Ma duari la pula Ontoping: atâta timp cât gay încetează să mai îmbolnăveasca planeta cu SIDA, futându-se în cur, neprotejat toată ziua, și încetând să promoveze căsătoria religioasă ca ceva normal, eu voi încerca să încetez să mai am primul gând, atunci când mă gândesc la gay, de a le băga un glonț de calibru 7,56 (calibru de kalasnikov) în cap Dovezi: Gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States. ... Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with mena made up an estimated 2% of the population but 55% of people living with HIV in the United States in 2013 It’s much easier to get HIV from anal sex It’s been scientifically proven that anal sex is riskier than vaginal sex when it comes to HIV. Eighteen times riskier to be exact. There are two reasons for this. First, the cells in the ass are much more susceptible to HIV than cells in the vagina. Second, both semen and rectal mucosa (the lining of the ass) carry more HIV than vaginal fluid. Combine this with the fact that gay and bi guys have much more anal sex than straight guys, and you’ve got yourself a lot more risk right there. We’re more closely connected than you might think The reality is that there are less gay and bi guys than there are straight men and women. So when you’re meeting a guy for casual sex, the pool of people you have to choose from is smaller. This makes gay and bi guys much more closely connected, sexually, than the rest of the population. It also allows HIV and other STIs to spread quickly among us. Ce părere am numai de gay? Sunt mesajerii morții