Vizitator scorpion1970 Reputație: 0 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2022 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2022 Acum 10 minute, butterflyeffect a spus: Imi pune dislike la toate postarile maimuta😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 Pai...daca nu ai "ademenito" cu o "banană" 😀
butterflyeffect Reputație: 98 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2022 Postat Ianuarie 31, 2022 Acum 6 minute, scorpion1970 a spus: 😂 😂 😂 Pai...daca nu ai "ademenito" cu o "banană" 😀 pai tot incercam cu bananele. Sa-i explic ca nu are doar el dreptate. Am incercat sa o dresez intr-un fel.😂😂 Pana la sfarsit, a aratat ca e salbatica si nu vrea dresata. Pleaca la prietenii tai in salbaticie clement!!! 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Februarie 1, 2022 For all the punk ass talking behind my back in romanian because I can't understand shit You can all suck a dick You are all dickheads anyway
evaforyou Reputație: 22138 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Telefon: 0748405863 Oras:Bucuresti Indisponibila Telefon: 0748405863 Oras:Bucuresti Indisponibila Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Acum 1 oră, clement mic a spus: For all the punk ass talking behind my back in romanian because I can't understand shit You can all suck a dick You are all dickheads anyway This time, be ashamed, I also wrote in Romanian, because I am Romanian and we are on a site in Romania! I don't have to write in English because you don't understand, I really didn't post anithing offensive to you, instead your post offended me too! And you're still wondering why it's all these happening to you? And no, I'm not a racist or a nazi, but you're already overcoming it, and this is the last time I'm writing to you in English, if you don't respect anyone, I have no reason to show you respect either! PS: I've met enough people of color with a small or medium penis, your value lies in the size you keep bragging about here? You'd rather have a bigger brain! Have a lovely evening! 2 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Februarie 1, 2022 4 minutes ago, evaforyou said: This time, be ashamed, I also wrote in Romanian, because I am Romanian and we are on a site in Romania! I don't have to write in English because you don't understand, I really didn't post anithing offensive to you, instead your post offended me too! And you're still wondering why it's all these happening to you? And no, I'm not a racist or a nazi, but you're already overcoming it, and this is the last time I'm writing to you in English, if you don't respect anyone, I have no reason to show you respect either! PS: I've met enough people of color with a small or medium penis, your value lies in the size you keep bragging about here? You'd rather have a bigger brain! Have a lovely evening! It is always easy to talk behind the back of people because they do not understand what you say The message was for the people who said something offending to me without me knowing If you did not, then everything is fine I am just tired of the trolls annoying me 24/7 Bragging about my size..? Please quote me where I did that Only renesmee started to talk shit, but I did not care, it only made me laugh Have a lovely evening too! Thanks
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 @clement mic You should not be ashamed for having a small dick (mother nature sometimes is unfair) but for having such a small brain. If you are french, it should not be so difficult to learn a latin language. 1
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Februarie 1, 2022 2 minutes ago, bertus said: @clement mic You should not be ashamed for having a small dick (mother nature sometimes is unfair) but for having such a small brain. If you are french, it should not be so difficult to learn a latin language. yeah that's what your ex told me, you had a small dick But she loved my dick so much she could not stop having orgasms If you do not believe me you can ask her You can even ask her how big it felt in her pussy and mouth, I don't care Find better things to do in your life, educate yourself, build a business You do not need to quote me everyday and be on my dick everyday You are acting like a good dog right now, sick them balls!!! Hahaha and you thought you could hurt a black man about dick size it is so funny 😂 I bet your dick is so small you cannot even hold it in your hand, then you start saying this to other people so you can feel a little bit better haha what a loser 1
MacArthur Reputație: 4237 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Tg-Mures Oras:Tg-Mures Postat Februarie 1, 2022 43 minutes ago, evaforyou said: This time, be ashamed, I also wrote in Romanian, because I am Romanian and we are on a site in Romania! I don't have to write in English because you don't understand, I really didn't post anithing offensive to you, instead your post offended me too! And you're still wondering why it's all these happening to you? And no, I'm not a racist or a nazi, but you're already overcoming it, and this is the last time I'm writing to you in English, if you don't respect anyone, I have no reason to show you respect either! PS: I've met enough people of color with a small or medium penis, your value lies in the size you keep bragging about here? You'd rather have a bigger brain! Have a lovely evening! Se vede, Eva, ca ai avut multi clienti englezi/americani. 😎 3 1
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 39 minutes ago, clement mic said: yeah that's what your ex told me, you had a small dick But she loved my dick so much she could not stop having orgasms If you do not believe me you can ask her You can even ask her how big it felt in her pussy and mouth, I don't care Find better things to do in your life, educate yourself, build a business You do not need to quote me everyday and be on my dick everyday You are acting like a good dog right now, sick them balls!!! Hahaha and you thought you could hurt a black man about dick size it is so funny 😂 I bet your dick is so small you cannot even hold it in your hand, then you start saying this to other people so you can feel a little bit better haha what a loser You can write in French if you feel more comfortable, cause it does not make any sense what you write in English 1
evaforyou Reputație: 22138 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Telefon: 0748405863 Oras:Bucuresti Indisponibila Telefon: 0748405863 Oras:Bucuresti Indisponibila Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Acum 35 minute, MacArthur a spus: Se vede, Eva, ca ai avut multi clienti englezi/americani. 😎 Mda, ce sa zici si tu, am invatat 3 limbi straine sugand pula, nu? Aia peste 20 de ani de scoala trec deja nebagati in seama😁😁 Daca tu ai da limbi la cateva japoneze (evident, sa fie toate stewardese si intr-o baie de avion "da lucs"), ai ajunge expert in hiragana? Se perpeleste dracului generalu-n groapa, la ce haiducii postezi p-aci! 1
MacArthur Reputație: 4237 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Tg-Mures Oras:Tg-Mures Postat Februarie 1, 2022 1 minute ago, evaforyou said: Aia peste 20 de ani de scoala trec deja nebagati in seama😁😁 Ai facut 2 facultati sau ai repetat cateva clase? Greu ies 20 de ani de scoala (max daca vb despre scoala vietii). Nu, ma refeream la faptul ca o escorta ca tine, are parte si de conversatii inteligente cu clentii fata de pustoaicele care in 2 minute si-au dat jos chilotii (asta daca au avut pe ele asa ceva). 3 2
Vizitator renesmee Reputație: 0 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 1 hour ago, clement mic said: yeah that's what your ex told me, you had a small dick But she loved my dick so much she could not stop having orgasms If you do not believe me you can ask her You can even ask her how big it felt in her pussy and mouth, I don't care Find better things to do in your life, educate yourself, build a business You do not need to quote me everyday and be on my dick everyday You are acting like a good dog right now, sick them balls!!! Hahaha and you thought you could hurt a black man about dick size it is so funny 😂 I bet your dick is so small you cannot even hold it in your hand, then you start saying this to other people so you can feel a little bit better haha what a loser Small Dick and Brain,despre care pula și care orgasme pomenești?🤣Ești doar un idiot pe seama căruia mă distrez,cei 5 cm nu se pot numi pula. Și pentru că tot pomenești de educație,ești atât de imbecil sa nu fii in stare să înveți limba română deși trăiești de câțiva ani aici,iar singura ta educație este pe pornhub masturbandu -te. Ai peste 600 postări intr-o lună, felicitări,încă odată se vede cât de ocupat și jalnic ești băiețaș. I know life it' s hard for You when You are a stupid ,lazy,uselless cunt,to poor to enjoy life. Get a life pathetic small Dick and Brain,Kiss 🤣
Vizitator renesmee Reputație: 0 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 29 minutes ago, clement mic said: I don't have time to read your post because you repeat the same shit small dick small brain blah blah blah Hahaha I really do not care about what you think because you never saw me and I KNOW WHO I AM Small Dick and brain,cel care ți-a dat acest filmuleț e la fel de idiot ca si tine;noi avem o vorbă,ce se aseamănă,se adună,dar ca de obicei vei fi prea prost să înțelegi. Cum este sa stai toată ziua pe forum și să faci peste 600 postări? Btw,You are just a useless Piece of shit,with no ego,a gay which enjoy to take dicks for other members of this forum all day long,enjoy.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Februarie 1, 2022 2 minutes ago, renesmee said: Small Dick and brain,cel care ți-a dat acest filmuleț e la fel de idiot ca si tine;noi avem o vorbă,ce se aseamănă,se adună,dar ca de obicei vei fi prea prost să înțelegi. Cum este sa stai toată ziua pe forum și să faci peste 600 postări? Btw,You are just a useless Piece of shit,with no ego,a gay which enjoy to take dicks for other members of this forum all day long,enjoy. a lot of blah blah blah I don't have time to read your messages, sorry bitch haha But I am definitely laughing at you... I don't even need to pay you for your time, you spend hours,days,weeks on my page 😂😂 It is so hilarious... You need to get over it and move on in your life young girl bitch
Vizitator renesmee Reputație: 0 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 5 minutes ago, clement mic said: a lot of blah blah blah I don't have time to read your messages, sorry bitch haha But I am definitely laughing at you... I don't even need to pay you for your time, you spend hours,days,weeks on my page 😂😂 It is so hilarious... You need to get over it and move on in your life young girl bitch Ha ha ha,let's why you are kissing my ass all day long,small Dick and brain🤣600 posts in one month. You are the champion of trolling useless boy.
clement mic Reputație: 996 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Paris Oras:Paris Autor Postat Februarie 1, 2022 4 minutes ago, renesmee said: Ha ha ha,let's why You are kissing my ass all day long,small Dick and brain🤣600 posts in one month, You are the camphion of trolling useless boy. Again the same post you keep repeating 10000 times So pathetic, I actually feel sorry for you You probably dropped on the floor as a baby 😂 Hey Renesmee, you give me all the attention but a client is waiting at the door, go suck another dick and get your ass banged by a 70 years old grandpa He is like bill gates, for him 400 lei is nothing 😂😂😂 haha i am dying laughing You are the funniest thing that happened in my life... a real clown Thank you Renesmee for all the tears of joy
Membru Premium v92610 Reputație: 3340 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Nassau Oras:Nassau Membru Premium Postat Februarie 1, 2022 27 minutes ago, clement mic said: I don't have time to read your post because you repeat the same shit small dick small brain blah blah blah Hahaha I really do not care about what you think because you never saw me and I KNOW WHO I AM people sent me this video, they told me it is you in the video: Ha ha ha hahah 🤣😂. Boule, eu o cunosc personal pe fata asta, iar tiganca aia din clip n-are nicio treaba cu ea, dobitocule care esti dobitoc. Cine ti-a trimis cacatul ala te-a futut in cur si s-a pisat pe tine cu bolta, cum si meriti de altfel. Sper ca ti-a placut 🤣. Esti doar o scursura si o javra de care se folosesc altii cand si cum au chef. Stai aplecat in continuare si cauta sapunul, gaozarule. Hahaha ce retardat penibil, lesin de ras. Edit: vad ca ai luat si ban, te dreaq de aici de idiot. Pa! :))) 2 "May you live in interesting times." 🗿 🗿
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Acum 15 minute, renesmee a spus: Ha ha ha,let's why you are kissing my ass all day long,small Dick and brain🤣600 posts in one month. You are the champion of trolling useless boy. Asociația "Prietenii Africii" mi-a trimis și mie un filmuleț din copilăria lu' petit merde, doar că nu mi-au spus cine e. Să invităm oamenii să ghicească care e "pretenu' nostru" 😁 Deci, băieți și fete, cine credeți că e petit merde în videoclipul de mai sus ? 🙆🏻 3 1
mara27 Reputație: 46887 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Telefon: 0720513940 Oras:București Disponibila Telefon: 0720513940 Oras:București Disponibila Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Waw clement mic a fost banat în sfarsit🤣🤣🤣 1 3
cincistele Reputație: -3877 Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Oras:Everest Oras:Everest Postat Februarie 1, 2022 Acum 11 minute, cincistele a spus: Asociația "Prietenii Africii" mi-a trimis și mie un filmuleț din copilăria lu' petit merde, doar că nu mi-au spus cine e. Să invităm oamenii să ghicească care e "pretenu' nostru" 😁 Deci, băieți și fete, cine credeți că e petit merde în videoclipul de mai sus ? 🙆🏻 După pantalonii ăia murdari la cre'că e ăla cu pălărie 🤭😁 2 1
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 @clement mic Dumnezeu sa-l ierte 😢. 1
Tandem3 Reputație: -2363 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 @clement mic, vorbesc eu cu luntrașul să ți pună și punctele de reputație pe chept . Milogule 🤫 🤣 3 4 3
MacArthur Reputație: 4237 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 Oras:Tg-Mures Oras:Tg-Mures Postat Februarie 2, 2022 Oare se a deschide si un topic numit Ce parere ati avut despre Clement Mic?🤣 2 4 2
bertus Reputație: -296 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 Postat Februarie 2, 2022 27 minutes ago, MacArthur said: Oare se a deschide si un topic numit Ce parere ati avut despre Clement Mic?🤣 Asta vreau sa fac. Diseara cand ajung acasa 1
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