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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

Is there not anything we can do about people who just spam "dislikes" to posts they did not even read, I ask you @pisicuts ?

For example @laury dislike all my posts from the beginning and it started when I did not even write a message about him!

Just the fact that I speak english and he doesn't like it... It really feels like fascism

If he is racist or something, this is his problem, but why spamming me with "dislikes" 

I find this very unfair, and it might be very frustrating for new members just posting a few messages, then someone with Platinum status doesn't like it and then he spam him with "dislikes" so his forum reputation is now "Troll"

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

Humm, he removed some of his "dislikes" after I sent him a PM

Hopefully, he is listening

Like I said 100 times, I don't want troubles...I am just here to read/post reviews and participate in the forum in any way I can

I really do not have time for drama, especially in the internet

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  • Telefon: Only email me regarding my orders
  • Oras:Kiustenge
  • Telefon: Only email me regarding my orders
  • Oras:Kiustenge

@clement mic de ce esti suparat daca cineva isi exprima parerea despre postarea ta?

Daca  aprecia cu LIKE postarea ta mai erai ofensat?

uite aici   


Este foarte ciudat cum de citesti posturile scrise in lb romana dar postezi in eng?. 

Expresile cu subinteles cum de le dibuiesti?  glumele nevinovate ?   amu,oleaca mai nimereste goagle.

PS ia incearca sa citesti postarile lui   v-ship-sss           sau  ul_amelia de pe sectiunea constanta si relateaza ce intelegi

  • Like 5
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

Because there is no reason for it

My posts had nothing to do with them, but out of nowhere they start disliking all my posts just because I write in English 

I call this fascism and that's all

If I said something that may offend them, then I would understand, even though I think it is kind of silly to dislike all posts from another user just because you didn't like what he said once.. Plus without even reading the messages, just spamming "dislikes" because you have the power to do it

But I didn't even offend anyone, I don't even understand why you people start hating me because I write in a language you don't understand.. After all, English is an international language 

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  • Telefon: Only email me regarding my orders
  • Oras:Kiustenge
  • Telefon: Only email me regarding my orders
  • Oras:Kiustenge
Acum 2 ore, clement mic a spus:

Because there is no reason for it

My posts had nothing to do with them, but out of nowhere they start disliking all my posts just because I write in English 

I call this fascism and that's all

If I said something that may offend them, then I would understand, even though I think it is kind of silly to dislike all posts from another user just because you didn't like what he said once.. Plus without even reading the messages, just spamming "dislikes" because you have the power to do it

But I didn't even offend anyone, I don't even understand why you people start hating me because I write in a language you don't understand.. After all, English is an international language unul nu te urasc ,nu pot vb in numele la altul,Chiar crezi ca nu ai deranjat pe nimeni?. Crezi ca lumea te uraste ca scri in eng? ,ai probleme boss!!, la mansarda., auzi la el fascism.    ai lai ,te-oi damblagit de la civa?

Dor minusurile ,zi boss?

 Vant din pupa, si la mai mare!!


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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
8 minutes ago, 2peu_2peu said:

..I don't hate you, I can't speak for another, do you really think you didn't bother anyone ?. Do you think people hate you for writing in English? , you have boss problems !!, in the attic., you hear fascism in him. ai lai, did you damblagit from civa?

Do you miss the minuses, boss day?

 Wind from the stern, and higher !!


Unfortunately, google translate cannot translate most of the things you say

Well, I do not see any other reason because I did not write anything against him or anyone else

As I explained earlier, he just decided to "dislike" all my posts just because I wrote in english or something, I do not know but I was not quoting him or anything

He is not the only one and I do not know why members with higher status have such an aggressive behavior

But I felt like it was a necessity to have a discussion about it here

And I am sure I am not the only one having this problem

I often see posts where people argue for no reason, and you always can guess who come out as a "troll"

The reputation system is great, but I just think there should be some adjustments so some people do not abuse their power for no reason

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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
La 07.10.2021 la 6:31, 2peu_2peu a spus:

@clement mic de ce esti suparat daca cineva isi exprima parerea despre postarea ta?

Daca  aprecia cu LIKE postarea ta mai erai ofensat?

uite aici   


Este foarte ciudat cum de citesti posturile scrise in lb romana dar postezi in eng?. 

Expresile cu subinteles cum de le dibuiesti?  glumele nevinovate ?   amu,oleaca mai nimereste goagle.

PS ia incearca sa citesti postarile lui   v-ship-sss           sau  ul_amelia de pe sectiunea constanta si relateaza ce intelegi


si eu am pățit la fel in intervalul de aproximativ 1 săptămâna am primit 20-30 minusuri dacă nu mai multe de fiecare de la doi useri, deci in total sa zicem 60. Lucrul asta supăra deoarece este clar ca sunt luat la ținta si in condițiile asta in care spamul nu este penalizat 1 sau 2 guvizi cu câteva conturi te discreditează imediat si degeaba încerc eu sau oricine altcineva sa fie corect si obiectiv când fac/facem recenzii dacă am reputația e pe minus. 
inteleg ca la o postare doua 5-10 sa dai minus, dar sa primești 30 minusuri in 5 minute de la același user este clar ca nu e ok. Adica nu-i place nimic din ce ai scris? Pe aceasta cale il rog frumos pe @pisicuts sa-si spună părerea cu privire la acest lucru si poate se găsește o soluție pt spamul de dislike.  Multumesc

  • Like 6
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  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Chiar acum, Subterana a spus:


si eu am pățit la fel in intervalul de aproximativ 1 săptămâna am primit 20-30 minusuri dacă nu mai multe de fiecare de la doi useri, deci in total sa zicem 60. Lucrul asta supăra deoarece este clar ca sunt luat la ținta si in condițiile asta in care spamul nu este penalizat 1 sau 2 guvizi cu câteva conturi te discreditează imediat si degeaba încerc eu sau oricine altcineva sa fie corect si obiectiv când fac/facem recenzii dacă am reputația e pe minus. 
inteleg ca la o postare doua 5-10 sa dai minus, dar sa primești 30 minusuri in 5 minute de la același user este clar ca nu e ok. Adica nu-i place nimic din ce ai scris? Pe aceasta cale il rog frumos pe @pisicuts sa-si spună părerea cu privire la acest lucru si poate se găsește o soluție pt spamul de dislike.  Multumesc

Am uitat sa specific ca userii de la care am primit minusuri sunt kiss_tv si xoxots.

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  • Oras:Brașov
  • Oras:Brașov
La 06.10.2021 la 23:48, clement mic a spus:

Is there not anything we can do about people who just spam "dislikes" to posts they did not even read, I ask you @pisicuts ?

For example @laury dislike all my posts from the beginning and it started when I did not even write a message about him!

Just the fact that I speak english and he doesn't like it... It really feels like fascism

If he is racist or something, this is his problem, but why spamming me with "dislikes" 

I find this very unfair, and it might be very frustrating for new members just posting a few messages, then someone with Platinum status doesn't like it and then he spam him with "dislikes" so his forum reputation is now "Troll"

Get used with this, nothing's gonna change my dear. :)

Acum 2 ore, Subterana a spus:


si eu am pățit la fel in intervalul de aproximativ 1 săptămâna am primit 20-30 minusuri dacă nu mai multe de fiecare de la doi useri, deci in total sa zicem 60. Lucrul asta supăra deoarece este clar ca sunt luat la ținta si in condițiile asta in care spamul nu este penalizat 1 sau 2 guvizi cu câteva conturi te discreditează imediat si degeaba încerc eu sau oricine altcineva sa fie corect si obiectiv când fac/facem recenzii dacă am reputația e pe minus. 
inteleg ca la o postare doua 5-10 sa dai minus, dar sa primești 30 minusuri in 5 minute de la același user este clar ca nu e ok. Adica nu-i place nimic din ce ai scris? Pe aceasta cale il rog frumos pe @pisicuts sa-si spună părerea cu privire la acest lucru si poate se găsește o soluție pt spamul de dislike.  Multumesc

Ziua trece, banu' intră în buzunar la cine prea își mai bate nimeni capul cu forumul, e haos. 


  • Like 1
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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris

Yes it can get really annoying.

Especially when they spam your account with "dislikes" for stupid reasons.. they do not even read your posts! Just dislike everything you post because you write something they did not like, or because you write in another language

I love romania, and I have good communication with people I see in the streets

But I have noticed that romanian people are often very aggressive, you can even see that when you walk in the streets and people are screaming for no reason. I see people often arguing on the forum for little things and not only with me 😂

So I think there should be some changes in the system to avoid this type of spam

Because it can affect anyone, regular members, escort girls, foreigners... anyone

It is very easy to act very tough behind a computer, but this forum should be about writing reviews, making love (doggystyle) and just enjoying life.... not some childish internet drama

  • Like 2
  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
1 oră în urmă, clement mic a spus:

Yes it can get really annoying.

Especially when they spam your account with "dislikes" for stupid reasons.. they do not even read your posts! Just dislike everything you post because you write something they did not like, or because you write in another language

I love romania, and I have good communication with people I see in the streets

But I have noticed that romanian people are often very aggressive, you can even see that when you walk in the streets and people are screaming for no reason. I see people often arguing on the forum for little things and not only with me 😂

So I think there should be some changes in the system to avoid this type of spam

Because it can affect anyone, regular members, escort girls, foreigners... anyone

It is very easy to act very tough behind a computer, but this forum should be about writing reviews, making love (doggystyle) and just enjoying life.... not some childish internet drama

Obviously this type of behavior is malicious, and i don't understand why is not stopped somehow. This situations just discourage good and honest users to write reviews. in this way the purpose and credibility of this website will be lost. in the end escorts with bad services will win.

Have a good one mate! 

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
2 minutes ago, Subterana said:

Obviously this type of behavior is malicious, and i don't understand why is not stopped somehow. This situations just discourage good and honest users to write reviews. in this way the purpose and credibility of this website will be lost. in the end escorts with bad services will win.

Have a good one mate! 

Yes it can damage the reputation of the website in the long term.

Anyone with money can play this thing to their advantage.

And trust me, I am also a webmaster and know a lot about such things.


You too, thanks!



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  • Oras:Cu vant din pupa
  • Oras:Cu vant din pupa
Acum 4 ore, toxiq a spus:

Vechea poveste "doare minusurile"



Si pe mine de ele 🤣

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Vizitator Mihai.
Reputație: 0

@pisicuts, am câteva propuneri pe tema asta: 

1. Afișează la profilul fiecărui user reacțiile primite grupate separat în loc de o reputație totală. Se se vadă permanent toate like-urile, dislike-urile etc. Minusurile vor durea mai tare când nu mai pot fi anulate de plusuri. 

2. Adaugă la abonamentul Super Premium sau la un abonament nou, gen Ultra Super Premium, opțiunea de a ascunde de la profil reacțiile primite sau de a ascunde un anumit tip de reacții primite. 

3. ... 

4. Profit! 😁

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Acum 7 ore, Mihai. a spus:

@pisicuts, am câteva propuneri pe tema asta: 

1. Afișează la profilul fiecărui user reacțiile primite grupate separat în loc de o reputație totală. Se se vadă permanent toate like-urile, dislike-urile etc. Minusurile vor durea mai tare când nu mai pot fi anulate de plusuri. 

2. Adaugă la abonamentul Super Premium sau la un abonament nou, gen Ultra Super Premium, opțiunea de a ascunde de la profil reacțiile primite sau de a ascunde un anumit tip de reacții primite. 

3. ... 

4. Profit! 😁

Nu rezolva nimic ce ai spus mai sus, cel putin nu vad eu in propunerea ta răspunsul la dislike spam.

poate o limitare de dislike gen 1/h in așa fel încât sa se descurajeze luarea la ținta   a unui user anume.


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Vizitator Mihai.
Reputație: 0
Acum 2 ore, Subterana a spus:

Nu rezolva nimic ce ai spus mai sus, cel putin nu vad eu in propunerea ta răspunsul la dislike spam.

poate o limitare de dislike gen 1/h in așa fel încât sa se descurajeze luarea la ținta   a unui user anume.


Ai dreptate, nu am oferit o soluție pentru problema ta, ci am dat administratorului câteva idei prin care ar putea profita de situație. 

Până la urmă care este problema? Nu te-ai conformat în totalitate comunității forumului, care este cum este, și ai primit minusuri. Dar de ce ai vrea să te aprecieze pozitiv niște troli jegoși? Consideră minusurile lor ca echivalentul unor plusuri. Cititorii forumului care sunt întregi la minte vor considera ce ai scris, nu câte minusuri ai luat. 

  • Oras:Bucuresti
  • Oras:Bucuresti
Acum 3 minute, Mihai. a spus:

Ai dreptate, nu am oferit o soluție pentru problema ta, ci am dat administratorului câteva idei prin care ar putea profita de situație. 

Până la urmă care este problema? Nu te-ai conformat în totalitate comunității forumului, care este cum este, și ai primit minusuri. Dar de ce ai vrea să te aprecieze pozitiv niște troli jegoși? Consideră minusurile lor ca echivalentul unor plusuri. Cititorii forumului care sunt întregi la minte vor considera ce ai scris, nu câte minusuri ai luat. 

Este enervant ca li se permite așa ceva. Si nu sunt doar eu sunt o grămada care pățesc la fel. Pana la urma nu e mare brânza pentru mine, e un cont pe un forum. Este doar enervant când vezi un imbecil ca îți da minusuri așa fara noima. 

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  • Oras:Militari Residence
  • Oras:Militari Residence

The dislike trolling will continue as long as there are sensitive people who react to it and make posts/threads about it. Rule #1 of dealing with trolling is to not provide reactions.

  • Telefon: Only email me regarding my orders
  • Oras:Kiustenge
  • Telefon: Only email me regarding my orders
  • Oras:Kiustenge
Acum 27 minute, turculetz a spus:

The dislike trolling will continue as long as there are sensitive people who react to it and make posts/threads about it. Rule #1 of dealing with trolling is to not provide reactions.

asa,scurt fara altele, ce propui ?. Mă refer ai postat pe un topic de  la rubrica REGULAMENT SI ANUNT  ADM!.


  • Like 5
  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
2 hours ago, ionica 73 said:

@laury you have been made a troll and an idiot by the dubious individuals above. Do you have something to say in your defense? or do you accept this status?

Do not escalate something that has already been solved

I already said that I talked to @laury through messages, and we already solved the issue between us

He has not caused me any trouble since then, and we even gave each other positive points 

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I also don't get why some users like to dislike some other users, for no obvious reason (perhaps there is a reason or reasons but this still does seem a bit excessive to me).

I have even seen something that I would call a "war of dislikes": two users who give minuses to each other, apparently just because they can.

Well, it seems that there is not much one can do about that.

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