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Intrebare pentru fete.

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  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Si mai este cealalta mare problema a economiei romanesti, sursa multor rele: cum facem sa convingem angajatorii sa plateasca mai bine salariatii?


That's a state decision and competition on market place.

Minimum legal salary should be higher to force this.

Also, there is no illusion, why some companies are coming in Romania? Because it is cheap and qualified labor cost...

Corruption is also an issue since the money supposed to help to develop the country is disappearing, this refrain EU and private investor.

Infrastrucure, education, justice, heath system...


What is really sad is that most of the people have given up, and prefer to leave the country, accept and follow the actual system, instead to fight against it...


Foreigners are profiting from all this also, officially they say it's bad but if they can afford some economies...they will still do it...

  • Like 2
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti


I've seen here the attitude: I don't want to have a family, no marriage for me, no kids, I'm just happy to suck cock for 50 bucks. Now that's crazy, and I really can't respect that.

y just work more, have respectable lives, get married and so on.


You don't have to respect their choice, just respect the human being. At the end they are free to do what they want :) We are all happy to find those girls when we need them :)

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Inside my mind.
  • Oras:Inside my mind.

I agree with your statement but unfortunately i can't respect that human being. I can respect some of the girls who do this but not one with that attitude.


For me is almost impossible to separate the human being from she's choices and/or actions.

  • Like 1
  • Oras:caelum et infernus
  • Oras:caelum et infernus

Sagitarius, if you can respect the choice of prostitution, surely you can respect the choice of not respecting that choice....


The "choice" and the human being are intertwined..choices are what represent us...everything is a choice..whether we can admit this or not!

  • Oras:Sfantu Gheorghe (CV)
  • Oras:Sfantu Gheorghe (CV)

Un fapt: daca ati citit multe recenzii, v-ati dat seama ca aproximativ 20% dintre fete au copii deja. Procentul nu stiu cat este de apropiat realitatii.... dar cam asa estimez :)

  • Like 1
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

I agree with your statement but unfortunately i can't respect that human being. I can respect some of the girls who do this but not one with that attitude.


For me is almost impossible to separate the human being from she's choices and/or actions.


There is a misunderstanding maybe here:


Respect is not admiration. If a girl decide that she wants to do this and assume it and don't lookk to false excuse to justify this, then I have no reason no to accept and respect her.


Now if the same girls come with bullshit stories that she has no choice to this because life is so hard and she didn't even try anything else than doing this, then I won't respect her.


My way of thinking is the following, everybody is free to do what he wants, as long as is not creating any damage around. I refuse to judge if prostitution is good choice or a bad choice, and I won't judge any of you here because, most of the time we are speaking about things without knowing the whole picture.

  • Like 2

Evident candidatii sunt prost pregatiti. Dar care e solutia? Nu sunt adeptul politicilor punitive ci a celor construct ive.

Pai daca nu se iau si masuri punitive o sa continuam sa citim in cartea de istorie de primul razboi mondial, despre participarea tarii nostre la primul razboi si nu o sa citim nimic despre Eremia Grigorescu. Dar o sa avem capitole intregi despre Dan Diaconescu.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Cum vad eu lucrurile...


Cu siguranta,o escorta "inteligenta",nu va tinti decat sus,imposibil ca ea sa cada atat de tare incat sa lucreze la Mega Image,pe un salariu basit,doar pentru a avea o viata "normala",o familie,sa iubeasca si sa fie iubita.Nu stiu cine ar face asta si de ce...

Ce altceva nu inteleg:Sunt o groaza de barbati prosti in lumea asta,barbati cu multi bani,care ar fi dispusi sa sponsorizeze,cu lejeritate, o femeie care arata bine,care se fute bine....,cu siguranta multe femei aveti idei de afaceri,saloane,tot felul de nebunii din care sa faceti bani,sa faceti ceva cu viata ce nu profitati cat mai mult,habar nu tipul arata si el bine,e si putin inteligent,fute ce sa nu incerci ceva serios,poate se leaga ceva,chiar si o relatie de iubire,plm,orice este posibil.

Am vazut insa ca unele femei prefera sa fie independente insa,sa isi faca singure banii,sa nu depinda de nimeni...pai in jobul asta nu depindeti de acei frustrati,de acei clienti care va platesc mai mereu?

Si referitor la ziceam ca din 50 de clienti pe luna,10 din ei sunt ciobani,au inca cacat sub unghii dupa acel scarpinat in cur,au limbajul ala de melteni...niste imputiti,la propriul si la figurat...Pai atunci,se merita oare sa lasi capul plecat,sa iei acei bani murdari si sa te crezi mai bogata cu 700-1000 ron,in luna respectiva?

Mai sunt cazuri in care nu puteti renunta fiindca va place sexul extrem de mult...pai si daca prindeti vreun lache cu multi bani(ala miroase bine,se ingrijeste,este ceva exemplar) dar care poate nu fute atat de bine,dar care va tine acolo "sus",puteti suna fosti futaci,"fosti clienti",care sa va futa asa cum va place sa fiti futute,nu?

Cam asta a fost tot,am incercat sa fiu cat mai scurt si sa nu ma lungesc foarte tare...timpul e pretios!

Pacat ca nu unele dintre voi chiar au potential...

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Acolo
  • Oras:Acolo

Cum vad eu lucrurile...


Cu siguranta,o escorta "inteligenta",nu va tinti decat sus,imposibil ca ea sa cada atat de tare incat sa lucreze la Mega Image,pe un salariu basit,doar pentru a avea o viata "normala",o familie,sa iubeasca si sa fie iubita.Nu stiu cine ar face asta si de ce...

Ce altceva nu inteleg:Sunt o groaza de barbati prosti in lumea asta,barbati cu multi bani,care ar fi dispusi sa sponsorizeze,cu lejeritate, o femeie care arata bine,care se fute bine....,cu siguranta multe femei aveti idei de afaceri,saloane,tot felul de nebunii din care sa faceti bani,sa faceti ceva cu viata ce nu profitati cat mai mult,habar nu tipul arata si el bine,e si putin inteligent,fute ce sa nu incerci ceva serios,poate se leaga ceva,chiar si o relatie de iubire,plm,orice este posibil.

Am vazut insa ca unele femei prefera sa fie independente insa,sa isi faca singure banii,sa nu depinda de nimeni...pai in jobul asta nu depindeti de acei frustrati,de acei clienti care va platesc mai mereu?

Si referitor la ziceam ca din 50 de clienti pe luna,10 din ei sunt ciobani,au inca cacat sub unghii dupa acel scarpinat in cur,au limbajul ala de melteni...niste imputiti,la propriul si la figurat...Pai atunci,se merita oare sa lasi capul plecat,sa iei acei bani murdari si sa te crezi mai bogata cu 700-1000 ron,in luna respectiva?

Mai sunt cazuri in care nu puteti renunta fiindca va place sexul extrem de mult...pai si daca prindeti vreun lache cu multi bani(ala miroase bine,se ingrijeste,este ceva exemplar) dar care poate nu fute atat de bine,dar care va tine acolo "sus",puteti suna fosti futaci,"fosti clienti",care sa va futa asa cum va place sa fiti futute,nu?

Cam asta a fost tot,am incercat sa fiu cat mai scurt si sa nu ma lungesc foarte tare...timpul e pretios!

Pacat ca nu unele dintre voi chiar au potential...

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Ce vorbe profunde.... cata eperienta de viata....


Am un job pt tine la Mega Image. Cand vi la interviu?



Este pura realitate `coaie` am trait asa ceva,,,am trait langa oameni care faceau asa,care inca mai sunt fericiti ai naibii,nu vor altceva,au destui bani incat sa plateasca o femeie(sa ofere destul incat ea sa fie fericita dar nu geloasa ;) )...un fel de iubire sexuala :).

Cu siguranta ai fi vrut sa fii ca ei din moment ce iti inseli sotia...dar tu nu poti,poate nu ai destui bani sau pentru ca te-ai `legat` acolo frustrarea unora.

As putea sa lucrez la Mega Image dar prefer doar departamentul de `chairman`. 

  • Like 1
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Este pura realitate `coaie` am trait asa ceva,,,am trait langa oameni care faceau asa,care inca mai sunt fericiti ai naibii,nu vor altceva,au destui bani incat sa plateasca o femeie(sa ofere destul incat ea sa fie fericita dar nu geloasa ;) )...un fel de iubire sexuala :).

Cu siguranta ai fi vrut sa fii ca ei din moment ce iti inseli sotia...dar tu nu poti,poate nu ai destui bani sau pentru ca te-ai `legat` acolo frustrarea unora.

As putea sa lucrez la Mega Image dar prefer doar departamentul de `chairman`. 


Well, if your definition of happiness is money and sex, then both the guy and the girl are doing perfectly right.

On the other hand I don't see any reason from both side to be proud:

- to be proud to be fuck for money

- to be proud to give money to fuck


I am fine with the idea of money for sex, but I don't see any glorification there...

  • Oras:Inside my mind.
  • Oras:Inside my mind.

 Respect is not admiration

I refuse to judge if prostitution is good choice or a bad choice


Ok, let's agree to disagree, at least just a little bit :). Prostitution is a BAD choice by any standards. So is using them, I fully accept that too and I'm not hypocritical about it. But no matter what argument is presented I will not respect a person who states that she's happy by doing this and has no other aspiration in life.


And I don't know about your native language but in Romanian respect is synonymous with admiration. I simply can't respect somebody for just being a human being. You need to earn respect, and you do that by making tough choices. Sometimes, prostitution is that tough choice and I can respect that, but most of the time, it's not.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Well, if your definition of happiness is money and sex, then both the guy and the girl are doing perfectly right.

On the other hand I don't see any reason from both side to be proud:

- to be proud to be fuck for money

- to be proud to give money to fuck


I am fine with the idea of money for sex, but I don't see any glorification there...



Nici nu am spus ca ar fi vreuna :) refeream strict la faptul ca anumite escorte,putine ce-i drept,ar trai o altfel de viata...mult mai decenta si mult mai sigura deoarece inca exista barbati care sunt pregatiti sa intretina financiar,o femeie.

Nu stiu daca e mandrie sau nu,dar ca si barbat,daca iti place sexul atat de mult, cu diferite partenere,si nu vrei stabilitate si nici sotii,alegi o astefel de viata,sa ai bani,sa iti traiesti viata la maximum,sa futi mereu ceva nou si sa ai o femeie cu care te futi mai `special`(acea femeie fiind escorta).



Tu de ce nu scrii in romana?Nu iti place limba romana sau iti place limba engleza mai mult? :)


Este pura realitate `coaie` am trait asa ceva,,,am trait langa oameni care faceau asa,care inca mai sunt fericiti ai naibii,nu vor altceva,au destui bani incat sa plateasca o femeie(sa ofere destul incat ea sa fie fericita dar nu geloasa ;) )...un fel de iubire sexuala :).

Cu siguranta ai fi vrut sa fii ca ei din moment ce iti inseli sotia...dar tu nu poti,poate nu ai destui bani sau pentru ca te-ai `legat` acolo frustrarea unora.

As putea sa lucrez la Mega Image dar prefer doar departamentul de `chairman`. 

Normal ca preferi, ca doar si secretara tot din departamentul la face parte. :D si tot pe sub masa sta.


PS Mi-a placut asta cu coaie. Incepi sa cedezi psihic! :D

  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

I fully respect your point of view and I think our disagrement is not that big because I get your point. My definition of respect was more about not judging, and if this person talk to me I would answer and so one, even if I think that choices done in his/her life are stupids.

  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Tu de ce nu scrii in romana?Nu iti place limba romana sau iti place limba engleza mai mult? :)


Xoxo told me that I write Romanian like a Spanish I keep writting in English :)

  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Nici nu am spus ca ar fi vreuna :) refeream strict la faptul ca anumite escorte,putine ce-i drept,ar trai o altfel de viata...mult mai decenta si mult mai sigura deoarece inca exista barbati care sunt pregatiti sa intretina financiar,o femeie.

I understand that from a material point of view she will have a better life, and from his point of view, he will have the sexual life he likes, but for how long? In your example, what will happen to those girls when they will start to get older, and not been able to compete with younger ones? Also I still ask myself what kind of damage this kind of things can have in mental point of view. I think somehow it makes lose real sense of relationship between men and women and also on how trust is build...

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Xoxo told me that I write Romanian like a Spanish I keep writting in English :)




Xoxo :) este un asshole sau poate ca vrea sa invete english de la tine.El este un pic mai cunt dar se pare ca este inofensiv,deci e cool.

Stai tranquilo,esti mult mai smart decat multi alti romanian boys.

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

I understand that from a material point of view she will have a better life, and from his point of view, he will have the sexual life he likes, but for how long? In your example, what will happen to those girls when they will start to get older, and not been able to compete with younger ones? Also I still ask myself what kind of damage this kind of things can have in mental point of view. I think somehow it makes lose real sense of relationship between men and women and also on how trust is build...



Poate Sponsorul si Escorta isi vor da seama,la un moment dat in viata lor,ca sexul poate fi trait si in noi,fara altcineva poate ca din momentul ala,vor pretui impreuna,ce a mai ramas de pretuit din viata lor.

  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Stai tranquilo,esti mult mai smart decat multi alti romanian boys.


Sunt linistit, nu e o competitia :D

  • Oras:Acolo
  • Oras:Acolo

Xoxo told me that I write Romanian like a Spanish I keep writting in English :)


you are doing just fine lol.. ignore those retards like "de ce?", he is one of those who couldnt get that exam you guys were talking about earlier, BACalaureat

  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Telefon: legolas2511
  • Oras:Bucuresti

you are doing just fine lol.. ignore those retards like "de ce?", he is one of those who couldnt get that exam you guys were talking about earlier, BACalaureat


Let me ignore the people I wish to ignore :P I had no issue till now with someone here, so no reason to ignore them :)

A lot of stress the last days on this forum, maybe people should make love more often to relax :D

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Acolo
  • Oras:Acolo

its not about having an issue with someone :)) but be careful listening to guys like "de ce?".. trust me on this one ;)

  • Like 1

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

you are doing just fine lol.. ignore those retards like "de ce?", he is one of those who couldnt get that exam you guys were talking about earlier, BACalaureat



:hihat M-ai nimerit cu Bacalaureatul!(pisam-as pe el!!!)




Xoxo :)

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