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Care e parerea voastra despre Clement Mic?

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 1 minut, scorpion1970 a spus:

Ai rămas fără..."munitie",ca arme, cam ai!!! 😁 Fututi.... 😀 

Toți spun : jetoane, muniție, ma-m gândit să fiu diferită 😁🤗😍

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"Jur ca mă ustura ochii de lacrimi  nu înțeleg de ce mă judeca atât de aspru , unde am greșit. .."


 Clement moloz ,  a disperat o escortă  până  a  părăsit ninfomane. .  Cum puteți fraților să  îl  găsiți scuze unui astfel de om. ?  Ce contribuție are rahatul ăsta  ?   

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Acum 4 minute, scorpion1970 a spus:

Ai rămas fără..."munitie",ca arme, cam ai!!! 😁 Fututi.... 😀 

Am rămas fără reacții și eu😂😂

  • Haha 1

Hei dragii mei .Numele meu este Mara, am 36 de ani, 1.62 inaltime si 50 KG(doar pt doritorii carora le plac fetele slabe cu forme )  Dragilor  am adăugat și Fk (sarutari cu limba) care va fi extra 50 ron   și voi face doar cu cine consider eu și numai dacă igiena este impecabila, PROGRAMUL MEU DE LUCRU ESTE DE LUNI PANA SÂMBĂTĂ DE LA ORA 10.00 PANA LA ORA 21:00,Servicii: oral (protejat sau neprotejat în funcție de igiena) finalizare orala in functie de igiena, normal protejat, 69, accept limbute, 150 ron 30 min (1 finalizare) 250 ron 60 min (1 sau 2 finalizari), Fk (sarutari cu limba ) 50 ron Extra

Programari whatsapp,telefon,mesaj text 0720513940, locatia Calea vitan casa de pensii .Domni mai in vârsta care au  peste 56 de ani  nu primesc! Domni care au pana in 26 de ani  nu primesc!

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

@renesmee just 1 question

Are you not tired of sending me dislikes? 😂

You have been doing it non stop all day

You don't understand it is useless? I can't imagine myself "disliking" 1,000 posts

Take a break girl

Why so much hate? We can still be friends, at my age we do not care about useless fights especially with girls 😂😂

I really have nothing against you, I understand your hustle for money

Yes, I don't like greedy girls, but it is NOTHING personal

Have a good day! Don't be so much angry

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  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
Acum 59 minute, elprofesoare a spus:

Din dorința voastră de al denigra, l-ați făcut de fapt martir. Multă lume fără ocupație de Bobotează 🤦‍♂️

*a-l denigra ... 

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Vizitator renesmee
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9 minutes ago, clement mic said:

@renesmee just 1 question

Are you not tired of sending me dislikes? 😂

You have been doing it non stop all day

You don't understand it is useless? I can't imagine myself "disliking" 1,000 posts

Take a break girl

Why so much hate? We can still be friends, at my age we do not care about useless fights especially with girls 😂😂

I really have nothing against you, I understand your hustle for money

Yes, I don't like greedy girls, but it is NOTHING personal

Have a good day! Don't be so much 

TU in frunte cu turma care te urmeaza la fiecare scandal, la fiecare circ pe care il faci,mi-ai distrus topicul doar ca mi-am permis sa imi ridic tariful  cu 50 lei in plus. Cu ce va afecteaza pe voi? Munciti cot la cot cu mine ? Stati voi in locul meu la munca si nu stiu ? De ce imi tineti voi mie condica si imi cereti explicatii?! Explicatii cereti nevestelor voastre acasa , nu mie ! Eu sunt datoare celor ce mi trec pragul cu servicii ,atitudine, curatenie ,igiena ,tinuta BUN SIMT  si RESPECT . Nu voua ! 

Ai distrus multe topice , ipocritule ! Ai alungat fetele de pe forum ,ti ai permis sa le jignesti, sa le distrugi munca, sa incerci sa le faci sa cumpere moderare  doar ca aveau tarife mari , doar ca si au permis sa isi spuna punctul de vedere ,sau ca nu erau pe gustul tau. 

Mai lasa forumul,traieste-ti viata si nu imi mai contoriza mie clientii . NU AI ACEST DREPT! CU ATAT MAI PUTIN TURMA TA DE IDIOTI CARE SUNT PREZENTI PE FORUM NON-STOP.

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
1 minute ago, renesmee said:

YOU at the head of the herd that follows you at every scandal, at every circus you do, you destroyed my topic only because I allowed myself to raise my rate by 50 lei extra. How does it affect you? Do you work side by side with me? Do you stay in my place at work and I don't know? Why do you hold my condica and ask me for explanations ?! Ask your wives for explanations at home, not me! I am indebted to those who cross my threshold with services, attitude, cleanliness, hygiene, outfit, COMMON SENSE and RESPECT. Not you! 

You destroyed a lot of clichés, you hypocrite! You drove the girls away from the forum, you allowed yourself to offend them, to destroy their work, to try to make them buy moderation only because they had high rates, only because they allowed themselves to express their point of view, or because they were not on your taste. 

Leave the forum, live your life and stop counting my clients. YOU DON'T HAVE THIS RIGHT! EVEN LESS THAN YOUR SHOCK OF IDIOTS WHO ARE PRESENT ON THE NON-STOP FORUM.

Oh wow. I feel sorry for you for having so much hate against me. 

I don't even know what to tell you, because I don't even understand a lot of accusations you made against me 

I just told you my honest opinion, I didn't talk to any of your customer or said "TO BE AVOIDED" or something 

I only said what I think. Then it started to be a circus

And to my knowledge, I WASN'T the only one saying your prices are ridiculous 

I will not name names because I am not like this

But there were many of them agreeing with me

It is very easy to point your finger at me, and saying all those things you say

Why you care so much about what 1 person think? 

And why does it affect you so much and make you so much angry

After all, I am just one person expressing his opinion

Maybe the problem is in yourself? 

And until you learn to communicate better with your customers, the problem will never be solved

I guarantee you that I will not be the last, unless you change your ways


Look, you accused me of all things, you have so much anger and hate against me

But I still wish you good luck

I won't lick your feet like a lot of members here, but it is useless to be upset for nothing 

You are still young and have a lot to learn


And again I repeat 100x times, I have nothing against any escort girl

I don't even know what she is talking about. I often even help new escort girl sharing pictures and info about them

Some members probably noticed

So saying that I only want to cause troubles and insult girls, this is ridiculous 

I am the type of guy who doesn't like useless drama

But it doesn't mean that I will not say what I truly think! 

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  • Oras:Cartierul cu 3 litere
  • Oras:Cartierul cu 3 litere
7 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Oh wow. I feel sorry for you for having so much hate against me. 

I don't even know what to tell you, because I don't even understand a lot of accusations you made against me 

I just told you my honest opinion, I didn't talk to any of your customer or said "TO BE AVOIDED" or something 

I only said what I think. Then it started to be a circus

And to my knowledge, I WASN'T the only one saying your prices are ridiculous 

I will not name names because I am not like this

But there were many of them agreeing with me

It is very easy to point your finger at me, and saying all those things you say

Why you care so much about what 1 person think? 

And why does it affect you so much and make you so much angry

After all, I am just one person expressing his opinion

Maybe the problem is in yourself? 

And until you learn to communicate better with your customers, the problem will never be solved

I guarantee you that I will not be the last, unless you change your ways


Look, you accused me of all things, you have so much anger and hate against me

But I still wish you good luck

I won't lick your feet like a lot of members here, but it is useless to be upset for nothing 

You are still young and have a lot to learn


And again I repeat 100x times, I have nothing against any escort girl

I don't even know what she is talking about. I often even help new escort girl sharing pictures and info about them

Some members probably noticed

So saying that I only want to cause troubles and insult girls, this is ridiculous 

I am the type of guy who doesn't like useless drama

But it doesn't mean that I will not say what I truly think! 

 Dacă tot știi să folosești google translate de ce nu iți traduci și propriile postări in limba romana mulatrule ?


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  • Telefon: 0720513940
  • Oras:București
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Acum 35 minute, scorpion1970 a spus:

Și ce vrei? Sa te încarc corespunzător?! 😂


  • Haha 1

Hei dragii mei .Numele meu este Mara, am 36 de ani, 1.62 inaltime si 50 KG(doar pt doritorii carora le plac fetele slabe cu forme )  Dragilor  am adăugat și Fk (sarutari cu limba) care va fi extra 50 ron   și voi face doar cu cine consider eu și numai dacă igiena este impecabila, PROGRAMUL MEU DE LUCRU ESTE DE LUNI PANA SÂMBĂTĂ DE LA ORA 10.00 PANA LA ORA 21:00,Servicii: oral (protejat sau neprotejat în funcție de igiena) finalizare orala in functie de igiena, normal protejat, 69, accept limbute, 150 ron 30 min (1 finalizare) 250 ron 60 min (1 sau 2 finalizari), Fk (sarutari cu limba ) 50 ron Extra

Programari whatsapp,telefon,mesaj text 0720513940, locatia Calea vitan casa de pensii .Domni mai in vârsta care au  peste 56 de ani  nu primesc! Domni care au pana in 26 de ani  nu primesc!

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Vizitator renesmee
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14 minutes ago, clement mic said:

Oh wow. I feel sorry for you for having so much hate against me. 

I don't even know what to tell you, because I don't even understand a lot of accusations you made against me 

I just told you my honest opinion, I didn't talk to any of your customer or said "TO BE AVOIDED" or something 

I only said what I think. Then it started to be a circus

And to my knowledge, I WASN'T the only one saying your prices are ridiculous 

I will not name names because I am not like this

But there were many of them agreeing with me

It is very easy to point your finger at me, and saying all those things you say

Why you care so much about what 1 person think? 

And why does it affect you so much and make you so much angry

After all, I am just one person expressing his opinion

Maybe the problem is in yourself? 

And until you learn to communicate better with your customers, the problem will never be solved

I guarantee you that I will not be the last, unless you change your ways


Look, you accused me of all things, you have so much anger and hate against me

But I still wish you good luck

I won't lick your feet like a lot of members here, but it is useless to be upset for nothing 

You are still young and have a lot to learn


And again I repeat 100x times, I have nothing against any escort girl

I don't even know what she is talking about. I often even help new escort girl sharing pictures and info about them

Some members probably noticed

So saying that I only want to cause troubles and insult girls, this is ridiculous 

I am the type of guy who doesn't like useless drama

But it doesn't mean that I will not say what I truly think! 

Omule, intelege o data ca ce faci tu se numeste hartuire . HARTUIESTI ESCORTELE LA CARE NU POTI AJUNGE SAU CARE NU ITI PLAC!  

Esti atat de plin de tine,suferi dupa prietenii,iti cauti anturaje pe forumul asta si la sfarsit te dai ranit . Nu mai fi victima! Fetele pe care le hartuiesti sunt,nu tu ,ipocritule. Invata ce este acela bun simt si respect . 

Tu iti cauti aici prieteni . Aici!:)) Dumnezeule,cautati in viata reala ,ca dupa ce nu ii mai pupi in dos pe baieti , vei deveni albia lor de porci . 

Inceteaza sa mai hartuiesti si sa denigrezi escortele. Iti spui parerea o data ,nu de 39x. Daca vezi ca nu te baga nimeni in seama , cautati alt loc de joaca. Asta e valabil si pentru turma ta de idioti . 

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
2 minutes ago, renesmee said:

Man, once you understand that what you do is called harassment. HARASS THE ESCORTS THAT YOU CAN'T REACH OR THAT YOU DON'T LIKE!  

You are so full of yourself, you suffer for your friends, you look for your entourage on this forum and in the end you get hurt. Stop being a victim! The girls you harass are not you hypocrites. Learn what common sense and respect are. 

You're looking for friends here. Here! :)) God, look in real life, that after you stop kissing the boys on the back, you will become their bed of pigs. 

Stop harassing and denigrating escorts. You say your opinion once, not 39x. If you see that no one is paying attention to you, look for another playground. This is true of your flock of idiots. 

Can you write better? I don't know, it is like I am talking to a kid

Like I said 100x times, I have ZERO desire to continue those conversations 

You guys made a thread about it and tried to make me look like a joke

Guess what? A lot of people sided with me, even secreetly

Harass you where? Did I send you ANY message? Did I sent you 10000 notifications just like you did? 

Before making accusations, please think twice

As I said I want nothing to do with this, I said everything I had to say.. It is not my fault that if t escalated to such a large length

Yeah keep using childish insults. Who said I tried to make friends? It is organic, people contact me and I answer. You read so many of my posts, even people ask me questions there, you do not see? 

I am a social person, I think we are stronger in unity. And unfortunately I don't have so much time to give you, people keep attacking me from there and there. But then you say I am the one who is harassing you

While I am the person who asked so many times to stop the conflict

And denigrate who? Stop acting like you are the only escort in the world

I had successfully meetings with many escort girls in this forum, and it will continue to be so

And most of my experiences are positive, so please stop spreading false info

Instead of disliking all my posts, pay attention to my reviews at least

I always try to be as polite as possible. And I always try to be fair to every escort girl I meet

I deserve better than this treatment

If you have something against me, at least say valid arguments 

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 4 minute, clement mic a spus:

Can you write better? I don't know, it is like I am talking to a kid

Like I said 100x times, I have ZERO desire to continue those conversations 

You guys made a thread about it and tried to make me look like a joke

Guess what? A lot of people sided with me, even secreetly

Harass you where? Did I send you ANY message? Did I sent you 10000 notifications just like you did? 

Before making accusations, please think twice

As I said I want nothing to do with this, I said everything I had to say.. It is not my fault that if t escalated to such a large length

Yeah keep using childish insults. Who said I tried to make friends? It is organic, people contact me and I answer. You read so many of my posts, even people ask me questions there, you do not see? 

I am a social person, I think we are stronger in unity. And unfortunately I don't have so much time to give you, people keep attacking me from there and there. But then you say I am the one who is harassing you

While I am the person who asked so many times to stop the conflict

And denigrate who? Stop acting like you are the only escort in the world

I had successfully meetings with many escort girls in this forum, and it will continue to be so

And most of my experiences are positive, so please stop spreading false info

Instead of disliking all my posts, pay attention to my reviews at least

I always try to be as polite as possible. And I always try to be fair to every escort girl I meet

I deserve better than this treatment

If you have something against me, at least say valid arguments 

Pentru Limba Română apasă tasta 1. 

Nu toată lumea știe limba engleză. 

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
Just now, ruxysenzuala said:

For romanian language press 1. 

Not everyone knows English. 

Well, I apologize for non English speaker

If I use google translate, it will look horrible.. Trust me

Yes I know, I need to learn Romanian 😊

Have a good day. I really don't want any problem with anyone

I said my opinion, but it didn't need to escalate like this

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  • Oras:Cartierul cu 3 litere
  • Oras:Cartierul cu 3 litere
4 minutes ago, ruxysenzuala said:

Pentru Limba Română apasă tasta 1. 

Nu toată lumea știe limba engleză. 

Nu-ți convine, dă-i report senzualo pentru limbaj nepotrivit


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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 2 minute, clement mic a spus:

Well, I apologize for non English speaker

If I use google translate, it will look horrible.. Trust me

Yes I know, I need to learn Romanian 😊

Have a good day. I really don't want any problem with anyone

I said my opinion, but it didn't need to escalate like this

Atunci învață limba română, după poți să intri pe un forum să dai în stânga și în dreapta, eu nu înțeleg de ce d-racu mai scri înapoi, și de ce tu tot exiști? 🤔

De ce trebuie să stăm noi să discutăm cu tine în limba română și tu în engleză? 

Asta este lipsă de respect! 

Dacă intri în hora Românească ia te rog și costumul popular. 

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Vizitator ruxysenzuala
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Acum 1 minut, disjokey a spus:

Nu-ți convine, dă-i report senzualo pentru limbaj nepotrivit


Nu, stai să mă înjure, agreseze verbal, bineînțeles eu nu o voi face, la înjurat mă refer, să aibe raportul meu credibilitate, @disjokey😉 așa se joacă un meci corect, cu centrare, șut victimizare, bară nevinovată 🤫

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
Just now, ruxysenzuala said:

Then learn the Romanian language, after you can enter a forum to go left and right, I don't understand why you write back, and why do you still exist? 🤔

Why do we have to sit and talk to you in Romanian and you in English? 

This is disrespect! 

If you join the Romanian choir, please take the folk costume. 

You only think like this because you don't speak English 

There were a moment I was ready to give up on writing here

But a friend told me to never give up, no matter what they say

Now I understand Romanians got a very aggressive temper, especially in forums

To be honest, NOBODY told me anything racist on anything public or in real life for a long time 

But here, you like to say racist things, and act very rude

Thankfully not everyone is like that

And like I said a lot of people read my reviews, you can see by the amount of likes in the reviews

But some people also talk to me through messages and thank me

So no, I will not stop existing 

I am real and I am here to stay. Deal with it 😊


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  • Oras:Provence
  • Oras:Provence
Acum 4 minute, ruxysenzuala a spus:

Atunci învață limba română, după poți să intri pe un forum să dai în stânga și în dreapta, eu nu înțeleg de ce d-racu mai scri înapoi, și de ce tu tot exiști? 🤔

De ce trebuie să stăm noi să discutăm cu tine în limba română și tu în engleză? 

Asta este lipsă de respect! 

Dacă intri în hora Românească ia te rog și costumul popular. 

Ruxi, bunaciune, nu este mai bine sa iti vezi tu de ale tale si sa nu te mai bagi unde nu trebuie? Spun si eu asa, in rest se pare ca ti partea cuiva.

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Vizitator nicieu
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Acum 1 oră, ruxysenzuala a spus:

Nu mă cert domnu căpitan, îți explicam Mariei tale, care bătea toba pe câmpii și referire la cineva care știm toți, bun în altă ordine de idei, dansezi? Nu, știam. 😉

Eu sunt un mare dansator! Spune-mi pe ce gen doresti sa dansam amandoi! 😁

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  • Oras:Provence
  • Oras:Provence
Acum 7 minute, ruxysenzuala a spus:

Nu, stai să mă înjure, agreseze verbal, bineînțeles eu nu o voi face, la înjurat mă refer, să aibe raportul meu credibilitate, @disjokey😉 așa se joacă un meci corect, cu centrare, șut victimizare, bară nevinovată 🤫

Care este interesul tau bunaciune, iti dicteaza cineva ce postezi sau iti vezi de ale tale? 

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Vizitator scorpion1970
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Acum 14 minute, ruxysenzuala a spus:

Pentru Limba Română apasă tasta 1. 

Nu toată lumea știe limba engleză. 

Nu asa... Senzualo! 

Mi scusi, rog... "translation", ca nu știu limba franceza...mancati-as!!!! 

Daca ma î fie în bafta ta!!!Filipinezule! 😁 

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