de pe You Tube. Uite @clement mic: Asta e manea, un gen muzical foarte ascultat de tigani, dar si de cocalari romani. E ca hip-hop si dance-pop de la americani, cam exact ce canta Cardi B si Nicky Minaj, ca si ele se imbraca si poarta bijuterii ca "manelistii" din Romania. Asta e "cocalar" Si asta e "pitipoanca", adica un fel de femei "Bimbo" de la americani. Si asta e "bombardier", tot un fel de "cocalar".
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 7 minutes ago, ghost13 said: You don't have to be alarmed like that. I told you, as long as you do your job and don't bother a thief or mobster, you're safe. If you bother, the police do not save you either because the Romanian justice is really corrupt and politicized. You don't have to be so upset with white Romanians. They only attack you with words, but they are harmless. In our country, gypsies are the really dangerous ones. And maybe the Moldovans from Vaslui and the Republic of Moldova. There would also be the Oltenians from Teleorman, but those are more stinky. They're not the type to fight, they're just verbal aggressors. You should rather be afraid of conservative gypsies because most of them were not at school when they were little and still live in a very conservative culture. The kind of people who sell their children, make them beg and force them to get married from the age of 7-10, and beat their wives. They do not accept progressivism or feminism because they still live by medieval standards. They are not Islamic, but Orthodox like us, but inclined to neo-pagan superstitions. Listen to the manele, and the rich live in palaces with tugged roofs. You recognize them by their colorful and flashy clothes. They do not use machine guns and pistols like some African-American criminals in America, but only cold weapons. They do not traffic drugs and weapons, but only prostitutes (yes, prostitutes wherever you go and who their sex slaves are), cigarettes, stolen iron and furniture, cars, apartments and alcohol. Beware of conservative gypsies and make friends only with those who are accomplished, serious, with a job and trustworthy. Normal gypsies adapted to modern culture do not listen to manele and are not tempted to commit crimes. I am not even around those type of people, and I am never afraid. I just don't need the drama. I am not upset with any romanian, like I said in real life we communicate real good.. I don't understand why some random people attack me here. Even on reddit I never have problems with romanians. Machine guns were distributed by white americans, they sit back and enjoyed seeing afro-americans killing each other. The police in America kill mostly black people, even unarmed....anyway it is another subject, we are not in America and I am not American... I come from france and there people rarely rarely rarely have guns. It is illegal.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 3 minutes ago, ghost13 said: I notice that Google Translate can't translate words like : -Manele -lower-class suburban punk -pitipoanca -bomber If I write them on Google Translate, it looks like this: -manele = mane -cocalar = lower-class suburban punk -pitipoanca= not sexy -bomber = bomber So how do I explain to this little African what a "cocalar" is or what a "maneaua" is? Oh, wait, I can show him some clips from You Tube. Look @clement mic: This is manea, a musical genre very listened to by gypsies, but also by Romanian cocalari. It's like hip-hop and dance-pop from the Americans, almost exactly what Cardi B and Nicky Minaj sing, as they also dress and wear jewelry like the "manelists" from Romania. This is "cocalar" And this is "dwarf", meaning a kind of "Bimbo" women from the Americans. And this is a "bomber", a kind of "cocalar". Little african, you should see me in REAL life, I am sure you will be speechless 😂😂 like "hu,, I am sorry" hahaha looking at the sky but seeing me Don't choke on your own words boy and you still do not understand something... I am NOT african , I was born in France, NOT Africa.. Both my parents were French, NOT African, with my mother being 100% white So all due respect, but get the fuck outta here with that racist shit lol Like all black men need to come from africa, it shows how uneducated you are my friend
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 20, 2021 @pisicuts can you please close the thread? I am getting tired of answering people, and all that blah blah I just don't have time for this, it seems like mostly trolls write something here anyway
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