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💋Cristina💋 0749546088📲

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Nu știu sa spun ce număr, dar sunt măricei, în formă de pară și ușor lăsați pentru ca sunt naturali, și m a lăsat sa i pipăi în limita bunului simt. 🙂

  • Oras:zona de nord
  • Oras:zona de nord

bah, e ceata rau ! Ba sunt "perfect susținuți, elastici, rotunzi și zăpăcitori", ba "în formă de pară și ușor lăsați...".

Tre sa-i vad, in concluzie sunt maricei.

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Reputație: 110
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Naturalețea ta ne inspira pe toți 😁 

esti superba, ti am spus o și in realitate. 

fata asta chiar e unica. Cred ca au trecut 3 ani de când n am mai atins așa sani perfecti :))! 

  • Minus 1
  • Oras:one day in heaven, next day in hell
  • Oras:one day in heaven, next day in hell

perceptia  privitoare la frumusete, este subiectiva, sanii dpdv estetic sunt intradevar deosebiti, dar mai sunt cel putin 2 pretendente la sanii perfecti (pe care i am atins in ultimul an)!

'Fléctere si néqueo súperos Acheronta movebo 

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
La 29.06.2022 la 22:03, Cristina2269 a spus:

Băieți , sunteți super , chiar îmi face plăcere sa petrec timp cu voi . Cred ca voi mai sta câteva zile sa ne simțim bine împreuna , va pup pe toții ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽 


Pana cand mai esti in Bucurest? App....astept pozele alea cu sanii mult laudati . 😊😚

  • Oras:Mallorca
  • Oras:Mallorca

Cred ca lucra pentru IUBI .... 😬 ala de nu îl vedea ea în jurul blocului . Face un ban dispare ...un șablon 😬

  • Oras:bucuresti
  • Oras:bucuresti


99% sanse sa fie doar poze furate.. 

dar… daca stie cineva ceva de Cristina dau o bere…  fetica din topic.

inclusiv fosta colega… astept un pm de confirmare/infirmare.. te cinstesc ma jur😅

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  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București
  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București

Buna ! Sunt disponibilă in sector 3 pe Șoseaua Mihai Bravu 309.

Suna-mă la 0721769930!😘

  • Inimioara 1
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
1 oră în urmă, Cristina2269 a spus:

Buna ! Sunt disponibilă in sector 3 pe Șoseaua Mihai Bravu 309.

Suna-mă la 0721769930!😘

Update la servici?

  • Minus 1
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

You know who's back..

I admit I was not lucky those past days, a lot of girls ignoring messages. Some girls canceling their meeting at the last second. Girl with fake pics, etc..

But this time I was actually very lucky that another (very weird) girl cancelled her meeting at the last minute, so I had the chance to meet this really beautiful girl Cristina!

Locatio:7,5 That's really the only bad aspect. I will not go into details because when I do, girls block me lol Nah, I don't think Cristina would block me but I prefer to keep it between me and her. I did give her advice saying people in Bucharest especially in Nimfomane require some things in the location, they are minimum. I liked where it was situated though because it is easy to go there and not far from where I live.

Aspect :10 For me, maybe lower for someone else, but for me she is perfect. Very rare to find such a beautiful girl with perfect breasts and nipples., skinny and really beautiful face. You can really notice she takes care of herself. The minus is maybe she smokes but it is none of my business, she is not my girlfriend lol.

She looked a lot better than the pics she posted.

ON:8,5 She doesn't go very deep and she doesn't let you touch her hair. But it is very nice in her mouth. It was really enjoyable.

NP:10++++++++++++ It has to be one of the best sex intercourse I ever had with an escort girl. She is very flexible and open minded. And the really good thing is her pussy is very very tight, at least for me. She doesn't fuck 20 per day, not even 10 guys a day. She is the more sensible type even though she moves very very very good on my dick. There was a lot of chemistry between us for sure. And I always made sure she felt great with me.

Altitude /GFE:10+++++++++ She is excellent, sweet, natural, kind and sincere. She is like the best girlfriend, she really make you want to kiss her and caress her, not just fuck her. She has a very nice smile and is a very positive person. She is the type of girl who does not like negativity and she has her own rules, you must respect her then everything will be 100% fine. but if you go to her like a barbarian thinking she is a toy or a porn star, you are wrong, that's really NOT this type of girl.

Note:10 Yes 10 for me! I usually like it more when girls do real good Deepthroat, but this girl made me feel too much good and I would visit her 100 times with pleasure. She is everything I want from an escort better yet a girlfriend at least for the sex aspect. And I hope she stays that way.

Btw: I don't know how long I stayed but she definitely did not even look at the time, she never rushed me or anything. I really took my time with her, even more than I usually do because it was very enjoyable even when we were doing it slowly, looking at each other's faces and feeling good.


See you again soon Cristina! Stay the way you are and you will be successful!

Just try to find a better location and it will be perfect, even though it did not bother me too much because I was near.


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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Acum 15 minute, Letsdoit a spus:

You know who's back..

I admit I was not lucky those past days, a lot of girls ignoring messages. Some girls canceling their meeting at the last second. Girl with fake pics, etc..

But this time I was actually very lucky that another (very weird) girl cancelled her meeting at the last minute, so I had the chance to meet this really beautiful girl Cristina!

Locatio:7,5 That's really the only bad aspect. I will not go into details because when I do, girls block me lol Nah, I don't think Cristina would block me but I prefer to keep it between me and her. I did give her advice saying people in Bucharest especially in Nimfomane require some things in the location, they are minimum. I liked where it was situated though because it is easy to go there and not far from where I live.

Aspect :10 For me, maybe lower for someone else, but for me she is perfect. Very rare to find such a beautiful girl with perfect breasts and nipples., skinny and really beautiful face. You can really notice she takes care of herself. The minus is maybe she smokes but it is none of my business, she is not my girlfriend lol.

She looked a lot better than the pics she posted.

ON:8,5 She doesn't go very deep and she doesn't let you touch her hair. But it is very nice in her mouth. It was really enjoyable.

NP:10++++++++++++ It has to be one of the best sex intercourse I ever had with an escort girl. She is very flexible and open minded. And the really good thing is her pussy is very very tight, at least for me. She doesn't fuck 20 per day, not even 10 guys a day. She is the more sensible type even though she moves very very very good on my dick. There was a lot of chemistry between us for sure. And I always made sure she felt great with me.

Altitude /GFE:10+++++++++ She is excellent, sweet, natural, kind and sincere. She is like the best girlfriend, she really make you want to kiss her and caress her, not just fuck her. She has a very nice smile and is a very positive person. She is the type of girl who does not like negativity and she has her own rules, you must respect her then everything will be 100% fine. but if you go to her like a barbarian thinking she is a toy or a porn star, you are wrong, that's really NOT this type of girl.

Note:10 Yes 10 for me! I usually like it more when girls do real good Deepthroat, but this girl made me feel too much good and I would visit her 100 times with pleasure. She is everything I want from an escort better yet a girlfriend at least for the sex aspect. And I hope she stays that way.

Btw: I don't know how long I stayed but she definitely did not even look at the time, she never rushed me or anything. I really took my time with her, even more than I usually do because it was very enjoyable even when we were doing it slowly, looking at each other's faces and feeling good.


See you again soon Cristina! Stay the way you are and you will be successful!

Just try to find a better location and it will be perfect, even though it did not bother me too much because I was near.


A fost gratis ...este?

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Am avut azi placerea sa o cunosc pe Cristina. Am vazut ca are recenzii bune dar mi-a depasit asteptarile.

Programare pe whatsup, zona McDonald Dristor

Ctistina este frumoasa la fata, bruneta, par lung, buze frumoase natural. Inalta 1.70 cu niste sani naturali superbi mari fermi si in forma de para. Un fund superb bombat si frumos conturat. Arata foarte bine...mult mai bine decat in poze.

Este un pic timida la inceput, dar dupa ce intri in vorba cu ea e comunicativa. 

Mie mi-a placut mult de e genul profi, are un aspect fresh.

Dupa dus ( problema cu prosopul care s-a mai mentionat) am trecut la joaca.

Face un oral foarte bun, soft si deep( nu complet, insa cu tente de gag din cand in cand)

In misionar a fost foarte implicata, gemea, ma strangea in brate...sper ca ia placut si ei. Am facut si pe la spate, eu in fund pe pat si ea caprita in fata mea(o priveliste de vis). 

Punctajul meu este:

Locatie: 9 (scad un punct pentru prosop)

Cristina: 10 (frumoasa la fata, inalta, sani frumosi, fund frumos ,tot ce vrei)

ON: 9.5 ( deep, umed, soft, tente de gag)

NP: 10 (se  implica, geme, te strange in brate, e ce trebuie)

Atitudine 9.5 - Un pic mai timida la inceput dar pe parcursul intalnirii am avut celebrul "click"😊

Eu m-am simtit bine in compania ei si am sa revin cu drag

Te pup Cristina😘



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  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București
  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București
Acum 9 ore, nid 35 a spus:

A fost gratis ...este?

Nu …

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti

Cristina, scrie aici preturile și serviciile sa nu mai fie discuții. Eu știam ca este 150 lei finalizarea 30 min cu oral neprotejat in funcție de igiena și 300 lei ora. 

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Acum 16 minute, gicacontra2012 a spus:

Cristina, scrie aici preturile și serviciile sa nu mai fie discuții. Eu știam ca este 150 lei finalizarea 30 min cu oral neprotejat in funcție de igiena și 300 lei ora. 

Eu am dat ieri 150 pt 30 min. La ora am inteles ca este 300

FK este extra 50 lei

  • Like 1
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Acum 6 ore, Cristina2269 a spus:

Nu …

Era evident că nu a fost..😄

Însă omul a făcut un recenzie frumoasă, însă exact ce era f important pt cei care au intenția să te viziteze aducă.timp și costuri a menționat și nici ți nu ai mai actualizat..

Noroc că altcineva care te-a vizitat ulterior a zis ceva de costuri in cele din urmă..

  • Oras:Mallorca
  • Oras:Mallorca
La 15.06.2022 la 12:39, Cristina2269 a spus:

"nu am timp sa stau pe rețele de socializare , ca nu îmi plac , și pe site am spus ca intru foarte rar , și ca pagina o are și prietena mea , care mi a creat aceasta pagina , și ma mai suna uneori si îmi spune ce sa mai scris pe aici" 🤷‍♂️

Nu ea răspunde 

  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București
  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București

Buna băieți, cu siguranța eu vă răspund ,am avut 2 zile libere și astăzi am revenit !💋 Vă aștept tot pe Șoseaua Mihai Bravu și va pup!

‼️prețuri ‼️
30 min 150 lei

1h 300lei( pentru mai multe detalii sună-mă😘)


  • Like 2
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
17 minutes ago, Cristina2269 said:

Buna băieți, cu siguranța eu vă răspund ,am avut 2 zile libere și astăzi am revenit !💋 Vă aștept tot pe Șoseaua Mihai Bravu și va pup!

‼️prețuri ‼️
30 min 150 lei

1h 300lei( pentru mai multe detalii sună-mă😘)


I am glad you are back 😊

But it seems like your mobile is turned off or something since we last talked. 

  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București
  • Telefon: 0749546088
  • Oras:București
Acum 1 oră, abcabcabcabc a spus:

Care e numărul?

0721769930 😊

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