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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


Bine ca stii cum ma cheama, fara sa bagi si N in nume. :hihat

Daca eram purtator de pula... eu nu futeam asa ceva. :laugh2 :no2

Pai a inceput sa miroasa in timpul actului.......

  • Oras:danpulea
  • Oras:danpulea



la un moment dat pizda madamezei a inceput sa miroasa. Oribil.



 ma stresez si mi se pare ca ma mananca in capul penisului, dar nu bag mana in foc ca nu e doar stresul ca s-ar putea intampla.

Momentan am intrerupt contactele cu sotia.



Stii si tu ca la masina daca patineaza ambreiajul miroase a ferodou. O fi fost la fel si la voi, Ai dat in ea pana s-a incins.

Pe unii in mananca-n c*r, pe tine in capu' p*lii. Vorbind serios acum, incearca si linistete-te, doar tu ai zis ca ti se pare si te stresezi.


Ca sa nu intre jumatatea la banuieli, cumpara-ti niste prezervative negre si spune-i ca vrei sa f*ti ca negrii.


Pe viitor, inainte sa-l imbraci pe penisica, da-l cu betadina, apoi infasoara-l in tifon, aghesmuieste-l din belsug cu albastru de metilen si pune doua preze, ca sa ai protectie.



Daca esti atat de speriat, du-te maine la un control. Sa ai spor!

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


la un moment dat pizda madamezei a inceput sa miroasa. Oribil.


 ma stresez si mi se pare ca ma mananca in capul penisului, dar nu bag mana in foc ca nu e doar stresul ca s-ar putea intampla.

Momentan am intrerupt contactele cu sotia.



Stii si tu ca la masina daca patineaza ambreiajul miroase a ferodou. O fi fost la fel si la voi, Ai dat in ea pana s-a incins.

Pe unii in mananca-n c*r, pe tine in capu' p*lii. Vorbind serios acum, incearca si linistete-te, doar tu ai zis ca ti se pare si te stresezi.


Ca sa nu intre jumatatea la banuieli, cumpara-ti niste prezervative negre si spune-i ca vrei sa f*ti ca negrii.


Pe viitor, inainte sa-l imbraci pe penisica, da-l cu betadina, apoi infasoara-l in tifon, aghesmuieste-l din belsug cu albastru de metilen si pune doua preze, ca sa ai protectie.



Daca esti atat de speriat, du-te maine la un control. Sa ai spor!



  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti



Daca esti atat de speriat, du-te maine la un control. Sa ai spor!


La ce specialist ii recomanzi?  :thinking

  • Oras:danpulea
  • Oras:danpulea

La ce specialist ii recomanzi?  :thinking

Sincer, nu stiu ca nu am avut nevoie, pana acum, in principiu un dermatolog.

Dar dupa cum a narat balada, i-ar trebui un psiholog! :)

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri

La ce specialist ii recomanzi?  :thinking

La Ananda? 

  • Like 4
  • Minus 2
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Sincer, nu stiu ca nu am avut nevoie, pana acum, in principiu un dermatolog.

Dar dupa cum a narat balada, i-ar trebui un psiholog! 



De psihologi avem nevoie toti.

  • Like 1
  • Oras:danpulea
  • Oras:danpulea

Totul a fost protejat,

Ca sa fii cat se poate de sigur, iata "exemplul" de mai jos:


La scoala, profesoara explica elevilor: SIDA se poate lua in relatia El-Ea, El-EL si Ea-Ea.

Bula intreaba: Doamna, in relatia Eu-Eu, pot sa iau SIDA!? ;)

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Gluma gluma, dar tind sa cred pana la urma ca Rusoaica s-a spalat cu Vodka. 

Sincer nu stiu ce sa mai cred. O sa astept cateva zile sa vad ce se intampla. 


Poate am scapat de data asta.


Super-gonorrhoea's spread 'causing huge concern'

By James GallagherHealth editor, BBC News website
  • Doctors have expressed "huge concern" that super-gonorrhoea has spread widely across England and to gay men.

    The new superbug prompted a national alert last year when it emerged in Leeds, as one of the main treatments had become useless against it.

    Public Health England acknowledges measures to contain the outbreak have been of "limited success".

    Doctors fear the sexually transmitted infection, which can cause infertility, could soon become untreatable.

    Cases of super-gonorrhoea have now been detected in the West Midlands, London and southern England.



Only 34 cases have been officially confirmed in laboratory testing, but this is likely to be the tip of the iceberg of an infection that can be symptomless.

'Infections spread faster'

The outbreak started in straight couples, but is now being seen in gay men too.

"We've been worried it would spread to men who have sex with men," Peter Greenhouse, a consultant in sexual health based in Bristol, told BBC News.

"The problem is [they] tend to spread infections a lot faster simply as they change partners more quickly."

They are also more likely to have gonorrhoea in their throats. There further resistance is more likely to develop as antibiotics get to the throat in lower doses and the area is also teeming with other bacteria that can share the resistance to drugs.

The bacterium that causes gonorrhoea is extremely adept at shrugging off our best antibiotics.

So two drugs - azithromycin and ceftriaxone - are used in combination.

But now resistance to azithromycin is spreading, doctors fear it is only a matter of time before ceftriaxone fails too.


The disease is caused by the bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

The infection is spread by unprotected vaginal, oral and anal sex.

Of those infected, about one in 10 heterosexual men and more than three-quarters of women, and gay men, have no easily recognisable symptoms.

But symptoms can include a thick green or yellow discharge from sexual organs, pain when urinating and bleeding between periods.

Untreated infection can lead to infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and can be passed on to a child during pregnancy.

Safe sex urged

England's most senior doctor has already warned gonorrhoea is on the cusp of becoming untreatable.

And Dr Gwenda Hughes, the head of the sexually transmitted infections unit at Public Health England, said: "We cannot afford to be complacent.

"If strains of gonorrhoea emerge that are resistant to both azithromycin and ceftriaxone, treatment options would be limited as there is currently no new antibiotic available to treat the infection."

She is encouraging people to practise safe sex to minimise the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

There is also a concerted campaign to find the sexual partners of people who have the superbug.

But a Public Health England report acknowledges this has been of "limited success" so far.

Of 50 sexual partners reported, only 22 were successfully followed up, but, worryingly, 94% of partners tested had the infection. copyrightThinkstock

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV said there needed to be a rapid response to the infection and has warned its members to be on the lookout.

Its president, Dr Elizabeth Carlin, said: "The spread of high level azithromycin-resistant gonorrhoea is a huge concern and it is essential that every effort is made to contain further spread.

"Failure to respond appropriately will jeopardise our ability to treat gonorrhoea effectively and will lead to poorer health outcomes for individuals and society as a whole."

But Mr Greenhouse warned that sexual health services were facing their "biggest restriction ever" due to funding cuts.

'Perfect storm'

The emergence of a dangerous superbug was creating a "perfect storm scenario", he said.

Meanwhile, the Department of Health has announced a new tool to help GPs cut the number of antibiotics they prescribe.

It will allow practices to see how their antibiotic prescribing habits compare with other practices.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said: "I want to see antibiotics being prescribed only when necessary and hope this will be a new weapon to help GPs cut the numbers of antibiotics needlessly being given out."

  • Oras:sub pamanat srl
  • Oras:sub pamanat srl

Vaaai... ce m-ai speriat!  :laugh2  Te rog să primești scuzele mele!

Măi fraților, răspunde-ți serios ăstuia, că e periculos rău!  :laugh2

:eek  :eek  :eek

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