schweppes123 Reputație: 964 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 2 ore, georgianandrei a spus: Am fost eu azi pe la ea la ora 14 si ceva. Ea nu stie ca la noi in spatele blocului nu avem interfon si a trebuit sa o astept 15 minute pana mi-a deschis usa in spate pentru ca asa a dorit, sa vin prin spate. Mi-a deschis usa, am mers in spatele ei pana la lift, mergea asa incet si cu talent. am vorbit cu ea pe whatsapp inainte cu o ora si a spus ca face parte din gama de LUCS a escorterul, nu e chiar asa, 100 euro ora, 200euro ora cu oral neprotejat, fara dominari, fara cim si a mai zis ea ceva, eu oricum sunt baiat cuminte si merg pe clasic 😂 Am zis 100 euro, plm, o negresa tata, abia astept. Blocul era naspa, mirosea a pisat, in casa un miros dubios rau, la baie murdar rau, un prosop pus pe jos foarte jegos. Coaie, lucs lucs da pula mea. Am intrat amandoi in casa si ea s a dus ca avea un curs online in dormitor, eu stateam in usa dormitorului care era foarte mic si ma uitam la ea ca prostul, ea nu zicea nimic. Ma duc eu la vorba de unde esti plm. Inchide cursul ala, nici nu stiam, sa ma dezbrac sa ma asez da unde ma asez si totusi imi fac loc in pat langa ea pe un coltisor acolo 😂 cum e cainele sau pisica de se aseaza noaptea in pat la picioare 😂 ma rog…. Incepe ea, ma lasa sa o dezbrac de hainele alea care iti dau mare turn off 😂 ca e lucs. negresa studenta sani mici, fund mic si bombat, draguta ea asa, insa duhoarea de la subrat, sa ma bata taicutu meu. Dar am dat inainte ca am dat banii si eu inainte si am zis macar o finalizare sa scot si ca e negresa. se freaca ea de mine acolo, pune prezervativul si ma intreaba daca “ma face” si ii zic sa inceapa cu un oral ca asa e frumos si cica nu, ca e cu prezervativ si nu prea ii place si ii zic macar putin 😂 si cica nu ca are prezervativul lubrifiant, ma rog, e negresa lucs 😂 era sa nu scot o finalizare. Ma duc sa ma spal si ii zic ca plec si ea zice “ ma duc sa fac dus”, what? 😂 faci dus dupa ce ti am zis ca plec? Mai stai 2 secunde sa plec si faci dupa. Eu m am dus de curiozitate, tot mai bune sunt ale noastre, ce nigeriene tata 😂😎 Deci dupa ce @mannn770 a zis ca e pusa pe tepe, am dat un pas inapoi, Iar dupa ce tu @georgianandrei ai facut recenzia asta am dat toti pasii inapo, Mie mi-a scris ca doar noaptea la 1, azi sau maine la 12 dupa amiaza ma poate primi... timp in care te-a tepuit pe tine... De asta e bine sa vorbim aici... prin recenzii... Multumesc si sa stii ca imi pare rau de experienta ta! Dovada: 1
sam91 Reputație: 11 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:Acasa Oras:Acasa Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 2 minutes ago, schweppes123 said: Deci dupa ce @mannn770 a zis ca e pusa pe tepe, am dat un pas inapoi, Iar dupa ce tu @georgianandrei ai facut recenzia asta am dat toti pasii inapo, Mie mi-a scris ca doar noaptea la 1, azi sau maine la 12 dupa amiaza ma poate primi... timp in care te-a tepuit pe tine... De asta e bine sa vorbim aici... prin recenzii... Multumesc si sa stii ca imi pare rau de experienta ta! Dovada: e ok, se vor sacrifica altii ca multi au fetisuri cu exotice
schweppes123 Reputație: 964 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 26 minute, sam91 a spus: e ok, se vor sacrifica altii ca multi au fetisuri cu exotice eu am inteles ca @georgianandrei n-a avut prosop la baie, ca negresa asta mirosea la subrat ca mirosea dubios in casa ca este incepatoare si plina de fite ca a dat 100 euro pentru sex normal, fara oral, fara nimic altceva... adica cum s-ar spune in Bucuresti pe tiganeste ia dat 100 euro doar sa i bage cateva minute pula in pizda... Gigi.. Marga la banii astia voi alege o escorta cu toate serviciile incluse Sau voi alege sa ies in 2 seri diferite doar cu oral si normal cu 2 escorte diferite 1
David100 Reputație: -21 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 7 minute, schweppes123 a spus: eu am inteles ca @georgianandrei n-a avut prosop la baie, ca negresa asta mirosea la subrat ca mirosea dubios in casa ca este incepatoare si plina de fite ca a dat 100 euro pentru sex normal, fara oral, fara nimic altceva... adica cum s-ar spune in Bucuresti pe tiganeste ia dat 100 euro doar sa i bage cateva minute pula in pizda... Gigi.. Marga la banii astia voi alege o escorta cu toate serviciile incluse Sau voi alege sa ies in 2 seri diferite doar cu oral si normal cu 2 escorte diferite Eu îl luam banii înapoi 1
georgianandrei Reputație: 300 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Tocmai am fost sunat acum de ea, puteam fi cu sotia sau ceva, ma rog si am fost oarecum amenintat, plm. Un coleg i a aratat comentariul, eu doar am scris adevarul despre ceea ce am patit. Mi a zis ca suntem o tara de retardati, ca am pula mica, ca am performat 0. Coaie ma duc sa fut sa ma simt bine, ca am pula mica, mare, medie, nu conteaza ca am fost la escorta nu sa imi caut jumtatea. 8 2 1
Vizitator razielduke Reputație: 0 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 8 minute, schweppes123 a spus: eu am inteles ca @georgianandrei n-a avut prosop la baie, ca negresa asta mirosea la subrat ca mirosea dubios in casa ca este incepatoare si plina de fite ca a dat 100 euro pentru sex normal, fara oral, fara nimic altceva... adica cum s-ar spune in Bucuresti pe tiganeste ia dat 100 euro doar sa i bage cateva minute pula in pizda... Gigi.. Marga la banii astia voi alege o escorta cu toate serviciile incluse Sau voi alege sa ies in 2 seri diferite doar cu oral si normal cu 2 escorte diferite Am vorbit si eu cu ea si zice clar 100 eur fara oral. Cu oral e 200 euro. COF implica oral si e 30 euro. Asta sunt conditiile ei. Nu zic ca e bine sau nu dar nu consider ca e teapa de vreme ce conditiile ti le zice. Eu nu m-am dus fiindca mi se pare cam obraznica. Am intrebat daca pot sa dau in ea 40 sau 50 minute si tot insista ca ora e ora si ca nu ne batem joc de timp. Asa ca am zis pass, nu dau 230 eur ca sa fiu dat afara la minutul 60 ca la Dristor.
laury Reputație: 24072 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:Los Angeles Oras:Los Angeles Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 16 minute, georgianandrei a spus: Tocmai am fost sunat acum de ea, puteam fi cu sotia sau ceva, ma rog si am fost oarecum amenintat, plm. Un coleg i a aratat comentariul, eu doar am scris adevarul despre ceea ce am patit. Mi a zis ca suntem o tara de retardati, ca am pula mica, ca am performat 0. Coaie ma duc sa fut sa ma simt bine, ca am pula mica, mare, medie, nu conteaza ca am fost la escorta nu sa imi caut jumtatea. Au ajuns toate nespalatele din Nigeria sa fie studente aici si curve de lucs…vorba ta. Pai nu a vazut asta apa si sapun in viata ei plm si cere tarife de mare diva care pute? Pai daca la subrat mirosea, va dati seama ce duhoare avea la pizdoi? Bai fratilor terminati cu negresele astea, le dati prea mare importanta si nu merita. Cum isi permite ea sa sune un client si sa il certe ca a spus adevarul. Wtf? Iar colegul care i-a aratat comentariul, se duce sa futa sau sa barfeasca ca un fatalau? 6
georgianandrei Reputație: 300 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Ca escorta de lux din punctul meu de vedete trebuie sa fii asa: 1.lenjerie sexy 2.aranjata frumos cu toate chestiile iti ofere atentie isi asume daca face dus inainte sau nu fii discreta orice ar fi nu conteaza ca esti gras sau slab, ca futi ca un campion 50 de minute, eu nu am primit nimic din cele mai sus si totusi in Romania la 500 lei ai pretentii ca totusi sa fie ok sa te simti bine sau te duci pe tinder. am mai scris ceva ca am vazut ca si-a facut cont,cred, sper sa o ajute google translate. Imi pare rau ca a aflat adevarul, nu sunt genul sa ranesc femei. Imi cer scuze Serenei, dar asta am primit, produsul ala l-am primit. 5
Vizitator Serenavasty Reputație: 0 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 On 12/12/2021 at 5:02 PM, balaurulauru said: How to give so much money to those who were once slaves is not a racist post but it should be the lowest of the market, really When a poor man speaks you can see from the writings. If you don't have the money go for your level of girls. You racist idiot. When the world is talking about blacks romanians too want to speak? you analphabètes that don't even go to school!? I don't blame you I blame your mother who didn't abort the nonsense she was carrying and let it out into the world of human beings. You animal. Racist animal
dragos92 Reputație: 96 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 E mișto o cioara dasta da sa faca cim anal , sa fie curata fost la una din venezuela acum cativa ani era la unirii ,in blocul cu BT facea cof si era undeva la 250 lei fin tot cu cof sunt curioa daca a fost cineva la ea circa acum 2-3 ani activa 😁👻 1
Vizitator Serenavasty Reputație: 0 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 And to y'all saying punch of lies about me on your nonsense site, firstly who asked you to publish my ad here? and secondly from the foolishness of your words I see you didn't even finish high school. DO NOT COMPARE my prices to Romanian girls! Let me teach you a little bit, the law of demand and supply states that: The higher the demand and the scarcer the supply of a product increases it's price!. Y'all here crying about 200 euro are just bunch of broke loosers who dream of fucking a colored girl. I am black and I am proud, I am beautiful and my body curves are wonderful! I have nice waist moves and I'm flexible! I am proud of myself and if I say my price is 200 euro just for normal sex with condom then it is 200 euro!! if you don't have the money just leave space for others who have instead of blocking the way!! The racist comments on me is just showing how idiotic you all are. And beside before coming to publish lies, atleast measure the size of your dicks. IN ALL, I JUST WANNET TO INFORM YOU ALL JOKES THAT BAD PUBLICITY DOEST NOT AFFECT THE USE OF SALT. night
Administrator pisicuts Reputație: 114580 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:La butoane Oras:La butoane Administrator Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 11 minute, Serenavasty a spus: And to y'all saying punch of lies about me on your nonsense site, firstly who asked you to publish my ad here? and secondly from the foolishness of your words I see you didn't even finish high school. DO NOT COMPARE my prices to Romanian girls! Let me teach you a little bit, the law of demand and supply states that: The higher the demand and the scarcer the supply of a product increases it's price!. Y'all here crying about 200 euro are just bunch of broke loosers who dream of fucking a colored girl. I am black and I am proud, I am beautiful and my body curves are wonderful! I have nice waist moves and I'm flexible! I am proud of myself and if I say my price is 200 euro just for normal sex with condom then it is 200 euro!! if you don't have the money just leave space for others who have instead of blocking the way!! The racist comments on me is just showing how idiotic you all are. And beside before coming to publish lies, atleast measure the size of your dicks. IN ALL, I JUST WANNET TO INFORM YOU ALL JOKES THAT BAD PUBLICITY DOEST NOT AFFECT THE USE OF SALT. night welcome to the forum serena glade we have you here kiss 2
horny_gooner Reputație: 3817 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 19 minutes ago, Serenavasty said: And to y'all saying punch of lies about me on your nonsense site, firstly who asked you to publish my ad here? and secondly from the foolishness of your words I see you didn't even finish high school. DO NOT COMPARE my prices to Romanian girls! Let me teach you a little bit, the law of demand and supply states that: The higher the demand and the scarcer the supply of a product increases it's price!. Y'all here crying about 200 euro are just bunch of broke loosers who dream of fucking a colored girl. I am black and I am proud, I am beautiful and my body curves are wonderful! I have nice waist moves and I'm flexible! I am proud of myself and if I say my price is 200 euro just for normal sex with condom then it is 200 euro!! if you don't have the money just leave space for others who have instead of blocking the way!! The racist comments on me is just showing how idiotic you all are. And beside before coming to publish lies, atleast measure the size of your dicks. IN ALL, I JUST WANNET TO INFORM YOU ALL JOKES THAT BAD PUBLICITY DOEST NOT AFFECT THE USE OF SALT. night
Vizitator Serenavasty Reputație: 0 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 I read something about smelling. uhm It seems y'all forget you romanians or should I say you WHITES don't take baths? or I should be the one reminding you the smell you got was the one coming directly from your mouth? I also read someone speaking about crystals he has no knowledge about as if he knows it. Cultivate yourselves please!! it's a pity all these foolishness just on one post. Just keep on with the lies and the bad comments. Those that want to know me are welcome to have thier own experiences rather than lies on sites. I REPEAT, I AM BLACK AND I AM PROUD!!
horny_gooner Reputație: 3817 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 6 minutes ago, Serenavasty said: I read something about smelling. uhm It seems y'all forget you romanians or should I say you WHITES don't take baths? or I should be the one reminding you the smell you got was the one coming directly from your mouth? I also read someone speaking about crystals he has no knowledge about as if he knows it. Cultivate yourselves please!! it's a pity all these foolishness just on one post. Just keep on with the lies and the bad comments. Those that want to know me are welcome to have thier own experiences rather than lies on sites. I REPEAT, I AM BLACK AND I AM PROUD!! It was just a melody, babe ! Jesus, why are you so tense ? Relax for a second, not every romanian male is like you think we are ! C'mon stop being angry, it's not good for your health and brain ! 2
Vizitator Serenavasty Reputație: 0 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 1 minute ago, horny_gooner said: It was just a melody, babe ! Jesus, why are you so tense ? Relax for a second, not every romanian male is like you think we are ! C'mon stop being angry, it's not good for your health and brain ! What is not good from my health and brain is being insulted by people I don't know just because they can't afford my price!! If 200€ is too much or 100€ is too much, well go where you can pay less🤷♀️. I don't force anyone from what I know, I don't force you to contact me. STOP THE INSULTS ON MY PERSON BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ME! and those talking about drugs do you know I can just use this comment of yours to report you to the police for diffamation !? you'll tell me where me and you were drugging ourselves together.
Vizitator razielduke Reputație: 0 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 8 minute, Serenavasty a spus: What is not good from my health and brain is being insulted by people I don't know just because they can't afford my price!! If 200€ is too much or 100€ is too much, well go where you can pay less🤷♀️. I don't force anyone from what I know, I don't force you to contact me. STOP THE INSULTS ON MY PERSON BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ME! and those talking about drugs do you know I can just use this comment of yours to report you to the police for diffamation !? you'll tell me where me and you were drugging ourselves together. It's a public forum. As long as they don't post any personal info they're allowed to say whatever they want to say. Not saying they're lying or not, I don't know if they are, but they did not break any rules. And anybody is free to discuss prices, wether you like it or not. And while there are plenty of racists here since, as you said, most people in Romania are illiterate or just semi retarded, you yourself are just as racist as them since you said all white people don't take showers. You won't make any friends by insulting all men of a particular race 😶
butterflyeffect Reputație: 98 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Acum 9 minute, pisicuts a spus: welcome to the forum serena glade we have you here kiss Dear Serena, How dare you highly intelligent African woman engaged in such a shameful and illegal business. If you would be mentally higher than all of us here, you wouldn’t be here with us(resulting from tour logic). But, it seems you’re only high when you smoke. If you consider that you ask a low price for the poor, shitty services you offer then tell me how many people have 200€ to pay for sex in Nigeria? People here are discussing useful things about the market. It happens that you get a racist comment from a person but you are using an internet forum. Don’t judge and swear at all the users here because of one comment. You called a client and swear at him like a fuckin’ monkey. Thereby, showing all of us that you are just a HO! 6
Administrator pisicuts Reputație: 114580 Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 Oras:La butoane Oras:La butoane Administrator Postat Decembrie 13, 2021 2 1 2 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Haha I just found this thread. I am myself not interested in black women (not my taste), so that is why I was not here before First of all, I want to say FUCK RACIST nazi fuckers... You can ask me this 100 times and I will say the same... I want equality and everyone to be treated the same Being racist is being ignorant... The skin color should not define the person Second, BUT I don't agree with her prices, and I would definitely not pay even 100 euros for a girl from any country in Romania, I do not care I am here because I like romanian girls, if I wanted something else, I just go there... Russia/Ukraine is also my favorite type of girls for example Third, I will give you a BIG advice... if you really want some african pussy, DON'T look for escorts... Go to Africa and say you are from France, or England or Germany, and most girls will fuck you for free!!! I am not even joking, they LOVE white men in Africa because they are so rare and they think white men are rich A lot of african women even get married with old white men Or go to France, but french black girls will be a lot less willing to fuck And by the way, it is well known that black people have showers a lot more often than white people in france... It is because french people are very lazy, and they don't have a shower some days or even brush their teeth.. it is popular But half of my family is black, and I do not know anyone who does not have a shower or brush their teeth everyday.. even since childhood my black family was VERY strict about teaching me to stay clean when I was a kid But Africa is not a country though, it is a continent... and there are many countries with different people Many people prefer african women because they actually love to cook, and they take good care of home.. a lot of french men I know are only interested in black women... oh and they have a fat ass
peperinho Reputație: 230 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:București Oras:București Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 4 hours ago, clement mic said: Haha I just found this thread. I am myself not interested in black women (not my taste), so that is why I was not here before First of all, I want to say FUCK RACIST nazi fuckers... You can ask me this 100 times and I will say the same... I want equality and everyone to be treated the same Being racist is being ignorant... The skin color should not define the person Second, BUT I don't agree with her prices, and I would definitely not pay even 100 euros for a girl from any country in Romania, I do not care I am here because I like romanian girls, if I wanted something else, I just go there... Russia/Ukraine is also my favorite type of girls for example Third, I will give you a BIG advice... if you really want some african pussy, DON'T look for escorts... Go to Africa and say you are from France, or England or Germany, and most girls will fuck you for free!!! I am not even joking, they LOVE white men in Africa because they are so rare and they think white men are rich A lot of african women even get married with old white men Or go to France, but french black girls will be a lot less willing to fuck And by the way, it is well known that black people have showers a lot more often than white people in france... It is because french people are very lazy, and they don't have a shower some days or even brush their teeth.. it is popular But half of my family is black, and I do not know anyone who does not have a shower or brush their teeth everyday.. even since childhood my black family was VERY strict about teaching me to stay clean when I was a kid But Africa is not a country though, it is a continent... and there are many countries with different people Many people prefer african women because they actually love to cook, and they take good care of home.. a lot of french men I know are only interested in black women... oh and they have a fat ass Ok mate, some of us don't like black people doesn' t mean that are racist.."And by the way, it is well known that black people have showers a lot more often than white people in france" true, that's why the parfume was create în France, and it s True some people smell different take example of the gipsy people, that's why all dogs are hounting them 😁.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 22 minutes ago, peperinho said: Ok mate, some of us don't like black people doesn' t mean that are racist.."And by the way, it is well known that black people have showers a lot more often than white people in france" true, that's why the parfume was create în France, and it s True some people smell different take example of the gipsy people, that's why all dogs are hounting them 😁. Well, I don't like black girls myself and honestly neither how some smell That's just my taste though, I always prefered white women. Especially the young skinny type of girls Again BUT, there are a lot of black women I would definitely fuck.. Some are very very pretty in my taste
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 By the way when I say I don't like black girls I don't mean their mentality I find that black girls mentality is very close to Eastern Europe Because french girls want to be too much independent, they are lazy and doesn't want to cook... And also they want too much control of their boyfriends I admit I am not much familiar with Romanian women, but Ukrainian/Russian girls behave way more like Africans than western Europeans in some ways But again black people is not only from a country For example, you CANNOT compare an African to a french black person They are TOTALLY different, even if we have some African roots, we are born in France as french people and mostly behave as french even though our origins show us a different culture
barosanu1 Reputație: 537 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Oras:Romania Oras:Romania Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Nigeria e bordelul africii pentru cei interesati de negrese. Lagos de ex. Fata de europence au carnea tare pe ele zici ca sunt de cauciuc, in plus fundul bombat sunt facute pentru futut. E adevarat ca au un miros specific de transpiratie ( daca nu se spala ).Figuranta asta din romania cere mult ca se crede unicat, ceea ce e normal aici dar nesimtirea ei nu trebuie acceptata. 6
schweppes123 Reputație: 964 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Postat Decembrie 14, 2021 Acum 2 ore, barosanu1 a spus: Nigeria e bordelul africii pentru cei interesati de negrese. Lagos de ex. Fata de europence au carnea tare pe ele zici ca sunt de cauciuc, in plus fundul bombat sunt facute pentru futut. E adevarat ca au un miros specific de transpiratie ( daca nu se spala ).Figuranta asta din romania cere mult ca se crede unicat, ceea ce e normal aici dar nesimtirea ei nu trebuie acceptata. Nesimtirea ei de diva nigerianca este maxima. O sa scriu ceva ce ea NU(!) va putea traduce ever cu google translate, Ce am auzit si eu de la compatriotii indieni , malachie pe atitudinea ei, variala pe figurile ei nigeriene, A naibii mucoasa a venit din fundul pamantului ca sa stearga pe jos cu parerile noastre pe aici... Zici ca parca ar fi scris cineva ceva pe aici ce nu este adevarat, Am trait sa o vad si pe asta, In plus l-a certat pe colegul pentru recenzie, Nu mai faceti recenzii, Zic. Motanul i-a lasat libertatea de exprimare open, noi toti trebuia sa ii dam minus Aia e, ne meritam soarta, 5 1
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