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Taniamaria 0791539956

Postări Recomandate

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
5 hours ago, Taniamaria said:

Disponibila pana la ora 04 va pupacesc 💙

Chiar si de Craciun? Cu chef de pulă sau de facut bani? 😅

  • Oras:Bucharest
  • Oras:Bucharest
Acum 5 ore, savui a spus:

Chiar si de Craciun? Cu chef de pulă sau de facut bani? 😅

in loc sa zici mersi ca ai unde sa te duci daca te apuca nevoia tu stai sa critici ?

  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București
10 hours ago, febibistin said:


Am fost la bunoaca asta acum cateva zile. E porno rau si super deschisa spre sex.

Am luat-o cu o colega... care era super ok si ea, dar am tras la Tania mai mult. O sa vedeti de ce.

Fete: 8/10 Tania. Tania e pustoaica din liceu careia nu am apucat sa i-o trag, inalta, supla, tate medii super pline, volubila... inteligenta peste medie, inteligenta valabila pentru amandoua. 6/10 colega, e super ok si ea, se masturba in timp de i-o trageam Taniei, dar aspectul e mai de fata cuminte asa, desi arata binisor la corp nu are curul nesimtit al Taniei.
ON: amandoua, super bine. Plus mic pentru Tania, desi amandoua au excelat la tandem. Am finalizat pe fata ei, nu a zis nimic ca ii intindeam materialul rulat pe barbie, inspre gura.

NP: 10/10 nu e adevarat cum se misca in pwla fata asta.. cu twerk si striptease lasciv, nesimtit, in ciuda capitanului... o ia pe lungime si latime, cum trebuie. Exceleaza in pozitiile de forta, lot, reverse cu picioare pe aub, cu picioare pe deasupra, la doggy da contre pe ritm.. nu sunt fan manele, dar fata asta are ritmu' in ea... nu exagereaza... asteapta si lucreaza cu tine la futai... cat o lasi si cat are ea chef. Mix perfect.

Recomandare: de revenit, eu as mai incerca sa revin, dar mi-e teama ca nu o sa pastreze nivelul calitatii actului. Sper sa fie la cote maxime mult timp de acum incolo, e rara aparitia!!


Și colega cine este?..

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Buna seara ....

in ajun de Craciun am reusit sa ajung si eu la domnisoara Tania ..

Domnidoara Tania estr o tipa  slim ,inalta peste 1,70 Inaltime ,frmusica  bruneta cu ochi albastri spre verzi ,piele alba ,sanii  potriviti si frumosi de adolescenta cu sfarcuri roz si erectili la atingere  ,cu cracii lungi si sexi si fund bombat cu pasa frumoasa  epilata si curata ..

GFE- Este amabila ,glumeata ,zambeste frumos ,sociabila,calma ,stie cum sa se faca placuta ,atenta cu tine ,ofera atingeri mangaieri ,sarutari corporale ,si reuseste cu usurinta sa te faca sa te simti bine in prezenta ei ..

ON -  Il executa incet nu se grabeste ,umed cu multa saliva ,cu incercari reusite de deep ,diversificat ,cu schimbari de ritm ,cu lins si sarutat organul si atentie la sateliti ...

NP -  este implicata  se misca  bine da semne ca ii place ,este stramta si se simte bine ,se umezeste natural ,geme ,suspine frumos ,excitant ,schimba poziti fara probleme ....

din punctul meu de vedere merita vizitata ,este frumusica ,carismatica  si respecta timpul clientului unul o sa mai revin ...


  • Like 2
  • Mersi 2
  • Inimioara 1
Acum 20 ore, febibistin a spus:


Am fost la bunoaca asta acum cateva zile. E porno rau si super deschisa spre sex.

Am luat-o cu o colega... care era super ok si ea, dar am tras la Tania mai mult. O sa vedeti de ce.

Fete: 8/10 Tania. Tania e pustoaica din liceu careia nu am apucat sa i-o trag, inalta, supla, tate medii super pline, volubila... inteligenta peste medie, inteligenta valabila pentru amandoua. 6/10 colega, e super ok si ea, se masturba in timp de i-o trageam Taniei, dar aspectul e mai de fata cuminte asa, desi arata binisor la corp nu are curul nesimtit al Taniei.
ON: amandoua, super bine. Plus mic pentru Tania, desi amandoua au excelat la tandem. Am finalizat pe fata ei, nu a zis nimic ca ii intindeam materialul rulat pe barbie, inspre gura.

NP: 10/10 nu e adevarat cum se misca in pwla fata asta.. cu twerk si striptease lasciv, nesimtit, in ciuda capitanului... o ia pe lungime si latime, cum trebuie. Exceleaza in pozitiile de forta, lot, reverse cu picioare pe aub, cu picioare pe deasupra, la doggy da contre pe ritm.. nu sunt fan manele, dar fata asta are ritmu' in ea... nu exagereaza... asteapta si lucreaza cu tine la futai... cat o lasi si cat are ea chef. Mix perfect.

Recomandare: de revenit, eu as mai incerca sa revin, dar mi-e teama ca nu o sa pastreze nivelul calitatii actului. Sper sa fie la cote maxime mult timp de acum incolo, e rara aparitia!!


Mulțumesc  și te mai aștept cu mare drag pup

Acum 3 ore, marian iancu 0507 a spus:

Buna seara ....

in ajun de Craciun am reusit sa ajung si eu la domnisoara Tania ..

Domnidoara Tania estr o tipa  slim ,inalta peste 1,70 Inaltime ,frmusica  bruneta cu ochi albastri spre verzi ,piele alba ,sanii  potriviti si frumosi de adolescenta cu sfarcuri roz si erectili la atingere  ,cu cracii lungi si sexi si fund bombat cu pasa frumoasa  epilata si curata ..

GFE- Este amabila ,glumeata ,zambeste frumos ,sociabila,calma ,stie cum sa se faca placuta ,atenta cu tine ,ofera atingeri mangaieri ,sarutari corporale ,si reuseste cu usurinta sa te faca sa te simti bine in prezenta ei ..

ON -  Il executa incet nu se grabeste ,umed cu multa saliva ,cu incercari reusite de deep ,diversificat ,cu schimbari de ritm ,cu lins si sarutat organul si atentie la sateliti ...

NP -  este implicata  se misca  bine da semne ca ii place ,este stramta si se simte bine ,se umezeste natural ,geme ,suspine frumos ,excitant ,schimba poziti fara probleme ....

din punctul meu de vedere merita vizitata ,este frumusica ,carismatica  si respecta timpul clientului unul o sa mai revin ...


Multumesc și tu sti sa faci o femeie sa se simtă bine te pup cu mare draga și te astept curând  la mine sa revi 😘😘😘

  • Like 1

Buna dragilor sunt o fată simpatica și cu foarte mult chef de joaca, vino sa ne îndeplinim fanteziile împreuna. Vrei relax și răsfăț ce aștepți contactează-mă dacă te respecți ca barbat. 


Hai sa ne jucam 💙💙💙  




Ca si servici :


O finalizare (maxim 30min) 150 lei


1h - 300 lei (2 finalizari)


Servicile oferite in preturile de mai sus sunt: sex normal, oralul in functie de igiena, 69, sarutari, diferite poziti, sex intre sâni, finalizare pe corp.


 Adresa ieste  Alexandru moruzzi voirvod nr4


Servici oferite extra:


c.i.m - 50 lei


c.i.f - 50 lei


Uro activ - 70 lei


Uro pasiv - 50 lei


Diferite fantezi!


Nu fac anal!!!!!


Mă puteti găsi si pe whatsapp la numarul 0791539956






  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

Back again.
So okay after Zeya canceled her meeting and blocked me for no reason I decided to meet this girl because I liked her young look and the reviews.
To my surprise I was greeted by sara24, her colleague and she did not talk but nothing wrong.
Locatio: 7 it's an okay apartment, and there were no dog in the sex room, so it is still an upgrade even though they all seem to share the same apartment. And the towel she wanted to give me had a huge stain so I asked her to give me another one, she gave me the one behind the door.
Aspect: 8,5 or 9 if you like young girls. Her face doesn't look like a model or something but like a student. What someone else said is right, her breasts look better in real life and feels nice to touch. She has a clean, nice to touch pussy too. And many tattoos, one saying "Bon Appétit" above her pussy, so I knew I was there for a good meal.
ON: 8,5 Nothing spectacular. She doesn't do deep throat and you can feel a little bit of teeth. She really seems inexperienced. But I liked that she does it with passion and she let me move her head on my dick, that was very pleasant.
I might come back just for 30 minutes of oral sex and 30 minutes of NP lol.
GFE/Altitude:7 I am the wrong person to rate this. I am not looking for FK. And she speaks 0 English so it was hard to communicate, it might be better for other people. She let me touch her and kiss every part of her body though, that's enough for me.
NP: 8,5 Her pussy felt very tight, which is a good thing. We tried different positions but I would like to do more of them with her next time. She doesn't do much involvement, but she is moaning and at least acting like she is really enjoying it. I liked how she look young and innocent so I can't really complain.

Note: 8,5 This girl is for men looking for young girls. Rather inexperienced but very pleasant when you want to relax and have a good time. She acts like a girl you meet in the university without GFE.
Little note, I didn't see her having a shower after the action, she immediately wore her dress. Young lady don't block me for saying this, I didn't say you didn't have a shower lol. I just said that I didn't see it. Other girls seem very sensitive to reviews and they have a lot of sheep agreeing with everything they say.
Overall it was a great experience, I even told her that I will be back.

I think she would get more popular if she included Deep Throat and CIM though.

  • Like 4
  • Mersi 3
  • Inimioara 1
5 hours ago, clement mic said:

Back again.
So okay after Zeya canceled her meeting and blocked me for no reason I decided to meet this girl because I liked her young look and the reviews.
To my surprise I was greeted by sara24, her colleague and she did not talk but nothing wrong.
Locatio: 7 it's an okay apartment, and there were no dog in the sex room, so it is still an upgrade even though they all seem to share the same apartment. And the towel she wanted to give me had a huge stain so I asked her to give me another one, she gave me the one behind the door.
Aspect: 8,5 or 9 if you like young girls. Her face doesn't look like a model or something but like a student. What someone else said is right, her breasts look better in real life and feels nice to touch. She has a clean, nice to touch pussy too. And many tattoos, one saying "Bon Appétit" above her pussy, so I knew I was there for a good meal.
ON: 8,5 Nothing spectacular. She doesn't do deep throat and you can feel a little bit of teeth. She really seems inexperienced. But I liked that she does it with passion and she let me move her head on my dick, that was very pleasant.
I might come back just for 30 minutes of oral sex and 30 minutes of NP lol.
GFE/Altitude:7 I am the wrong person to rate this. I am not looking for FK. And she speaks 0 English so it was hard to communicate, it might be better for other people. She let me touch her and kiss every part of her body though, that's enough for me.
NP: 8,5 Her pussy felt very tight, which is a good thing. We tried different positions but I would like to do more of them with her next time. She doesn't do much involvement, but she is moaning and at least acting like she is really enjoying it. I liked how she look young and innocent so I can't really complain.

Note: 8,5 This girl is for men looking for young girls. Rather inexperienced but very pleasant when you want to relax and have a good time. She acts like a girl you meet in the university without GFE.
Little note, I didn't see her having a shower after the action, she immediately wore her dress. Young lady don't block me for saying this, I didn't say you didn't have a shower lol. I just said that I didn't see it. Other girls seem very sensitive to reviews and they have a lot of sheep agreeing with everything they say.
Overall it was a great experience, I even told her that I will be back.

I think she would get more popular if she included Deep Throat and CIM though.


The same way I complained about you attitude in other topic, I need to congratulate you for this objective review.

Keep it up!


Buna sunt o fire permisivă, dar și foarte selectivă în același timp! Mă adresez celor ce doresc o evadare din rutina zilnică. Rafinamentul, senzualitatea și pasiunea se oglindesc în calitatea serviciilor mele. Cu bune maniere,curata cu o pofta mare de a-ți satisface plăcerile și fanteziile. Te astept la mine într-o locație discretă cu ambient plăcut pentru un moment de placere si relaxare absolută.


Fără graba ,fără stres! Te vei întoarce cu siguranta


ador limbutele💙




Ca si servici :


O finalizare (maxim 30min) 150 lei


1h - 300 lei (2 finalizari)


Servicile oferite in preturile de mai sus sunt: sex normal, oralul in functie de igiena, 69, sarutari, diferite poziti, sex intre sâni, finalizare pe corp.


 Adresa ieste  Alexandru moruzzi voirvod nr4


Servici oferite extra:


c.i.m - 50 lei


c.i.f - 50 lei


Uro activ - 70 lei


Uro pasiv - 50 lei


Diferite fantezi!


Nu fac anal!!!!!


Mă puteti găsi si pe whatsapp la numarul 0791539956





  • Like 1
  • Inimioara 3

La mulți ani futaciosi mei astăzi mă găsiți la birou de la ora 18:00 pana la 03 va aștept sa începem anul cu dreptul 💙😍

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Mallorca
  • Oras:Mallorca
Acum 2 ore, andretatu a spus:

@Taniamaria pune o poza noua

Sunt vechi cele de mai sus ? Ca sa stim si noi ? 


Buna, sunt o bruneta reala foarte frumoasa. Ma definește caracterul dulce, firea sociabilă,bunul simt și Discreția .

Locație curată unde te aștept in patul meu fierbinte pentru a petrece clipe de neuitat.

Ofer servicii de calitate in conditii de igiena si confidentialitate maxima. Sunt disponibilă exclusiv pentru domnii generoși,manierați și cu bun simt ce își doresc sa petreacă momente frumoase alături de mine pentru mai multe detalii suna ma . pupicii 


Ca si servici :

O finalizare (maxim 30min) 150 lei

1h - 300 lei (2 finalizari)

Servicile oferite in preturile de mai sus sunt: sex normal, oralul in functie de igiena, 69, sarutari, diferite poziti, sex intre sâni, finalizare pe corp.

 Adresa ieste  Alexandru moruzzi voirvod nr4

Servici oferite extra:

c.i.m - 50 lei

c.i.f - 50 lei

Uro activ - 70 lei

Uro pasiv - 50 lei

Diferite fantezi!

Nu fac anal!!!!!

Mă puteti găsi si pe whatsapp la numarul 0791539956


Buna sunt o escorta draguta dupa ce ma vei cunoaste te vei convinge ca sunt diferita si sunt o alegere perfecta. pasiunea si senzualitatea mea te vor face sa vibrezi de placere in compania mea! ofer companie intima domnilor generosi, discretii si seriosi sunt tandra,pasionala ,atenta la cerintele tale si mereu stiu sa ma fac placuta in modul meu pentru a te face sa te simți satisfacut de mine


Ca si servici :

O finalizare (maxim 30min) 150 lei

1h - 300 lei (2 finalizari)

Servicile oferite in preturile de mai sus sunt: sex normal, oralul in functie de igiena, 69, sarutari, diferite poziti, sex intre sâni, finalizare pe corp.

 Adresa ieste  Alexandru moruzzi voirvod nr4

Servici oferite extra:

c.i.m - 50 lei

c.i.f - 50 lei

Uro activ - 70 lei

Uro pasiv - 50 lei

Diferite fantezi!

Nu fac anal!!!!!

Mă puteti găsi si pe whatsapp la numarul 0791539956


  • Like 3
  • Inimioara 1

Buna sunt o fată dulce și simpatica cu  bune maniere care știe sa facă ca un barbat sa se simtă bine, dacă ești un barbat care se respecta știu ca o sa treci pe la mine cu siguranță și nu o sa regreți 😍

Ca si servici :
O finalizare (maxim 30min) 150 lei
1h - 300 lei (2 finalizari)
Servicile oferite in preturile de mai sus sunt: sex normal, oralul in functie de igiena, 69, sarutari, diferite poziti, sex intre sâni, finalizare pe corp.
 Adresa ieste  Alexandru moruzzi voirvod nr4
Servici oferite extra:
c.i.m - 50 lei
c.i.f - 50 lei
Uro activ - 70 lei
Uro pasiv - 50 lei
Diferite fantezi!
Nu fac anal!!!!!
Mă puteti găsi si pe whatsapp la numarul 0791539956

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

She cancelled our meeting today which would have been the second meeting.

She said she did not know when she will be back.

She proposed me her colleague named "Roxi roxana" but I asked her more details about her like photos, age, etc... then she stopped answering

No way I am having sex with a random girl... Otherwise I would go to publi24

Then after a few hours I see her new post here, I don't really understand what is going on since she is not answering

Tania altitude was OK when we met the first time, but she definitely need to communicate better on whatsapp

I really wanted to have a good day, and she ruined it by cancelling the meeting and the lack of communication

  • Like 1
  • Confuz 1
1 minute ago, clement mic said:

She cancelled our meeting today which would have been the second meeting.

She said she did not know when she will be back.

She proposed me her colleague named "Roxi roxana" but I asked her more details about her like photos, age, etc... then she stopped answering

No way I am having sex with a random girl... Otherwise I would go to publi24

Then after a few hours I see her new post here, I don't really understand what is going on since she is not answering

Tania altitude was OK when we met the first time, but she definitely need to communicate better on whatsapp

I really wanted to have a good day, and she ruined it by cancelling the meeting and the lack of communication

probably you have a bad reputation among the escorts.



  • Minus 1
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
1 minute ago, bertus said:

probably you have a bad reputation among the escorts.



Are you joking?

I have met many of them, and I revisit the ones I like the most without problems

They even talk to me sometimes on whatsapp with no problem

What is wrong with you? I understand you really do not like french people or my race

But can you leave me alone man. Get a life

It is a review page, people only comment about the girl and their experiences

So in other words, GTFO, stop the hate

  • Like 1
  • Inimioara 1
8 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Are you joking?

I have met many of them, and I revisit the ones I like the most without problems

They even talk to me sometimes on whatsapp with no problem

What is wrong with you? I understand you really do not like french people or my race

But can you leave me alone man. Get a life

It is a review page, people only comment about the girl and their experiences

So in other words, GTFO, stop the hate

I do not know what your race is and I am french, so it would be stupid from me to not like people from my own country.

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
31 minutes ago, bertus said:

I do not know what your race is and I am french, so it would be stupid from me to not like people from my own country.

I really doubt that because you follow me around in every topic to say something negative with wrong info

Si t vraiment français calme toi mec!

  • Like 1

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