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Ekaterina - 0736.673.575 - Unirii - Parcul Izvor - Escorta de LUX - Pret decent

Postări Recomandate

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
5 minutes ago, renesmee said:

How the hell can you threaten to send someone to my door? Go suicide, you live in vain, cockroaches with little cocks. By the way, did you wash your eggs today? Wherever you post, it stinks ... I realize you don't wash much.

Guys, are you sure it is the type of escort girl you want to visit? 

I am getting really tired. She cannot stop spamming me 24/7

I have no desire in communication with you

You are not the type of person I keep in my contacts

So please leave me alone and find another hobby

Stop spamming my account and harassing me

ENOUGH is enough maybe? I never met you and I don't know you

  • Haha 1
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
12 minutes ago, renesmee said:

Cum e javro sa ma ameninti ca imi vei trimite pe cineva la usa ? Du-te si sinucide te , traiesti degeaba , gandacule de bucatarie cu pula mica . Apropo, te-ai spalat la oua astazi? Oriunde postezi ,miroase a cloceala ...bag de seama ca nu prea te speli .

Even if you make a lot of money sucking dicks, you are still the worst type of human being because of the way you behave

You can't stop stalking my account just because I said you are not worth 400

I really wonder how you find so much time stalking me all the time, you don't have clients? 

Your 1,200 minuses did not affect me.. You wasted your time

I have met so many wonderful escort girls in Bucharest 

But you are some of the worst types of people I ever met

You got so much hate in your heart that it is hurting your business 

Nobody want to visit a girl who stalk men 24/7, I will start calling you a witch

  • Haha 1
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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, clement mic said:

Guys, are you sure it is the type of escort girl you want to visit? 

I am getting really tired. She cannot stop spamming me 24/7

I have no desire in communication with you

You are not the type of person I keep in my contacts

So please leave me alone and find another hobby

Stop spamming my account and harassing me

ENOUGH is enough maybe? I never met you and I don't know you


3 hours ago, clement mic said:


A grand dad want to fuck you and he is white too, i will make him visit you discreetly then send a review here with pictures haha

Suck that old cock in your mouth. and you will never know I sent him to you haha I will give him 400 just to humiliate you dumb ass and piss in your mouth cause your colleague told me you love that

Eu cand ti-am zis small dick and brain,nu ti-am zis degeaba . Tu esti mereu o victima ,tu niciodata nu faci nimic ..Little dick head ,you're the worst drama queen trying like a little bitch to prove fals claimes when infact you're harass ,a spamer .....and a little dick and brain 

Keep crying like a little bitch you are . I have a lot of fun with you😘🤗

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Vizitator KimInLove
Reputație: 0

Uite ce faceam eu in timpul in care aici pe topic stateati ca prostii sa vorbiti cu un cont facut la caterinca. 
si nu de mine . De o persoana care , exact cum

am banuit, e vechi pe forum, presimt ca e membru -barbat  si tot unul care mi-a analizat mie postarile de-a lungul timpului. 

din partea mea va meritati cu toti prostia fiindca eu si daca am fost pacalita pentru 2 zile cand chiar am crezut ca e posibil sa fie o fata care e mai fitoasa , eu nu ma las prostita la nesfarsit. 

Eu cand am tras concluzia finala m-am si debarasat imediat. Voua va place sa fiti mintiti , sa stati in mocirla zi si noapte . Dar nu vad unde e vina mea pentru masochismul altora ? 

eu am o gandire foarte analitica , o intuitie buna si gandesc extrem de logic si obiectiv! De aceea pot anticipa intentiile altora . 

Nu pot posta dovezile , nu am optiunea necesara, in orice caz am fost la Clinica sa imi fac pometii cu Juvederm ,4 ml 

am special din Lincoln in Nottingham. In timp ce Ekaterina posta aici eu imi pun la punct noul Look. 

la revedere. 

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
3 minutes ago, renesmee said:


Eu cand ti-am zis small dick and brain,nu ti-am zis degeaba . Tu esti mereu o victima ,tu niciodata nu faci nimic ..Little dick head ,you're the worst drama queen trying like a little bitch to prove fals claimes when infact you're harass ,a spamer .....and a little dick and brain 

Keep crying like a little bitch you are . I have a lot of fun with you😘🤗

Google translate can't translate most of the shit you write. But it is always the same blah blah

Me crying over 1 bitch while there are a million of them in Bucharest? Hahaha

Yeah keep dreaming

You are nobody to me, your insults doesn't even affect me. You just make me laugh all day because of your lack of education 

How many times per day you need to quote me so you are satisfied? Get off my dick you vampire.. Stop sucking

  • Haha 1
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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
2 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Even if you make a lot of money sucking dicks, you are still the worst type of human being because of the way you behave

You can't stop stalking my account just because I said you are not worth 400

I really wonder how you find so much time stalking me all the time, you don't have clients? 

Your 1,200 minuses did not affect me.. You wasted your time

I have met so many wonderful escort girls in Bucharest 

But you are some of the worst types of people I ever met

You got so much hate in your heart that it is hurting your business 

Nobody want to visit a girl who stalk men 24/7, I will start calling you a witch

Little dick and brain, tu nu meriti nici macar maruntis ,bine ca te intretin parintii si ai si tu niste banuti sa ajungi la unele fete ca altfel nu ai avea parte de vre-o fata in viata reala . Escortele numara banii iar tu faci laba  non-stop pe forum,ca de obicei ,plangandu-te de preturi pe care tu nu ti le permiti.

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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, clement mic said:

Google translate can't translate most of the shit you write. But it is always the same blah blah

Me crying over 1 bitch while there are a million of them in Bucharest? Hahaha

Yeah keep dreaming

You are nobody to me, your insults doesn't even affect me. You just make me laugh all day because of your lack of education 

How many times per day you need to quote me so you are satisfied? Get off my dick you vampire.. Stop sucking

What dick? You don't have any dick . You just have a small dick up to you'r ass 🤗

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
4 minutes ago, renesmee said:

Little dick and brain, you don't even deserve a penny, it's good that your parents support you and you also have some money to get to some girls, otherwise you wouldn't have a girl in real life. Escorts count the money and you pause non-stop on the forum, as usual, complaining about prices you can't afford.

Yeah yeah of course. 

My mother is dead first of all. And I live in another country alone

I have always been independent since 18 years old and my dad or anyone never helped me

And I never ask for help

Oh yeah I can afford your 400 ridiculous price. But I chose not to

That's why you are so frustrated and cannot stop spamming my account and quoting me everyday for weeks already 

You can't forget me 

  • Haha 1
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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, clement mic said:

Yeah yeah of course. 

My mother is dead first of all. And I live in another country alone

I have always been independent since 18 years old and my dad or anyone never helped me

And I never ask for help

Oh yeah I can afford your 400 ridiculous price. But I chose not to

That's why you are so frustrated and cannot stop spamming my account and quoting me everyday for weeks already 

You can't forget me 

Cum sa te uit mai Clementino cand tu ma ameninti ? Cum? Astept sa iti pui amenintarea in practica , labarule.🤗

Revenind,la cei 5 cm ai tai..De asta esti asa de depresiv si frustrat? Eu ti-am mai explicat , da-te cu spirt Mona pe penis timp de 5 zile si iti v-a creste 2 cm ...Daca faci asta regulat ,vei avea o pula de 1m🤗

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
6 minutes ago, renesmee said:

What dick? You don't have any dick . You just have a small dick up to you'r ass 🤗

I guarantee you some customers will not want to visit you after they see the shit you write

I even have a lot of friends in the forum, if you were in their lists, I am sure you will now be in the bottom of their lists haha

You are hurting yourself and you don't even understand it

I feel sorry for you

  • Haha 1
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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
Just now, zydraxx said:

topicul asta e o gaura neagra a forumului, atrage orice :)))) @renesmee si @clement mic nu puteti sa va impacati sau sa va certati in alta parte ?

Tu nu vrei sa intelegi ca omul vrea remediu pentru cei 5 cm ai lui...Eu ii ofer remediul Mona.. Si din cand in cand ,putina bataie de joc. 🤗

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Vizitator zydraxx
Reputație: 0
4 minutes ago, clement mic said:

I guarantee you some customers will not want to visit you after they see the shit you write

nu ma bag in discutia voastra, dar chiar nu e asa, din contra, m-as duce la ea ca pare caterinca fata :D

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
8 minutes ago, renesmee said:

How can I forget you Clementino when you threaten me? How? I'm waiting for you to put your threat into practice, labarul.

Going back to your 5 cm ... Is that why you're so depressed and frustrated? I explained to you, give Mona alcohol on your penis for 5 days and it will grow 2 cm ... If you do this regularly, you will have a 1m dick 🤗

Threatening how? By saying 400 is ridiculous for your ass? Bitch please🤣🤣🤣

You are so pathetic and you are making a fool of yourself 

And I am still laughing at you for thinking that any black has a small dick😂😂😂

You definitely need some education, let me school your ass

Only doggystyle because I don't want to see your face

I need to pay you a visit just for fun

  • Haha 1
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Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
Chiar acum, Lucas0 a spus:

Ekaterina e vreun pușcăriaș dat naibii! Ce să facă prin pușcărie și el!?

boss ,nu te mai uita la seriale ca te afecteaza :)))))

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Vizitator renesmee
Reputație: 0
1 minute ago, pisicuts said:

s-o adunat toti trolli aici pe topic, asa-i ??

S-au adunat pentru ca le permiti si iti place circul pe care il fac. Amenintarea lui Clement la care ti-am dat report ,banuiesc ca nu ai vazut-o fiind foarte ocupat cu aprobarea postarilor noi de pe n'spe mii de conturi clona. 😊 

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