clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 1 minute ago, bertus said: You do not quite know how to use the word "harassing" despite of being a master in art of harassment, @clement mic Stop quoting me, trolling me and harassing me! I ask the admin of the forum to lock the thread and ban this user @pisicuts 1 1 2 1
Membru Premium v92610 Reputație: 3182 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Oras:Nassau Oras:Nassau Membru Premium Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Bai clement mic de Dedulești, am auzit că stăpânești foarte bine o tehnică japoneză, "sosugi fără souzi". E adevărat?! 4 3 "May you live in interesting times." 🗿 🗿
Tandem3 Reputație: -2363 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Clementina cocolina , se poartă aparent normal cteva ore , dar are vreo doi litri de sânge stricat în el și d aia o suge potaia în restul timpului. 🤣 2 2 4
Vizitator ThePunisher. Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 La 7.1.2022 la 15:36, bertus a spus: am glumit. Chiar m-a ajutat de @ThePunisher. sa fac spam justificat pe topicul aia sa ma ingalbenesc mai repede Aham
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 Autor Postat Ianuarie 15, 2022 2 hours ago, ThePunisher. said: Aham hai incarca contul si apuca-te de ce stii mai bine 😜 Sa ploua minusuri!!! 💥 1 1 1
Membru Premium v92610 Reputație: 3182 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Nassau Oras:Nassau Membru Premium Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 On 1/15/2022 at 2:02 AM, clement mic said: Stop quoting me, trolling me and harassing me! I ask the admin of the forum to lock the thread and ban this user @pisicuts Bai sclavete retard, ti-ai asmutit "tovarasii" clonati care iti dau plusuri non stop sa ma minuseze? Tot un cacat cu ochi esti, aia ai fost si aia o sa mori. Ma pis pe minusurile voastre de cacati. 1 2 3 "May you live in interesting times." 🗿 🗿
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 26 minutes ago, v92610 said: Slow down slaves, have you clogged up your cloned "comrades" who give you pluses non-stop to diminish me? You're just a piece of shit, that's what you were and that's what you're going to die of. I'm pissing on your crap shit. Hey ass kisser, you thought it's cool to come back to my thread and mention my name? Back the fuck up! Haha you call me slave while you are the one who can't stop ass kissing and licking the feet of renesmee Since I made a post in her thread you could not stop spamming me with "minuses" with your clone accounts, trolls and gay ass kissers, now I do the same and you start crying like a little bitch? You guys don't fuck, you just like to work for bitches for free You lost your pride, you are not a man anymore Go suck another dick. No time for you little bitch Change your avatar to a lolipop, cause a black panther you are NOT 😂😂😂😂 2 1
Membru Premium v92610 Reputație: 3182 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Nassau Oras:Nassau Membru Premium Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 1 minute ago, clement mic said: Hey ass kisser, you thought it's cool to come back to my thread and mention my name? Back the fuck up! Haha you call me slave while you are the one who can't stop ass kissing and licking the feet of renesmee Since I made a post in her thread you could not stop spamming me with "minuses" with your clone accounts, trolls and gay ass kissers, now I do the same and you start crying like a little bitch? You guys don't fuck, you just like to work for bitches for free You lost your pride, you are not a man anymore Go suck another dick. No time for you little bitch Change your avatar to a lolipop, cause a black panther you are NOT 😂😂😂😂 Ce clone visezi ba bolnav mintal? Eu am clone? 🤣😂🤣🤣 De cand ai facut "un post" adica 40 vrei sa zici, du-te in mortii matii de handicapat jegos si mai spameaza un pic pe topicele fetelor ca sunt "prea scumpe", "prea grase" si cum cacat ti se mai pare tie in creierul tau prajit, cum faci de obicei de ti-a luat dracu tot forumul seama. "Little bitch" sunteti tu cu tovarasii tai si cu neamul tau de babuini scelerati. Daca ti-am zis sa mai taci dracu si sa nu mai spamezi tot felul de cretinisme inutile pe topic la o tipa la care NICI NU AI FOST, e ass kissing? Sa mori tu ma?? Eu ti-am dat minusuri la cacaturile pe care le tot comentai pe topicul ala ca sa te afli in treaba, boule, nu m-am apucat sa te spamez cu minusuri la toate postarile de cand ti-ai facut contul, cum ati inceput astazi tu si cu clonatii tai infecti cu 0 postari. Hai mars in pula mea de aici, ca mi-am pierdut deja prea mult timp cu tine. 1 1 3 "May you live in interesting times." 🗿 🗿
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Acum 1 oră, clement mic a spus: Hey ass kisser, you thought it's cool to come back to my thread and mention my name? Back the fuck up! Haha you call me slave while you are the one who can't stop ass kissing and licking the feet of renesmee Since I made a post in her thread you could not stop spamming me with "minuses" with your clone accounts, trolls and gay ass kissers, now I do the same and you start crying like a little bitch? You guys don't fuck, you just like to work for bitches for free You lost your pride, you are not a man anymore Go suck another dick. No time for you little bitch Change your avatar to a lolipop, cause a black panther you are NOT 😂😂😂😂 Mucles bă căcuț ! Iar faci curent p-aci ? Ne sugi pula și când vrei și când nu vrei ! Acuma...vrei ? 😂😂😂 🙆🏻 2 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 I don't have time for y'all bullshit You guys can suck each other dicks I wasted enough time in this useless thread You guys made me famous, I didn't ask for it You a bunch of ass kissers and dick riders Nice clone accounts by the way 2 1
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Autor Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 4 hours ago, clement mic said: Hey ass kisser, you thought it's cool to come back to my thread and mention my name? Back the fuck up! Haha you call me slave while you are the one who can't stop ass kissing and licking the feet of renesmee Since I made a post in her thread you could not stop spamming me with "minuses" with your clone accounts, trolls and gay ass kissers, now I do the same and you start crying like a little bitch? You guys don't fuck, you just like to work for bitches for free You lost your pride, you are not a man anymore Go suck another dick. No time for you little bitch Change your avatar to a lolipop, cause a black panther you are NOT 😂😂😂😂 @clement mic It does not matter how many escorts you fuck, you will never be a man. You are the lowest possible. Kind regards, The one who owns you
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Just now, bertus said: @clement mic It does not matter how many escorts you fuck, you will never be a man. You are the lowest possible. Kind regards, The one who owns you Says the one ass kissing escort girls 😂😂 I can never take you seriously You are my little bitch, my biggest fan... You even made a thread about me Get off my dick 2 1
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Autor Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 3 minutes ago, clement mic said: Says the one ass kissing escort girls 😂😂 I can never take you seriously You are my little bitch, my biggest fan... You even made a thread about me Get off my dick @clement mic you are craving for this attention because you have a boring and miserable life, bitch!
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 21, 2022 1 minute ago, bertus said: @clement mic you are craving for this attention because you have a boring and miserable life, bitch! Hahaha again you are funny because you are the one who created this topic about me, who is the bitch now? And I only came back because your boyfriend mentioned my name AGAIN You guys really have nothing else to do in your life... pathetic Get a job or something, at least you will be able to fuck girls and actually post reviews instead of being on my dick 24/7 2 1
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Acum 5 ore, clement mic a spus: Hahaha again you are funny because you are the one who created this topic about me, who is the bitch now? And I only came back because your boyfriend mentioned my name AGAIN You guys really have nothing else to do in your life... pathetic Get a job or something, at least you will be able to fuck girls and actually post reviews instead of being on my dick 24/7 Băi căcuț mic, tu ai fi fost deștept bă, dacă nu erai prost ! 😂😂😂 Tu chiar crezi că bărbații adevărați fut doar ca să scrie fericiți o recenzie ? Tu ești doar un sissy, un wimp, o pussy ! Topicul e despre tine sissy boy, hai pune prețul, sunt nerăbdător să mă piș pă tine ! Promit să fiu generos, chiar o să ți dau un bacșiș ! Gura mare puișor, jetul îți va umple gura ! 1 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 17 minutes ago, cincistele said: You little bastard, you would have been smart if you weren't stupid! 😂 😂 _ Do you really think that real men fuck just to write a happy review? You're just a sissy, a wimp, a pussy! The topic is about you sissy boy, let's put the price on, I'm looking forward to pissing on you! I promise to be generous, I'll really give you a tip! Big mouth baby, the jet will fill your mouth! No time to read your messages. But we already know you are gay, so go suck a dick I bet you like to be on your knees like a little bitch Yo, renesmee said you didn't kiss her ass enough.. Go back to work slave 2 1
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus: No time to read your messages. But we already know you are gay, so go suck a dick I bet you like to be on your knees like a little bitch Yo, renesmee said you didn't kiss her ass enough.. Go back to work slave Hehehe, you're gay, avorton, I don't know her personally, but who knows? The girl looks very good and I really like the way she thinks. And most importantly, he doesn't get that kind of scumbags like you. Okay, I don't think any girl would get you without money. But look, even with money, you can't have her. 😉 I'll give you 600 lei and I'll piss on you! Deal? 🤭 1 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 20 minutes ago, cincistele said: Hehehe, you're gay, avorton, I don't know her personally, but who knows? The girl looks very good and I really like the way she thinks. And most importantly, he doesn't get that kind of scumbags like you. Okay, I don't think any girl would get you without money. But look, even with money, you can't have her. 😉 I'll give you 600 lei and I'll piss on you! Deal? 🤭 You can't stop with the gay shit. How many times have you asked me for some gay action? Get the fuck outta here, you are on the wrong forum.. Go back to I don't have time to read your messages 2 1
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Acum 1 oră, clement mic a spus: I don't have time to read your messages But you find it ! You're merely non stop around here ! You're so stupid ! you stink ! I see, you are very familiar with gay sites, for sure you're a gay 🤮...I piss on you ! of course, I pay your fee ! 🤭 1 1 2
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Hei, hei ... @clement mic , your boyfriend @misteryo is looking for you! He wants you for 69! 🤭😁😂 Bă, bă ... @clement mic, iubitul tău @misteryo te caută! Te vrea pentru 69! 🤭😁😂 🙆🏻 1 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 23 minutes ago, cincistele said: But you find it ! You're merely non stop around here ! You're so stupid ! you stink ! I see, you are very familiar with gay sites, for sure you're a gay 🤮...I piss on you ! of course, I pay your fee ! 🤭 get a boyfriend or something we absolutely don't care about what you think and just cause my laptop is always on it doesn't mean I am always here Dumb ass, grow up, stop staying in your home licking girls asses in the internet and touching your own dick while fingering your ass 2 1
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Acum 12 minute, clement mic a spus: get a boyfriend or something Dumb ass, grow up, stop staying in your home licking girls asses in the internet and touching your own dick while fingering your ass This is your speech in front of your mirror ? So talk like this with yourself 🤭😁😂 Come on ! Take my money ! Let me pee on you ! Haide ! Ia-mi banii ! Lasă-mă să fac pipi pe tine! 🤭😁😂🤣 🤷🏻🙆🏻 @misteryo, tu poți să te uiți, de la 1 milimetru 🤣🤣🤣 1 1 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 11 minutes ago, cincistele said: This is your speech in front of your mirror ? So talk like this with yourself 🤭😁😂 Come on ! Take my money ! Let me pee on you ! Haide ! Ia-mi banii ! Lasă-mă să fac pipi pe tine! 🤭😁😂🤣 🤷🏻🙆🏻 @misteryo, tu poți să te uiți, de la 1 milimetru 🤣🤣🤣 You are so pathetic, already 100 times you begged me for some gay action you are on the wrong forum 2 1
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Acum 1 minut, clement mic a spus: You are so generous, already 100 times pee on me Don't stop, please ! I need money 😃 You're welcome ! 🤷🏻😁 1 1
moldoclaudiu Reputație: 708 Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 Oras:Mures Oras:Mures Postat Ianuarie 22, 2022 La 13.01.2022 la 20:41, gallo a spus: Sandilaule, stai sa o scot pe ma-ta din sant, dupa aceea arunc si o basculanta de balegar pe tine muistule, poate mai acopera duhoarea de scursura a societatii pe care o emani?🤣🤣 Unde erai când a avut loc explozia de la Cernobîl și de ce erai asa aproape de Cernobîl? 2 1
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