Vizitator Futanaki Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 18, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 18, 2021 4 hours ago, clement mic said: And yeah I am NOT muslim, I don't know why the fuck you would think I am a muslim, because I am half black? People like you will just evaporate, while mixed people like me are on the rise. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Cum ma sa fii jumatate negru😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 pe inaltime pe lungime? 😂🤣😂🤣😂. Iar asta cu "mixed people" ai dat cu mucii in gard. Esti o corcitura laso balta nici nici😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂.
alexazerty Reputație: 241 Postat Noiembrie 18, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 18, 2021 5 hours ago, clement mic said: I don't understand, are you guys just trolls?? Or real racist shit heads? You guys got it all wrong, if you are racist it does not hurt me, you only hurt yourself with your lack of education and culture It is going to take a lot more than a few racist forum users sitting behind their computers for me to run away from a country I love, Romania Man, you really picked the wrong place to play the racism card, on a forum where half the whores are pimped by gypsies and they "select" their clients so that they will not fall in love with a gypsy themselves or else her pimp will beat the shit out of her By the way, we are very cool with mulattoes, do you know Cabral Ibacka? He was a famous TV star in the 90-2000s and is a pretty cool dude and never played the racist card and that is why he is so cool... here if you do that as a black/gypsy/ whatever spectrum of color, you will just embarrass yourself sorry, our backwards mentality is like that, but better than the other extreme of woke cancel culture.... :)))
alexazerty Reputație: 241 Postat Noiembrie 18, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 18, 2021 On 11/10/2021 at 8:45 PM, clement mic said: I wasn't even born in Africa and never lived there 😂😂 Man, some people are so ignorant... And now you want to say there is no racism Okay I am done I am dealing with childs I don't get paid for answering all you racist fags You don't like me, this is your problem I love my skin color and I would never change it whatever happen I am surprised though.. I really didn't know there were so much racism in Romania.. When I walk down the streets, people ALWAYS treat me with respect, even my neighbors.. I only get attacked in this forum. And the thing is most racists are very quiet when they see you in real life. You are weak Lel :)) imagine living in a country where all the people are called gypsies because of the rotten gypsies from Spain, Italy, UK, France, who cheat steal hustle and human traffic, what do we do? We mirror that racist hate towards us, on the brown colored people, no matter their skin tone, my dude you know there are racist gypsies who are fair skinned but in denial after their family "washed off" the color but they still continue their nomad traditions? That is hilarious :)))
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 A lot of nonsense here, it is a total waste of time You guys just give more hate and act like trolls If you were actually reading, I never used any racist card, someone directly sent me a message here publicly saying "We are racists, fuck you, go away you freeak!!!" Embarrass myself? Hahaha you really think I care about what a bunch of internet trolls have to say here? I am a member of a lot of communities and it is the first time I have been insulted like that Of course the admin should had done something about it, but he doesn't seem to care... Maybe he is eating pop corn, reading all these messages and laughing But it is not a joke to me, racism is real, but anyway most people here are more ignorant than I thought, and I honestly don't have time for this shit.. I have other stuff to deal with which are a lot more important in my life So it is my last message in this topic, if you guys don't like me, you can fuck yourself because I am here to stay But I am only interested in the bitches, not the unnecessary blah blah with some nazis Hopefully one day you guys can educate yourself and understand all the bullshits you have said and thought was right 1 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 And I want to say not everyone is like y'all dumb ass fuckers I actually have many friends in this forum, and they always talked to me in a respectful way I also met A LOT of escort girls in this forum, and none of them behaved like you nazi fuckers I have met a lot of romanians in the REAL world, and none of them behaved in any wrong way neither Anyway like I said I am done with this shit, y'all aren't worth my effort... get a mental health psychiatrist or something 1 1
Vizitator Futanaki Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 @clement mic din ce tara esti? Originile tale din ce tara sunt? Ca sa inteleg si eu de unde ai comportamentul asta de asuprit.
domnul_zeu Reputație: 374 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 lol ce suferinte eftine
venom5 Reputație: 1667 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 We have a different meaning for BLM here în România. BLM = bitches love money
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Acum 19 ore, clement mic a spus: And if I was really a student, tell me why would I leave France where salaries are WAY higher to come to Romania to get an education that will probably not help me much in France and at the same time seeking escorts here? Hahaha, I really do not know how your brain function. Maybe think before sending your message? I understand you hate me so much because of my skin color and you want me to leave, but at least say something valid 😂 Not some made up shit that a 14 years old could have written better. 1. Ceri respect, dar vii si scrii aici in limba engleza in conditile in care mai toti userii scriu in limba romana. 2. Incearca sa faci pe Softpedia(cel mai mare forum romanesc) ceea ce faci aici. Sunt sigur ca moderatorii de acolo vor fi foarte ingaduitori cu tine cand vei comenta doar in engleza, desi prima regula a forumului specifica ca trebuie sa scrii doar in limba romana! Oh, stai, e posibil sa nu-ti aprobe postarile....ha ha ha . 3. De cand Marea Britanie a iesit din UE, limba engleza nu mai e limba de circulatie europeana si internationala in UE. Acum fiecare turist sau imigrant cam este obligat sa invete germana daca calatoreste in Germania , Elvetia sau in Austria, neerlandeza daca calatoreste in Olanda, spaniola daca se duce prin Spania, italiana in Italia, franceza in Belgia, Franta si Elvetia, greaca in Grecia, romana in Romania, maghiara in Ungaria tot asa. Asa ca muie limba engleza ca nu mai trebuie sa ma oblige vreun strain cand vine in Romania dupa curve ieftine si mancare buna sa-i vorbesc in engleza......poate la conferinte de cariera, poate la conferinte culturale unde vin actori si sportivi din strainatate , poate daca as fi angajat intr-un call-center cu suport pentru clienti stabiliti in America si Anglia (atunci au scuze ca ei nu se afla in Romania) si as face bani din asta . Sau poate atunci cand sunt intr-un joc si vorbesc pe chat cu straini atata vreme cat sunt stabiliti in tarile lor native sau daca limba engleza e limba regulamentara a platformei, precum Steam. Eu ca roman, daca vreau sa ma duc in Franta sa muncesc, trebuie sa invat franceza. Daca vreau sa ma duc in Germania, trebuie sa invat germana. Daca vreau sa ma duc in Italia, trebuie sa invat italiana. Dar daca italienii, francezii si germanii vin aici in Romania, vorbesc engleza cu multa nesimtire. Normal, ca turist trebuie sa stii cateva fraze si propozitii elementare. Ca imigrant si viitor muncitor trebuie sa inveti limba fluent. Tu cu ce drept vii aici in Romania si conversezi in limba engleza cand limba tarii este LIMBA ROMANA? DAR IN TARA MEA, ROMANIA, VREAU SA VORBESC DOAR LIMBA ROMANA PE PLAN COTIDIAN. Nu limba engleza. Si nici romgleza. CI DOAR LIMBA ROMANA! PUNCT! Ca turist, esti musafir. Tu trebuie sa respecti regulile si legile tarii, nu tara trebuie sa-ti respecte tie mofturile. Nu-ti convine, nu veni aici. Ai dictionar, ai Google Translate, ai aplicatii vocale, foloseste-le in Pula Mea! 4. Numai prostii de romani s-au invatat sa stea umiliti si cu capul plecat sa rabde umilintele turistilor straini fitosi care vin aici sa comunice in engleza cu romanii. Uite ca acum sunteti nevoiti sa invatati cateva cuvinte in limba tarii. Casierii si ghiseistii pot acum sa va ignore si sa nu se uite la voi daca veniti sa vorbiti in engleza, asa cum faci multi prin Franta, Germania sau Ungaria, tari populate de oameni care isi iubesc tara si limba. Toti europenii iti cam stramba din nas acum daca tu ca turist calatoresti in tarile lor si incerci sa vorbesti in limba engleza, inclusiv la ghiseu. Ca imigrant nici nu te angajeaza daca nu cunosti cateva cuvinte elementare in limba lor. Incearca sa te duci in Japonia sau China si sa vorbesti in engleza. Pai asiaticii aia nici nu se uita la tine. Respect poporul chinez si cel japonez ca-i pune pe turisti si imigranti la respect. In Japonia nici nu poti sa calatoresti fara sa cunosti cateva fraze in japoneza. In China....ha ha ha , cam trebuie sa inveti caligrafia. Asa cum si chinezii care calatoresc in America invata limba engleza si alfabetul latin din respect, si noi suntem obligati sa invatam limba si caligrafia mandarina. 5. Ma tot intreb de ce atatea escorte sunt proaste si sunt nevoite sa invete engleza ca sa va faca pe plac voua clientilor ? Cand in mod normal ar trebuie sa va respinga? Ha, stai, pentru ca aveti bani. Eh, uite ca s-au dus vremurile alea cand stateau la cheremul vostru acum cand exista Onlyfans. Stii, pentru faptul ca veniti aici in Romania si vorbiti in engleza ar trebui sa fiti taxati exact ca-n Anglia sau ca-n America si sa platiti tarife ca acolo . Escortele cam au dreptul sa faca asta. Vreti sa platiti tarife romanesti, invatati in pula mea limba romana si vorbiti doar in romana cat sunteti pe teritoriul Romaniei. 1 1
Vizitator popeyes Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 1 minute ago, ghost13 said: De cand Marea Britanie a iesit din UE, limba engleza nu mai e limba de circulatie europeana si internationala in UE. 😂😂😂😂😂 bai macar nu mai semnaliza
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 I already said I am done with this topic, it is just a lot of blah blah blah that goes nowhere If you guys don't like me, it is your problems And yes I speak english bitch, if you don't like it, we can speak french Anyway like most of you guys said, girls only care about money, so it is useless making this thread and communicating with y'all hahaha I will just ignore any stupid even racist message in the future, cause honestly I don't have time for this shit, and I already understood the admin doesn't care about it, so what is the point... Especially since most of the members are very positive with racism phrases and words But thankfully, not everyone behave like the ones in this thread, I repeat again I found amazing friends and met amazing escort girls in this forum I am not a negative person, and I will not let you mess up my mood for some stupid bullshit I am here and I am here to stay! Or maybe you are just jealous because my dick is...... 😂 1 1
larochesin Reputație: 412 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Bucharest Oras:Bucharest Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Hello, First of all let me say this “People like you will just evaporate, while mixed people like me are on the rise” when you say crap like this ,you only prove that you are not here for a polite and civil conversation. If you are having an issue with someone you just make a ticket to the admins and wait for a response , as the forum is free to use by everyone and doesn’t charge a tax unless you want a different rank etc .That is the civil way to go about things in any country etc , you preferred the circus route which may work in politics, football etc , but here we dont not care about that , you know why?? Because as soon as we close the forum page on mobile or desktop we completely forget about anyone who insulted or cursed us or whatever ; our life doesn’t ring about stuff like that , we have a thicker skin than most people and as i saw on page one when you told the guy about your departed mother he apologized, most people would just say fuck it and move on . If you are on a personal crusade to change romanian way of thinking, you are in the wrong , we are not a racist , but if you make us you will learn some very very very interesting curse words . At the end of the day its called balance , we have trolls , we have some nasty people you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley, we have bullies , its part of life . Get over it and enjoy the freedom of Romania which many countries don’t have . Also saying at the end people are jealous of tou having a big dick its just trolling. There is an old expression You mess with the bull you get the horns . Just chill out and enjoy.
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 1 oră în urmă, popeyes a spus: 😂😂😂😂😂 bai macar nu mai semnaliza Nu mai semnaliza tu. Du-te in China sau Japonia si incearca sa vorbesti engleza pe acolo. Asta daca o sa iei viza si o sa poti intra vreodata in tarile astea. Ma doare undeva ca engleza e limba de circulatie globala, uite ca UK a iesit din UE si acum franceza, germana, italiana, spaniola si neerlandeza au devenit limbi de baza. Si chiar si asa, cand umbli intr-o tara straina, e elementar sa stii cateva cuvinte. Poate vrei sa te duci in Grecia la un club de stripteuse, dar intri intr-un club de bombardieri Gay, si esti futut in cur si in gura chiar de la intrare pentru ca nu te-a interesat sa inveti putina greaca si alfabetul grec. 1
Vizitator popeyes Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Just now, ghost13 said: Nu mai semnaliza tu. Du-te in China sau Japonia si incearca sa vorbesti engleza pe acolo. Asta daca o sa iei viza si o sa poti intra vreodata in tarile astea. Ma doare undeva ca engleza e limba de circulatie globala, uite ca UK a iesit din UE si acum franceza, germana, italiana, spaniola si neerlandeza au devenit limbi de baza. Si chiar si asa, cand umbli intr-o tara straina, e elementar sa stii cateva cuvinte. Poate vrei sa te duci in Grecia la un club de stripteuse, dar intri intr-un club de bombardieri Gay, si esti futut in cur si in gura chiar de la intrare pentru ca nu te-a interesat sa inveti putina greaca si alfabetul grec. Cand am fost in Japonia am vorbit doar engleza bre.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 17 minutes ago, larochesin said: Hello, First of all let me say this “People like you will just evaporate, while mixed people like me are on the rise” when you say crap like this ,you only prove that you are not here for a polite and civil conversation. If you are having an issue with someone you just make a ticket to the admins and wait for a response , as the forum is free to use by everyone and doesn’t charge a tax unless you want a different rank etc .That is the civil way to go about things in any country etc , you preferred the circus route which may work in politics, football etc , but here we dont not care about that , you know why?? Because as soon as we close the forum page on mobile or desktop we completely forget about anyone who insulted or cursed us or whatever ; our life doesn’t ring about stuff like that , we have a thicker skin than most people and as i saw on page one when you told the guy about your departed mother he apologized, most people would just say fuck it and move on . If you are on a personal crusade to change romanian way of thinking, you are in the wrong , we are not a racist , but if you make us you will learn some very very very interesting curse words . At the end of the day its called balance , we have trolls , we have some nasty people you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley, we have bullies , its part of life . Get over it and enjoy the freedom of Romania which many countries don’t have . Also saying at the end people are jealous of tou having a big dick its just trolling. There is an old expression You mess with the bull you get the horns . Just chill out and enjoy. Hello, Like I said I am not willing to talk more here, because it only seems like a waste of time. I did not mean this in an offensive way, it is a fact, our population is getting more and more mixed. Not only with black, but maybe someone in your family is Asian, American, Australian, whatever... Anyway I did not say this in a racist way because I am also white like romanian people because I am half white, otherwise what black people can say if they say I am also not black? the truth is I am both of them. I reported it and there were no answer for a long time so I created a post here, but of course I did not expect all this drama. Any other place like reddit, facebook or whatever, the user would be banned, and that is it. My skin is actually tougher than yours and I actually had a rough childhood so it is not about that. I should not hear so racist stuff like this in a forum.. In real life you deal with it and that's it. But hearing this on a public forum like this, that's quite messed up and first time in my life. It reminds me of the early dark internet days where you could find anything including child porn... but it is NOT right. Anyway it is the last time I will talk about it, because most of you don't listen to me and think racism is normal or just deny the other member's words. 1 1
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Acum 57 minute, clement mic a spus: I already said I am done with this topic, it is just a lot of blah blah blah that goes nowhere If you guys don't like me, it is your problems And yes I speak english bitch, if you don't like it, we can speak french Anyway like most of you guys said, girls only care about money, so it is useless making this thread and communicating with y'all hahaha I will just ignore any stupid even racist message in the future, cause honestly I don't have time for this shit, and I already understood the admin doesn't care about it, so what is the point... Especially since most of the members are very positive with racism phrases and words But thankfully, not everyone behave like the ones in this thread, I repeat again I found amazing friends and met amazing escort girls in this forum I am not a negative person, and I will not let you mess up my mood for some stupid bullshit I am here and I am here to stay! Or maybe you are just jealous because my dick is...... 😂 Coaie, intelege, intr-o tara straina, tu ca turist si imigrant, esti un musafir. Autoritatile oricand pot sa te deporteze inapoi in tara ta de origine. Atata vreme cat nu esti cetatean, cam stai cu frica ca oricand te pot deporta. Iar ca sa obtii cetatenie, ghici ce: 1. trebuie sa sustii un test de cunostinte despre istoria si geografia tarii 2. trebuie sa ai loc de munca si un istoric de platit impozite 3. trebuie sa ai cazierul curat 4. trebuie sa cunosti LIMBA TARII FLUENT! Ar trebui apoi sa cunosti constitutia! Citat ARTICOLUL 1 (1) România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil. ARTICOLUL 13 În România, limba oficială este limba română. Asa ca mai lasa-ne cu ifosele tale ca America nu e un imperiu, nici Franta, iar Romania , oficial nu e o colonie sau o provincie a Americii sau Frantei incat sa ai tu pretentia sa-ti vorbim numai in engleza sau in franceza! Vrei sa fii respectat pe forum? Converseaza numai si numai limba romana! 1
Vizitator Futanaki Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 1 hour ago, clement mic said: I am here and I am here to stay! Or maybe you are just jealous because my dick is...... 😂 Asta arata clar nivelul tau.... Nu te-a gonit nimeni dar tu vrei sa stai🤪😜🤣😂. Iar faza cu scula ta.... Esti penibil.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 1 minute ago, Futanaki said: This clearly shows your level .... Do you chased one but you want to stay 🤪 😜 🤣 😂 . And the phase with your tool .... You're embarrassing. Too bad the translator cannot translate everything you say. Or fortunately for me, less time wasted Now please move on and find a better hobby... I don't have time for you. Go back to watching Pulp Fiction with Samuel L Jackson instead of trolling here like a wannabe racist 😂 1 1
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Chiar acum, popeyes a spus: Cand am fost in Japonia am vorbit doar engleza bre. Bai clona trista de Pidsadera, ai fost tu in Japonia cum locuieste contul tau original in Sacramento, California. Acum 2 minute, clement mic a spus: Hello, Like I said I am not willing to talk more here, because it only seems like a waste of time. I did not mean this in an offensive way, it is a fact, our population is getting more and more mixed. Not only with black, but maybe someone in your family is Asian, American, Australian, whatever... Anyway I did not say this in a racist way because I am also white like romanian people because I am half white, otherwise what black people can say if they say I am also not black? the truth is I am both of them. I reported it and there were no answer for a long time so I created a post here, but of course I did not expect all this drama. Any other place like reddit, facebook or whatever, the user would be banned, and that is it. My skin is actually tougher than yours and I actually had a rough childhood so it is not about that. I should not hear so racist stuff like this in a forum.. In real life you deal with it and that's it. But hearing this on a public forum like this, that's quite messed up and first time in my life. It reminds me of the early dark internet days where you could find anything including child porn... but it is NOT right. Anyway it is the last time I will talk about it, because most of you don't listen to me and think racism is normal or just deny the other member's words. Uite ca pe romani nu-i intereseaza ce copilarie dura ai avut tu.Ca si ei au avut, poate ai auzit ca tara asta a trecut prin cel mai al dracu comunism si cea mai anarhica democratie de dupa revolutie din Europa. Stii cati copii rromi au o copilarie grea? Care sunt trimisi la cersit si la produs? Sau vrei sa stii cati copii romani stau acum prin sate fara electricitate si internet? Si eu am avut o copilarie grea si ghici ce, nu-i intereseaza pe nimeni. Aici contezi doar pentru cat produci , cat platesti taxe si daca respecti legile. Cat despre toleranta, incearca tu sa faci in Arabia Saudita. Acolo, daca te prind ca consumi alcool, carne de porc, nu-ti acoperi nevasta/iubita si joci ceva interzis pe teritoriul tarii sau te uiti la un film porn, te aresteaza. Cum am spus, intr-o tara straina esti musafir si oricand poti sa fii deportat daca nu respecti legi si reguli de baza. Nu ai cetatenie, esti PIELEA PULII! 1
Vizitator Futanaki Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 1 minute ago, clement mic said: Too bad the translator cannot translate everything you say. Or fortunately for me, less time wasted Now please move on and find a better hobby... I don't have time for you. Go back to watching Pulp Fiction with Samuel L Jackson instead of trolling here like a wannabe racist 😂 Alupigus 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 esti tare frustrat.... vrei sa primeasca ban toti,ca esti tu miezul diferit, acest forum nu este public deloc. Ai probleme mari la cap credema.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 18 minutes ago, ghost13 said: And even so, when you travel to a foreign country, it is elementary to know a few words. Maybe you want to go to a strip club in Greece, but you go to a Gay bomber club, and you're fucked in the ass and mouth right at the entrance because you weren't interested in learning a little Greek and the Greek alphabet. It seems like you speak from experience 😂😂 1 1
ghost13 Reputație: 20 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Chiar acum, clement mic a spus: It seems like you speak from experience 😂😂 Tu meriti sa fii banat pentru ca esti obraznic in primul rand, si pentru ca te incapatanezi sa intelegi ca forumul e in limba romana. Si mai ales pentru ca nu vrei sa intelegi ca esti un musafir si trebuie sa respecti reguli de bun simt de cei 7 ani de acasa. Poate vrei sa spui de ce ai venit in tara asta saraca daca zici ca suntem un popor de intoleranti? Vezi ca sunt multe escorte cu tarife mici, dar cam rasiste......iar mancarea aia ieftina si delicioasa, sa stii ca e din import si plina de chimicale. De ce stai intr-o tara cu gropi in sosele, cu spitale mizerabile, cu scoli si educatie la pamant, guvern 0? Ce dracu iti place la tara asta? Oare pentru ca nu te-au primit polonezii , grecii si ungurii? De ce nu mai stai in Franta? Pentru ca e prea scump ? Daca esti de la ANTIFA, sa stii ca nu ti-ai gasit cel mai bun loc in care sa o arzi cu BLM. Eu recunosc ca vreau sa plec din tara asta peste cativa ani. Dar cand o sa plec, o sa uit sa vorbesc limba romana, si o sa vorbesc, o sa citesc, o sa scriu si o sa gandes doar in limba tarii in care o sa emigrez. Daca ma duc in Germania, o sa invat germana. Nu ma duc acolo ca un turist arogant sa vorbesc engleza. 2
laury Reputație: 24072 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Los Angeles Oras:Los Angeles Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Bai Clement, noi am mai avut o discutie/cearta in privat si tot nu te potolesti. Vrem sa citim de la tine doar recenzii, nu aiureli, tu nu intelegi? Te bagi aiurea tu strain intre noi romanii si escortele noastre, exact ca musca in rahat. Pai noi ne bagam in discutii pe forumuri cu neamul tau? Pe bune, esti aici sa futi iar tu te certi cu noi romanii. Intrebarea e, tu futi??? 🤣 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 7 minutes ago, Futanaki said: Alupigus 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 you are very frustrated .... you all want to receive money, because you are the different core, this forum is not public at all. You have big problems with credema. yo why all that hate? Let's buy some beers (Desperados) and watch Pulp Fiction, if you don't understand english, we can put romanian subtitles 😂 I don't even understand where all that hate come from because the truth is you are not even racist You just need to communicate better my friend 1 1
Vizitator CharonIV Reputație: 0 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Postat Noiembrie 19, 2021 Ce ne mai pricepem noi romanii la integrare culturala
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