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Care e parerea voastra despre Clement Mic?

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Vizitator renesmee
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10 minutes ago, giancarlofis said:

femeie… lasa-l ca nu merita,  du te la shopping sau la spa nu mai sta pe forum 😂

nici barbatii nu-l iau in serios pe aici

Cam ai dreptate . Te pup ,weekend placut ❣

  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
Acum 4 ore, Tandem3 a spus:

Frate,   ai creat acest topic pentru un obsedat , punct.  Dacă  haznaua Clement nu va fi  banată ,  va strânge mulți adepți  în jurul lui. Pentru că  sunt mulți  obsedați în jurul nostru și sub pretextul  unui preț ori orice altceva,   vor jigni escorte  le vor hartui și denigra.  Tu crezi că  îl afectează pe el personal că  o escortă are tariful mare ?  Nu frate  ,   sunt doar niște motive  pentru a se lua de o escortă. Este doar un paravan care defapt ascunde  o boală  sau mai multe boli psihice.  

 PS  --   faptul că un user a scris zeci,  sute de recenzii ,  nu are automat dreptul să  jignească  escorte .  Dacă  o face ,  înseamnă  că  toate acele recenzii au valoare zero.  Acel user înseamnă după părerea mea ,  că  a scris doar pentru a-și face loc printre noi și pentru  a prinde încredere în el. 


Bravo boss, ai zis-o bine ! Căcuț mic are personalitate multiplă. Ba e vampir, ba e dragon.... când ne suge pula, când ne scuipă cu căcat. 🤭🤣😂

Eu zic să nu-l baneze, să-l lase ca e și el bun la ștergem la cur cu el 😂😂😂 


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  • Oras:Provence
  • Oras:Provence
Acum 5 minute, cincistele a spus:

Bravo boss, ai zis-o bine ! Căcuț mic are personalitate multiplă. Ba e vampir, ba e dragon.... când ne suge pula, când ne scuipă cu căcat. 🤭🤣😂

Eu zic să nu-l baneze, să-l lase ca e și el bun la ștergem la cur cu el 😂😂😂 


Tu te stergi la cur doar cu coceni stiuletare! Te-mas pe ateaua ta de gaozar!🤣

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
35 minutes ago, cincistele said:

Bravo boss, you said it right! Little cuckoo has multiple personalities. He's a vampire, he's a dragon ... when he sucks our dick, when he spits on our shit. 🤭 🤣 😂

I say don't ban him, let him know he's good for something too ... we wipe our asses with him 😂 😂 😂 


Oh now we can see you like to suck dicks

But don't confuse me with you!!!

You like to talk trash in the forums, but in real life you would shut the fuck up

The only reason I am here is because you guys made a topic about me and you cannot stop quoting me and talking about me

Like I said 10000x times, leave me the fuck alone!

In other words, get off my dick!

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Vizitator Delfinu92
Reputație: 0

Toti pupincuristii de curve sunt contra lui. Dar ne am obisnuit cu voi din viata reala... nu intru pe alte forumuri ca sigur v as gasi si pe acolo pupand in cur si pe altii 😂😂😂

  • Oras:Provence
  • Oras:Provence
Acum 15 ore, Delfinu92 a spus:

Toti pupincuristii de curve sunt contra lui. Dar ne am obisnuit cu voi din viata reala... nu intru pe alte forumuri ca sigur v as gasi si pe acolo pupand in cur si pe altii 😂😂😂

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Delfine, ca sugi?

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  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
Acum 22 ore, hodorogule a spus:

Grazie caro!😊

Sincer, am crezut ca si tu esti francez si eventual aveti o disputa mai veche. In rest numai de bine, eu privesc strict partea sa spunem de melanj cultural european, voi, francez si italian traiti in Romania, eu roman traiesc in Franta.

Daca imi permiti, ai spus pe undeva ca tu ai invatat romana in patru luni iar el nu invata ci scrie in engleza. Din italiana treci in romana muuult mai usor decat din franceza. Si invers, din romana in italiana. Eu, dupa cateva zile la Venetia, vorbeam destul de bine italiana fara sa invat vreodata la scoala sau altfel. Franceza in schimb, desi locuiesc aici de 4 ani, am invatat si la scoala, am si lucrat cu francezi multi ani in Romania, tot imi pune unele piedici uneori, este o limba prea greu de abordat si deasemeni prea impregnata in creierul nativilor, de aceea pentru francezi este foarte greu sa invete limbi straine. Pentru mine, in Franta, limba engleza este aproape total inutila. Si gata cu limbile (vorbite 😉)


Cat despre ce fac anumiti useri, asa este spiritul forumului de multi ani incoace. Eu acum sint clona ... mea! AM inceput activitatea pe forum in 2011. Era alta treaba pe atunci, colegii se ajutau intre ei, fetele erau elegante, oftopicul nu exista, Pe vremea aceea existau inclusiv concursuri de frumusete pentru fete, ulterior chiar ne intalneam si ne distram. Dar asta este alt subiect. Ideea este, daca permiti o sugestie, incercati sa aveti discutii civilizate, incercati sa intelegeti fiecare opinie si sa o acceptati, iar daca totusi cineva exagereaza incercati sa indreptati lucrurile pe cale pasnica. Nu picati in aceasta meteahna tipic romanesca, a laturilor imprastiate peste tot, a manelismului tiganesc, caracteristic INTREGULUI popor roman, fie ca e din Bucuresti, Moldova sau a stralucitorului, orbitorului, superiorului Ardeal. 

 Iar ca si concluzie, referitor la pretul fetelor, cred ca de vina este covidul. Probabil foarte multe fete s-au speriat, s-au retras din cauza asta, oricum nu este o meserie pe care sa o faca vreuna cu mare drag, concurenta a crescut, deasemeni si preturile. Asta o sa treaca. Problema este insa ca unele fete, daca au oarece succes de piata au impresia si ca sint printese, ca cineva le iubeste si vrea sa le ia acasa. Si atunci cred ca fara ele nu se mai invarte terra. Dar si asta va trece😊


In rest, bafta la futut (nu la facut dragoste, aia se face in alta parte)



Salut bre!

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Bun , unii sunt lingăi  , da ăștia care hartuiesc escorte  , ce sunt  ?   Peștișori 🤣 motănei,  misogini, frustrați,   golănasi ieftini.  Sunt fan caterincă,  glume ,  misto uri  .  

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
2 hours ago, Tandem3 said:

Okay, some are licking, yes these harassing escorts, what are they? Fishes 🤣 Puss, misogynistic, frustrated, golănasi cheap. I'm a fan of catering, jokes, cool jokes.  

You are just a fan of trolling and licking girls feet

Someone should not be harassed or spammed to death just because he said his opinion 

It is called FREEDOM 

Luckily I had amazing people who had my back, I want to thank them all.. They are the real men, they were able to understand what is going on and show support

You haters spent days spamming my account with "minus" and very nasty messages, but you did all this in vain because it didn't even affect my account.. On the contrary, it made it stronger 

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Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
Acum 4 ore, clement mic a spus:

You are just a fan of trolling and licking girls feet

Someone should not be harassed or spammed to death just because he said his opinion 

It is called FREEDOM 

Luckily I had amazing people who had my back, I want to thank them all.. They are the real men, they were able to understand what is going on and show support

You haters spent days spamming my account with "minus" and very nasty messages, but you did all this in vain because it didn't even affect my account.. On the contrary, it made it stronger 

first things u should learn about romanians , u are either with the majority or against it , its called herd spirit

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
1 hour ago, Tandem3 said:

@clement mic, why are you giving me minuses? If I had a tooth in my ass, I'd bite your nose, baby. 🤭 🤣

Haha what a troll, you say this while you gave me hundred of minuses with your own account + clone accounts

You are the worst hypocrite cause we can see what you are doing

Go back to licking feet, balls or something

I already said plenty of time I don't want anything to do with this ridiculous war

But the truth is you already lost, even with your thousand of "minuses" and fake admin reports, I am still here with a strong reputation and I am not going anywhere

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

I think @pisicuts should lock this topic

I am getting tired of getting quoted or getting my name mentioned

I said 1000x times I want nothing to do with this, but you guys keep trolling me and wanting to re-start the riot even in other threads

Then I am the one getting blamed

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3 minutes ago, clement mic said:

I think @pisicuts should lock this topic

I am getting tired of getting quoted or getting my name mentioned

I said 1000x times I want nothing to do with this, but you guys keep trolling me and wanting to re-start the riot even in other threads

Then I am the one getting blamed

It is not a big drama. You can go out, do some sport, meet real friends... and you will not receive notifications

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  • Oras:Everest
  • Oras:Everest
La 07.01.2022 la 18:15, clement mic a spus:

Oh now we can see you like to suck dicks

But don't confuse me with you!!!

You like to talk trash in the forums, but in real life you would shut the fuck up

The only reason I am here is because you guys made a topic about me and you cannot stop quoting me and talking about me

Like I said 10000x times, leave me the fuck alone!

In other words, get off my dick!

Hehehe, ce dobitoc, e imposibil bă căcuț mic să te confund cu mine, lua-m-ai în gură de la jumate. 

E bine că în sfârșit nu te mai ascunzi în spatele culorii pielii. Problema e la tine, la comportamentul tău de jeg uman, nu că ai fi negru. Nu înseamnă libertate când hărțuiești fetele, când le spui tu pe ce bani să presteze, că nu te-a obligat niciuna să te duci la ea. 

Săracio, ai face ceva bănuți dacă ai presta uro pasiv, cre'că s-ar găsi mulți clienți 🤭🤣😂 

Pune ce tarif vrei, nu ne zgîrcim la bani 😁


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Vizitator CharonIV
Reputație: 0
Chiar acum, Tandem3 a spus:

@clement mic,  dacă aș avea un ochi în pulă,  m aș uita toată ziua în gurița lui ' mata . 🤣 

 Iup,  capra n grâu 🤭

parca nu era frumos sa injuri de mame😥

  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
Just now, cincistele said:

Hehehe, you idiot, it's impossible to confuse you with me, you little half-ass. 

It's good that you're finally not hiding behind your skin color. The problem is with you, with your human jeg behavior, not that you're black. It doesn't mean freedom when you harass girls, when you tell them what money to pay, that no one forced you to go to her. 

Poor thing, you would make a lot of money if you lent a passive loan, because there would be many customers 🤭 🤣 😂 

Put what rate you want, we don't skimp on money 😁


You got such a big mouth, but I never see you on the Tested Bucharest girls forum

Don't you have something better to do in your life than trolling me and annoy me with your quotes?

How many times you need to talk about my skin color?

You write like a 5 years old and cannot even make one phrase without a childish insult

This is so pathetic... You are supposed to be a grown man, so who is the idiot now?

I am harassing girls? Oh I would LOVE you to quote me the posts where I harass them

I am actually the one getting harassed, but you guys point the finger at me... However like I said 1 million of times, I want NOTHING to do with this

I regularly meet escort girls, I have very good reputation from them, some I revisit, one I even often talk to

So if you want to accuse me of this or that... At least show proofs!

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3 minutes ago, Tandem3 said:

@clement mic,  dacă aș avea un ochi în pulă,  m aș uita toată ziua în gurița lui ' mata . 🤣 

 Iup,  capra n grâu 🤭

Translate this 😂

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Acum 5 minute, CharonIV a spus:

parca nu era frumos sa injuri de mame😥

Mata ,  în loc de dumneata.   Off.❤

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
5 minutes ago, Tandem3 said:

@clement mic, if I had one eye on my dick, I'd look all day in 'mata's mouth. 🤣 

 Yup, the goat in the wheat 🤭

Too bad google translate cannot translate what you say

Less time wasted for me, cause I really don't have time for your shit

You are trolling 24/7 but you aren't even getting paid 😂

Find something better to do in your life

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
3 minutes ago, andretatu said:

@clement mic is just a drama whore, who can't integrate anywhere

Says who? A bunch of trolls?

You do not know what I have accomplished in my life, and the things I have done

It is not some clone accounts in 1 forum that will break me

It just annoys me at best, because I have other things to do

You came to a topic with my name on it, who is the whore now?

Why do you feel the need to follow me around

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