dorky07 Reputație: 1022 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Amin brother dar ma repet e si vina noastra ca poftele ne mana sa cautam exotic fara sa gandim ca doar carcasa e asa serviciile sunt de 40/70 ca pe old times 2
Membru Premium derwall Reputație: 664 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:București Oras:București Membru Premium Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Vad ca a dispărut diva de 100/200€. Pfuiii!🤭🤭🤭 4 2
leonard111 Reputație: 305 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Fraiera putea sa facă bani buni dacă avea puțin bun simț ! 4
georgianandrei Reputație: 300 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Ba baieti, dar de unde asta cu rasismul? Wtf? Eu nu am nimic cu nimeni, pur si simplu mirosea a transpiratie cum miroseau si alte escorte, nu ca era ceva special de negresa 😂 era mirosul ala gen “esti primul client azi si astept de cateva ore” Nu am jignit cu nimic originea ei, pur si simplu cand unii merg la o escorta ca e slim, ca e grasa, ca are sanii mari sau mici, asa am fost si eu la ea pentru ceva. 5
schweppes123 Reputație: 964 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Acum 10 minute, georgianandrei a spus: Ba baieti, dar de unde asta cu rasismul? Wtf? Eu nu am nimic cu nimeni, pur si simplu mirosea a transpiratie cum miroseau si alte escorte, nu ca era ceva special de negresa 😂 era mirosul ala gen “esti primul client azi si astept de cateva ore” Nu am jignit cu nimic originea ei, pur si simplu cand unii merg la o escorta ca e slim, ca e grasa, ca are sanii mari sau mici, asa am fost si eu la ea pentru ceva. E comentariu mai in spate de la cineva, nu mai stau sa ma uit acum, ca sa dau exact, la modul, cum dam noi bani uneia din astea negre, care ele in istorie au fost sclave ale albilor... Dar parca nu stii ca asa se intampla pe aici, pe forum, tragi intr-o parte si parerile rasar din alta parte, Pe mine ma enervat, eu am tratat-o cu respect pe whatsapp si ea m-a mintit ca o obraznica ca nu lucreaza Sambata Duminiica... intre timp un coleg a scris ca l-a tepuit Sambata, apoi ai aparut tu care ai facut recenzie Duminica. Eu mi-am exprimat punctul de vedere de mai sus (l-am atasat mai jos) si nu mai dau inapoi si ma voi retrage. Am ajuns mai mult sa scriu decat sa fut... OFFF OFF OF ""Nesimtirea ei de diva nigerianca este maxima. O sa scriu ceva ce ea NU(!) va putea traduce ever cu google translate, Ce am auzit si eu de la compatriotii indieni , malachie pe atitudinea ei, variala pe figurile ei nigeriene, A naibii mucoasa a venit din fundul pamantului ca sa stearga pe jos cu parerile noastre pe aici... Zici ca parca ar fi scris cineva ceva pe aici ce nu este adevarat, Am trait sa o vad si pe asta, In plus l-a certat pe colegul pentru recenzie, Nu mai faceti recenzii, Zic. Motanul i-a lasat libertatea de exprimare open, noi toti trebuia sa ii dam minus Aia e, ne meritam soarta,"" 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Slaves but now who are some of the most famous artists? Blacks Jazz, Hip Hop, etc... it is blacks even though it is some of the most famous genres Soul...blacks again.... Rnb and all that Do not underestimate black people, not everyone is like her I agree what she did is very bad, but do not categorize all black people in one bag Everyone is different, it depends on many things 1
Membru Premium derwall Reputație: 664 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:București Oras:București Membru Premium Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Acum 2 minute, clement mic a spus: Slaves but now who are some of the most famous artists? Blacks Jazz, Hip Hop, etc... it is blacks even though it is some of the most famous genres Soul...blacks again.... Rnb and all that Do not underestimate black people, not everyone is like her I agree what she did is very bad, but do not categorize all black people in one bag Everyone is different, it depends on many things First name which come in my mind is...Jimi Hendrix. Yes, he had also cherokee origin... 4 2
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 6 minutes ago, clement mic said: Slaves but now who are some of the most famous artists? Blacks Jazz, Hip Hop, etc... it is blacks even though it is some of the most famous genres Soul...blacks again.... Rnb and all that Do not underestimate black people, not everyone is like her I agree what she did is very bad, but do not categorize all black people in one bag Everyone is different, it depends on many things Depinde ce intelegi prin artisti , hip hop rmb si alte porcarii nu se prea asculta in europa BLM ul asta le-a luat mintile la unii, in special in america ceea ce nu e in regula. Au ajuns **spam editat**tatile sa faca regulile si majoritatea sa inghita. Oricum cu negresa noastra alta e treaba , sa faci figuri la 100/200 eur in romania pentru un futut e de neinteles. 2
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 4 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Depending on what you mean by artists, hip hop rmb and other crap is not very popular in Europe This BLM has taken the minds of some, especially in America, which is wrong. The ** edited spam ** fathers have come to make the rules and most of them swallow. Anyway, with our black woman, it's different, to make figures at 100/200 eur in Romania for a fuck is incomprehensible. Hip hop, rnb, jazz is not popular in Europe? Hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah It must be the funniest shit I have ever heard in my life!!!! 😂😂 If I was ignorant and I did not travel to SO MANY European countries, maybe I would...ah nah even then I would not believe you haha because I just need to open my ears First of all, many of those rappers are WAY MORE famous in Europe than in America That is why some USA artists travel to Europe all the time for big tours I know because I worked for a BIG hip hop artist, and that is what made me travel to eastern Europe so many times and made me fall in love with eastern Europe, especially Russia Second okay, you do not need to believe me, don't listen to me, there is a HUGE topic here where everyone share music And EVERYDAY someone share music made by some black people: So yeah, thanks for making me laugh so hard... it proves how ignorant you are Open your eyes... racism will fade away with time Do not judge a HUGE group of people just because one person acted wrong Third, I will be honest, nigerian people are known to be scammers and stuff like that... but I would not judge them all in one bag Black people are all over the world, and they are human, everyone is different, it depends on many criteria I gave the BEST advice though, if someone want some african pussy, they should go to africa and they will get some for FREE It is way too easy to get some... even if you are old and ugly, you can still fuck for free if you are white
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Nu mi-a placut niciodata muzica cantata de negrii exceptand e adevarat anumite melodii soul sau jazz. In rest pot sa spun ca ma sterg la fund cu beyonce & comp. Europa e patria trance-ului ala imi place. Cand te duci ca alb in Nigeria si intrii intr-un club se uita aia la tine ca la dumnezeu. Nu futi gratis dar cu 50 euro iti alegi orice gagica vrei de acolo si o rupi toata noaptea.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 4 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: I've never liked black music except for certain soul or jazz songs. Otherwise I can say that I wipe my ass with beyonce & comp. I like Europe, the homeland of that trance. When you go to Nigeria like a white man and join a club, he looks at you like a god. Don't fuck for free but with 50 euros you can choose any babe you want from there and break it all night. Then that is your problem. Most europeans I know listen to those type of music, especially in 2021 Nah, you don't need to pay for girls in Africa, unless you are a total loser Most girls there want to fuck white men no matter what, you probably have never been there 1
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 40 minutes ago, clement mic said: Then that is your problem. Most europeans I know listen to those type of music, especially in 2021 Nah, you don't need to pay for girls in Africa, unless you are a total loser Most girls there want to fuck white men no matter what, you probably have never been there Vorbesc de cluburi nu de negresele alea borate care le gasesti la piata. Poti sa futi gratis daca esti disperat si n-ai nici un standard. La club / bar intrii te uiti la una vine la tine si pe urma mergeti impreuna. Trebuie sa fi un zgarcit / labagiu mare sa nu-i dai nimic mai ales ca accepta maruntis pentru un european.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 11 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: I'm talking about clubs, not the borate blacks you find on the market. You can fuck for free if you are desperate and have no standards. At the club / bar you enter, you look at one coming to you and then you go together. You have to be a stingy / big jerk not to give him anything, especially since he accepts small things for a European. I don't know why in your mentality you always need to pay for sex It can be something mutual, maybe she pay you because you fuck her hard? Anyway like I said A LOT of girls want to fuck white men for free in Africa. You give her money it is up to you But a lot of them will feel insulted if you treat them like an escort girl They love money but they are not prostitutes
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Nigeria e o tara saraca, de fapt in majoritatea africii e saracie. Altfel nu se inchesuiau hoarde de africani sa ajunga in europa chiar riscandu-si viata. Orice femeie in africa e in subconstient si prostituata si asta pentru ca sunt sarace, vor sa isi ajute familia si vor sa scape de mizerie. Am intalnit multi bosorogi englezi / francezi care isi faceau de cap cu pustoaice pe acolo. Nu-mi spune ca tipele si-o trageau de placere. Ma simteam bine ca platesc pentru sex, m-as fi simtit prost daca as fi fortat nota sa iau gratis. Faptul ca le ajutam financiar era o chestie de bun simt atata timp cat se comportau frumos si isi faceau treaba.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 2 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Nigeria is a poor country, in fact in most of Africa it is poverty. Otherwise, hordes of Africans would not be allowed to reach Europe, even risking their lives. Every woman in Africa is subconsciously a prostitute and that's because they are poor. Oh my God....... I can not believe how much ignorant you are If you truly think every african girl is a prostitute and poor, then I feel sorry for you You watch too much TV... In many African countries people live good, some have cars, houses and everything Of course Africa is poorer than Europe by far, but it does not mean every girl is a prostitute there... very very far from it I know so many women married (some in my family) there who would never cheat NO MATTER how much money you throw in their faces It is called principles For African people family is VERY VERY VERY important, more than anything... And most girls would never betray their men just for some cash Cash is important, but for a lot of women loyalty and stability is more important, even from the poorest countries
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Negresele maritate nu inseala ( in special probabil cele musulmane ) nu pentru ca n-ar vrea ci pentru ca stiu ce le asteapta daca le prind barbatii. Religia bruta este ceea ce le inspaimanta nu principiile familiei. Exceptand probabil africa de sud nu stiu de vre-o tara africana care sa fie cat de cat ok la nivel de viata comparativ cu europa. Toate tarile sunt suprapopulate si sarace. O **spam editat**tate o duce bine, restul durere. Daca ai futut si tu intamplator vre-o 2 marocance moca nu inseamna ca majoritatea se fut gratis de placere ca esti tu albul pulii. In plus daca vrei gratis iti trebuie timp de vrajeala si abureala. 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 16 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Married black women do not cheat (especially probably Muslim women) not because they do not want to but because they know what awaits them if their men catch them. Crude religion is what frightens them, not family principles. Except probably South Africa I don't know of any African country that is a bit ok in terms of life compared to Europe. All countries are overcrowded and poor. An ** edited spam ** is doing well, the rest is a pain. If you also accidentally fucked a 2 moroccan mocha, it doesn't mean that most of them fucked for free for pleasure because you are the white of the cock. In addition, if you want it for free, you need time for magic and steam. Pfffff haha Again your lack of knowledge is hilarious, it shows how much ignorant you are First of all most African people are CHRISTIANS just like in Romania, but not orthodox In reality they trust more in traditions and witchcraft than in religions hahaha African people LOVE to party and dance... I am not talking about clubs, I am talking about traditional celebrations... Even when someone die they make a huge party for the funeral, dance and laugh.... celebrate life And second, countries like Morroco and Algeria are not considered Africa for African and European people who know about africa They behave very differently, and even though they are in the African continent, they even consider themselves different Third, you watch too much TV and listen to too much stereotypes.. my dad country of origin is mostly christian and they speak french. Again you categorize all black people in one bag, like they are all the same I suggest to get more educated about black people before saying bullshit I think it is useless to talk more about it, because you really understand nothing about Africa On TV they love showing Africans enslaved, behaving like animals, eating each other.... but the reality is very different They are a lot of very well educated people in Africa living a good life, with a good family But they never show this, they only show the negativity because it is what people love to watch, a black man in chains
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Toate tarile din Nordul africii sunt durere, egiptul - suprapopulat si sarac, libya, algeria, in tunisia mai vin turisti ocazional. Noroc ca mai au ceva petrol. Marocul e zona de turism sexual pentru smecherii arabi din golf. Toate tari musulmane Centrul africii e saracie lucie cu rapiri si alte evenimente, dracu traieste bine pe acolo, poate doar cei din armata si politicienii - musulmani. Unde gasesti crestini in africa ? In sud. Majoritatea tarilor sunt bogate, au resurse dar coruptia e maxima si populatia traieste din razboi civil in razboi civil. Vezi DRC. Nu degeaba incearca majoritatea africanilor sa fuga fie in europa fie in us. Vai de mama lor. In final se pare ca tu esti mai idiot si ignorant decat mine motherfucker. Sau poate esti un futut de emigrant si tu aterizat prin europa.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 2 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: All countries in North Africa are in pain, Egypt is overcrowded and poor, Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia are occasionally visited by tourists. Luckily they have some more oil. Morocco is a sex tourism area for Arab Gulf tricksters. All Muslim countries Central Africa is in dire straits with kidnappings and other events, hell live well there, maybe just the army and politicians - Muslims. Where do you find Christians in Africa? In South. Most countries are rich, they have resources but corruption is rampant and the population is living from civil war to civil war. See DRC. It is not for nothing that most Africans try to flee either to Europe or to the United States. Woe to their mother. In the end, it looks like you're more of an idiot and an ignoramus than a motherfucker. Or maybe you are a fucked emigrant and you landed through Europe. Shit man, you are not worth my time, you are one of those stupid trolls I got better things to do. You say a lot of trash without knowing what you are talking about Use google and check statistics, get informed... Don't only check what they say on TV These days there is enough info for people to get informed, but still people have no idea about Africa and love to talk about the country and degrade it You say a lot of trash, but I am sure if you saw me face to face you would shut the fuck up haha it makes me laugh, you are pathetic I think it is not wise to try to degrade me by talking about where I come from when I am from France and you are from Romania We already know what country is wealthier, but I do not talk about it, you are just humiliating yourself And if you paid attention you would know I am not from Africa, and I am not 100% african, my mother was white 100% french so yeah I am mixed and France is my country But again I tell you all this, and you will still find way to say more bullshit I am done, I am not replying to any of your messages, you are just a waste of time It doesn't matter how much you try to educate someone, if they are not listening , there is nothing you can do So think whatever about Africa, but try to figure out where you get your chocolate and bananas
vandvise Reputație: 20 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 6 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: Toate tarile din Nordul africii sunt durere, egiptul - suprapopulat si sarac, libya, algeria, in tunisia mai vin turisti ocazional. Noroc ca mai au ceva petrol. Marocul e zona de turism sexual pentru smecherii arabi din golf. Toate tari musulmane Centrul africii e saracie lucie cu rapiri si alte evenimente, dracu traieste bine pe acolo, poate doar cei din armata si politicienii - musulmani. Unde gasesti crestini in africa ? In sud. Majoritatea tarilor sunt bogate, au resurse dar coruptia e maxima si populatia traieste din razboi civil in razboi civil. Vezi DRC. Nu degeaba incearca majoritatea africanilor sa fuga fie in europa fie in us. Vai de mama lor. In final se pare ca tu esti mai idiot si ignorant decat mine motherfucker. Sau poate esti un futut de emigrant si tu aterizat prin europa. Te lupti cu morile de vant... Chiar m-ati facut curios cu bogatiile din Africa, cautam acum pe google. Deci din 54 de tari cat are Africa 48 sunt mai sarace ca Romania. De la top 20 in jos e jale mare aprox 4000$/locuitor in comparatie cu Romania cu 13000$ Deci unde e saracie e si prostitutie, boli si tot ce vrei. Si in legatura cu topicul se pare ca "neagra noastra" a disparut. Anunt dezactivat, tel inchis. 1
Membru Premium elprofesoare Reputație: 61070 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Outcall Oras:Outcall Membru Premium Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 a mers cineva până la capăt? 9
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 32 minutes ago, elprofesoare said: a mers cineva până la capăt? merg eu daca ma sponsorizezi
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 44 minutes ago, clement mic said: Shit man, you are not worth my time, you are one of those stupid trolls I got better things to do. You say a lot of trash without knowing what you are talking about Use google and check statistics, get informed... Don't only check what they say on TV These days there is enough info for people to get informed, but still people have no idea about Africa and love to talk about the country and degrade it You say a lot of trash, but I am sure if you saw me face to face you would shut the fuck up haha it makes me laugh, you are pathetic I think it is not wise to try to degrade me by talking about where I come from when I am from France and you are from Romania We already know what country is wealthier, but I do not talk about it, you are just humiliating yourself And if you paid attention you would know I am not from Africa, and I am not 100% african, my mother was white 100% french so yeah I am mixed and France is my country But again I tell you all this, and you will still find way to say more bullshit I am done, I am not replying to any of your messages, you are just a waste of time It doesn't matter how much you try to educate someone, if they are not listening , there is nothing you can do So think whatever about Africa, but try to figure out where you get your chocolate and bananas Daca te duci prin algeria, maroc sau mai la sud si intrebi toti iti zic ca sunt francezi de la mama lor desi ei au inca wc in curte. Daca vorbesti franceza nu e suficient totusi. Ok, recunoaste ca esti un emigrant amarastean venit sa futa ieftin in Romania. Distractie placuta ca romanii sunt ospitalieri. Nu esti 100% african doar 50%. Sa-ti fie de bine. Imi place africa, cand ma duc merg numai in resorturi pentru expati, daca ies unde traiesc localnicii e durere, mai rau ca favelele din brazilia. Asta e realitatea. Inn final daca ii lauzi atata de ce nu te-ai intors la origini in africa si ai ramas in europa ?
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 6 minutes ago, barosanu1 said: If you go to Algeria, Morocco or further south and ask everyone, I tell you that they are French from their mother, even though they still have a toilet in the yard. If you speak French, it's not enough. Ok, admit that you are an Amarastean emigrant who came to fuck cheaply in Romania. It's a pleasure that the Romanians are hospitable. You are not 100% African, only 50%. Good luck. I like Africa, when I go I only go to resorts for expats, if I go out where the locals live it's a pain, worse than the favelas in Brazil. This is the reality. In the end, if you praise them so much, why didn't you go back to your origins in Africa and stay in Europe? Nah, they are not french.. I do not say I am french only because I speak french... but because I am born in France and my nationality is french, I have lived most of my life in France and more than half of my family is french... how more french can I be? You go to the wrong places, it is because you do not know people... In africa there are a lot of well mannered and educated people Most people I know from Africa go to France to study then become something great It doesn't always work out, but 90% of people who go to France want a better life with a well paid job I don't like Africa, this is not for me... It is not my taste I love technology and going to Africa is like going back to the past It is good if you are very old like +50 years old and just want a peaceful life But not at this moment in my life... Plus I prefer white women, I think I have said it enough, since a child I always preferred white women
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 And by the way you think I stay in Romania just cause the bitches are cheap You are wrong, my best sex experiences in life was with FREEbies, girls I did not have to pay for Now I am just having a pause, I am tired of girlfriends, most of my life I fucked girlfriends This, plus I am here also cause even if you do not realize, Romanian girls are like #2 most beautiful girls in Europe I don't like french girls, plus I can live a better life here You only think my decisions are based on x or y. But the truth is there are a lot of parameters I love fucking bitches, and for the moment Romania is in the top countries even though it is a lot worse than when I first visited this country
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