rapidist Reputație: 128 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Postat Martie 16, 2015 RALUCA, 100 % poze reale, 19 ani, foarte draguta si dezinvolta cu bun simt, ma adresez domnilor manierati in cautarea unui ambient placut, linistit si discretie maxima.Zona centrala. 2
bikerboy777 Reputație: 259 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Oras:bucuresti Oras:bucuresti Postat Martie 16, 2015 arata bine caprioara
laury Reputație: 24072 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Oras:Los Angeles Oras:Los Angeles Postat Martie 16, 2015 merita incercata
hormi Reputație: 787 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 16, 2015 Este Laura Obor/Altex rebranduita https://nimfomane.com/forum/topic/37818-laura-18-ani-0735630448/page-3Ciudat totusi ca a ales calea asta... @laury - ce faci omule, te lasa memoria asa usor? 1
gicutu41 Reputație: 64 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 16, 2015 Este Laura Obor/Altex rebranduita https://nimfomane.com/forum/topic/37818-laura-18-ani-0735630448/page-3Ciudat totusi ca a ales calea asta...Pana sa se rebranduiasca schimbase locatia la unirii si "primise" si ceva vanatai din care una "rea"pe spate.
sangre Reputație: -988 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Boucalessburg Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Boucalessburg Postat Martie 16, 2015 Eu habar nu aveam cine e dar s-a nimerit sa vad topicul, sa fiu prin zona si ea sa-mi raspunda. E o pustoaica dragutica, arata mai bine in poze, in realitate e mai slabuta si nu are sanii asa mari ca-n anunt. Oralul este protejat, daca vrei ne tre sa mai pui pana la 1mil. Normalul este ok, are o pizda perfecta ca aspect, era pe stop si n-a folosit dop, s-au vazut ceva urme, pt mine no problem, altii poate vomita cand vad sange, finalizare in balon, 3pozitii schimbate, o experienta normala la banii astia. Note:oral 7normal 7gfe 6.5 no fklocatie 8.5igiena 8 am depunctat ca era la ciclu si lucreaza fara remuscari, in rest niciun miros suspect, dus si inainte si dupa.Recomand pt doritorii de pustoaice. Eu nu stiu daca mai revin. Halat 70, timp 30. 17 15
sangre Reputație: -988 Postat Martie 16, 2015 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Boucalessburg Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Boucalessburg Postat Martie 16, 2015 Locatia este pe Mircea voda spre Udriste vsv de hotel Royal. 8 10
echo Reputație: 75 Postat Martie 17, 2015 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Bucuresti Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 17, 2015 N-am ajuns la Laura de la Obor (mi-a dat teapa de 2 ori) dar nu cred ca e aceeasi cu Raluca de aici. Am vizitat-o si e destul de mica de statura - in jur de 1.60, din ce s-a povestit stiu ca Laura este inalta, peste 1,70. In rest nimic de semnalat, in mare cam aceeasi experienta ca si "maestrul" Sangre. LE: sunt praf, am incurcat topicele cu Amalia!
Membru Premium il pupparo Reputație: 22643 Postat Martie 17, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Membru Premium Postat Martie 17, 2015 Frate Sangre , pai e absolut normal ca tu sa nu ai o problema daca vezi sange . Doar esti Sangre nu ? Hahaha .
sangre Reputație: -988 Postat Martie 17, 2015 Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Boucalessburg Telefon: [email protected] Oras:Boucalessburg Postat Martie 17, 2015 Pana nu o recunoaste cineva live nu se stie daca e rebranduita sigur. Eu chiar am intrebat.o aseara daca a activat la obor si habar nu avea. Acum, nu bag mana in foc pt ea dar va spun ce a zis.
gyorgye69 Reputație: 3998 Postat Martie 17, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Martie 17, 2015 Frate Sangre , pai e absolut normal ca tu sa nu ai o problema daca vezi sange . Doar esti Sangre nu ? Hahaha .Simte mirosul de sange proaspat de la o posta:))))
obiectiv Reputație: 5314 Postat Martie 17, 2015 Oras:bangkok Oras:bangkok Postat Martie 17, 2015 sangre vampirul 2
Vizitator dupagrb Reputație: 0 Postat Martie 22, 2015 Postat Martie 22, 2015 Some time ago I called the girl from the pictures in this post to the phone previously indicated as "Laura Obor" and she told me she didn't speak English. Tonight I called to the number in this post to try again and to be honest I confused the numbers and I didn't realize I was supposed to be calling this girl Raluca, I am actually just noticing now that I made a mistake. In any case, the girl that I met is NOT at all the one in the pictures, now I can assume it is a colleague of hers, definitely not 19 years old and completely different body; the girl that I met seemed to be at least in her late 20's. The address was correct, very near Hotel Royal as mentioned by someone else. Since I made the mistake of thinking I was meeting someone else, I didn't realize earlier that the girl was not as advertised and the one I met seemed to be alone at the apartment so I never though I was being tricked. Odd enough I was confusing the number with the one of a girl with smaller boobs and with pictures that don't show her ass so I assumed I was meeting the right girl, even though she was older than I expected. The price she mentioned was 70 per completion, 100 if I wanted uncovered oral and 200 per 1 hour. I decided to stay for one hour. The girl I met was not really attractive but I dont think she was ugly, medium size boobs and a rather flat ass; she was not very firm but she was not saggy either. She has one small tattoo in one shoulder. She did oral and then normal and afterwards she gave me some massage and then I decided to leave. The service was not really bad but since I was expecting a younger girl I was not very interested at the end. For the notes: Oral 5 - Same standard short oral I normally get, not the worst but not the best by a long shot Normal 8 - A couple of positions, no complains and good disposition GFE N/A - The girl was polite and somehow talkative, she didnt speak much english but it was enough to get by Location 9 - Clean bathroom and towel, the room was ok but as usual; it didnt seem like they change the sheets very oftenHygiene 9 - I didn't see anything wrong or found any funny smells but I didn't really get too close anywhere either At the end the service was OK, but not that I realized that the girl I met is NOT the one in the pictures I feel like I was cheated since I was never told there was another girl and as previous reviews indicate, other people has met the girl from the pictures. I didn't ask her name so I can't give that as a reference either. Definitely I won't be coming back 3
viktordan88 Reputație: 12 Postat Iunie 22, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Iunie 22, 2015 Cred ca ma bag si eu... ... Poze marfa iar recenziile sunt confuze... Revin cu detalii
Vizitator Reputație: 0 Postat Iulie 12, 2015 Postat Iulie 12, 2015 MASEUZA tanara, iti ofer masaj de relaxare intr-un ambient placut si discret, in locatia mea, cer si ofer seriozitate si discretie, 70 L
marian1986 Reputație: 31 Postat Octombrie 25, 2015 Oras:Bucuresti Oras:Bucuresti Postat Octombrie 25, 2015 Am sunat, am intrebat-o care este tariful si ce ofera, mi-a zis 70 de ron oral si normal, am vrut sa stiu daca oralul e neprotejat, a spus ca DA, i-am zis ca ajung in 20 de minute, dupa care imi zice ca daca vreau oral neprotejat, pretul e de 100 de ron. La asa atitudine am renuntat. 1
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