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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
On 12/4/2021 at 11:02 AM, henry jullien said:

Pentru o intalnire super reusita probabil trebuie sa existe si click...altfel este doar o intalnire reusita. Aici se face diferenta .Eu am vizitat-o si din punctul meu de vedere nu sunt prea multe escorte in Bucuresti sa se ridice la nivelul ei ca escorta,desi click am avut si cu altele. Mai depinde si ce vrei tu de la o escorta. Totul este la latitudinea fiecaruia. Lori nu are 2-3 care sa o laude,ci are destui,deci nu se pune problema ca ar avea recenzii false.

Colegule, sigur ai citit ce am scris eu?

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
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🎀Iubirici , astazi am o disponibilitate in intervalul orar 13:00-14:00! 

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
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🎀Joi (9 Decembrie) sunt disponibila in intervalul orar 12:00-15:00! 

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  • Oras:Ro
  • Oras:Ro
La 03.12.2021 la 12:01, loriii536 a spus:

🎀 Iubirici , va doresc un weekend linistit si relaxant ! Pupicei 


 Buna rău😘ești exact ce trebuie😻😻😻

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  • Oras:Targu Jiu
  • Oras:Targu Jiu


Am citit discutiile aprinse si m-am gandit sa imi dau si eu cu parerea.

Din pacate asta se intampla cand gloata se inghiorlaie. Felicitari ! Din aroganta satisfacerii orgoliului vostru masculin ati reusit sa distrugeti ceva frumos. Dorinta voastra bolnava de a domina si a fii superiori femeii a facut sa se ajunga aici. Poate si mediul toxic de pe forum cu recenzii, pareri etc etc...

Nu stiu motivul plecarii ei din Iasi; poate cativa baieti rautaciosi, insistentele voastre de a veni in Bucuresti ori lispa sa bani (dar aici ma indoiesc).

Prima data cand am vorbit cu Lori a fost anul trecut cand inca era "virgina" si nu devenise "TOP" si era perfecta pentru mine. Din pacate, din cauza situatiei in care ma aflam atunci nu am putut sa ajung la ea. Si acum regret ca nu am reusit sa o cunosc la momentul acela.

Si pentru ca se apropie Craciunul si na... sa inchei cu o fraza cliseica - de Craciun sa fim mai buni - nu ar strica ca cei care au gresit fata de tine sa isi ceara scuze.

Eu totusi o sa imi cer scuze pentru ca nu am avut suficient curaj sa vin la Iasi si sa te cunosc. Dar na, asa sunt eu putin mai lasa. Si poate ca nu as fi suferit atat de mult.

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

Okay so another girl I just visited.
I can say for sure it was the best experience in Bucharest!!!

Aspect/Fata: 10 The girl looks very young and skinny. Totally my type of girl. Blonde with high heels. Her breasts are very little but for me when a girl is so beautiful and skinny, breasts size doesn't matter as long as she at least has some.

Altitude + GFE10 She welcomed me with a smile and actually good English :) even though she is modest and say her English is just average.
Without a doubt we had the best communication. She does everything like a real girlfriend, not an escort girl.
When you look into her face it makes you feel like she really wants you to feel good not just fuck with you for money.

ON: 10++  Surprisingly very very good! It felt so good in her mouth. She has a piercing in her tongue, it is just perfect. She can go deep, and most importantly for me is she let you do everything with her head.  I can't explain how anatomy works, but with some girls you feel better in their mouths, and she is definitely one of them where it feels great without even going too deep.


NP: 10 It was very short but it was my fault, I could not resist and I came too fast haha. She is just very very passionate, I cannot explain but the way we were moving together was perfect. We were very close to each other, kissing the neck and everything... Not all girls allow this to be so intimate.


200/30 min. I must admit I stayed way shorter, but it was my decision. Even she said it was short. I don't regret it though, sometimes you feel so good that you just want to cum at the moment. We need part 2, she promised me she is coming back to bucharest :)

A big coincidence is we lived in the same city in France! Like she said, the world is very little.

I will definitely come back again, again, again, and again.... Unless she starts to be too much greedy of course.


PS: If someone want to say something bad about her without writing a full review, it means you are a full of shit!

She is a very nice, and kind young girl. she doesn't deserve to be insulted or attacked for no reason.

And most of the time my intuitions are right. 

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Ba, asta e bolnav psihic, scrie peste tot numai prostii si le lauda pe toate. Auzi, aici zice ca fata poate deep, apoi ca desi nu face deep, el se simte perfect. Pare un labar venit din tarile sarace si face pe interesantul.

  • Haha 1
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
2 minutes ago, maleacatalin said:

Yes, this is mentally ill, he writes only nonsense everywhere and praises them all. Listen, here he says that the girl can go deep, then that even though she doesn't go deep, he feels perfect. It looks like a labar from poor countries and makes it interesting.

Learn english nazi boy.

There is a huge difference between "deep" and "too deep".

I write only good reviews? Oh man.. what a hater... Even a girl blocked me after I wrote a bad review because her apartment was terrible with cockroaches on the floor

Another girl I politely said she is not my type, and more like this

You are writing total nonsense

I know that you hate me because of my skin color 

but man get off my dick... find another hobby or something... I do not have time for you


I am here only for reviews and finding nice girls like Lori

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Indisponibila
Acum 43 minute, clement mic a spus:

Okay so another girl I just visited.
I can say for sure it was the best experience in Bucharest!!!

Aspect/Fata: 10 The girl looks very young and skinny. Totally my type of girl. Blonde with high heels. Her breasts are very little but for me when a girl is so beautiful and skinny, breasts size doesn't matter as long as she at least has some.

Altitude + GFE10 She welcomed me with a smile and actually good English :) even though she is modest and say her English is just average.
Without a doubt we had the best communication. She does everything like a real girlfriend, not an escort girl.
When you look into her face it makes you feel like she really wants you to feel good not just fuck with you for money.

ON: 10++  Surprisingly very very good! It felt so good in her mouth. She has a piercing in her tongue, it is just perfect. She can go deep, and most importantly for me is she let you do everything with her head.  I can't explain how anatomy works, but with some girls you feel better in their mouths, and she is definitely one of them where it feels great without even going too deep.


NP: 10 It was very short but it was my fault, I could not resist and I came too fast haha. She is just very very passionate, I cannot explain but the way we were moving together was perfect. We were very close to each other, kissing the neck and everything... Not all girls allow this to be so intimate.


200/30 min. I must admit I stayed way shorter, but it was my decision. Even she said it was short. I don't regret it though, sometimes you feel so good that you just want to cum at the moment. We need part 2, she promised me she is coming back to bucharest :)

A big coincidence is we lived in the same city in France! Like she said, the world is very little.

I will definitely come back again, again, again, and again.... Unless she starts to be too much greedy of course.


PS: If someone want to say something bad about her without writing a full review, it means you are a full of shit!

She is a very nice, and kind young girl. she doesn't deserve to be insulted or attacked for no reason.

And most of the time my intuitions are right. 

I send you a virtual kiss , and thank you veryyyyy veryyyy much , you re the best 🥰🥰🥰

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
Just now, loriii536 said:

I send you a virtual kiss , and thank you veryyyyy veryyyy much , you re the best 🥰🥰🥰

YOU are the best, literally, in Bucharest :)

You know it is mutual 😊 Thank you for the good time together

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Vizitator altu2
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La 16.11.2021 la 13:52, loriii536 a spus:

Folosesc aplicatia pentru oameni recenți care stiu sa o folosească .


Poți, te rog, traduce ... din romana în romana?

Dacă se poate, te rog sa te axezi cu preponderenta pe sintagma: "oameni recenți".


  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Am incercat sa-ti las un mesaj pe wapp, dar nu te gasesc 😕, ti-ai schimbbat numarul? pup🤍


1 hour ago, loriii536 said:


Din poza asta (si nu doar asta) unele fete ar putea lua drept exemplu cum ar putea ele arata - ipotetic - daca ar putea renunta la Cola, KFC, Mc Donalds si alte junk foods si s-ar preocupa putin mai mult de aspectul lor exterior (sala, zumba, yoga, intretinere corporala) si interior (caracter, seriozitate, empatie, bun simt, daruire sufleteasca)... 💗💗

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Indisponibila
Acum 20 minute, horny_gooner a spus:

Din poza asta (si nu doar asta) unele fete ar putea lua drept exemplu cum ar putea ele arata - ipotetic - daca ar putea renunta la Cola, KFC, Mc Donalds si alte junk foods si s-ar preocupa putin mai mult de aspectul lor exterior (sala, zumba, yoga, intretinere corporala) si interior (caracter, seriozitate, empatie, bun simt, daruire sufleteasca)... 💗💗

Sa stii ca eu nu am renuntat la nimic din ce spui tu acolo 😂😂😂 , cred ca beau mai mult cola decat apa si nu mai zic de burgerii pe care ii mananc seara 😁😁

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1 minute ago, loriii536 said:

Sa stii ca eu nu am renuntat la nimic din ce spui tu acolo 😂😂😂 , cred ca beau mai mult cola decat apa si nu mai zic de burgerii pe care ii mananc seara 😁😁

Atunci imi cer eu scuze ☹️ !

Dar oricum tot jos palaria pentru cum arati, mancand toate alea ! 😍😍💗

Deci fetelor: luati exemplu de la Lori ! 😅💗


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Vizitator scorpion1970
Reputație: 0
1 oră în urmă, loriii536 a spus:

Sa stii ca eu nu am renuntat la nimic din ce spui tu acolo 😂😂😂 , cred ca beau mai mult cola decat apa si nu mai zic de burgerii pe care ii mananc seara 😁😁

Mda, concluzia este ca ai "arderi mari" ;alergi mult sau esti alergata?! (la "atletism" ma refer😉) 😁

  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Indisponibila
Acum 17 minute, scorpion1970 a spus:

Mda, concluzia este ca ai "arderi mari" ;alergi mult sau esti alergata?! (la "atletism" ma refer😉) 😁

Alerg mult in dormitor , un mic iepuraș 😂😂

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  • Oras:one day in heaven, next day in hell
  • Oras:one day in heaven, next day in hell
2 hours ago, loriii536 said:

Alerg mult in dormitor , un mic iepuraș 😂😂

Sa mi predai si mie Sambata, "inmultirea" ,sunt un elev constiincios si invat repede, sa stii

  • Haha 2

  • Oras:Bucuresti
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Indisponibila
Acum 3 minute, poenariu a spus:

Eu nu inteleg dc mai postezi daca nu mai sunt locuri libere...

Nu locuri , disponibilitate ! Postez pur si simplu , este interzis? Ma scuzi 🥲

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