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Claudia_sexxy,noua in domeniu 0729 320 598

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  • Oras:No man's land
  • Oras:No man's land

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eventual iti dau eu muie anul asta descultule

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eventual iti dau eu muie anul asta descultule

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Salutare dragi futaciosi,


Am vizitat si eu aceasta tanara. Locatia este undeva pe langa Doamna Ghica, intre-un bloc mai de generatie noua. Tipa e destul de ok, ai ce vorbi cu ea. Ca varsta 25 ani declarati si pare a avea dreptate. Am platit o ora dar am stat o finaliare si un pic la barfa (si a trecut timpul, teapa mea).

Delalii de 




Locatie - 10, e primitoare


Oral - 10 fara rezerve np deep, umed ...!


Normal - 9


Aspect- 8 (cateva kg in plus)


Igiena - 10, ireprosabil


GFE - 10 comunicativa, lipicioasa, FK la greu


Cadou - 150ron/ora , raport calitate/pret corect si bun


Nu stiu daca este de TOP dar, o recomand!

Multumesc! :) :*

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o gluma deloc reusita....

am gresit ........ Planorama

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  • Oras:Secret
  • Oras:Secret

Mulțumesc mult! Am și eu memoria buna, îmi amintesc de tine :)

Te pup și la mulți ani


Scuze, n-am mai intrat de multicel pe forum. La multi ani si tie, Claudia! Chiar iti amintesti sau a fost doar politete? Chiar sunt curios, ma simt flatat :D 

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Scuze, n-am mai intrat de multicel pe forum. La multi ani si tie, Claudia! Chiar iti amintesti sau a fost doar politete? Chiar sunt curios, ma simt flatat :D

nici vorba de politete asa ca te poti simti flatat te pup :girly

  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Hello, are you available today ?

  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Hey, I visited Claudia yesterday, and also in 2015, in July but I forgot to do a review at the time.


First time it was in area Timpuri Noi if I recall, and now it's in complex Planorama.


am gresit ........ Planorama


I think the first time she had a co-worker and now she is alone, both meeting were in a good looking appartment, she provides you with a tiny towel so I took one from my place the second time :D

The location is fine, discret, there is a security box at the gateway, but the guy wont look at you at all, it's like those BGS Box.


She is very GFE during the meeting and I like that, kisses you alot, FK alot, make you feels confortable the whole time, she is very clean, took shower before and after, offered me drinks.


The sex with her is unbelievable, I don't know if she just totally like it or she make you feel like that, but it works, she is 100% participating and she knows what she doing, very sexy and intense :)



Location 9/10 (first meeting: tiny towel) // (second meeting: had a little light issue in bathroom)

Girl 10/10 (first meeting the time the pictures were taken I believe) & 11/10 (second meeting, she looks even better than in picture)

Oral NP 10/10 & 10/10 (she is 100% involved in it, balls licking and all)

Normal P 10/10 & 10/10 (she rided me and I rided her, both very good, tight pussy and alot of investment on her part)

GFE : 20/10 & 20/10 (no matter first meeting or second meeting, she very make you feel good)


Cadou 150 Lei 1h (first time) and 300 Lei (2h) (second time)

Door to Door: 1h20 and 2h10



PS: I read people that had issue with the quality of condoms, I think it's no longer an issue, she uses DUREX and they were really easy to put on.

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  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: +33012345678
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Nu Cred ca are probleme cu prezervativele

I didn't meant quality, but it was a bit harder to put on in the past. Now all is fine buddy.

Am rugat-o sa puna prezervativul pentru ca aveam pofta sa i-o trag . Aici, pentru prima data mi s-a intamplat sa nimeresc un prezervativ foarte stramt. M-am chinuit putin sa il pun insa intre timp soldatelul s-a dat lovit si desi am incercat misionar sau mama iedului, nu am reusit sa merg pana la capat. Am rugat-o sa imi faca din nou oral pentru a termina.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Hey, I visited Claudia yesterday, and also in 2015, in July but I forgot to do a review at the time.


First time it was in area Timpuri Noi if I recall, and now it's in complex Planorama.



I think the first time she had a co-worker and now she is alone, both meeting were in a good looking appartment, she provides you with a tiny towel so I took one from my place the second time :D

The location is fine, discret, there is a security box at the gateway, but the guy wont look at you at all, it's like those BGS Box.


She is very GFE during the meeting and I like that, kisses you alot, FK alot, make you feels confortable the whole time, she is very clean, took shower before and after, offered me drinks.


The sex with her is unbelievable, I don't know if she just totally like it or she make you feel like that, but it works, she is 100% participating and she knows what she doing, very sexy and intense :)



Location 9/10 (first meeting: tiny towel) // (second meeting: had a little light issue in bathroom)

Girl 10/10 (first meeting the time the pictures were taken I believe) & 11/10 (second meeting, she looks even better than in picture)

Oral NP 10/10 & 10/10 (she is 100% involved in it, balls licking and all)

Normal P 10/10 & 10/10 (she rided me and I rided her, both very good, tight pussy and alot of investment on her part)

GFE : 20/10 & 20/10 (no matter first meeting or second meeting, she very make you feel good)


Cadou 150 Lei 1h (first time) and 300 Lei (2h) (second time)

Door to Door: 1h20 and 2h10



PS: I read people that had issue with the quality of condoms, I think it's no longer an issue, she uses DUREX and they were really easy to put on.

thank you so much! Kisses!!!!!!! :girly

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

De CE scrii in engleza? E o moda?

Fiind cetatean de alta nationlitate este necesar sa scrie pe intelesul tuturor muritorilor

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Fiind cetatean de alta nationlitate este necesar sa scrie pe intelesul tuturor muritorilor

Euvad c-a inteles perfect ce i-am scris, deci e roman sadea, fara misto :-)

  • Telefon: 0233263256
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: 0233263256
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Salut Claudia sunt sanse sa oferii si servicii de outcall? 

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Buna! Imi cer scuze celor carora nu le-am putut raspunde zilele trecute dar din pricina unei raceli destul de enervante :P nu am avut cum. Intr-un final a trecut asa ca...voi fi disponibila de pup, o seara calduroasa va doresc!

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