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Warning: 0765854838 - nicoleta o fata pofticiosa fara figuri si fara graba poze 100 reale va pwp

Postări Recomandate

  • Oras:Oras
  • Oras:Oras

incredibil, asa ceva nu am mai intalnit

Name: Crina, Denisa, Andra, Adina, Ionela, Cristina, Nico, Nicoleta, Sonia, Mina, Delia, Raluka, Raluca, Dana, Corina, Larisa, Simona, Mona, Lora, Adelina, Mara, Antonella, Betty, Monica, Maria
Loc: Bucuresti, Sector 1 & Sector 2
11 Active Ads: 
1. 22Dec21 B.
2. 17Nov21 B.
3. 23Dec21 B.
4. 30Oct21 B.
5. 23Dec21 B.
6. 23Dec21 B.
7. 23Dec21 B.
8. 13May21 B.
9. 23Dec21 B.
10. 30Oct21 B.
11. 30Oct21 DB
27 Deleted Ads: 


si daca nu v-ati plictisit, iata un mic preview al restului clanului raspandit in mai multe locatii:

44 other Ads

Tel: 0765854838, 0721421239, 0721943666, 0737414850, 0734165024, 0721940006, 0728480005, 0721933376, 0721933306, 0732741269, 0723450000, 0736776454, 0736776422, 0732396960, 0732741000, 0734166024, 0720189408, 0720351678, 0720351651, 0720348437, 0730811819, 0720522722, 0720190569, 0730135912, 0720190578, 0720521151, 0720190400, 0790414662, 0790414668, 0721557625, 0728482285, 0721936033, 0721936112, 0728482280, 0730480900, 0721935426, 0721936256, 0721943279, 0721943200, 0721943276, 0728482000, 0736796173, 0728561189, 0733484578, 0728746362, 0733719257, 0737190786, 0732892634, 0727578613, 0727578689, 0727578601, 0727578694, 0765674988, 0733891560, 0727578492, 0730778295, 0737127067, 0737127050, 0762365637, 0731076372, 0765286537, 0736040677, 0727578676, 0731598985, 0731603083, 0733423477, 0736040662, 0790506438, 0727120860, 0721008760, 0738144215, 0736073483, 0728367969, 0799327306, 0759829025, 0725287893, 0735687965, 0725713326, 0725178031, 0737576621, 0728569327, 0737518536, 0728569749, 0737702259, 0723798676, 0727578564, 0736795367, 0730329098, 0737847748, 0724948319, 0723474855, 0755550896, 0720350687, 0724948667, 0732939166, 0724948654, 0731075078, 0745333971, 0750694822, 0730337367, 0730335796, 0727578635, 0726502415, 0724948966, 0726866175, 0732603925, 0732108869, 0735426136, 0720342039, 0723798684, 0730143884, 0736468371, 0726452226, 0730758268, 0730135914, 0723867592, 0737770128, 0790490283, 0720449805, 0727605007, 0727613530, 0738377231, 0737770125, 0733270041, 0727172560, 0736796181, 0736796200, 0733847363, 0736796122, 0736796206, 0733292355, 0736795392, 0736961840, 0737721584, 0723474920, 0737756799, 0791090254, 0733462677, 0737269482, 0791090253, 0791090252, 0791090259, 0729876044, 0735038954, 0748339684, 0755784778, 0751782568, 0751782569, 0749862390, 0769247518, 0726457216, 0734644573, 0726458554, 0725489309, 0791090258

Topics: BR:, BR:, BV:, DB:, DB:, DJ:, OT:, SM:, SV:, TM:, VL:, VN:, BC:, BC:, BR:, DJ:, MH:, MM:, MS:, SV:, BV:, GJ:, MH:, MS:, MS:, BR:, AB:, MM:, MS:, HD:, BV:, BZ:, BR:, DB:, SV:

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Vizitator Powerforce
Reputație: 0

Adica toate alea sunt dintr-o gasca sau e una singura cu zeci de anunturi?

  • Oras:Oras
  • Oras:Oras

si daca tot am facut o demonstratie de putere mai devreme, iata inca una mai jos: istoricul recent al anuntului preferat din lista de mai sus:

datorita pozei absolut... superbe:

nu stiu voi cum va pozitionati, dar mie imi inspira f multa incredere cand vad cate nr de tel a schimbat doar pe acest anunt

si da, l-am scris la mana in zeci de nopti nedormite, pentru ca voi sa puteti afla cum sta treaba, enjoy :)

not :P 


2020.07.22 16:51 New ad in OT: 0720190569
2020.08.01 01:18 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
2020.08.01 01:19 NewPictures: 4
2020.08.01 01:19 Tel changed: 0720190569 -> 0720521151
2020.08.05 19:54 Location changed: Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin -> Olt, Slatina
2020.08.20 09:17 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Braila, Braila
2020.08.24 12:02 New Topic found: 163987
2020.08.30 17:31 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.08.30 17:35 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.02 18:11 NewPictures: 2
2020.09.04 13:06 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.04 13:10 Name changed: Larisa -> Carina
2020.09.07 14:04 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.07 14:04 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
2020.09.07 14:04 Tel changed: 0720521151 -> 0730135912
2020.09.11 15:38 Location changed: Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin -> Prahova, Ploiesti
2020.09.14 18:19 Location changed: Prahova, Ploiesti -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.09.17 18:31 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2020.09.18 01:31 Topic collision: 163987 with 165616
2020.09.19 18:26 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Olt, Slatina
2020.09.22 06:02 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.29 17:39 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Braila, Braila
2020.10.02 16:34 NewPictures: 4
2020.10.02 16:35 Age changed: 29 -> 24
2020.10.03 00:52 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.10.04 16:53 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Prahova, Ploiesti
2020.10.09 22:04 Location changed: Prahova, Ploiesti -> Olt, Slatina
2020.10.09 22:05 NewPictures: 4
2020.10.11 10:03 NewPictures: 4
2020.10.11 10:04 Tel changed: 0730135912 -> 0720522722 (new), Topic updated already
2020.10.11 17:51 [i] NewTopicCreated ant1 for 0720522722: 167278
2020.10.11 17:51 New Topic found: 167278
2020.10.12 08:30 Topic collision: 167278 with 163988
2020.10.17 15:47 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
2020.11.02 07:50 Location changed: Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin -> Dolj, Craiova
2020.11.07 21:29 Location changed: Dolj, Craiova -> Olt, Slatina
2020.11.07 21:30 NewPictures: 1
2020.11.09 19:41 NewPictures: 3
2020.11.10 17:22 NewPictures: 5
2020.11.13 18:47 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.16 15:31 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.16 15:32 Tel changed: 0720522722 -> 0730811819
2020.11.17 19:47 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.19 16:52 NewPictures: 5
2020.11.19 16:52 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.11.25 19:27 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.28 18:56 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Braila, Braila
2020.11.28 20:20 NewPictures: 5
2020.12.06 05:23 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Neamt, Targu Neamt
2020.12.07 18:53 Location changed: Neamt, Targu Neamt -> Suceava, Suceava
2020.12.10 20:49 Location changed: Suceava, Suceava -> Braila, Braila
2020.12.10 20:49 Tel changed: 0730811819 -> 0721943200 (new), Topic updated already
2020.12.31 14:53 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Iasi, Iasi
2020.12.31 14:53 Tel changed: 0721943200 -> 0721943666 (new), Topic updated already
2021.01.13 19:17 Location changed: Iasi, Iasi -> Bacau, Bacau
2021.01.14 16:23 Location changed: Bacau, Bacau -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.01.17 08:43 Tel changed: 0721943666 -> 0732396960 (new), Topic updated already
2021.01.18 10:44 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Iasi, Iasi
2021.01.23 14:24 NewPictures: 5
2021.01.23 14:24 Tel changed: 0732396960 -> 0736776454
2021.01.24 19:07 Location changed: Iasi, Iasi -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.02.05 00:18 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Iasi, Iasi
2021.02.06 18:36 Location changed: Iasi, Iasi -> Buzau, Buzau
2021.02.07 14:08 Age changed: 24 -> 29
2021.02.08 09:46 NewPictures: 3
2021.02.11 21:00 NewPictures: 4
2021.02.12 13:17 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.02.16 18:27 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Bacau, Bacau
2021.02.18 19:37 NewPictures: 4
2021.02.20 07:31 Location changed: Bacau, Bacau -> Vrancea, Focsani
2021.02.20 12:57 Topic collision: 167278 with 175724
2021.02.22 14:37 NewPictures: 5
2021.02.22 14:37 Tel changed: 0736776454 -> 0720351651
2021.02.25 16:52 NewPictures: 4
2021.02.28 17:27 Location changed: Vrancea, Focsani -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.03.01 21:41 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Vrancea, Focsani
2021.03.03 15:12 Topic collision: 175724 with 136718
2021.03.03 19:55 NewPictures: 5
2021.03.06 19:29 Location changed: Vrancea, Focsani -> Buzau, Buzau
2021.03.07 13:58 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Braila, Braila
2021.03.12 19:29 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Constanta, Constanta
2021.03.17 16:11 NewPictures: 4
2021.03.17 16:14 Name changed: Casandra -> Cristina
2021.03.21 15:40 Location changed: Constanta, Constanta -> Brasov, Brasov
2021.03.22 18:39 NewPictures: 5
2021.03.24 13:59 Location changed: Brasov, Brasov -> Buzau, Buzau
2021.03.26 03:05 NewPictures: 5
2021.03.29 21:26 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Olt, Slatina
2021.03.29 21:29 NewPictures: 3
2021.04.05 11:55 NewPictures: 2
2021.04.08 15:10 NewPictures: 3
2021.04.08 20:14 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Gorj, Targu Jiu
2021.04.10 21:41 Age changed: 29 -> 27
2021.04.11 18:33 NewPictures: 5
2021.04.11 18:33 Location changed: Gorj, Targu Jiu -> Dolj, Craiova
2021.04.14 11:32 Location changed: Dolj, Craiova -> Hunedoara, Petrosani
2021.04.14 11:36 Name changed: Cristina -> Simona
2021.04.14 11:36 Age changed: 27 -> 19
2021.04.15 15:01 NewPictures: 4
2021.04.17 22:02 Location changed: Hunedoara, Petrosani -> Hunedoara, Deva
2021.04.23 12:30 Age changed: 19 -> 25
2021.04.23 21:13 NewPictures: 4
2021.04.25 21:56 Location changed: Hunedoara, Deva -> Olt, Slatina
2021.04.27 08:13 NewPictures: 5
2021.05.08 16:17 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Bistrita-Nasaud, Bistrita
2021.05.08 16:22 NewPictures: 4
2021.05.08 16:22 Tel changed: 0720351651 -> 0727578613 (new), Topic update needed
2021.05.13 20:05 NewPictures: 5
2021.05.13 20:06 Location changed: Bistrita-Nasaud, Bistrita -> Bucuresti, Sector 3
2021.05.13 20:06 Tel changed: 0727578613 -> 0765674988
2021.05.23 15:54 Location changed: Bucuresti, Sector 3 -> Maramures, Baia Mare
2021.05.25 11:49 NewPictures: 5
2021.05.25 11:49 Tel changed: 0765674988 -> 0727578613
2021.05.27 22:28 Location changed: Maramures, Baia Mare -> Satu Mare, Satu Mare
2021.05.30 15:47 NewPictures: 5
2021.06.03 20:35 NewPictures: 10
2021.06.03 20:36 Location changed: Satu Mare, Satu Mare -> Bihor, Oradea
2021.06.07 09:56 Location changed: Bihor, Oradea -> Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
2021.06.13 19:52 Topic collision: 167278 with 181981
2021.06.14 08:04 Topic collision: 167278 with 153148
2021.06.19 18:11 Location changed: Cluj, Cluj-Napoca -> Constanta, Constanta
2021.06.24 15:39 NewPictures: 4
2021.06.24 15:39 Location changed: Constanta, Constanta -> Galati, Galati
2021.06.24 15:39 Tel changed: 0727578613 -> 0727578676 (new), Topic update needed
2021.06.26 12:14 NewPictures: 7
2021.07.05 20:34 Location changed: Galati, Galati -> Prahova, Ploiesti
2021.07.07 15:35 Location changed: Prahova, Ploiesti -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2021.07.09 22:06 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Sibiu, Sibiu
2021.07.10 22:14 NewPictures: 5
2021.07.15 09:46 NewPictures: 3
2021.07.15 17:15 Location changed: Sibiu, Sibiu -> Hunedoara, Deva
2021.07.18 14:18 NewPictures: 5
2021.07.25 19:42 Location changed: Hunedoara, Deva -> Bihor, Oradea
2021.07.26 08:18 Topic collision: 167278 with 136718
2021.10.27 16:03 Location changed: Bihor, Oradea -> Mures, Targu Mures
2021.10.27 16:21 Age changed: 25 -> 30
2021.10.30 09:28 Location changed: Mures, Targu Mures -> Sibiu, Sibiu
2021.11.04 19:51 Location changed: Sibiu, Sibiu -> Mures, Targu Mures
2021.11.11 20:12 Location changed: Mures, Targu Mures -> Alba, Alba Iulia
2021.11.13 21:08 Location changed: Alba, Alba Iulia -> Bihor, Oradea
2021.11.17 18:12 Location changed: Bihor, Oradea -> Satu Mare, Satu Mare
2021.11.26 12:48 Location changed: Satu Mare, Satu Mare -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2021.11.29 11:52 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Maramures, Baia Mare
2021.12.01 18:00 Location changed: Maramures, Baia Mare -> Mures, Targu Mures
2021.12.06 13:36 Location changed: Mures, Targu Mures -> Alba, Alba Iulia
2021.12.15 22:38 Location changed: Alba, Alba Iulia -> Hunedoara, Deva
2021.12.21 09:41 Location changed: Hunedoara, Deva -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2021.12.23 17:02 NewPictures: 5
2021.12.23 17:03 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Bucuresti, Sector 1
2021.12.23 17:03 Tel changed: 0727578676 -> 0765854838 (new), Topic update needed
2021.12.23 17:03 Age changed: 30 -> 31

  • Like 8
  • Haha 1
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  • Inimioara 2
16 minutes ago, statistics said:

si daca tot am facut o demonstratie de putere mai devreme, iata inca una mai jos: istoricul recent al anuntului preferat din lista de mai sus:

datorita pozei absolut... superbe:

nu stiu voi cum va pozitionati, dar mie imi inspira f multa incredere cand vad cate nr de tel a schimbat doar pe acest anunt

si da, l-am scris la mana in zeci de nopti nedormite, pentru ca voi sa puteti afla cum sta treaba, enjoy :)

not :P 


2020.07.22 16:51 New ad in OT: 0720190569
2020.08.01 01:18 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
2020.08.01 01:19 NewPictures: 4
2020.08.01 01:19 Tel changed: 0720190569 -> 0720521151
2020.08.05 19:54 Location changed: Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin -> Olt, Slatina
2020.08.20 09:17 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Braila, Braila
2020.08.24 12:02 New Topic found: 163987
2020.08.30 17:31 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.08.30 17:35 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.02 18:11 NewPictures: 2
2020.09.04 13:06 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.04 13:10 Name changed: Larisa -> Carina
2020.09.07 14:04 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.07 14:04 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
2020.09.07 14:04 Tel changed: 0720521151 -> 0730135912
2020.09.11 15:38 Location changed: Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin -> Prahova, Ploiesti
2020.09.14 18:19 Location changed: Prahova, Ploiesti -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.09.17 18:31 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2020.09.18 01:31 Topic collision: 163987 with 165616
2020.09.19 18:26 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Olt, Slatina
2020.09.22 06:02 NewPictures: 3
2020.09.29 17:39 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Braila, Braila
2020.10.02 16:34 NewPictures: 4
2020.10.02 16:35 Age changed: 29 -> 24
2020.10.03 00:52 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.10.04 16:53 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Prahova, Ploiesti
2020.10.09 22:04 Location changed: Prahova, Ploiesti -> Olt, Slatina
2020.10.09 22:05 NewPictures: 4
2020.10.11 10:03 NewPictures: 4
2020.10.11 10:04 Tel changed: 0730135912 -> 0720522722 (new), Topic updated already
2020.10.11 17:51 [i] NewTopicCreated ant1 for 0720522722: 167278
2020.10.11 17:51 New Topic found: 167278
2020.10.12 08:30 Topic collision: 167278 with 163988
2020.10.17 15:47 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
2020.11.02 07:50 Location changed: Mehedinti, Drobeta-Turnu Severin -> Dolj, Craiova
2020.11.07 21:29 Location changed: Dolj, Craiova -> Olt, Slatina
2020.11.07 21:30 NewPictures: 1
2020.11.09 19:41 NewPictures: 3
2020.11.10 17:22 NewPictures: 5
2020.11.13 18:47 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.16 15:31 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.16 15:32 Tel changed: 0720522722 -> 0730811819
2020.11.17 19:47 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.19 16:52 NewPictures: 5
2020.11.19 16:52 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Buzau, Buzau
2020.11.25 19:27 NewPictures: 4
2020.11.28 18:56 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Braila, Braila
2020.11.28 20:20 NewPictures: 5
2020.12.06 05:23 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Neamt, Targu Neamt
2020.12.07 18:53 Location changed: Neamt, Targu Neamt -> Suceava, Suceava
2020.12.10 20:49 Location changed: Suceava, Suceava -> Braila, Braila
2020.12.10 20:49 Tel changed: 0730811819 -> 0721943200 (new), Topic updated already
2020.12.31 14:53 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Iasi, Iasi
2020.12.31 14:53 Tel changed: 0721943200 -> 0721943666 (new), Topic updated already
2021.01.13 19:17 Location changed: Iasi, Iasi -> Bacau, Bacau
2021.01.14 16:23 Location changed: Bacau, Bacau -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.01.17 08:43 Tel changed: 0721943666 -> 0732396960 (new), Topic updated already
2021.01.18 10:44 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Iasi, Iasi
2021.01.23 14:24 NewPictures: 5
2021.01.23 14:24 Tel changed: 0732396960 -> 0736776454
2021.01.24 19:07 Location changed: Iasi, Iasi -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.02.05 00:18 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Iasi, Iasi
2021.02.06 18:36 Location changed: Iasi, Iasi -> Buzau, Buzau
2021.02.07 14:08 Age changed: 24 -> 29
2021.02.08 09:46 NewPictures: 3
2021.02.11 21:00 NewPictures: 4
2021.02.12 13:17 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.02.16 18:27 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Bacau, Bacau
2021.02.18 19:37 NewPictures: 4
2021.02.20 07:31 Location changed: Bacau, Bacau -> Vrancea, Focsani
2021.02.20 12:57 Topic collision: 167278 with 175724
2021.02.22 14:37 NewPictures: 5
2021.02.22 14:37 Tel changed: 0736776454 -> 0720351651
2021.02.25 16:52 NewPictures: 4
2021.02.28 17:27 Location changed: Vrancea, Focsani -> Bacau, Onesti
2021.03.01 21:41 Location changed: Bacau, Onesti -> Vrancea, Focsani
2021.03.03 15:12 Topic collision: 175724 with 136718
2021.03.03 19:55 NewPictures: 5
2021.03.06 19:29 Location changed: Vrancea, Focsani -> Buzau, Buzau
2021.03.07 13:58 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Braila, Braila
2021.03.12 19:29 Location changed: Braila, Braila -> Constanta, Constanta
2021.03.17 16:11 NewPictures: 4
2021.03.17 16:14 Name changed: Casandra -> Cristina
2021.03.21 15:40 Location changed: Constanta, Constanta -> Brasov, Brasov
2021.03.22 18:39 NewPictures: 5
2021.03.24 13:59 Location changed: Brasov, Brasov -> Buzau, Buzau
2021.03.26 03:05 NewPictures: 5
2021.03.29 21:26 Location changed: Buzau, Buzau -> Olt, Slatina
2021.03.29 21:29 NewPictures: 3
2021.04.05 11:55 NewPictures: 2
2021.04.08 15:10 NewPictures: 3
2021.04.08 20:14 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Gorj, Targu Jiu
2021.04.10 21:41 Age changed: 29 -> 27
2021.04.11 18:33 NewPictures: 5
2021.04.11 18:33 Location changed: Gorj, Targu Jiu -> Dolj, Craiova
2021.04.14 11:32 Location changed: Dolj, Craiova -> Hunedoara, Petrosani
2021.04.14 11:36 Name changed: Cristina -> Simona
2021.04.14 11:36 Age changed: 27 -> 19
2021.04.15 15:01 NewPictures: 4
2021.04.17 22:02 Location changed: Hunedoara, Petrosani -> Hunedoara, Deva
2021.04.23 12:30 Age changed: 19 -> 25
2021.04.23 21:13 NewPictures: 4
2021.04.25 21:56 Location changed: Hunedoara, Deva -> Olt, Slatina
2021.04.27 08:13 NewPictures: 5
2021.05.08 16:17 Location changed: Olt, Slatina -> Bistrita-Nasaud, Bistrita
2021.05.08 16:22 NewPictures: 4
2021.05.08 16:22 Tel changed: 0720351651 -> 0727578613 (new), Topic update needed
2021.05.13 20:05 NewPictures: 5
2021.05.13 20:06 Location changed: Bistrita-Nasaud, Bistrita -> Bucuresti, Sector 3
2021.05.13 20:06 Tel changed: 0727578613 -> 0765674988
2021.05.23 15:54 Location changed: Bucuresti, Sector 3 -> Maramures, Baia Mare
2021.05.25 11:49 NewPictures: 5
2021.05.25 11:49 Tel changed: 0765674988 -> 0727578613
2021.05.27 22:28 Location changed: Maramures, Baia Mare -> Satu Mare, Satu Mare
2021.05.30 15:47 NewPictures: 5
2021.06.03 20:35 NewPictures: 10
2021.06.03 20:36 Location changed: Satu Mare, Satu Mare -> Bihor, Oradea
2021.06.07 09:56 Location changed: Bihor, Oradea -> Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
2021.06.13 19:52 Topic collision: 167278 with 181981
2021.06.14 08:04 Topic collision: 167278 with 153148
2021.06.19 18:11 Location changed: Cluj, Cluj-Napoca -> Constanta, Constanta
2021.06.24 15:39 NewPictures: 4
2021.06.24 15:39 Location changed: Constanta, Constanta -> Galati, Galati
2021.06.24 15:39 Tel changed: 0727578613 -> 0727578676 (new), Topic update needed
2021.06.26 12:14 NewPictures: 7
2021.07.05 20:34 Location changed: Galati, Galati -> Prahova, Ploiesti
2021.07.07 15:35 Location changed: Prahova, Ploiesti -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2021.07.09 22:06 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Sibiu, Sibiu
2021.07.10 22:14 NewPictures: 5
2021.07.15 09:46 NewPictures: 3
2021.07.15 17:15 Location changed: Sibiu, Sibiu -> Hunedoara, Deva
2021.07.18 14:18 NewPictures: 5
2021.07.25 19:42 Location changed: Hunedoara, Deva -> Bihor, Oradea
2021.07.26 08:18 Topic collision: 167278 with 136718
2021.10.27 16:03 Location changed: Bihor, Oradea -> Mures, Targu Mures
2021.10.27 16:21 Age changed: 25 -> 30
2021.10.30 09:28 Location changed: Mures, Targu Mures -> Sibiu, Sibiu
2021.11.04 19:51 Location changed: Sibiu, Sibiu -> Mures, Targu Mures
2021.11.11 20:12 Location changed: Mures, Targu Mures -> Alba, Alba Iulia
2021.11.13 21:08 Location changed: Alba, Alba Iulia -> Bihor, Oradea
2021.11.17 18:12 Location changed: Bihor, Oradea -> Satu Mare, Satu Mare
2021.11.26 12:48 Location changed: Satu Mare, Satu Mare -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2021.11.29 11:52 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Maramures, Baia Mare
2021.12.01 18:00 Location changed: Maramures, Baia Mare -> Mures, Targu Mures
2021.12.06 13:36 Location changed: Mures, Targu Mures -> Alba, Alba Iulia
2021.12.15 22:38 Location changed: Alba, Alba Iulia -> Hunedoara, Deva
2021.12.21 09:41 Location changed: Hunedoara, Deva -> Dambovita, Targoviste
2021.12.23 17:02 NewPictures: 5
2021.12.23 17:03 Location changed: Dambovita, Targoviste -> Bucuresti, Sector 1
2021.12.23 17:03 Tel changed: 0727578676 -> 0765854838 (new), Topic update needed
2021.12.23 17:03 Age changed: 30 -> 31

Respect maxim din partea mea

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Foarte tare ....Eu unul deja am pierdut șirul 🙄...Meriti o primă de Crăciun de la Pisic!! 😅

  • Oras:Romanistan
  • Oras:Romanistan
41 minutes ago, statistics said:

si daca tot am facut o demonstratie de putere mai devreme, iata inca una mai jos: istoricul recent al anuntului preferat din lista de mai sus:

datorita pozei absolut... superbe:

nu stiu voi cum va pozitionati, dar mie imi inspira f multa incredere cand vad cate nr de tel a schimbat doar pe acest anunt

si da, l-am scris la mana in zeci de nopti nedormite, pentru ca voi sa puteti afla cum sta treaba, enjoy :)

not :P 


Foarte tare, cum tii urma anunturilor? au ceva ID unic?

Ar fi fain daca ti-ai face un site sau aplicatie separat de nimfo cu chestia asta pentru ca aici e plin de pesti imbecili care promoveaza boarfe ordinare si tot felul de tepe 

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Oras
  • Oras:Oras
13 minutes ago, troznitorinc said:

Foarte tare, cum tii urma anunturilor? au ceva ID unic?

Ar fi fain daca ti-ai face un site sau aplicatie separat de nimfo cu chestia asta pentru ca aici e plin de pesti imbecili care promoveaza boarfe ordinare si tot felul de tepe

  • Like 2
  • Inimioara 1
  • Oras:Romanistan
  • Oras:Romanistan
14 hours ago, statistics said:

Poti sa adaugi o sectiune in care sa se vada si relatiile dintre mai multe numere de telefon? gen nr X este al aceleiasi persoane/anunt cu nr Y

Exista si cativa algoritmi cu care poti detecta aceeasi imagine in anunturi diferite chiar daca au fost editate, cu oarecare eroare desigur dar poti sa ii dai toleranta la 1% ca sa nu iti dea false positives. Asta pentru pestii si idioatele care folosesc aceleasi poze pe anunturi/conturi diferite cu nr de telefon diferite.

Daca esti din bucuresti alege-ti o bagaboanta care-ti place sa iti las o muie si o sampanie

  • Haha 1
Acum 20 ore, statistics a spus:

incredibil, asa ceva nu am mai intalnit

Name: Crina, Denisa, Andra, Adina, Ionela, Cristina, Nico, Nicoleta, Sonia, Mina, Delia, Raluka, Raluca, Dana, Corina, Larisa, Simona, Mona, Lora, Adelina, Mara, Antonella, Betty, Monica, Maria
Loc: Bucuresti, Sector 1 & Sector 2
11 Active Ads: 
1. 22Dec21 B.
2. 17Nov21 B.
3. 23Dec21 B.
4. 30Oct21 B.
5. 23Dec21 B.
6. 23Dec21 B.
7. 23Dec21 B.
8. 13May21 B.
9. 23Dec21 B.
10. 30Oct21 B.
11. 30Oct21 DB
27 Deleted Ads: 


si daca nu v-ati plictisit, iata un mic preview al restului clanului raspandit in mai multe locatii:

44 other Ads

Tel: 0765854838, 0721421239, 0721943666, 0737414850, 0734165024, 0721940006, 0728480005, 0721933376, 0721933306, 0732741269, 0723450000, 0736776454, 0736776422, 0732396960, 0732741000, 0734166024, 0720189408, 0720351678, 0720351651, 0720348437, 0730811819, 0720522722, 0720190569, 0730135912, 0720190578, 0720521151, 0720190400, 0790414662, 0790414668, 0721557625, 0728482285, 0721936033, 0721936112, 0728482280, 0730480900, 0721935426, 0721936256, 0721943279, 0721943200, 0721943276, 0728482000, 0736796173, 0728561189, 0733484578, 0728746362, 0733719257, 0737190786, 0732892634, 0727578613, 0727578689, 0727578601, 0727578694, 0765674988, 0733891560, 0727578492, 0730778295, 0737127067, 0737127050, 0762365637, 0731076372, 0765286537, 0736040677, 0727578676, 0731598985, 0731603083, 0733423477, 0736040662, 0790506438, 0727120860, 0721008760, 0738144215, 0736073483, 0728367969, 0799327306, 0759829025, 0725287893, 0735687965, 0725713326, 0725178031, 0737576621, 0728569327, 0737518536, 0728569749, 0737702259, 0723798676, 0727578564, 0736795367, 0730329098, 0737847748, 0724948319, 0723474855, 0755550896, 0720350687, 0724948667, 0732939166, 0724948654, 0731075078, 0745333971, 0750694822, 0730337367, 0730335796, 0727578635, 0726502415, 0724948966, 0726866175, 0732603925, 0732108869, 0735426136, 0720342039, 0723798684, 0730143884, 0736468371, 0726452226, 0730758268, 0730135914, 0723867592, 0737770128, 0790490283, 0720449805, 0727605007, 0727613530, 0738377231, 0737770125, 0733270041, 0727172560, 0736796181, 0736796200, 0733847363, 0736796122, 0736796206, 0733292355, 0736795392, 0736961840, 0737721584, 0723474920, 0737756799, 0791090254, 0733462677, 0737269482, 0791090253, 0791090252, 0791090259, 0729876044, 0735038954, 0748339684, 0755784778, 0751782568, 0751782569, 0749862390, 0769247518, 0726457216, 0734644573, 0726458554, 0725489309, 0791090258

Topics: BR:, BR:, BV:, DB:, DB:, DJ:, OT:, SM:, SV:, TM:, VL:, VN:, BC:, BC:, BR:, DJ:, MH:, MM:, MS:, SV:, BV:, GJ:, MH:, MS:, MS:, BR:, AB:, MM:, MS:, HD:, BV:, BZ:, BR:, DB:, SV:

Nu le inchide nimeni ? 😬🤔

  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:Outcall
  • Oras:Outcall
45 minutes ago, da da da said:

Si eu unde sun ? :blink

la numărul din titlul topicului 😁

  • Like 6
  • Oras:Oras
  • Oras:Oras

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