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Vladizinho si restul lumii!


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  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri

Mai bine vin. Sau du-te! :laugh2

Pălinca ceare? 

  • Oras:UK
  • Oras:UK

E auto-corectu', mânca-i-ai coaili =))


Ce auto`corect? Ca nu exista intr-e. La fel cum nu exista vre-o(alta greseala ce`o face el, mereu). Doar asa, ca sa`ti fac pe plac, am incercat pe telefon, sa ma asigur.

  • Oras:pretutindeni
  • Oras:pretutindeni

Ce auto`corect? Ca nu exista intr-e. La fel cum nu exista vre-o(alta greseala ce`o face el, mereu). Doar asa, ca sa`ti fac pe plac, am incercat pe telefon, sa ma asigur.

Pă S6 edge aşa e, de-te dreaq că nu te mint :)

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  • Oras:UK
  • Oras:UK

Pă S6 edge aşa e, de-te dreaq că nu te mint :)


In caz ca e cum spui tu, amaratul asta, pe langa faptul ca nu are asa ceva, scrie in modul asta, din`ainte sa se lanseze telefonul respectiv.

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Vladizinho ai ajuns la vorba mea

Acum o o simti pe pielea ta

Daca te certi cu baietii rai

Stai de sufera cat vrei

Stii bine ca nu vreau sa ti se intample ceva 

Stii ca nu vreau sa iti vad vanata fata
Poate nu e treaba mea 

Dar la bine si rau raman prietena ta!   :girly   :girly

  • Oras:pretutindeni
  • Oras:pretutindeni

In caz ca e cum spui tu, amaratul asta, pe langa faptul ca nu are asa ceva, scrie in modul asta, din`ainte sa se lanseze telefonul respectiv.

Preventiv....bravo pula lui :))

  • Oras:pretutindeni
  • Oras:pretutindeni

Vladizinho ai ajuns la vorba mea

Acum o o simti pe pielea ta

Daca te certi cu baietii rai

Stai de sufera cat vrei

Stii bine ca nu vreau sa ti se intample ceva

Stii ca nu vreau sa iti vad vanata fata

Poate nu e treaba mea

Dar la bine si rau raman prietena ta! :girly :girly

Ce frumos...zici c-ai citat din 'O floare si doi gradinari' :))

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  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri

clar de prune. Dar nu rima.

 Facem versuri albe, dă-le dreaq!

  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București

Hai ma ce naiba...daca nici rime nu va inspira Vladutz asta...offf :( Mai bine ma duc si dau 100 lei la un cersetor la Unirii si gata. Nu are nimeni inspiratie in miez de noapte...railor!!!

  • Oras:București
  • Oras:București

Sincer,despre el s ar putea scrie un roman intreg. Bai Vlade,ia baga ma tu o strofa da te n Dumnezeii ma tiitii...da in engleza sa nteleaga toata lumea

  • Oras:UK
  • Oras:UK

Sincer,despre el s ar putea scrie un roman intreg. Bai Vlade,ia baga ma tu o strofa da te n Dumnezeii ma tiitii...da in engleza sa nteleaga toata lumea



He`s a God among you puny mortals

Always guided by his morals

He`ll destroy you with a mere glance

You fucktards don`t stand a chance.

You look at him with envious eyes

You should know that it`s unwise

To belittle one like him

You poor souls, your future looks extremely grim

He`ll end your existence

Can`t put up any resistance.


You insignificant specs of dust

Just by looking at you, you`ll combust,

He`ll watch you run around in flames

All because you called him names.

He`ll enjoy hearing you scream in pain

All while tied up with a chain

After breaking every single bone in your body

You`ll wish you`d have never picked on anybody.

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  • Minus 3
  • Oras:pretutindeni
  • Oras:pretutindeni

He`s a God among you puny mortals

Always guided by his morals

He`ll destroy you with a mere glance

You fucktards don`t stand a chance.

You look at him with envious eyes

You should know that it`s unwise

To belittle one like him

You poor souls, your future looks extremely grim

He`ll end your existence

Can`t put up any resistance.


You insignificant specs of dust

Just by looking at you, you`ll combust,

He`ll watch you run around in flames

All because you called him names.

He`ll enjoy hearing you scream in pain

All while tied up with a chain

After breaking every single bone in your body

You`ll wish you`d have never picked on anybody.

Ai poezia-n sânge...






















să te bată =))

  • Like 5
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:)) vlad sa moara mami tau,cand dai limbi,respiri pe gura sau pe nas?


pa cur 

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  • Minus 1
  • Oras:Bd. LibertăÅ£ii, nr.14, sector 5
  • Oras:Bd. LibertăÅ£ii, nr.14, sector 5

He`s a God among you puny mortals

Always guided by his morals

He`ll destroy you with a mere glance

You fucktards don`t stand a chance.

You look at him with envious eyes

You should know that it`s unwise

To belittle one like him

You poor souls, your future looks extremely grim

He`ll end your existence

Can`t put up any resistance.


You insignificant specs of dust

Just by looking at you, you`ll combust,

He`ll watch you run around in flames

All because you called him names.

He`ll enjoy hearing you scream in pain

All while tied up with a chain

After breaking every single bone in your body

You`ll wish you`d have never picked on anybody.


ba, vad ca le ai cu engleza. te iau la treabå?

  • Oras:neamt
  • Oras:neamt

Altul care nu realizeaza cat de prost e. Te pomenesti c`ai vrea sa`mi postez si eu analizele, precum domnisoarele... De cand i`am facut eu ultima oara oral Corinei si pana acum, ar fi plin forumul de bolnavi.

Ai mancat tu kilu' ala de pizda?

Ma inclin, esti cu adevarat curajos.

Te-as propune UL vreo 3 luni la rand

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Ai poezia-n sânge...






















să te bată =))

si sa-l










































unga  :laugh2

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  • Oras:worldwide
  • Oras:worldwide

mai copii unu si cu unu fac patru  :laugh2  de el nu va place ca e mereu serios cand faceti caterinca, pe mine ma certati mereu ca nu sunt niciodata serioasa. uooo ca nu putem fi toti la fel si nici nu trebuie. intr-o lume plina de oameni ca mine ori m-as plictisi ori as obosi ori as tampi si din nou plictisi. fiti toleranti si vb bipolarului iubiti-va. vorba mea e sa mai iesiti la futut, mereu va vad pe DGu meu si escortele-s in alta parte. hai tzop tzop la trageri cu voi

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