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Care e parerea voastra despre Clement Mic?

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
4 minutes ago, Daumoda22 said:

They put them in the promotion with the Carrefour application, you buy for 20 lei, you give Clementina a blowjob in the toilet for free.

You give me a blowjob? 

No thank you

You can suck your own dick 



Alright I am OUT

I am amusing trolls at the moment 

My friends are smarter than me totally ignoring this thread

Whatever we say, you will keep saying more bullshit. Because it is how is your life... Bullshit 

Keep me out of this

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  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
Acum 4 ore, ionica 73 a spus:

Observ un contopist chelios, cutra si curva, cabotin si cacacios, care cere cacat in chelie.

Ce franceza de balta a la pecon, aide:) mea.

Calma calma

A vorbit și Ion, că și el e om!

Marș, bă, babuin cufurit!

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  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
  • Oras:Satu' cu ministri
Acum 6 ore, clement mic a spus:

Haha tu parle comme un gamin de 10 ans

Vas à l'école,  me casse pas les couilles 

Je ne suis pas intéressé à tes fesses,  mais si tu as une sœur de plus de 18, je la nique bien

Je suis en roumanie pour ça mon frère 😂😊

* tu parles ... connard!

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Clement mic, multumim lui monsieur Macron, ca ne ia sub aripa lui protectoare si, cu acest prilej, ne cerem scuze pentru tigancile din fata Notre Dame si artistii din metroul parizian.Asijderea, cu un ras aproape sardonic, pentru a utiliza un termen provenit din minunata limba franceza, umile scuze si pentru ridicolul desantat afisat de anumiti pseudofrancofili.

Ionica, de la raion, te rog nu mai copia din vechile mele replici.Ma stanjenesti cumplit.

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
5 hours ago, miskinbkk said:

Little Clement, we thank Monsieur Macron for taking us under his protective wing, and on this occasion we apologize to the gypsies in front of Notre Dame and the Parisian subway artists. from the wonderful French language, humble apologies and for the ridiculousness displayed by certain pseudo-francophiles.

Ionica, from the district, please don't copy from my old lines. You embarrass me terribly.

It is no problem.

I actually have a lot of love for Romania.

Like I said a hundred of times, I never have problems when I walk down the streets.

People always show me respect.

I mostly stay home and order from Tazz, but even the couriers are even more respectful and professional than the couriers I met in Ukraine haha

Because of one girl, people in this forum felt the need to have a thread with my name... Humm, it is quite hilarious

I wished I had more time to talk here, but like I said I am losing one brain cell every post I make in this thread because unfortunately most people posting here are trolls, clone accounts and uneducated people.

So I enjoy my time a lot more spending it with an escort girl than posting here useless messages.

Even this @renesmee girl, I do not even hate her.. she just took things way too much personal.

Someone has the right to say his opinion.

It was nothing more, I never spammed her Private Messages, or even mentioned her all the time, or said something very negative... I just said she is greedy for asking 400 and that is it.

This is coming from a guy who had so many amazing experiences with girls costing 200-350 ron.

It was not worth it to me, and that is it. But of course ass kissers felt the need to turn this to chaos.

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  • Oras:Provence
  • Oras:Provence
Acum 18 ore, cincistele a spus:

Ce-i flăcău ? Ce te zbați atât ? Gura mare puișor și fă un pic dă gargară cu slobozu' lu'  șefu' tău 🤣🤣🤣

Ce dracu', doar asta faci de-o viață...

Adevarul este ca de o viata imi bat pula de gura unor handicapati ca tine, analfabeti functional care cred au dreptate in nemernicia lor. Coaie fripte, esti doar un boschetar betiv care pentru o doza de zama de pufoaica suge pula! Hai sictir in mm, esti atat de prost incat pute in fiecare postare a ta!🤣🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, clement mic said:

It is no problem.

I actually have a lot of love for Romania.

Like I said a hundred of times, I never have problems when I walk down the streets.

People always show me respect.

I mostly stay home and order from Tazz, but even the couriers are even more respectful and professional than the couriers I met in Ukraine haha

Because of one girl, people in this forum felt the need to have a thread with my name... Humm, it is quite hilarious

I wished I had more time to talk here, but like I said I am losing one brain cell every post I make in this thread because unfortunately most people posting here are trolls, clone accounts and uneducated people.

So I enjoy my time a lot more spending it with an escort girl than posting here useless messages.

Even this @renesmee girl, I do not even hate her.. she just took things way too much personal.

Someone has the right to say his opinion.

It was nothing more, I never spammed her Private Messages, or even mentioned her all the time, or said something very negative... I just said she is greedy for asking 400 and that is it.

This is coming from a guy who had so many amazing experiences with girls costing 200-350 ron.

It was not worth it to me, and that is it. But of course ass kissers felt the need to turn this to chaos.

I created this thread because you were and still are obsessed with @renesmee and were spamming the topic in which she tries to make a living with the prices and services that she considers.

You also succeeded to make a girl quit the forum because you insulted her.

You do this quite often.


And Finally, I created this topic for you, but you are so lazy that cannot even give us a phone number so we can benefit from your services. We had to discover from a colleague that you receive clients on the Carrefour toilets. Too bad @clement mic, too bad

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  • Oras:Trevisi
  • Oras:Trevisi
On 1/25/2022 at 10:20 PM, clement mic said:

No time for your racist punk ass

I am not getting paid sending messages here

As I said you can all go fuck each other.. I don't care

Just keep my name out of your mouths

Acest Clement Mic e posibil sa fie vreun trol, posibil OnlyMe sau Pipilica, care se da negru si se preface ca fute toate femeile,

pare ca viziteaza escorte cam de 2 ori pe zi si toate recenziile ai sunt pozitive, toate escortele sunt de 10, deja mi-am luat teapa de 2 ori cand m-am dus la recomandarile lui si am gasit oferta slaba, asculta doar muzica cu negrii si are gusturi de negru

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
1 minute ago, Giolgau777 said:

This Little Clement may be a troll, possibly OnlyMe or Pipilica, who turns black and pretends to fuck all women.

Looks like he visits escorts about 2 times a day and all his reviews are positive, all the escorts are 10, I've already taken the plunge 2 times when I went to his recommendations and found the offer weak, just listen to music with black and tastes black

Are you joking? I already was blocked by an escort girl because she did not like my honest review.

Everybody got different tastes.

And you have to know some girls may not behave the same with you the same way they behave with me.

It is all about chemistry, and the way they feel about you.

I have A LOT of experience with young girls, I only fuck young girls, so maybe I just know how to behave better with them.

About look, it is all about personal tastes. I prefer young natural skinny girls like Loriii. But I also like girls with good shapes like babygirl20.

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22 minutes ago, stragopoulis said:

eu tot nu am inteles , clement mic e strain sau e romanas care a uitat limba romana?🤷‍♂️

Probabil e un frances de clasa 3 care nu are ce face acolo si vine aici doar sa futa ieftin.

Am citit ca ii a mers bine in industria muzicala unde a futut o gramada de "groupies", atunci a capatat multa experienta cu fetele tinere si acum o pune in practica cu fetele noastre pe care par sa le placa si il complimenteaza.

@clement mic am omis vreun detaliu?

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Acum 2 ore, bertus a spus:

Probabil e un frances de clasa 3 care nu are ce face acolo si vine aici doar sa futa ieftin.

Am citit ca ii a mers bine in industria muzicala unde a futut o gramada de "groupies", atunci a capatat multa experienta cu fetele tinere si acum o pune in practica cu fetele noastre pe care par sa le placa si il complimenteaza.

@clement mic am omis vreun detaliu?

Îți răspund eu fratelo ,  că  Clmentina Futacioasa,   suge pula la ora asta și e păcat să  îi luăm pâinea de la gură. 😚 

 A schimbat macazul  ciocardelul ,  se arde în bas . 🤣   E nebună frate , cică rupe tot 🤫

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Vizitator arsanass
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2 minutes ago, scorpion1970 said:


10 minutes ago, cincistele said:

E un pîrțar obosit, spune el că ar fi un francez dă mâna a doua. 😁

de ce se chinui unii pe aici sa vorbeasca in alte limbe pe care nu le stapanesc? Stiu raspunsul, multi esuati, da!

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  • Oras:Paris
  • Oras:Paris
15 hours ago, Tandem3 said:

Îți răspund eu fratelo ,  că  Clmentina Futacioasa,   suge pula la ora asta și e păcat să  îi luăm pâinea de la gură. 😚 

 A schimbat macazul  ciocardelul ,  se arde în bas . 🤣   E nebună frate , cică rupe tot 🤫

You trolls are a waste of time 

You have nothing else to do in your life than spreading false info and spamming my account 24/7

If I saw you in the streets, I would never approach you or talk to you 

Because you are the worst kind of people, the kind of people looking for troubles all the time 

Spreading lies is all you can do because in fact it is me who is being harassed by trolls like you while I am ACTUALLY visiting escort girls and having a good time with them.. It is something that can be verified by my many reviews in this forum 

While you spend your time hating on me full of jealousy because the truth is you don't have money to visit any escort girl, you never even post any review.. You just like to behave like a low lfe troll 


You can't even spell my name right because you are so illiterate 

Anyway I know @Tandem3 is a fake account. He doesn't post reviews, he just try to raise the prices, he's an escort girl 

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  • Oras:Provence
  • Oras:Provence
Acum 1 oră, clement mic a spus:

You trolls are a waste of time 

You have nothing else to do in your life than spreading false info and spamming my account 24/7

If I saw you in the streets, I would never approach you or talk to you 

Because you are the worst kind of people, the kind of people looking for troubles all the time 

Spreading lies is all you can do because in fact it is me who is being harassed by trolls like you while I am ACTUALLY visiting escort girls and having a good time with them.. It is something that can be verified by my many reviews in this forum 

While you spend your time hating on me full of jealousy because the truth is you don't have money to visit any escort girl, you never even post any review.. You just like to behave like a low lfe troll 


You can't even spell my name right because you are so illiterate 

Anyway I know @Tandem3 is a fake account. He doesn't post reviews, he just try to raise the prices, he's an escort girl 

Iei muie pe romaneste goagal translate!🤣🤣🤣

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