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Spovedania unei prostituate

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Ce ai fumat Ioane ? Vezi ca de data asta nu ai nimerit-o,nu am nici o treaba cu cine zici tu,nu crea scenarii aiurea ! Si apropo, vezi ca sunt in concediu pana pe 20 iulie,aveti 3 saptamani de liniste,dupa aia  o sa va pregatesc niste surprize foarte frumoase

zi pana la capat.

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Reputație: 0 bluepunisher

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    02 May 2018

  • Reputatie:-64

Postat Astazi, 16:22

Si sa nu mai imi dai PM in care sa te rogi de mine sa nu iti mai dau minus ca imi bag pula in mortii tai si ai lui Prostitution ca pe Ion nu dau o flegma

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Vezi pm-ul, pe topicul ala l-a ascuns. :)


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Pai ce treaba am eu cu bluepunisher ?Unde a disparut ala cu evidenta ? Turbinca,cred ca s-a spanzurat de nervi la ce deranj i-am facut ,nu si-a mai colorat contul,asa-i trebuie la cat rahat a mancat cu polonicul si a dat raport aiurea de mi-a banatat doua conturi! Sau theonlyjudge , cel cu dosarele,cauta-l sa te lamureasca, eu nu-mi pun mintea cu balenele betive si grase gen chancellor, nu ma cobor atat de jos

Ai putea să te cobori sus?

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Pai ce treaba am eu cu bluepunisher ?Unde a disparut ala cu evidenta ? Turbinca,cred ca s-a spanzurat de nervi la ce deranj i-am facut ,nu si-a mai colorat contul,asa-i trebuie la cat rahat a mancat cu polonicul si a dat raport aiurea de mi-a banatat doua conturi! Sau theonlyjudge , cel cu dosarele,cauta-l sa te lamureasca, eu nu-mi pun mintea cu balenele betive si grase gen chancellor, nu ma cobor atat de jos

nene, nu inteleg de unde atata fustrare, e un forum in pula calului. Te mai miri pe urma de ce te imbolnavesti, stresul dauneaza grav sanatatii.

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Cool down man, the money is gone, well inveated in nice 20 inch rims for lover s car. You are right pointing out escort behavior just to prevent things like that to perpetuate, but what the fuck when it is easy money to make they are loosing control.cheers mate, hope there will not be next time



Truth is im heartbroken and feel very bad. I cant eat or sleep.

If i could i would delete the post and topic but i cant edit it.

I dont understand how she could have done this.. with no regret... its like shes dead inside.

And i dont care about the money. I care about trust honesty and respect. I did everything i could. I dont understand why i deserved this. And dont say about escort and work. I saw her outside her work. We talked on whatsapp. How do you think i get the number. She slipped and made a mistake with facebook. Thats how i found out. If i didnt found out yesterday. I would still be in the same situation. So anna. If you read this : is thus really the person you want to be?

Same birthday same blood...


Futuvan gura de zdrente ordinare :)))))

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Disponibila :*

vrei sa ne explici si noua manevra cum l-ai usurat pe ala de 800 euro ? :)))))

PS: concurezi cu betty ?

pss: te spovedesti ? tu sau guvidul ?

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se poate un report va rog de la pisicuts ?



800 da euroi sa moara copii mei azorica si grivei



ce report fa jegoaso... dupa ce ai facut ce ai facut?


pai e frumos fa sa ai peste turcalete-tigan si sa te tina la produs ca pe ultima proasta si mai dai si teapa la straini?!? faci tara de ras. daca mai erau Ceausescu si Stalin, erai hranita doar cu paine si apa.



Bai laso draq de treaba ! Radeam de betty, uite aici campioana le tepe :)))))))))



Yeah. Is my last post here. On the girl that says shes an escort. I met her on the forum in januari. I met her in a month ago again. She gave me her number. Her name. We talked on whatsapp. She stopped her work as escort. I went back to romania 2 weeks ago. She spend week with me. I fell for the im in trouble and need money story. So i gave her. We talk about future. She said she wanted relationship. I went back to my country. We wrote blabla. All the hearts all the love all the shit. Yesterday i send money agai and later i found out. Am i stupud? Yes.

Why do i put here? Because she is known here and people wont make same mistake.

Shes a hypocrit.

So if she want to be like this. Ok.

But then people can know who she is and what she did. And is really funny that a person like that kept telling me i had to believe in god.

I dont care if you agree or not.

Im out.

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Adina, banii sunt sursa tuturor rautatilor ! Consideri ca fatuca a dat teapa de clasa ocean 8/11 ?



Nu consider ca fatuca asta a dat teapa. Din ce a scris el rezulta ca el stia cand a cunoscut-o ca este escorta. A cunoscut-o ca escorta. Care e teapa?..daca el i-a dat de buna voie niste bani..i-a furat ea din buzunar cumva ? atunci. Cine stie ce a fost intre ei..deocamdata a scris doar el..ea nu a aparut aici sa confirme sau sa infirme. Nu stii ca in asemenea situatii adevarul este pe la mijloc?

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A aparut alta tepara, Denisa. Nu se mai satura de euroi. Acum betty are concurenta serioasa.

Prostituatele sunt animale de prada,te lasa in curul gol daca intri in jocul lor.

Imi vine sa ma pis cand vad flausati care vad prostituatele niste victime inocente. :slap2  :laugh2

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Prostituatele sunt animale de prada,te lasa in curul gol daca intri in jocul lor.

Imi vine sa ma pis cand vad flausati care vad prostituatele niste victime inocente. :slap2  :laugh2

da, cand dai dovada de o mica slabiciuni atunci ataca.  

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tell us the whole story and whats the message for rest of us..



The whole story.. ok.. 1 last time.

I met her in januari here on the forum. I went see her. We talked. She told me she worked in london and now here. I was with other girl some time and had not contact. End may begin june i took up contact. Also here. Went see her in bucharest. We talked. She gave me her real number. Real name. We wrote everyday. I went home to my country. We kept writing. She told me she was going to stop as escort because it sucked and you were piggs.we talked more. We talkd about relation. She said she had problems. Her father needed operation. (Mayb lie as she says she dont care about her family). So i stayed week in romania. Gave money. Watched movies. Slept. Went to the parc. All that kind of shit. She was going to school to follow course to do nails. I went home. Kept writing. All the hearts and romantic shit. Yesterday i sent money to help. And 3 hours later i find out shes married. I confronted her. And she lied about everything. I asked her the money back i send yesterday. She was gonna give back. But this morning she said she earned that money cause she texted with me.. i said i would put this here. And i wrote her family about what happened. Am i proud on this? No. But i had to do something. She just laughed with me. Its action reaction. Simple as that. And im surprised. Because she knew i am like this. I warned her. And she knows i am a man of my word. So the peste is turkish. She put the accounts on private. But i saw enough

Its like the guy says here above. The peste had a nice car. She told me she hate gypsies. But i think mister tunahan her peste is gypsie.

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