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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Revizitat salonul. De data asta-Larisa, Ella find libera. Respect alegerea fiecaruia, dar depunctez  purtarea mastii in timpul masajului de catre Larisa. 8 pe linie. In rest totul arhicunoscut,salonul-10.

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  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti

Am revenit săptămâna trecută la Adela. Ca de obicei a fost o reintalnire intensa. Experienta si senzualitatea Adelei se simte cu siguranta si pentru mine e dintre cele mai bune masaje. 

Salonul, este dupa pararea, mea de top. 

Note nu dau pentru ca as fi subiectiv, dar sunt foarte mari.


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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
On 4/20/2021 at 10:33 PM, puleapulea said:


In ce combinatii intra fetele la masajul dublu ?



Mai jos regasesti o lista cu posibile variante pentru masajul la dublu. 

* Adela - Ela/ Katy/Giulia/ Larisa/ Andreea

* Larisa - Andreea/Giulia/Adela/Ela/Katy

* Ela - Katy/ Larisa/ Andreea/ Adela

* Katy - Larisa/ Ela/ Giulia/Andreea/Adela

* Giulia - Larisa/Adela/Katy/Andreea

* Andreea - Giulia/Adela/Larisa/Katy/Ela


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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


Programul de sarbatori o sa fie urmatorul:

30.04.2021 - program normal

01.04.2021 - 03.04.2021 - Inchis

Redeschidem marti, pe data de 4 mai.

Dorim sa anuntam si faptul ca avem o colega noua in echipa,  numele ei este Diana, are 25 ani si are experienta in masaj. Daca doriti poze, va rog sa ne contactati pe whatsupp. Multumim si va dorim sarbatori linistite si fericite!

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On 4/27/2021 at 11:03 AM, fantasymassage said:


Mai jos regasesti o lista cu posibile variante pentru masajul la dublu. 

* Adela - Ela/ Katy/Giulia/ Larisa/ Andreea

* Larisa - Andreea/Giulia/Adela/Ela/Katy

* Ela - Katy/ Larisa/ Andreea/ Adela

* Katy - Larisa/ Ela/ Giulia/Andreea/Adela

* Giulia - Larisa/Adela/Katy/Andreea

* Andreea - Giulia/Adela/Larisa/Katy/Ela


Altfel spus, scurt si concis, este posibila orice varianta , cu exceptia Ela - Giulia :)

  • Haha 1
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
La 27.04.2021 la 11:09, fantasymassage a spus:


Programul de sarbatori o sa fie urmatorul:

30.04.2021 - program normal

01.04.2021 - 03.04.2021 - Inchis

Redeschidem marti, pe data de 4 mai.

Dorim sa anuntam si faptul ca avem o colega noua in echipa,  numele ei este Diana, are 25 ani si are experienta in masaj. Daca doriti poze, va rog sa ne contactati pe whatsupp. Multumim si va dorim sarbatori linistite si fericite!


Diana, in ce interval orar este disponibila?

PS : ...poarta masca in timpul masajului? Unii clienti, cum sunt sineu, ar prefera sa fie fara masca 🤫

Vizitator lyonred
Reputație: 0
La 15.09.2018 la 15:36, lyonred a spus:



  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
  • Oras:Abu Dhabi

multe pareri negative despre Andreea. mie mi-a placut atat tehnica ei de masaj de relaxare cat si cel erotic. pana la urma suntem diferiti si reactionam diferit. 

  • Oras:Buc
  • Oras:Buc
56 minutes ago, jean cote2 said:

A fost careva la Diana sau la Giulia? Cam ce varsta au?


Giulia aprox 23 de fost la ea.

  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
5 hours ago, jean cote2 said:

A fost careva la Diana sau la Giulia? Cam ce varsta au?


Diana ~ 25-29 ani... am fost. nu m-a impresionat. nu voi reveni :)

  • Telefon: 0722000000
  • Oras:In apropiere
  • Telefon: 0722000000
  • Oras:In apropiere
La 10.06.2021 la 19:52, quark03 a spus:

multe pareri negative despre Andreea. mie mi-a placut atat tehnica ei de masaj de relaxare cat si cel erotic. pana la urma suntem diferiti si reactionam diferit. 

Am fost si eu la Andreea si este super, corp f frumos, masaj senzual...

Ce m-a deranjat a fost ca nu a acceptat cuni deloc. Pentru mine asta este o mare placere.


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Recently I visited Larisa. Such a nice girl with good performance in the room, she leaves you with the intention that the next time will be better....

  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
2 hours ago, erotikonisi said:

 she leaves you with the intention that the next time will be better....

marketing 😂

  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, quark03 said:

marketing 😂

Marketing? I guess my friend you don't know how real marketing is.... The fact that I had a nice time with Larisa doesn't automatically mean that you are going to have a nice time too....

  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
  • Oras:Abu Dhabi
46 minutes ago, erotikonisi said:

Marketing? I guess my friend you don't know how real marketing is.... The fact that I had a nice time with Larisa doesn't automatically mean that you are going to have a nice time too....

you didn't understand what i meant :)

anyway she's really sweet

1 hour ago, quark03 said:

you didn't understand what i meant :)

anyway she's really sweet

Of course I understood! I wasn't promoting her, just saying the truth!!

  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:South Romania
  • Oras:South Romania
On 6/20/2021 at 3:24 PM, kristi22222 said:

pt    dominare ?       pe   cine     recomanzi 

as far as i know only Larisa is doing domination in this moment. She is nice, friendly and good in service. It did not click between us, but still i would recommend her! My last cisit at her is long time ago. Who knows… maybe i should give it a new try 😛

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Dr. Bob
"Whether you fuck or not, your dick's time is running out."


Laria e cam plictisita…are multi ani la activ deja si se vede uzura. E inca ok…dar departe de inceput sau macar 2-3 ani in urma. Ar fi binevenita o schimbare…si a new fresh team la Fantasy. 

  • Membru Premium
  • Oras:South Romania
  • Oras:South Romania

So then let´s talk about something new...

Today i have visited Giulia! I stayed 2 hours, 1 hour tie and tease and 1 hour of domination (soft).

Let´s take the important things ahead! I was Giulias Guinea Pig. Ema told me yesterday that Giulia is open to try domination and so i said, let´s give it a try! Giulia was nervous, but we had 15-20 min of small talk in the beginning, where i showed and explained her all the toys, mindgames, why bondage and blindfolding, etc... Giulia was very interested and listened well. Her nervousity got less and we started.

She is sexy, open minden, a good mooded appereance with a positive attitude, eager to learn and to try new things. She has neither fear of phisical contact nor eye contact. She is really hot. After 60-70 minutes she had me close to finish. She had me where she wanted and she was edging/torturing me another 40-50 minutes till i came... I had a really good time and really can recommend Giulia for soft domination. Tie and tease anyway... Her normal body massage was not one of the best ones i got, but the rest was way over my expectations!

Punctuality, hygiene and receiption anyway 10/10 points.

Fantasy, still one of the best places in town...

Thanks Giulia, thanks Ema!!! 😘




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Dr. Bob
"Whether you fuck or not, your dick's time is running out."

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti


Va anuntam ca Adela a decis sa isi incheie activitatea in acest domeniu. Noi noi ii uram mult succes pe viitor si ii multumim ca a fost alaturi de noi o lunga perioada de timp.

Momentan suntem in proces de recrutare, dar este destul de dificil sa gasim pesoane serioase si care sa corespunda cerintelor noastre.

Speram sa ne marim echipa cat mai repede si va tinem la curent cand vom avea noutati. Multumim pentru rabdare!


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