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2 hours ago, Bruneta168 said:

De ce am luat-o cu toți razna ? De ce nu acceptam refuzul ? De ce adevarul doare ? 

De ce nu ne lasi in pace cu dramele tale?

  • Haha 3
4 minutes ago, alexazerty said:

De ce nu ne lasi in pace cu dramele tale?

bravo bo$$, interventie ca la carte. Initial am crezut ca vistantric a deschis topicul, ca pe vremuri. 

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

You refuse me, no problem, there is always another fish in the sea

But if I want something fast, I just pay a girl here to suck my dick and have a good moment together 😊

I will never fall so low to be frustrated by a girl

It happened to me with my first girlfriend, and never happened again 

Because girls can be more dangerous than real weapons

Besides, girls respect you more when you don't beg or stalk her

  • Like 1
Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, clement mic said:

You refuse me, no problem, there is always another fish in the sea

But if I want something fast, I just pay a girl here to suck my dick and have a good moment together 😊

I will never fall so low to be frustrated by a girl

It happened to me with my first girlfriend, and never happened again 

Because girls can be more dangerous than real weapons

Besides, girls respect you more when you don't beg or stalk her

Bro ,most women respect only one thing,how much money you have 

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti
Acum 2 ore, Bruneta168 a spus:

Nu chiar peste tot…. Am stat mult timp in Germania (10 ani) nu e chiar așa , bine , nu m-am învârtit in cercul asta , dar ca in România , nu am văzut așa ceva , jur ….

     Nu ca ar fi mai breji decat noi strainii, mai iubitori sau mai sanatosi la cap, dar iti respecta decizia sau refuzul.  Noi spunem de ei ca sunt mai distanti si mai reci, dar ei sunt mai retinuti si mai politicosi. 

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  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti
Acum 1 oră, Bruneta168 a spus:

Zilele trecute , am primit pe cineva cunoscut (3 ani) s-a dus sa se spele , și s-a spălat calumea , dar avea un miros ciudat jos și i-am zis ca miroase , etc, îți dai seama ce scandal a făcut ? De ce? Ptr ca l-a durat adevarul , cât pe aci sa-mi dea una in bot …..

       Reactie, pe masura educatiei lui... Nu suntem obligate sa suportam un imputit in patul nostru, nici daca am fi maritate cu el... 

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, CharonIV said:

Bro ,most women respect only one thing,how much money you have 

Mmm... nu intotdeauna, mai sunt si exceptii (le putem gasi si la escorte, si la civile). Ce-i drept extreeemmmmm de rare, rarisime chiar. Dar mai sunt. De ce sunt ele exceptii, cred ca-ti poti da seama si singur, la cum "evolueaza" societatea umana in ultimul timp... 😑


7 minutes ago, clement mic said:

You refuse me, no problem, there is always another fish in the sea

But if I want something fast, I just pay a girl here to suck my dick and have a good moment together 😊

I will never fall so low to be frustrated by a girl

It happened to me with my first girlfriend, and never happened again 

Because girls can be more dangerous than real weapons

Besides, girls respect you more when you don't beg or stalk her

It's a reciprocity here, my dear Clement. And not every male on this planet will have your opinion regarding the subject at hand. You can't ask a girl/babe/woman to respect you if you don't respect her. But a girl can't demand you to be respectful with you if you are not respectful with her. Sure, you can still chose to be respectful, but it's about your education, self-esteem, good will and other human attributes that some have, some others, don't !

Respect is a part of the human nature, but it's seems that lately, the human nature started to pervert, which is disconcerting and sad, mildly said at least ! 😟

  • Like 1
Vizitator Indecisu
Reputație: 0
Acum 2 ore, Bruneta168 a spus:

De ce am luat-o cu toți razna ? De ce nu acceptam refuzul ? De ce adevarul doare ? 

Din punctul meu de vedere, simplificat in cateva cuminte, este lipsa unor valori personale de baza si, daca ne raportam la forumisti, prea multi ani petrecuti pe aici 😀

Dupa o vreme ni se pare normal sa invitam escortele la cafea sau la un film sau ... sa fie prietenele  noastre cele mai bune iar refuzul acestora deranjeaza .

Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, horny_gooner said:

Mmm... nu intotdeauna, mai sunt si exceptii (le putem gasi si la escorte, si la civile). Ce-i drept extreeemmmmm de rare, rarisime chiar. Dar mai sunt. De ce sunt ele exceptii, cred ca-ti poti da seama si singur, la cum "evolueaza" societatea umana in ultimul timp... 😑


It's a reciprocity here, my dear Clement. And not every male on this planet will have your opinion regarding the subject at hand. You can't ask a girl/babe/woman to respect you if you don't respect her. But a girl can't demand you to be respectful with you if you are not respectful with her. Sure, you can still chose to be respectful, but it's about your education, self-esteem, good will and other human attributes that some have, some others, don't !

Respect is a part of the human nature, but it's seems that lately, the human nature started to pervert, which is disconcerting and sad, mildly said at least ! 😟

N-am întâlnit pana acum una sa nu ma intrebe cu ce ma ocup si ce mașina am,așa că despre ce vorbim.... sa fii sărac, în românia, e condamnare

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
8 minutes ago, CharonIV said:

Bro ,most women respect only one thing,how much money you have 

I disagree... Not all girls are like this

Even though most girls love money, not all girls will be with you just because of how much money you make

And I know some girls like this.. Some girls even get annoyed when some guys show off just to show how much money they have

If you have more money, you always have higher chances, that is for sure... especially if you got a good game

But not all girls only care about money.. I have seen a lot of bad things girls do for money...but even then I will still say not all girls are like that

  • Like 1
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Acum 6 minute, Indecisu a spus:


Dupa o vreme ni se pare normal sa invitam escortele la cafea sau la un film sau ... sa fie prietenele  noastre cele mai bune iar refuzul acestora deranjeaza .

pe mine unul, nu m-a deranjat.. sunt normal?  🤕🤒🤭

2 minutes ago, CharonIV said:

N-am întâlnit pana acum una sa nu ma intrebe cu ce ma ocup si ce mașina am,așa că despre ce vorbim.... sa fii sărac, în românia, e condamnare

Nu m-au intrebat ce masina am ! 😂 Da, cu ce ma ocup m-au mai intrebat. Dar si tu poti sa le intrebi ce masina au (si unele au masini la care multi dintre noi doar visam) 😂, nu cred ca s-ar supara. Sar nu ar avea de ce, in cel mai bun caz. Si nu, nu in toate cazurile masina e a lui "iubyyy", e masina ei personala ! 😛

Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, _sahy_ said:

pe mine unul, nu m-a deranjat.. sunt normal?  🤕🤒🤭

Am pățit si reversul medaliei de la escorte, să mi zica de ce n am chemat o🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,a fost funny

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
4 minutes ago, horny_gooner said:


It's a reciprocity here, my dear Clement. And not every male on this planet will have your opinion regarding the subject at hand. You can't ask a girl/babe/woman to respect you if you don't respect her. But a girl can't demand you to be respectful with you if you are not respectful with her. Sure, you can still chose to be respectful, but it's about your education, self-esteem, good will and other human attributes that some have, some others, don't !

Respect is a part of the human nature, but it's seems that lately, the human nature started to pervert, which is disconcerting and sad, mildly said at least ! 😟

Yeah every situation is different.

You can't really know what is going on in a couple, unless you are really in the couple

But even then, we are all humans, and we all do mistakes

If a girl refuse you it does not mean she will not regret it later

A lot of men pretends to have higher standards and be well educated...but then they treat their girls like shit at home

You can't force someone to respect you, even if some girls think after 10 years of marriage a man will change

People mostly never change....and even when they do, there is still a part of their past inside

  • Like 1
Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Yeah every situation is different.

You can't really know what is going on in a couple, unless you are really in the couple

But even then, we are all humans, and we all do mistakes

If a girl refuse you it does not mean she will not regret it later

A lot of men pretends to have higher standards and be well educated...but then they treat their girls like shit at home

You can't force someone to respect you, even if some girls think after 10 years of marriage a man will change

People mostly never change....and even when they do, there is still a part of their past inside

Bro , if life would be perfect , i wouldn't be talking with you and other dudes about banging random bitches :))) 

Reputație: 0

Hahaha , drame ? Eu fac drame? Eu nu ma plang , încerc sa înțeleg , sorry nu mai am aprecieri :) e ceea ce sunteți unii și unele dintre voi :))) 

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
7 minutes ago, CharonIV said:

I haven't met anyone so far not to ask me what I do and what car I have, so what are we talking about .... to be poor, in Romania, is condemnation

Humm, that is very interesting

I have dated mostly Ukrainian/Russian girls most of my life

But they almost never asked me what car I have

They often ask what I do for a living though

I haven't had a relationship with a Romanian girls yet, because for the moment I do not want this... I like freedom

But it is very interesting how they think

I guess the biggest minus of Ukrainian/Russian girls is they are almost all gold diggers and want you to take care of them

I was in Moldova too, and they had a similar mentality to Russian people, but even worse because they loved money too much even though they were poor haha

  • Trist 1
Reputație: 0
Acum 1 minut, CharonIV a spus:

Am pățit si reversul medaliei de la escorte, să mi zica de ce n am chemat o🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,a fost funny

in unele cazuri (secrete).. nu mai tine de sex.. (ca scop principal*🤭.. dar e cum zici.. una mi-a refuzat cafeaua, pe motiv ca 'tre sa muncesc'..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.. in schimb am castigat in alte parti..unde abia astept sa fiu eu cel invitat!...👍

Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
Just now, clement mic said:

Humm, that is very interesting

I have dated mostly Ukrainian/Russian girls most of my life

But they almost never asked me what car I have

They often ask what I do for a living though

I haven't had a relationship with a Romanian girls yet, because for the moment I do not want this... I like freedom

But it is very interesting how they think

I guess the biggest minus of Ukrainian/Russian girls is they are almost all gold diggers and want you to take care of them

I was in Moldova too, and they had a similar mentality to Russian people, but even worse because they loved money too much even though they were poor haha

Moldova is like poorer cousin of romania , if u find gold diggers here ,in moldova is even worse 

Reputație: 0
44 minutes ago, alexazerty said:

De ce nu ne lasi in pace cu dramele tale?

Eu nu plang , cred ca ma confunzi cu tine , iubire ;) 

Reputație: 0

Va răspund mai târziu iubirile mele , sunt la plimbare :) 

Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Humm, that is very interesting

I have dated mostly Ukrainian/Russian girls most of my life

But they almost never asked me what car I have

They often ask what I do for a living though

I haven't had a relationship with a Romanian girls yet, because for the moment I do not want this... I like freedom

But it is very interesting how they think

I guess the biggest minus of Ukrainian/Russian girls is they are almost all gold diggers and want you to take care of them

I was in Moldova too, and they had a similar mentality to Russian people, but even worse because they loved money too much even though they were poor haha

My advice ,don't look for a relationship ,live ur life

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
7 minutes ago, CharonIV said:

Bro , if life would be perfect , i wouldn't be talking with you and other dudes about banging random bitches :))) 

Lol I don't do this because I expect something meaningful out of this

Most girls lie anyway, they would not say the truth on a least I do not think so

I prefer real life experiences... but it is interesting to know what people think

Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
7 minutes ago, _sahy_ said:

in unele cazuri (secrete).. nu mai tine de sex.. (ca scop principal*🤭.. dar e cum zici.. una mi-a refuzat cafeaua, pe motiv ca 'tre sa muncesc'..🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️.. in schimb am castigat in alte parti..unde abia astept sa fiu eu cel invitat!...👍

Cand devii client fidel , si relatia client/escorta devine alta(nu in toate cazurile ofc)

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