fu210qur Reputație: 51 Postat Februarie 21, 2017 Oras:Constanta Oras:Constanta Postat Februarie 21, 2017 Hello Dear Colleagues, A long awaited review is finally making its way to the good people of Constanta. I am going to share my experience with Roxana from some time ago, so I cannot really confirm if her services/attitude have changed much, but I personally am inclined to go for the negative In my quest of hitting all top escorts in Constanta, one sunny day of summer I make my way to Roxana's crib - Dolphinarium Area. Overall, she is an uninspiring girl in my opinion, she does have a tight body - i'll give her that - but her face is not at all pretty, it kind of looks used, and it feels that the many years she had spent in the business took a toll on her appearance. Nonetheless, I was expecting to have a good time, based on her top ranking and some of the reviews here, but boy was I wrong. First of all, she is not at all welcoming or inviting and it feels that she just wants to get your money fast and get rid of you. I am not one for the fast fuck, so I decided to pay for one hour in advance (as insisted by her), although I knew I will maximum release myself once. I personally like to talk to the girls before sex, build a relation, and at least get to know them a little bit. There is nothing to speak about with Roxana. She is absolutely dull and all she wants is to fuck as quick as possible and get you on your way. I did try to open a few topics of conversation but no success with her. So we started the action and she began blowing me. No special technique, no attempts of DT, nothing out of the ordinary. Got myself hard so I asked to fuck her doggystyle and she conformed. Again she was just sitting on her knees in front of me and there was absolutely no action coming from her. I could have been fucking a sex doll and the experience would have been 100% identical. To make matters worse, a bad smell started to make its way in the room. It was probably from the condom rubbing on her pussy, so I don't know if I should fault her for that, but disappointing and disgusting nevertheless (and I honestly never encountered this with any other girls). I did cum in the end (took a lot of concentration from my side - actually fantasizing about other girls) and quickly went to the bathroom to sanitize myself. When I came back into the room, she was all dressed up again but I noticed that only 25 minutes have passed from the time I came in. I asked her to give me a massage for the remainder of the time and she happily agreed. She started massaging me, and I have to say, that was the worst part of the entire experience. She was just so bad, no technique at all, and she was literally just moving her hands on my back without any direction or synchronization. And almost ten minutes later she confessed that she is tired. This made me angry and I did want to tell her a few things about how bad and disgusting she was, but I realized that it will do no good, to me, or to her. If she was smarter, I would have discussed this matter with her. But this one, I knew she will just silently curse me in her mind and go on with keeping the same standards and doing the same thing to other customers. So I kept my mouth shut and disappeared as fast as I could from her apartment after 45 min door-to-door. Overall, she does not know how (or even attempt) to make you feel good or important and not that I need it, but you learn to expect that especially from escorts who market themselves as upscale. Visit again ? NO, THANK YOU ! 2/10 13
sorinu Reputație: 3230 Postat Februarie 21, 2017 Oras:Intre vecini Oras:Intre vecini Postat Februarie 21, 2017 Se pare ca Roxanica noastra nu mai e ce a fost odinioara...pare rau sa aud asta
alsahia Reputație: 2731 Postat Februarie 24, 2017 Oras:dobrogea Oras:dobrogea Postat Februarie 24, 2017 Ba pentru tine cred ca Roxanica r la fel, chiar mai buna.Da chix cu necinoscutii 1
alsahia Reputație: 2731 Postat Februarie 24, 2017 Oras:dobrogea Oras:dobrogea Postat Februarie 24, 2017 Ca sa nu mai spun ca bulangiul de scrie in ingleza face in februarie o recenzie din vara.LOL 2
fishubr Reputație: 338 Postat Aprilie 25, 2017 Oras:Constanta Oras:Constanta Postat Aprilie 25, 2017 ne-am dat drq scriem si in engleza da cum a stiut el sa intre pe forum aici la topicul ei daca omu nostru stie doar enegleza ) ba is satul de astea cu arfe si fugri pleaca 2 ani din tara am avut un vecin italian a plecat si taranu 3 ani in italia si sa intros el la braila sa faca legea avea numa delea in el como se dice como se face si dupa ceva scandaluri bune i-am zis como se dice sa iti trag pl in gat in italiana ) apoi gata omu nu a mai comentat asa si sta cu engleza lui eu am fost la roxana ramane o fata nota 20+ si ea si adell adica constanta e plina de tepare ordinare .. sa fim seriosi macar fetele isi dau interesu nu sunt ele miss univers dar nici preturi de miss nu au is fete normale . 1
cristi bug Reputație: 1077 Postat Aprilie 25, 2017 Oras:Constanța Oras:Constanța Postat Aprilie 25, 2017 Poate clientul a fost vreun negru de la UMC.
fishubr Reputație: 338 Postat Aprilie 25, 2017 Oras:Constanta Oras:Constanta Postat Aprilie 25, 2017 ohohho si mai rau put nigaii aia de s-a terminat smekeria pai cum sa se poarte frumos saracuta cand putzea niggas in parris ala langa ea
lazy Reputație: 2570 Postat Aprilie 29, 2017 Oras:Sa fie usor de ajuns Oras:Sa fie usor de ajuns Postat Aprilie 29, 2017 ne-am dat drq scriem si in engleza da cum a stiut el sa intre pe forum aici la topicul ei daca omu nostru stie doar enegleza ) ba is satul de astea cu arfe si fugri pleaca 2 ani din tara am avut un vecin italian a plecat si taranu 3 ani in italia si sa intros el la braila sa faca legea avea numa delea in el como se dice como se face si dupa ceva scandaluri bune i-am zis como se dice sa iti trag pl in gat in italiana ) apoi gata omu nu a mai comentat asa si sta cu engleza lui eu am fost la roxana ramane o fata nota 20+ si ea si adell adica constanta e plina de tepare ordinare .. sa fim seriosi macar fetele isi dau interesu nu sunt ele miss univers dar nici preturi de miss nu au is fete normale . :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp :clapp
gangstarr Reputație: 1629 Postat Mai 12, 2017 Oras:Cetatea Tomis Oras:Cetatea Tomis Postat Mai 12, 2017
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Astazi nu este ziua mea norocoasa. Am sunat in repetate randuri si nu am reusit sa ne auzim. Daca lucrezi, da-ne un semn de viata. Iti doresc o zi minunata !
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Daca esti disponibila, doresc o planificare pana la ora 14.00. Multumesc si sa auzim numai de bine.
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Este vreun norocos care a vizitat-o pe Roxana in ultimele 2 zile, sa ne poata comunica starea ei ?Multumesc.
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Daca astazi nu esti disponibila, da-mi un semn, poate am loc in programul tau, maine pana in ora 14.00.
talibanu Reputație: 9781 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Telefon: tali_banu69 Oras:Departe Telefon: tali_banu69 Oras:Departe Postat Mai 20, 2017 Daca vrei sa faci postari pentru PM baga in pula mea postari la fazan si alte topicuri neinteresante, nu distruge toate topicurile aiurea. 1 3
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Cacatul nu se scoate pe gura talibane! 1
Vizitator allview1 Reputație: 0 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Si, zi așa, a plecat nevasta-ta la training? ))))) 2
talibanu Reputație: 9781 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Telefon: tali_banu69 Oras:Departe Telefon: tali_banu69 Oras:Departe Postat Mai 20, 2017 Cacatul nu se scoate pe gura talibane!E bine ca intr-un final ai realizat cam cum sta treaba, acu mai ramane sa realizezi si exact pe unde se scoate ca sa poti modifica ceva 1 3
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Voi chiar ati terminat cu fetele si nu mai aveti unde sa vi-o bagati?
madamoldova67 Reputație: 39 Postat Mai 20, 2017 Oras:constanta Oras:constanta Postat Mai 20, 2017 Imi cer scuze fetelor, ma retrag de pe acest site, se pare ca nu este destul loc sub soare. Va doresc tot ceea ce este mai bun pentru voi!
o2 lentila Reputație: -428 Postat Iunie 7, 2017 Oras:around Oras:around Postat Iunie 7, 2017 publi 24 3 2
kritiquews Reputație: 167 Postat Iunie 7, 2017 Oras:Antioquia, Medellin Oras:Antioquia, Medellin Postat Iunie 7, 2017 Imi cer scuze fetelor, ma retrag de pe acest site, se pare ca nu este destul loc sub soare. Va doresc tot ceea ce este mai bun pentru voi!da lasa mai intai cardul, codu pin, perechile de chei, si dupaia poti sa te retragi in glorie maaaaaaaaaaaan
jan de la boema Reputație: -403 Postat Iunie 22, 2017 Oras:Tomis Nord Oras:Tomis Nord Postat Iunie 22, 2017 Si, zi așa, a plecat nevasta-ta la training? )))))A luat prezervative la ea ?
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